Manual Técnico - Fresadora U-30 Manual de Peças

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Depiabico e) ie é _ IMANUAL DE PEGAS Fresadora_ Universal U 30 IAS ROM! SA. IND ‘Santa Barbara get Est. So P: Brasil ' ‘Nondes Rua aaiana, 7 10 - Tel,: 65-6131 = Paulo Cais ‘= Enderé ree selegrenies, “ROMILIA” ies Bes NUMERO DE s&RIE REFRIGERA GAO COLUNA > CAIKA DE VELOCIDADES INSTALACAO j= ELETRICA CO) CAIKA DE \ DISTRIBUICAO ) \ none . CONSOLE Te Dec ae ; Folha n° COLUNA (LP 1001 ). paoSone 4-5 Y COLUNA ( LP 1002 ).... é 6-7 COLUNA ( LP 1003 ). = 5 8-9 ~ CAIXA DE VELOCIDADES ( LP 1004). » Wea V CONSOLE ( LP 1005 ).... 12 - 13 CONSOLE ( LP 1006 ). 1g - 15 MESA ( LP 1007 ).... 16 - 17 UU MESA ( LP 1008 ).. 18 - 19 MESA ( LP 1009 ).. 20 - 21 ) MESA ( LP 1010)... 22 - 23 MESA ( LP 1011 ). 24 - 25 REFRIGERAGAO ( LP 1012).....--.00-++ 26 - 27 vy CAIXA DE AVANGOS ( LP 1013 ). 28 - 29 ’ CAIXA DE AVANQOS ( LP 1014 ). 30 - 31 Y CAIXA DE AVANGOS ( LP 1015 )... pee 32 - 33 ) CAIKA DISTRIBUIDORA ( LP 1016 ).....-.0.se0e- 34-35 ~ CAIXA DISTRIBUIDORA ( LP 1017 )......-..04+ 36 - 87 J INSTALAGAO ELETRICA (LP 1018 ).....ssseeeeeeeerees 88> 88 ELIMINADOR DE FOLGA’- OPCIONAL - MESA (LP 1019) 40 - 41" CABEGOTE VERTICAL - OPCIONAL- (LP 1020)....... 42 - 43 ~ CABECOTE PARA FRESAR CREMALHEIRAS - oC OPCIONAL - ( LP 1021 ). avers poo 44-45 CABECOTE PARA FRESAR, ae Ter c OPCIONAL - (LP, 1072: WER 46-47 . 48 - 49 > OPCIONAL ~ ( LP-t024- 50 - 51 ~ APARELHO. "pIvisOR [PARAS FHESAR C OPCIERAL. ¢ LLP 1025) sis Bae 52 - 53 f No Sak 2 reiialentes = So esseneial wero, da=maguina. pare ai gual? pega @ ‘solicitada. ;Este nfimero @ _ -oa' -ésté-gravado na miguina, frago da pag. 2. C a, 22.0 namero“de refercncia da peg redke catilogo. , 3. Quase, todas SS “pecas da ivlahto-quando a & pega estiver degmentada ¢ da \maguina e for! egal identificagao pelo nimefade\labriracio, | ogee nimers pode = spigerveditcado no C pedido, C NOTA : Pélo: motive Ya constatite necessidade de « P aherasie no projeto, > ag ilustragdes deste caidlogo nem sempre serao corretas em C detalhes, sendo portanto imprescindfvel que sejam bem claras 7 as informagoes nos pedidos de pecas sobressalentes. ofoisat outa ofoisa, sow1019TIN, vodog oforssr swag viune out 2IOW, ofoisa, osngereg soysoz9rN, oaoyur op exteg osngereg vpanaay osnyereg SWION 6y 8 Lb 9 Sb by 8 a a oF 6g Be ug oe se ve ee “PU ON exoperede epoeg orey, aseg osnyereg edurey, que F wa04 vjonzay edurey, osnyeareg osnyereg oxqouoystig edeup, osnjereg eaNPIOW edurey, ospjyeted » optngy [>< adtaee: ereqeL ook, osnyprea =. boqugD eh3ou Ssnjereg euratqerg SuON FUN | SS ns ey (tor dt) VNATOO wor0g gI-z waseusssuq eduey, ofoisat ama oonsere Touy oyieuretoy Puy pyoaey 09-z weseuasdug vdueanfas ep [ouy oforsg oonsele Touy @G-zZ wes euer3uq BIOARTD, ge-z woSeuessug Teuy owauretoy oopseya uy . oxtg yong pyowssoq ep jouy ana oforsg ooques outg * eor0g edureg, osnyereg eyong arsey SuION ebT abt HL Ov eet ger Let 9gT ger et est eet Tet ogt 62r 82r. Let get ser bar eat eer Tat ozt 6IT gir LIT 9tt SIT It "PU ON o4j{9} ap Touy osnyereg ana eorog vjonaay votod vjonaty yeuy oweweoy eyuEseD qeuy oqwaurejoy eodod, eponaay A eyong owourepoy oonsere Tuy “ejonaay wosog, vpnaay og-z weSeuorBugy @L-Z woseussug voaog, vranaty jouy oyuourefoy, aopeBngrz3u85 edurey, osnyeaeg vosog SuON eit err MII ott 60r sot Lot 90t sot Or £0r zor . tor oot 66 86 16 98 $6 +6 £6 26 76 6" 68° ae 18 98 $B 8 "PU ON sesoaj-eyod ayseqy weary osnyereg oayouotstza osnyereg oxtal eyeneyD o2|0 ep soWeVeN t) ©» (ant. 2) Tay! 1" (aha 8) Peay bat (utut'9 ) Tuy (uit 01) Toy, (ura 02) ety, (wtut gg) Tauy (urur-o9) T8Uy (uri 7) Tatty » oda93) sowpe 01 9B Tear Op-aosta 9g Tuy: sg SUION “JOH oN (pot dt) VNATOO ofoysay Le-z weBeueraq ooyuoo outa * oforsar oxta ox osnyereg eyong, @1-z weieuerSugq sopexyy Touy PL IPL odx05 ovun, u8/$ § oueD osnyereg ogdepaa op eying Soon, 96T ser yet eet er 16t o6t at eet 18 98T set yet sgt eat Tet ogt "PU oN ould 6LT ooqugd our SLT ofoysay LT ovrmn OLT >. wenzry SLT osnyered bLT + org eur osngereg BLT oyaay op ojueuretdoay a0;01 w9T/€ p OWRD ugT/e p oueD 89T sopmnarxista, 29T* osnyereg 991 ozun sot ouep yor owe yALy sot ewoN . “JOU oN A (e00T a1) VNA TOO at-z wey Xe ox8uq~ a pool dT 11 oxtg eoueaeye ep oqng our eqng ourd ejeaeyD poueaRly ByoaeyD ooquoo our ~ eqeg 4079195 osnyereg ofoisg Byun artqoy epeqeL oBuepy ByeaedD ‘eyoaryy, OXI $¢-z wa8eusrBug 22-Z we8euerBugq oonsea Touy oytourepoy oonsera Touy “oxy waseusa Bug SwION 982 882 282 182 082 612 BLZ LLZ 922 Guz BLE 812 BLe The O12 692 992 19% 992 soz 9% 892 oe 19% 09%, 62 ase ‘Pa oN 9¢-z wofeuer8ug ofoisy eIOW sopeztqe007y opteD og-z wo8euer8ug oonsete Touy optouretoy, Puy oopiszre Touy oforsst oforsa, out’ weary, conser [ouy ontourerou. conse Touy: ola oisooua ap edeyD aopasayzoury. - oonerra [ou ge-z wes uersugq ge-Z weseusrduq oonsete Touy * ofoassr owouretoy, reuy PIOW sdopezyte007 rd (9001 dT) SHAVGIOOTHA 3d VXIVO Ob-Z woseusszuq jeuy Se-z weSeuer3ugq 8I-Z woeleuer3ug fo) BABYS euD ooquon, ota. ¥,~ i oberg eyeaRy ‘4 Beary ‘0g-Z weseusr3uq ) omsurepoy y. OONSETe Teuy: £ oyte5 pura fos oforsy ~ fois, ‘oyten Pure ‘Uta d 0 MpUTTID. OUT: 0 outa, oxtg ojae8. op Seig: osnjer} od165, 82z-~ 18% 922 Ag@@, Hee ‘ 822, | BeawED ys Bte i hysg OMFE =the 91% siz 12 ge ate TIé. ow” “602 802 LOB > 90% soz ‘Oe 202 02. «108 002 et ooqsquaoxe ould Yopeyuny eAea} Op OUT sopequry osnyereg ofoysg osnyereg zoperunt op evo10g osnyered edeyd edeud aUION ote ste re ate 11e ote 608 208 208 908 soe "PU ON ‘Cstijerna. osnyereg 