Снимок экрана 2022-04-06 в 19.06.23

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2 Complete the blog post with the words below. clever genius IQ prodigies skillful skills Noun suffixes Are child prodigies born or made? Posted by Luca | June 25 How does a young child become a mathematical a < 7 lviolinist, or ‘an amazing soccer player? Is it natural intelligence? Or could it be the decisions that their parents made? Starting early and practicing a lot seems to be important. We often hear about sports stars who trained from a young age. The tennis players Andy Murray and Serena jams are famous examples. us parents and spent years developing their 4 Child ¢ are probably naturally {7} too, but scientists are still trying to understand what natural intelligence really means. In the past, people thought that you could measure intelligence using an |test. However, we now know that intelligence is much more complicated than that. So are child prodigies born or made? Well, we don't yet know for sure, but the best answer might be "both." 4 Complete the article with nouns formed from the verbs and adjectives in parentheses. Use the suffixes below and make the nouns plural if necessary. -ance -ence -ing -ion -ity -ment What do we need to be creative? What are the best conditions for (creative)? Do we need total freedom to explore ideas? In fact, the opposite may be true. Many people believe that having some rules to follow can help. For example, imagine that your art teacher asks you to do a ee eee ce There are so many (possible) that it's difficult to decide what to draw. Now imagine that you need to create an eee (echverise) fora healthy soft rink. There’s an important £ (differ) between this task and the first one. It gives you a problem to solve. With more specie soul, its easier to think of ideas. People in creative jobs usually have to follow rules. For example, actors aren't free to do what they want during a 7 (perform). They have a script to follow. It’s the same for authors and journalists. Most forms of { (write) need to be adapted to a particular purpose. Often, creativity isn’t thinking of original ideas — it's making original connections between the ideas that other people give you. 5 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 When | was six years old, | could ie 2 I really admire people who can Lares ere rermmmseresnrearen| 3 To work wellin a team, it’s important to be able to 4 One day, scientists will probably be able to 5 Before! went to school, | couldn’t OO 6 Complete the article with the correct forms of can and be able to. Sometimes there is more than one possible answer, THE POWER OF THE SMARTPHONE Do you ever stop to think how incredible a eh is? You hold it in one hand, but it process information very quickly. In fact, modern smartphones are much faster than the computers that NASA used to put the first man on the moon. In 1969, the computer on the Apollo 11 spacecraft help astronauts travel to the moon end back. Today, a typical smartphone perform operations thousands of times faster than that computer. So how will smartphones develop in the next few years? What new things # we| |do with them? Experts predict that as objects become more connected, we'll use our smartphones to control everything in our homes. But if objects can communicate with other objects, some experts believe that our smartphones may become less important. For example, we might not need to use our phones to buy food online because our fridge |do it for us. There's one thing that we know for sure: our smartphones will one day seem as old- fashioned as the Apollo 11 computers - and maybe sooner than we realize. Rewrite the sentences, correcting the mistakes. One sentence is correct. 1 My best friend cans dance really well. 2 Will we able to grow food on Mars one day? 3 could be able to read when | was three. 4 He couldn't speak French before he moved to Paris. 5 When we'll be able to cure all diseases?

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