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Author: Gilbora M. Cabilin

Ha! ha! ha! ha! Ha! ha! ha! ha! You, stupid little beasts, get out of my way!
Get out of my Way! Didn’t you hear me? Didn’t you hear me?

“Dance silly Cecilia dance! Dance Silly Cecilia dance! Boom tarara boom
tarara boom yeah yeah! Boom tarara boom tarara boom yeah yeah! Dance
silly Cecilia dance! Dance silly Cecilia dance! Boom Tarara boom tarara
boom yeah yeah! Boom tarara boom tarara boom yeah yeah!”

“Grrrhhh!!! Who told vou little beasts Cecilia is silly? Who told you that?
Who told you I am crazy?”

“Cecilia is crazy? Ha! ha! ha! ha! Ha! ha! ha! ha! Hu! hu! hu! hu! Hu! hu! hu!

It was a grand wedding day I fairly remembered. As I marched along the

aisle with Ruben, my handsome millionaire groom, | know deep inside, his
immediate relatives were sarcastically staring on us... at me, especially his
daredevil mom and sister Eunice. With me, was my adoptive mom mama
Flora, a simple city lass who worked as a manager in one of Ruben’s dad
business centers. And mama Flora is my dead mom’s God sister.

“Pregnant? Didn’t I hear right Cecilia? My goodness! You had just turned
18 last month and now you are pregnant? Your studies? How can you
finish your studies? You know from the very start that’s my Greatest dream
for you and now you are pregnant?”

Deep inside know mama Flora will be devastated the moment I confessed
to her! am pregnant. But I have to. Yes... it’s a grave mistake I do admit for
I broke mama Flora’s greatest dream for me, a beautiful daughter she
considered her very own and started rearing since I was 3 years old.

The next thing I knew, mama Flora was crying hard and | too her befallen
adopted daughter

“Where is Ruben Cecilia? I wanted to talk to him!”

“Mama, Ruben promised to marry me!”

“Marry you? Is that possible Cecilia? How about his mom? You know from
the very start, Ruben’s mom hates the relationship! Hates you, hates me,
hates us! Because... we are poor! You know that!”

“Kring!!! kring!!! kring!!! As my cellphone rings, i know it is Ruben because

before I confessed to mama Flora! am pregnant, Ruben and I agreed he'll
call mama Flora immediately.

“Ruben hijo, good evening! What's going on with you and Cecilia? I’m so
sorry. How many times did I tell you and Cecilia to be careful and
responsible but..., what’s going on now?”

“Tita Flora, I’m so sorry, but I’m going to marry Cecilia. Promise tita Flora.”

“Thank you Ruben for marrying my daughter. But..., how about your mom
and your sister Eunice who Really hates me and Cecilia? Is that possible

“Promise Tita Flora, Im goint to find a way to convince mom and my sister
Eunice. And absolutely, Dad already knew the situation. And Dad promised
everything would be okay for me and Cecilia.”

“Abort that child abort that child Cecilia!” It was like a roaring thunder
echoing in my ears as I heard Ruben’s mom screaming at me when his dad
and mom visited me and mama Flora in our simple abode which mama
Flora built 10 years ago,

“Abort that child Cecilia! Abort that child! How much do you want you
ambitious bitch?”

“My goodness Almira! We didn’t come here for trouble! You must stick to
what we agreed this morning. Whether you like it or not, Ruben and
Cecilia’s wedding will post through as soon as Possible!”

As the three of them left, mama Flora was crying to death. Now it is mama
Flora who is against the wedding.

“No wedding will happen Cecilia! No wedding! Let’s rear the child and you
are going to continue your studies.”
Now I am caught in distress. If I am not going to marry Ruben, my child will
be fatherless. And I hate the idea. Regardless all, I am dreaming of a
complete family. I don’t want my child to suffer what I suffered when dad
left mom when I was one year old and mom died when I was 3 years old.
As far as I could recall, I had a very sad childhood although mama Flora
treated me like her very own. And I don’t want my child to suffer the same.

