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Jazper Hart O. Narvasa


1. What are the four examples of Web 2.0

 Wikipedia
 Various Blogs
 Twitter
 Facebook

2. Who are the inventor/father of the internet and www?

1. Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (www) in 1989.

•Vint Cerf widely known as a Father of the Internet

3. Give at least 6 uses of the internet.

1. Education
2. Social Networking
3. Cashless Transaction
4. Advertising
5. File Transfer
6. Job Search

4. Define web, web 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0

2. The World Wide Web, also widely recognized as the Web, is an information system that
allows documents and other web resources to be accessed via the Internet. Documents
and downloadable media are made available to the network via web servers and can be
accessed via programs such as web browsers.

Web 1.0

3. Web 1.0 was the first generation of the world wide web, also recognized as the read-
only web. Web 1.0 began as a place for businesses to broadcast their information and
only allowed users to search for and read it.

Web 2.0

4. Web 2.0 represents the current state of the internet, which has more user-generated
content and usability for end users than its predecessor, Web 1.0. Web 2.0, in general,
refers to the 21st-century Internet applications that have transformed the digital era in
the aftermath of the dotcom bubble.

Web 3.0

5. Web 3.0, also widely recognized as Web 3, is the concept of the upcoming generation of
the web, in which most users will be connected via a block chain manner and have
access to their own data.

5. What are the different types of servers?

6. Servers include database servers, print servers, mail servers, file servers, application
servers, web servers, and game servers, to name a few. The request-response paradigm,
in which a client sends a request to the server, is the most commonly used to build
client-server systems.

6. Give 5 types of website and its features.

1. E-commerce Websites
Allow users to shop for and buy products or services online. Amazon, Bookshop, and
other retailers who sell products through an online store are excellent examples of
ecommerce sites.

2. Personal Websites
Individual people who want to have an online presence to voice their opinion, help with
job prospects, or establish their own personal brand should create a personal website.

3. Portfolio Websites
A canvas for designers, writers, videographers, artists, and other creative professionals.
These types of websites exist to highlight specific skill sets and services that freelancers

4. Small Business Websites

Provides an online presence for people to learn about a company, its employees,
products, services, and culture. The purpose of a small business website is to provide
information so that customers can contact you directly.

5. Blog Websites
Updated on a regular basis with relevant articles, videos, and photos designed to inform,
entertain, and educate your audience. Blogs can be used by individuals to express their
opinions, or by businesses to provide valuable content to their customers.

7. What are the top-level domains?

 Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLD)
 Sponsored Top-Level Domains (sTLD)
 Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLD)
 Infrastructure Top-Level Domain (ARPA)
 Test Top-Level Domains (tTLD)

8. What are the two types of ISP?

 Cable

9. DNS stands for? And give some examples.

 DNS stands for Domain Name System
 Root Domain (
 www subdomain: (
 MX email records
 CAA record

10. Give examples of browsers.

 Mozilla Firefox
 Safari
 Chrome
 Opera
 Internet Explorer
 Microsoft Edge
 Netscape Navigator
 UC Browser
 Aloha (web browser)
 Tor Browser
 Brave
 Vivaldi
 Lynx

Note: Write your answer in pdf format

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