Graded Recitation Questions

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What is the line of reasoning meant to demonstrate the Argument

truth or falsehood of something?

2. takes the stand on the issue and includes claims to Argumentative Thesis
support your stand?

3. Your summary of findings must be written in what Active, indicative, and passive
4. data that derived from measuring attributes, examples Qualitative research
are perspectives, experiences and perceptions
5. the chronological list of the items contained in the report List of Figures
with contents corresponding pages
6. All students should be wearing school uniform at all times Claim of policy
during their stay in school.
7. Mark is a better basketball player than Eljen Claim of Value
8. is the first level of analysis that helps the researchers find Descriptive Analysis
absolute numbers to summarize individual variables
9. What survey question format can you use if you want to Matrix questions
know the rating scale in a series of variables
10. graphic organizer is used to present trends over time Chart
11. graphic organizer is used to illustrate concepts or Diagram figures
12. materials and resources the arguer uses to convince the Evidence
13. similar to topic sentence, central concept up for Issue
14. tables, figures, or charts are called what? Graphic organizers
15. It is conducted to ensure that there are no errors in data Basic data checks
16. It is type of objective that focuses on what is important Specific
17. It is the background information concerning the issue in Introduction
your research
18. used in comparing two to three variables to know their Venn diagram
similarities and differences
19. analyze documented information in the form of texts, Content analysis
media, or even physical items
20. - it is the second paragraph of the position paper where you Summary of counterclaims
will enumerate the arguments opposing your stand
21. These concentrate on objectivity and organization, contain Formal reports
deeper detail, and also the writer must write them during a
style that eliminates factors like personal pronouns.
22. Objectives must be attained within the prescribed time limit. Time-bound
23. It is an offering of the report to an individual or a group of Dedication page
24. It is an alphabetical list of reference materials References
25. It is a condensed version of the report Abstract
26. It is adapted to the reader’s needs, interests, and knowledge Reader-friendly
27. are the most popular survey question type. They allow your Multiple choice questions
respondents to select one or more options from a list of
answers that you define
28. displays a scale of answer options from any range Rating scales
29. require respondents to type their answer into a comment box Open ended questions
30. You need to identify who will provide you the most important Determine your participants
information for your research.
31. Gather all survey responses and determine how many of Analyze data
people answered.
32. sed to present numerical information Tables
33. give atleast 3 Types of Evidence Personal experience, reasons, confirmed
facts, statistics, research by experts
34. restate your thesis and summarize your main claims Conclusion
35. It is devoid of errors in grammar, mechanics, organization, and Error-free
36. It is devoid of errors in grammar, mechanics, organization, and Objective
37. It has no missing items. Thorough
38. Objectives must deal with real-life situations Realistics
39. It is a supplementary material added at the end of the report Appendix
40. his will help creating empathy along with your audience Use your target language
positively influencing response rate.
41. - used in gathering information about a respondent’s Demographic questions
background or income level
42. series of Likert scale questions or a series of rating scale Matrix questions
43. There’s nothing wrong in telling the respondents the purpose Define the survey's purpose
of the research or survey.
44. a are derived from measuring attributes of a population Quantitative data
45. o infer whether each respondent was actually interviewed or Fraud
46. refers to grouping and assigning values to responses from the Data coding
47. These complex analyses show the relationships between Inferential analysis
multiple variables to generalize results and make predictions
48. This method is used to analyze content from various sources, Narrative analysis
such as respondents’ interviews, field observation, or surveys
49. Like narrative analysis, discourse analysis is used to analyze Discourse analysis
interactions with people.
50. This refers to the use of qualitative data to explain why a Grounded theory
certain phenomenon happened.

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