“Kringl!! kring!!! kring!!! | stared at our landline telephone. I was caught in

between to answer the call or not because it is Ruben’s landline in their
mansion. And I’m afraid it is Ruben’s mom. But the phone continued ringing
and I have no choice but to answer it for mama Flora is in the office.

“Yes..., it was my frightened voice as I picked up the phone

“Honey, this is Ruben. Dad and | are going to see you tomorrow evening
7;00 P.M. Our wedding will post through before dad leave for the U.S. next

“Then..., Ruben and I’s grand wedding. Seven months after, I gave birth to
a healthy twins; a boy and a girl whom we Christened Vincent and Celeste.
Before dad Felipe left for the U.S., he arranged everything for me and
Ruben and our twins. And... with us was mama Flora. We stayed in one of
the condos of Ruben’s dad. But..., five months after, I was informed we
have to move to Ruben’s mom and dad’s mansion for Ruben is badly
needed in the U.S. to take care of Ruben’s dad business entities. By
Then, Ruben was already 23 years old and already a CPA.

“Honey take care of our little twins. I love you so much. The three of you.
But! have to leave. Dad badly needs me in the U.S.”

Saying goodbye was not easy for me, my little twins and Ruben. He
promised to be back six months after. Yes..., as he Promised, Ruben
returned after six months.

He was so happy upon seeing and hugging our twins as we meet him in
the airport together with his mom and sis. Seeing Ruben caressing our
twins, I know deep inside how deep Ruben loves his family. From then on,
Ruben was thro and fro to the U.S. and Philippines. Although Ruben
noticed I was haggard' I never told him of the maltreatments me and mama
Flora suffered in the hands of his mom and sister Eunice. I hate the idea of
the conflict I might be creating in his family the moment I'm going to tell
him. Enough that he loves me, Celeste and Vincent. The 5th time Ruben
left for the U.S., Celeste and Vincent were already 2 years old.
"You ambitious opportunist beast! Get out from this mansion! Get out
from this mansion! We don't. Need you here!" it's Rubens daredevil mom's
accusation as she repeatedly pulling my long shiny hair and slapped my
face. Mama Flora personally witnessed the maltreatment for she had just
came home from the office.

I heard my twins crying... "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Grandma

Grandma don't hurt mommy!" The two yayas of Celeste and Vincent are
usually dumbfounded everytime Ruben's daredevil mom hits me beat me.

Mama Flora was hapless, helpless. The following day, we returned to

mama Flora's abode with Celeste and Vincent. Mama Flora was able to
seek police assistance before we were able to bring with us my twins.
Regardless of Dona Almira's hatred on me, I konow she loves my twin. She
loves her grandchildren; the very reason why I always forgave her
everytime she hurts me verbally and physically.

In the police station, she insisted for the custody of my twins accusing
me I am jobless, immature and mentally incapacitated to rear my twins.

"That ambitious opportunist beast will only leave my grand children to

famine and poverty! Grant me the custody of my grand children!

"I know mama Flora wont leave me alone. She seek help from DSWD
and DSWD granted mamma Flora's request for the custody of my twins.
Before mama Flora filed a case against Dona Almira in DSWD, she
Resigned from her job in Ruben,s dad company. I know, mama Flora has
already a number of little investments in stock markets and a share holder
of a garment and small insurance company which according to her, enough
for the four of us to survive the very reason too why she was granted my
legal Adoption by the DSWD when I was four years old.

"What' going on with you and mom honey? You didn't tell me any?" It
was Ruben's tattered and flickering voice as he confronted me as he
rushed home from the U.S. upon knowing what's going on with me and his

I cried. Tears continuously falling along my cheeks as I stared Ruben

"Tell me honey." Ruben insisted as he kept shaking my shoulders.
And yes. I told Ruben of the ordeal mama Flora and I suffered from his
daredevil mom since we moved to their mansion.

Two days after, I heard nothing from Ruben. never attempted to keep
in touch with him. It was Mama Flora who did it for me. The following week,
Ruben was very angry shouting vindictive against me in front of our abode.

"You harlot! Why did you do this to me? Why did you do this to me?"

"Ruben, what's going on with you? Don't call my daughter harlot!