103030 anges ourg ould eryopexerdug 5 our » osnyereg edeyD, OD, sopedwyt sopeduyy sopedurry. dey aopeduiry osnyereg our eoquoo enBoy ~ outa aqzodng 7; i awoN oT 9001 41 st Teoueyy gopenpery, our osnyereg aqUeTOA wodod venzay eyong, vpenzay eatopexerdug, oqwourepoy, osng oxi, oqep eyong, osnyereg jeuy voueaery Hh ‘eyong % éanpereg youy FIOW , ooqugs outa > yong, eyong our yong, suION Tov ov 66g 968 268 96¢ see 468 86g 26g 16e 06s. ese ses 188 98s see vee see eee 18¢ oss. 6LE eLe ALE oLe sue "Pa ON aopenperp eyong outa osnyereg _ A Byong puy 0g-z weSeues8uq oxtg eyong outa ofoysa osnyereg dure, osnyereg outa BeAetD woSeuea3ug eyong puy oonsere Touy ox eyoaeyD 81-z weseuerduq osnyereg fg exrea eyng oforsa, SwON (900T aT) 4. eéueinies ep ouy HLS osnyereg ene wodog zug ms a one 695, a9¢ 198 998 sos v98 g98 woe 198. fogs eae ase uss ose soe vse ese se 16 ose eve ave Feu oN TTOSNOO aseg 66% ar opuewos op vos0g ace “ Byune 16h edureL 96b osnjereg seb a osnyereg yer vpenzry 86h ” pronacy aad QI-Z voros woSeue.Tuq Ter oquourepout ost osnyereg 68h we) ear Ou 18h 98h 98h osnyeavg at ye -OBnpereg. piropexerpud’ 18h sMuoseudiBua: “Osh i ou! abe LLt Onb GLO yo on RLF 1e-z woqugo “woFeusrsuq gry “peng waleuesdug- + 2Ly ‘eyeaeyo The : One ‘a 69b 2 5 a > 895 y pe Hagges 190 OE” BuON TON ON ofosar 99% ox som osfuos ourg. ~ ox. sors ona 29% ByeABID 195 Boney 09% eyefua-wos eyong 6Sr oonseta. Touy, aor 0¢-z woseussiuq 1s oforsst rose ‘eyong, Sr. ofoysg = 48h qeqory ayetug, Ssh yong aay oonsere uy” = Sh o youy 08%, b 82-Z fy eoquoo wéBeuarBug, >. - 6hF ~ enqes our” aby outa Lb yeqory oyeBug, Pad ox » StF B La-Z : wood weSeusr Bug wy ~ youy coh oonsrie Teuy aye 7 eo10g lth eotod ovr oonsere Tuy Ber “ youy .#) Bey oud Leh amon ‘OU SN (Lool'aT) V8.a I a> a Ll ad eyong ¢ osngered epnaty jy pox | “). gig weieusadug . 8 yeu vSueinfes ep Jauy weaeyy ofoysar PUD HET n9T/S 0 yxaveGr a BION: me ofoysy ofoysa Beau, e2-z weseuersig ° ox a91/S 9 Pz0I8q _ egong onsets Tey, at) you eyong, _ sna ofoysay 6t JA ‘ ‘ : 2 he ovsajoig e9S ania G4S oBSa;01g 298 ofoqsgy Tes osnyertg T9S woquoo wnday ors a edurey, 09 edey 68S osnyereg ess osnyered 86S ovdayorg ass osnyered LES * oforsy 2gS eqtodng “i,” 9sg oma 9ss sopedurry ey serg sss ovdaqorg osnyered ws our outa ess Touy.; aes. osnyereg ess ovxeuoz |! tes ‘ oforsat 18¢ oued, oss ofoisa oss dey ezs osnyereg 6bS oud, 82g osnyereg Bhs osnyereg Les A ‘ ourn gos edeyd Les PION oes nO T/S 9 ex078g HOS aopeduryy 97S . creamy =, 2g s opxeuoS £09. ayodng Ges yeuy ves Snta BPS OSTA ees ! roy ofoysgy eps AOSTA Op JOx91J9H ees suON "PU ON auON “FOU 6N (e001 dT) VSaAW gee, 6001 d1 ci sh, f es ed (988 TZ ojtoyeaq3 oysodng oonsee Tuy eiipeaaog “op jouy JT § Baa3sg eoquo enBay “osnyertg soysI01g ofoisg osnyesred edurey, peau