A Criterion For Developing Credible Accident Scenarios For Risk Assessment

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Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475


A criterion for developing credible accident scenarios for risk

Faisal I Khan a, S A Abbasi b,∗
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Sciences, The Memorial University of Newfoundland, St John, NF, Canada, A1B 3X5
Computer Aided Environmental Management Unit, Centre for Pollution Control & Energy Technology, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry-
605 014, India


Maximum credible accident analysis is one of the most widely used concepts in risk assessment of chemical process industries.
Central to this concept is the aspect of ‘credibility’ of envisaged accident scenarios. However, thus far the term credibility is mostly
treated qualitatively, based on the subjective judgement of the concerned analysts. This causes wide variation in the results of the
studies conducted on the same industrial unit by different analysts.
This paper presents an attempt to develop a criterion using which credible accident scenarios may be identified from among a
large number of possibilities. The credible scenarios thus identified may then be processed for detailed consequence analysis. This
would help in reducing the cost of the analysis and prevent undue emphasis on less credible scenarios at the expense of more
credible ones.
 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Accident scenarios; Maximum credible accident analysis; Risk assessment; Industrial accidents

1. Introduction 2. Delineation of maximum credible accident scenario.

Based on the credibility of the accident scenarios they
One of the most powerful and widely used concepts are ranked, and maximum credible accident scenarios
in several risk assessment methodologies (Fig. 1)— are identified.
specifically in maximum credible accident analysis 3. Damage calculations through mathematical model-
(MCAA) and quantitative risk analysis (QRA)—is the ling. The impact of these scenarios—for example
concept of credible accident scenarios. These authors explosion followed by a fire ball—is then studied
and others have described the use of this concept (Kletz, using available models of explosion, boiling liquid
1985; Arendt, 1990, Van Sciver, 1990; Popazaglou, Niv- expanding vapour cloud explosion (BLEVE), con-
oliantiou, & Christou, 1992; Suokas, 1988; Khan & fined vapour cloud explosion (CVCE), vapour cloud
Abbasi, 1995, 1996, 1997a,b; 1998, 1999, 2001). It explosion (VCE) and fire ball.
essentially involves following steps (Fig. 2): 4. Risk estimation. Based on the damage potential esti-
mated in the previous step and the probability of
1. Development of credible accident scenarios. For the occurrence of these credible accident scenarios, risk
units of any industry being analysed, a set of scen- factors are estimated.
arios are developed for accidents which are ‘credible’;
the credibility being qualitatively understood as a Central to these steps is the aspect of ‘credibility’. A
combination of likelihood (of occurrence) and scale ‘credible’ accident is one which is within the realm of
(of damage potential). possibility and which is also likely to be severe enough
to cause significant damage. However thus far the
aspects of reasonable probability and significance of
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 413 655263; fax: +91 413
∗ credibility are mostly qualitative, based on the subjective
655227/655265. judgement of the analyst. This causes wide variation in
E-mail address: profFabbasi@vsnl.com (S.A. Abbasi). the results of same study conducted by different analysts

0950-4230/02/$ - see front matter.  2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 0 - 4 2 3 0 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 5 0 - 5
468 F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475

Fig. 1. A typical set of risk assessment methodologies.

(Contini, Amendal, & Ziomas, 1992). A little error or 2. Maximum credible accident scenarios
ignorance in these subjective judgements (in particular
the development of accident scenarios) would cause 2.1. Development of accident scenarios and their
erroneous results or may cause failure of the study. The credibility
more realistic the accident scenario, the more accurate
is forecasting the type of accident, its consequences, and 2.1.1. Accident scenarios
associated risks. This would help in the development of An accident scenario is a description of an expected
more appropriate and effective strategies for crisis pre- situation. It contains single events or combinations of
vention and management. events. The expectation of a scenario does not mean it
Thus it is required to have some systematic procedure will indeed occur, but that there is a reasonable prob-
to envisage all the probable accident scenarios, and ability that it would occur. A scenario is neither a spe-
further to decide which are the most credible ones. cific situation nor a specific event, but a description of
F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475 469

Fig. 2. Steps involved in developing a maximum credible accident scenario.

