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1. How does agricultural revolution affect climate change?

First of all what is agricultural revolution? Agricultural revolution is the gradual transformation of the
traditional agricultural system this includes farmers making bigger and more compact farms and
increased investment in technical improvements, like new machinery, better drainage, scientific
methods of breeding and animal domestication. Now how does agricultural revolution affect climate
change? By releasing green house gases agricultural expansion results on deforestation and soil
degradation these emit greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide. Farming is particular release methane
and nitrous oxide 2 powerful greenhouse gasses. Methane is produced by livestock during digestion and
is release by belches. It is also released from manure and organic waste in landfls. Fertilizers emitlarge
amounts of nitrous oxide.

Agriculture between 2001 and 2011, global emissions from crops and livestock production grew by 14%
but Agriculture in the EU manure management re duces the EU's emissions by 24%.

By reducing food waste and our consumption of emissions-intensive food products we can contribute to
cutting green house gas emissions of Agriculture

4. How is climate change affecting other organisms other than humans?

Climate change causes rising sea levels and oceans becoming warmer more intense droughts endanger
crops, melting glaciers, heat waves can hurt animals and destroy the habitats they live.

Also because of the rising temperature this affects the vegetation, food source, and water of animals.
The earth is now warmer by about 1.1 degrees Celsius warmer than it was in the 1800s.this affects a lot
of animals like the polar bears the artic is now warming about twice as fast than before causing the ice
that polar bears depend on to melt away loss of ice threatens the bear’s prey which needs ice to raise
their young

The melting of ice also causes rising sea levels that affects animals like turtles because rising level can
cause turtles to lose their nesting beaches also dolphins and whales that need shallow and calm waters
to raise their young. The rising of sea level will destroy these areas

Many organisms are affected by climate change This is only some examples of other organisms suffering
from climate change we must reduce carbon pollution to avoid the earth getting more warmer.

10. Why is fossil fuel burning bard to quit?

First of all what is fossil fuel? Fossil fuels is a term for non renewable energy fossil fuels are made from
decomposing plant and animals. These fuels are found in the earth’s crust and it contains carbon and
hydrogen, which can be burned for energy. Coal and oil are examples of fossil fuels. Co is a material
usually found in sedimentary rock deposits where rock and dead plant and animal matter are piled up in
layers. More than 50% of a piece of coal's weightist be from fossilized plants.

Now why is it hard to quit burning fossil fuels?

The energy infrastructure of modern society is built as a massive long term investment. Oil fields are
developed for multi decade time horizons. There is massive investment in industries that use fossil fuels.
Truck manufacturing and home appliances are all built to use fossil fuels based energy. Finally there is
the conversion of fossil fuel into electricity by way of massive coal generating plants, which also reflect
huge investments.

These investments constitute, whether we like it or not a large inertia against quitting burning fossil

We haven’t found a good alternative for oil, in terms of availability. Oil is plentiful and technology to
extract is improving, making it easier to produce and use.

8. How does carbon taxation affect climate change?

A carbon tax is a tax levied on the carbon emissions required to produce goods and services. Carbon
taxes are intended to make visible the “hidden” social costs of carbon emissions, which are otherwise
felt only in ways like more extreme and intense weather events.

The carbon tax is a great way for controlling green house gasses emissions that cause climate change. It
also minimize the total cost to society of emission reductions

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