ep eaery, ould ejune edurey, ofosa, osnyeaeg osnyereg ofoisa, ayzodng wrung ourg 519, foynaozoT, oforsr dopenonay eo10d vdure, osnyereg auION 2s9 1S9 osg 6r9 8v9 v9 969 sho v9 269 269 Tb9 ovo 6£9 geo Le9 9e9 geo eo £9 eo Teo oso 629 829 129 929 $29 "PU ON equne edwey, osnyereg wyouereg vjonaty out outa ero wag qopemnonsty ofoysg: osnyeaeg oqe3 odeag AoNAOLOIL step ooquos our xt ofoiss, % ero . oxTg oyen, oorapuytyo our oonsere Tuy eyoaeyD equne oforsa, SuION (6001 aT) eyong © vVSaWw eo 1eROUOD Wo pres Ss Sir 4 Saget ou ofr" gus ‘ Teuy bus vSueanaas" ap Toy ss Bez woquoo wleBeuessugl j 21S ~osny op vosog 2" TS vosod ous swoN "Jeu oN OLol d1 a e@ : > Teouew - ee yong son eyong 889.- op oyeuretdures ~~ 129 woHsETS eyong BOL outd 189° feetiog ep Teuy.--O19 -TeurpnyrBuoy osny £01 yong 989 ~. 699 % eduryy,, BOL eyong seo” sf Sota: 999 , : ‘ vIUne aay = MOL outa veo 2 epenaayThg9, 4 reaeua” YY 00 ooquoo our £89 z Ox Pe 2 est ere, 669 ION 299 oforsat osnyereg 869 youy 189 , 1ee-Z wosetisxdug: . eure, 169 osnyereg 089 o Seay O1NPL 969 eyong 6L9 6I-zZ weseusizuq Teuy $69 fee, 829 9T-z woeuosBug ; eyong, 69 ogra LLO ooo our a {osuoULeTON £69 ona 919 we -"peouey j Avpay. 269 osnyeaeg sug 3 eyune veel 2S eaog 169 ejanaay, Pho edurey; ~ zopenpezp 069 osnyereg 19 osnyereg > ofoysqy 689 ‘eayopexesSugq ZL9 esaur ep odiog, SWON Je oN awoN “JOU oN ation ‘eu ON yee (oor al) vSaw \ 3 - poe wad y ‘es? ‘ ot Bead : on * mT ye yes) OLD Le) Ore) ) sz osnyeaeg eurep, edeug osnyeaeg qeuy vSueinges op jouy vayepexeraug ofoisa, ofoisa, smoN gen Le, 9eL sen veh eh een Ten ogn ‘PU ON Jf Teouey ti oonsele Touy 82h onttourerou ten oonsere Teuy 92h 8¢-z woseuerdug zn eyong ven uy 82h Bay aan osnyereg Ten ooquos our ozn swoN “Tou ON wt (lol dT) vsa W y red oy dS DoD DoD he “6th BIL -- osngereg. 2-4 edurey - 9th osnyeteq “STL” ~~ 2-7 AOS pth’ 7" ofows BTL n9T/e p erase” ete . dog TE out ot. | MON “PU ON 9% T1OL d1 4 oor ean] oor ourg ayzodng ayzodng Teoueyy wood, oedexty ep aiseyy 7 ‘earendueyy ‘SwON o9L ogy 8oh, usL 9gL GGL Sh eh, aon ToL “PI ON Ganyertey equiog O10, * oueg | oot SUION (@1ot a1) OySvagordaa 62 osnyereg equine eSueanfas ep Touy fois (2H 09) ¥2-z weSeuerdug oquourejoy, ojuaurejoy, youy osnyered owowrefory asueta oonsere jouy “ youy ojourejoy owourefory (2H 09) 6@-Z “uexBug 12-Z waseuss3ug (2H 0S) L3-Z “uerBug uj ures osnyereg viaaey 9%-Z ‘SHTaY PoruOD ‘uarZuq 7 youy 68/1 § BOIS owourefory “TTY ooTuoD OBIE ofoysat oang, ofoysay 9t-Z auoN Tre ove 6s8 age Lee 9g8 cee ves ee8 eee Tse ose 628 828 L2e 928 Sze ree 828 ze 128 028 618 818 118 918 si8 +18 “Pa oN powourfory + ojourejor. Teuy £8-Z woquoo waseusasug eg=z we8eusrSuq eSuvmBes ap jouy wos n9T/E 9 LOIS eyong, sepourey sep ojsooug, epawey vpourey. woa8eaiquia vp soqurey, weary