a typical situation that covers a set of possible events or 앫 poisoning of people

situations (Fig. 3). It is the basis of risk study; it tells 앫 operational procedures
us what may happen so that we can devise ways and 앫 location of fire fighting equipment
means of preventing or minimising the possibility. A 앫 emergency preparedness equipment
scenario can influence several aspects of the design.
Example: An expected leak of toxic/flammable chemi- Accident scenario forms a focal point of the heuristic
cal can affect process. It enables the use of the wisdom of hindsight
(experiences of past accidents) and state-of-the-art
knowledge (to evaluate its impact) in forecasting acci-
앫 location of gas detectors dent situations (Fig. 3). The forecast is fed back to the
앫 location of ESD valves and other valves past and the present knowledge for generating new
앫 insulation of equipment knowledge. Accident scenario is thus a reference point
앫 load to structure/equipment as well as a link between the past, present, and future.
470 F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475

Fig. 3. Specific inputs to an accident scenario.

Such scenarios are generated based on the properties 1. Release of ammonia, through a small hole or a press-
of chemicals handled by the industry, physical con- ure relief valve, from the vapour space of a pressur-
ditions under which reactions occur or reactants/products ised ammonia storage tank.
are stored, geometries and material strengths of vessel 2. Catastrophic failure of a pressurised ammonia stor-
and conduits, in-built valves and safety arrangements age tank.
etc. External factors such as site characteristics 3. Release of ammonia, through the pressure relief
(topography, presence of trees, ponds, rivers in the vicin- valves or a small hole, from the vapour space of the
ity, proximity to other industries or neighbourhoods etc.) refrigerated ammonia tank.
and meteorological conditions should also be considered. 4. Large spill of refrigerated ammonia on the ground,
Contini, Amendal, and Ziomas (1991) reported a from the bottom of the refrigerated ammonia tank.
benchmark exercise undertaken with the aim of 5. Release of ammonia, through a large hole on the roof
assessing the state-of-the-art in risk analysis. A study of of the refrigerated tank.
the accidental release and dispersion of ammonia from 6. Spill of ammonia into the annuls of the refrigerated
a pressurised and refrigerated tank was performed by 11 ammonia tank.
different risk assessment teams drawn from different 7. Release of ammonia through a rupture of the under-
countries. The teams used different software for release ground ammonia transfer pipeline.
and dispersion estimation. A total of eight different acci- 8. Spill of ammonia onto and under water, at the island.
dent scenarios was generated by the teams:
F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475 471

Among these, the most common accident scenarios accidents which have appreciable probability of occur-
studied were: rence as well as significant damage potential (as quant-
ified above) come under the category of ‘credible acci-
앫 catastrophic failure of a pressurised storage tank, dents’.
앫 release of ammonia through a large hole on the roof. Therefore a credible accident scenario should contain
two sets of information: a description of the situation
These accident scenarios were selected for detailed and the probability of occurrence. The description of the
study based on their damage potential. However, if one situation must not reduce the freedom of finding sol-
considers likelihood of occurrence also as one of the utions and must not restrict the means available for sol-
parameters in the selection of scenarios for detailed ution. A good accident scenario should describe the most
study, the results would be different from the ones prime cause of an event. As an example: define a leak
arrived at by the study team described by Contini et al. rate instead of explosion pressure because here, one
(1992), and Khan and Abbasi (1997a,b, 1998). The scen- could go further and describe the cause of the leak as
ario release of ammonia, through a small hole or a well.
pressure relief valve, from the vapour space of a press- There may be a number of accidents, which occur
urised ammonia storage tank has maximum probability quite frequently, but due to proper control measures, or
of occurrence and also sufficient potential to cause sig- involvement of less quantity, have been controlled effec-
nificant damage. These aspects make this scenario ‘the tively. A few examples of such accidents are:
most credible’. Scenarios 2, 4, and 5 are also credible
and should be studied in detail. 1. leak from gasket,
Furthermore, among the two accident scenarios 2. leak from pump or valve,
(catastrophic failure of a pressurised storage tank, and 3. release of chemical from vent or relief valve,
release of ammonia through a large hole on the roof) 4. fire in pump due to over heating, etc.
studied in detail by the different study teams, the first
accident scenario was modelled as a two-phase release These accidents have generally been controlled before
of ammonia in bulk followed by denser-than-air-gas dis- they escalate, as control and monitoring equipment is
persion. The second scenario was modelled as a continu- placed there, due to the known fact that they may fail
ous two-phase release followed by denser-than-air-gas or malfunction—leading to a problem. Whereas, there
dispersion. However, in the opinion of the authors the are less problematic areas/units which are generally
two worst accident scenarios can be refined further. The ignored or not given due attention. It is because in the
catastrophic failure of vessel will occur only through past not many accidents or even no accident being
BLEVE (boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion) or reported. In such situations even a small leak may lead
CVCE (confined vapour cloud explosion) because to a disastrous accident. If one analyses the past acci-
ammonia is stored under high pressure in a liquefied dents, it reveals that most of the catastrophic accidents
state. The explosive release will lead to overpressure and have occurred in ignorance and in particular areas either
shock-wave generation. These would create high turbu- marked green (not very hazardous) or the control
lence in the atmosphere and strongly influence the pro- arrangements were inadequate. The disaster at Vishakh-
cess of dispersion of ammonia. The adverse conse- apatnam is the current example which proves that most
quences would be over pressure, and toxic dispersion of the risk and hazard studies are lacking in envisaging
under changed atmospheric conditions. But the study credible accident scenarios, therefore the control meas-
team has totally neglected the overpressure effect and ures and/or emergency plans are not so effective.
change in atmospheric conditions.
2.3. The MCS process
2.2. Credibility of accident scenarios
The sequential steps of MCS Methodology are
A credible accident is defined as ‘the accident which presented in Fig. 2.
is within the realm of possibility (i.e., probability higher The process starts with the development of all plaus-
than 1∗e⫺06/yr) and has a propensity to cause significant ible accident scenarios in the unit (Fig. 3). In the second
damage (at least one fatality)’. This concept (Hagon, step damage radii are calculated for each accident scen-
1984; HSE, 1988; Ale, 1991; Lees, 1996) comprises ario. This can be done using either Dow’s fire and
both probable damage caused by an accident and prob- explosion index (Dow FEI), mond toxic index, or the
ability of its occurrence. There may be a type of accident fire and explosion damage index (FEDI) and toxic dam-
which may occur very frequently but would cause little age index (TDI). In the subsequent step, the probability
damage. And there may be another type of accident of each accident scenario is estimated. This can be done
which may cause great damage but would have very low either using the industry’s specific data (failure rates of
probability of occurrence. Both are not ‘credible’. But various components used in the process unit) or using
472 F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475