Don't call Cecilia hariot!"

"Pak! Pak! Pak!" Mama Flora slapped Ruben by his face as I

descended downstairs from the 2nd Floor of our abode.

You old woman Flora! Look at this! Look at this! Isn't this enough to
call your daughter harlot?

Yes..., it was my picture with a guy embracing me. A guy whom I

don't know who just came to me and introduced himself as James and
immediately hugged me like his girlfriend. I remembered, I even kicked the

And now I know. As I glanced the picture in Ruben's hands, I know it

was a frame up of Ruben's daredevil mom in one of the parties she usually
hold in their mansion to ruin my marriage to Ruben. And I cannot blame
Ruben in believing in his mom.

The next thing I knew, Ruben left to the U.S. without leaving a word
for me and our twins. It was the Most painful moment I suffered since we
got married.

"Life must go on Cecilia." These are mama Flora and my friends very
comforting words. I wont leave you Cecilia till my last breath.

" Yes, life must go on. Regardless of Ruben's absence, I kept myself
busy taking care of Celeste and Vincent who are now 2 % years old. With
me, are mama Flora and our yaya..
"Give as your twins you old woman! Give us your twins Cecilia!
Promise, we won’t hurt you if you will just cooperate!"

"No! No! No! Who are you? Don't get my kids! Are you Dona Almira's
men? Don't get my grandchildren, they are mine not Dona Almira's!

Inside the taxi, I was tightly embracing my Celeste and Vincent while
yaya was encircling my twins with her arms.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Grandma! Grandma!" I heard my twins

crying hard as the kidnappers shoot mama Flora by her head. I was crying
to death as I saw mama Flora took a bath on her own blood As the
kidnappers forcibly took my twins from my arms and yaya.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy please help us!" It was the last time I
heard my twins' little voices.

One week after, we buried mama Flora. I was facing a blank wall
what to do. I was more than exhausted. No other suspect of the kidnapping
but Ruben's mom or his family. It was very very painful. I lost mama Flora
and my twins. Although I have some friends, I felt too alone facing all the
cases I filed Against Ruben's mom and his family. And... it was already
confirmed, Ceieste and Vincent were already in the U.S. upon the
expatriation case report handed to me by my lawyer.

I was too alone hapless and helpless. And Ruben's family is very rich.
In every court hearing we had,, with bended knees I always asked the
judge to help to return my kids. But the world is most of the time unfair.
With my lawyer, during the promulgation of judgment of the kidnapping
case against Ruben's mom and his family, the judge granted the custody of
my twins to Ruben. My PAO lawyer filed motion for reconsideration a
number of times but of no avail. As if justice is against me.
Yes... because they are rich and I am underprivileged. And the
judges assigned to my case were Ruben's family business partners.

And now I'm too alone. Cecilia is alone. My friends get away from me
for they were afraid what happened to mama Flora will happen to them.
Yes... Cecilia is alone as I kept roaming daily around the building of the
courts where my case was heard shouting vindictive to the judges who
promulgated the judgment of my case.
"Where is justice for Cecilia my dear judges? Where is justice for
Cecilia my dear judges? Can't you hear me? Can't you hear me? Where is
justice for Cecilia my dear judges?

"Ha! ha! hal ha! Ha! ha! ha! ha! You stupid little beasts! Get out of my
way! Get out of my way! Didn't you hear me? Didn't you hear me?

"Dance silly Cecilia dance! Dance silly Cecilia dance! Boom tarara
boom tarara boom yeah yeah! Boom tarara boom tarara boom yeah yeah!
Dance silly Cecilia dance! Dance silly Cecilia dance! Boom tarara boom
tarara boom yeah yeah! Boom tarara boom tarara boom yeah yeah!

Grrrhhh! Grrrhhh! Who told you little beasts Cecilia is silly? Who told
you that? Who told you I am crazy?

Cecilia is crazy? Ha! ha! ha! ha! Ha! ha! ha! ha!

Hu! hu! hul hu! Hu! hu! hul hu!!! Yes..., Cecilia is crazy. But..., where
is justice for Cecilia?

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