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Name : Aliffa Hernita R

Class : X MIPA 7

Number : 01

Buku paket

Page : 182

Match the words with their Indonesian equivalents. Compare your work to your

1. A sled (noun) = kereta es

2. Gentle (adjective) = lembut
3. Jealous (adjective) =iri
4. Rags (noun) = baju lusuh
5. Coals (noun) = arang
6. Remain (verb) = tetap
7. Bow (noun) = panah
8. Burn (verb) = membakar
9. Bowstring (noun) = tali panah
10.Turn into(verb) = mengubah
11.Tremble (adjective) = bergetar
12.Fear (noun) = ketakutan
13.Meanness (noun) = kejahatan
Page : 185

Task 2:

Answer the following questions:

1. Who is Strong Wind? He is a great soldier who lives in a tent by the sea.

2. What was Strong Wind’s special capability? Can make himself invisible.

3. How would Strong Wind’s sister know that the girls were lying? If their guesses are wrong, he
can conclude that the girls are lying.

4. Who burned the chief ’s youngest daughter? His sister.

5. Who could see Strong Wind and how could she do that? The youngest daughter's head. He
could do this because Strong Wind let him see it.

6. How did the chief ’s youngest daughter regain her old face? Sister Strong Wind washed her
face and face clean again.

7. What did Strong Wind change into an aspen tree? The eldest daughter's head turns into an
aspen tree.

8. Did Strong Wind know that the chief ’s elder daughters were rude to their youngest sister?
Justify your answer. Yes, he knows that.

9. Why did Strong Wind decide to have the chief ’s youngest daughter as his wife? Because she
is an honest girl.

10. If you were in the story, which role would you play? Why? . I think strong winds, because he
can make himself to invisible. I think thats interesting.
Page : 186

Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. If needed, you may
change the parts of speech.

wind warrior sled

invisible rope gentle

jealous rags coals

remain mean bowstring

seated tremble fear

1. The poor peasants wear rags every day.

2. You may not feel jealous of somebody else’s wealth.

3. Coming home, her tremble body made us anxious to know what had happened.

4. Remain seated although your name is called for hundred times.

5. She is always mean to me. I don’t know why.

6. The bowstring is elastic. It can stretch as long as 60 cm.

7. She fears to speak in her father’s presence.

8. The great, fearless warrior fight for his beloved country.

9. They used rope to pull the carts.

10. The wind blew the young man’s hat.

11. The invisible hand help her solve the chronic problem.

12. The sled was pulled by two dogs.

13. The girl is gentle and beautiful.


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