the data available in literature (frequencies of occurrence credible ones) may be further processed for damage
of various events under different conditions). This pro- potential estimations, risk estimation, and finally to
cedure of probability estimation is easy but it is a little develop hazard mitigation/minimisation and/or disaster
crude and has been subject to criticism. However, we management strategies.
feel that, as the objective is to get a rough estimate of The term most credible is defined considering: the
probability, this procedure is adequate. The more accur- objective of study, available time and resources, and the
ate estimation of probability would be done in the sub- operational constraints. Therefore, the significance of the
sequent step of risk assessment. The use of more reliable term most credible varies widely depending upon the
methods of probability estimation e.g. fault tree analysis, analyst or team of analysts conducting the study.
not only requires large sets of data but also large compu-
tational time, and cost. These are not justifiable at this
stage of accident scenario development. 3. Damage potential estimation
Once damage radii and probabilities are known, two
factors, A and B are estimated using site-specific infor- Damage potential estimation involves assessment of
mation such as population density, asset value, etc. The likely consequences if a scenario does materialise. The
procedure to estimate is elaborated as under: damage potentials are quantified in terms of damage
Factor A may be estimated for each accident scenario radii (the radii of the area in which the damage would
using the following equation. readily occur), damage to property (shattering of window
panes, caving of buildings) and toxic effects
Ai ⫽ (damage radii)i∗
(chronic/acute toxicity, mortality). The assessment of
(probability of occurrence)i∗ consequence involves a wide variety of mathematical
(asset density)i models. For example source models are used to predict
the rate of release of hazardous material, the degree of
A⫽ [1⫺(1⫺A1)∗ (1⫺A2)∗ flashing, and the rate of evaporation. Models for
(1⫺A3)………(1⫺Ai)] explosions and fires are used to predict the character-
istics of explosions and fires. The impact intensity mod-
Similarly Factor B may be estimated for each acci-
els are used to predict the damage zones due to fires,
dent scenario.
explosion and toxic load. Lastly toxic gas release and
Bi ⫽ (damage radius)i∗ dispersion models are used to predict human response
(probability of occurrence)i∗ to different levels of exposures to toxic chemicals. The
dependence among various consequence models is
(asset density)i shown in Fig. 4.
B⫽ [1⫺(1⫺B1)∗ (1⫺B2)∗
3.1. Illustrative examples showing application of
Where, i specifies the events in the accident scenario.
These two factors are then combined to give factor C, 3.1.1. Example 1
which represents credibility of the accident scenario. MCAA methodology has been applied to study a pol-
ymerisation reactor operating at 200 °C and 2 atm. The
C ⫽ (A2 ⫹ B2)1/2
main raw material in the reactor is ethylene, while the
The higher the value of C more credible the acci- product is polyethylene in semi-solid state. The popu-
dent scenario. lation density of the surrounding area is 5 person/sqm,
while asset density is 100 Rs/sqm.
2.4. Delineation of maximum credible accident A total of four different accident scenarios have
scenarios been envisaged:-
Scenario 1:Leak of ethylene from the reactor (either
Once all the credible accident scenarios have been through vent valve, pipe connection or from gaskets)
identified, they are further studied to decide the most causes the formation of a vapour cloud, which on meet-
credible ones. The most credible accident scenarios are ing an ignition source causes fire ball.
those which have high damage potential as well as high Scenario 2:Leak of ethylene in a similar way but with
probability of occurrence. There may be scenarios which relatively less flow rate. The vapour cloud formed due
may have damage potential higher than the most credible to release on ignition burns as flash fire.
ones but due to their low probability of occurrence may Scenario 3: Generation of over-pressure in the reactor
not qualify as credible. (either due to runway side reactions, failure of
This step helps in further shortlisting important acci- vent/pressure relief valve, or excess accumulation of
dent scenarios. The short listed accident scenarios (most material), causes the reactor to fail as BLEVE. The
F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475 473

Fig. 4. Interconnection between events constituting an accident.

released material (mainly ethylene) being highly flam- result for this scenario is presented in Table 2, which
mable, ignites to a fire ball on coming in contact with revels that an area of about ~17 m radius would be under
an ignition source (even the heat generated due to severe threat (50% probability of causing fatality) due
explosion is sufficient to ignite the chemical). to high heat load.
Scenario 4:Release of ethylene with a high flow rate,
forms a large vapour cloud of high concentration (in the Table 2
explosibility range) which, on ignition, causes a vapour The damage calculation results for accident scenario 2 (flash fire) of
cloud explosion. illustrative example 1

Parameters Values
3.1.2. Discussion
The four scenarios have been processed for the esti- Fire: Flash fire
mation of credibility. The results are presented in Table Volume of vapour cloud (cub. m) 31893.73
1. It is evident that accident scenario 2 has maximum Effective time of fire (sec) 8958.10
value of credibility followed by scenarios 1 and 3. Even- Effective thermal load (kJ/sq. m) 645.66
Damage Radii (DR) due to thermal load
though scenario 2 has lowest damage radius (20 m only) DR for 100% fatality/damage (m) 11
compared to scenarios 3 and 4(~150 and ~200 m), it has DR for 50% fatality/damage (m) 17
maximum credibility due to its very high frequency of DR for 100% third degree of burn (m) 25
occurrence compared to other scenarios. On the basis of DR for 50% third degree of burn (m) 37
the credibility estimation, accident scenario 2 has been Higher order accident
The probability of leading secondary accident in a 0.01
ranked as the most credible and processed further for unit placed at 30 m apart
damage effect calculations. The damage calculation

Table 1
Credibility factors for the scenarios discussed in illustrative example 1

Accident scenario damage radius, m Frequency of occurrence (/yr) Factors Credibility factor C