oxi eyong, conse Touy * eyong our osnyereg (2H 08) Lg-Z weieuer3ug oquourejoy, weaeyD auON (etol dT) S 818 ere 118 018 608 808 ‘108 908 og ¥08 £08 208 108 008 66L 86h 16h 96L S6L OLY €6L zen 16h "PU ON NVAV Hd WxIvO vaopeorput Eds woyUoD Hr goiour op “uretdooy ‘gogo vqenzay a 1 oayougreita oging Oh osnyeieg ‘¢. maaees BLL oe, aaa EL ye Ot obt » 692 1992 AOL 992 2.3 son "Pa oN “equne og Te osnyereg osnyereg equiog ep odxop u/T 9 PADIS equne IOW epenscy ourd ofoisat eyong weary Ion yng uy oxg ByaaBuD awON 198 988 S88 88 £88 288 188 088 628 818 118 928 SL8 ble £18 218 "PU ON the 9 exorsa v0.10 wraBeerquia Bp 0js00ug youy oonseys jeuy oytaurepoy oonseia Tauy y-Z Weseueadug LIZ ¥O-Z vydnp waSeuesdug eyong eyeavyD ox PARI, auION CvIgt aT) s NVAV 3a VXIVO ® bhcZ voquod uipFeuDAB UGE cet fre Co Se SLOL d1 ee ooquos omg yeroedsa Bieaeyp otdnp ojte5 xray asopezi{e007 PIOW. ox oopuos omg ~ ona auON 806 106 906 sos 06 £06 208 106 006 ‘PU oN (stor dT) Ss NVAV Gd vxXIvo eorjsere eyong “poueaely ogra oxg! aoqurey, oydnp of1e5 oaquoe out dofuoo out yetoadse Syaaeyp, OT se owourejoy 946 9¢-z woseusrsuq } 926 ae edwey, £96 ge-z waseuersuq SG i om“ ORHFLET | LZ6 ‘ae oquaurejoy 296 oyowepoy ere “OroTuA OP EXTED 926 conser Tuy 196 osnyereg £6 ty goynaor OTN, $26 { “aqaodng os6 82-Z \ osnyereg 526% ‘edure, 656 voqugo weseuerdug 246 “ » monte 86 osngereg 9s6 w010g 16 _ “abpeuorse oSeag }a 226 , edurey, 186 oforsa ore ee ay 9 Of agar osnyereg 956 osnyereg 666 outage © ¥ osnyered ge ede, 886 ico RUUD Ey ayodng ps6 ooquos outa 186 ee oma ouea £96 Beaeud, 966 LoS 0) osnpered exyeo ep odaop 296 osnyereg see : oshyerta Ba-Z Z oforsy 86 : (| Bute eoquoo weSeuassuq 1s6 ‘ oonsele rouy 866 ava} ap Outd: ~ eyong, ose youy zee, our, pl 2Oxta 66 ware 186 yeuy oomsere: 1" 866 ofoisg oe oopsere -Touy Macjoey ive out = 6z6 eoruoo endsiy a _ eal SHON “TOU oN swON “TU oN ; SHON (9t0T a1) VHOINaIULSIA VxXIVO ue 68-z waSeusrSug, Tewosy aurea ana eroqe, aopeorpuy ourg, oxtg ong Bula ourd eaquop vranaay, edey puy Aopezipeooy Swag outg eueploy, ourg sopezyt2007] PION ofoisgy 6f-Z waseuer3uq oeSeinuzoo 3p eau wrojoyas eaedD vronaay suION 6gor geo LeoT 9eot seo beOT ee0T eeor Te0t ogo 6201 8201 2201 920 zo 201 8z0T e201 T20r ozot 610 stot LtOT PU ON votog oforsy vyponary odyseya jouy “oma our oonsere Tauy “gjonary aureg eIOW ofoisg, osnyereg opueuios op oderg, ofoysgy ‘eyong owaurejoy oxtg aopeuoroy 6g-Z woBeuarSugq wyaAeUD oforsay enger outa fo meaedD eyoaeyD anqex ourg osnyereg awon, (LIOl at) VAOGINaINLSIG VXIVO 9ToT stor + Prot ‘ er0t 2ror Lot otot 600T 2001 Loot: 9007, soot, voor got!) }F Zoot, é TOOT oot 666 866 266 966 t ses 768 £66 266 166 “a ON ge-z wo8euo.Zuq sabi.» MOpeorpup,oostey (Offa. x 686

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