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Unit 4 final test orbucom

Sources: importance of good communication at the workplace

The power of good communication in the workplace

The importance of developing “practical communication skills” in specific situations in the workplace
(negotiating, transacting with client or solving conflicts).

Different individuals have different opinions or ideas. Sharing ideas from other people may create
conflict or misunderstanding. We communicate in order to share our ideas and understand each other
but if we do not develop the good communication skills we encounter problems in communicating with
other people and also in the workplace. A communication skill is being developed and we should have it
because it is important. This are some of the importance on why we should develop practical
communication skills in specific situations in the workplace.

It is important in order to avoid misunderstanding and conflict. In the workplace it is a must that
employees should seek first to understand than to be understood. An employee who develop the
practical communication skills in the workplace is working efficiently and effectively since he or she built
a good relationship to his co-employees by understanding and accepting their ideas. It encourages the
employees to speak their opinions and ideas since it is appreciated and considered by other employees.
The opinions and ideas of one another matters since they are working as a group and there is a need of
different perspectives in order to have a good outcome. Listening to the comments or feedbacks of the
managers or co-employees make a better progress and create a good work or output.

It is also important because it gives good ambiance in the workplace since there is a good relationship
between employees and managers. It shows having good communication between the employer and
employees makes the work easier and faster to be done since they understand each other. Employees
are more productive and doing their job better since they are valued and appreciated by the company.
In the workplace the employees expressed their ideas since the employer is open to their suggestions
and willing to accept this. There is a unity between the employees and the employer in order to achieve
the success of the company.

Lastly it is important because it builds connection and trust to the employees. As an employer
communicating with your employees is a must in order to know and understand their opinions and
ideas. Communication is important in order to share and deliver your ideas to someone for them to
understand your own perspective. In the workplace the works or outputs are successfully accomplished
if there is a collaborative effort within the group or team. Understanding and accepting suggestions is
beneficial to the employees and employer because with these you can express your ideas and also you
get to know more the person that you are working with.

Communication is important in order for us to understand each other and also to share our ideas.
Having a bad communication habits will just bring conflicts and misunderstanding. We should develop
the practical communication skills in order to build a good relationship with the people in the workplace.
It is not only the employees or employer benefit from having a good communication in the workplace
the company also developed or have a progress since the plan was executed successfully by the
employees and employer due to a good communication. Good communication is not only important but
also it gives a benefit.

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