Fire ball 35 0.001 3.84 384.8 385.3

Flash fire 20 0.05 314.15 6283.1 6302.7
BLEVE+fire ball 150 1∗E-04 35.34 706.8 707.6
VCE 200 1∗E-06 0.62 12.5 12.5
474 F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475

3.1.3. Example 2 Table 4

MCAA methodology has been further used to study The damage calculation results for accident scenario 3 (flash fire) of
illustrative example 2
the ethylene storage unit. The unit stores ~100 MT of
ethylene in liquid state under pressurised condition. The Parameters Values
site characteristics are same as in example 1.
A total of five different accident scenarios have been Fire: Flash fire
developed for the possible accidents in the storage unit. Volume of vapour cloud (cub. m) 9152300.25
Scenario 1: Release of ethylene from the vessel causes Effective time of fire (sec) 1255.50
a dense vapour cloud which, on meeting an ignition Effective thermal load (kJ/sq. m) 98741.51
Damage Radii (DR) due to thermal load
source, leads to a vapour cloud explosion. DR for 100% fatality/damage (m) 275
Scenario 2: Generation of high pressure in reactor or DR for 50% fatality/damage (m) 348
instant release of ethylene with high flow rate causes the DR for 100% third degree of burn (m) 417
unit to fail as BLEVE. The released chemical on ignition DR for 50% third degree of burn (m) 496
turns into a fire ball. Higher order accident
The probability of leading secondary accident in a 1.0
Scenario 3: A slow but continuous release of ethylene unit placed at 30 m apart
forms a vapour cloud of relatively lower concentration
which, on ignition, burns as a flash fire.
Scenario 4: Formation of vapour cloud with ethylene
concentration high enough for the cloud to be flam- 4. Summary and conclusion
mable. On ignition causes fire ball.
Scenario 5: Generation of excessively high pressure
In this paper we have highlighted the usefulness of
in the vessel leads to CVCE. The released chemical
the methodology Maximum Credible Accident Analysis
catches fire.
(MCAA) in identifying hazards in chemical process
industries, developing scenarios of likely accidents, and
3.1.4. Discussion
forecasting the consequences if the scenarios turn into
The fire accident scenarios have been processed for
reality. We have then focussed on the scenario develop-
credibility estimation. The result are presented in Table
ment step as the most critical of the steps associated with
3. It is evident that scenarios 2 and 5 are the most cred-
the MCAA methodology, and have illustrated how in the
ible ones. These scenarios neither have maximum prob-
absence of a rational criterion for developing credible
ability of occurrence nor have the maximum damage
accident scenarios this exercise may become totally sub-
potential yet the combined effect of adequate probability
jective, leading to erroneous (and possibly disastrous)
and adequate damage potential makes then highly cred-
conclusions. In this context we have made an attempt
ible. Scenario 3 has maximum frequency of occurrence
to develop and present a criterion using which credible
while scenario 1 has widest damage radius, yet neither
accident scenarios may be identified from among a large
of them are credible.
number of possibilities.
Accident scenarios 3 and 5 were processed for esti-
mating their damage potential. The results are presented
in Tables 4 and 5. It is evident from Table 4 that con-
tours of 50% probability of damage would encompass Acknowledgements
an area of radius ~350 m, while the same for accident
scenario 5 would exceed ~450 m. Both scenarios indi- The authors thank the Department of Science & Tech-
cate the seriousness of risk and the need to workout nology, Government of India, for finacial support and
appropriate management programmes. Dr R.K. Tayal for helpful discussions.

Table 3
Credibility factors for the scenarios described in illustrative example 2

Accident scenario Damage radius, m Frequency of occurrence (/yr) Factors Credibility factor C

VCE 500 4∗E-06 15.68 314.1 314.5

Flash fire 400 3∗E-04 753.41 15079.5 15098.3
BLEVE+fire ball 15 0.03 105.02 2120.5 2123.1
VCE 60 3∗e-03 169.64 3392.6 3396.8
CVCE+fire ball 500 2∗E-04 785.2 15707.8 15927.4
F.I. Khan, S.A. Abbasi / Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 15 (2002) 467–475 475

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