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37. Ans. Sol. 38. Ans. Sol. 39. Ans. Sol. 40. Ans. Sol. 4. Ans. Sol. 42. PART-3 : MATHEMATICS SINGLE CORRECT TYPE (+3, -1) The least value of 3sin + dcos0 + Sis - (ays (9 (C0 (D)10 © Tho tgonometicequntion 31° (mm) =481(% €R) hae (A) no solution (B) unique solution __(C) infinite solutions (D) finite numberof solutions ay 1° = 441 if equation has a sohution then sinirtx) should be equal to 1 for r= 1, 2, .., 6 which is not possible sin'A cos A sin'B | cos'B_ 10 ec A Oe EB OB Then tant + tar?B equals: we B) os p) 2 (5 Be Og © 55 © Th mmr pg ate flowing wo atone (mo) {A)1 (B)2 (C4 (D)6 (A) Letn, = sin7 + cos 7, nz = Vsin7 + Vcos7 , ng = V1+sini4 , ng = 1, then - (Alm > ng>ng> my (B)ng>ng> n> nm, (C)ng=m>ny> My (D) p> my = Ng> ny o 1 a Assequonce a, has a; =5 and a,., =a ya +a, 1a? forall n> 1. What is ayo? 2 5 7 ay Bs o-+ os (D) ‘SRGBT 20 ONE OR MORE THAN ONE CORRECT TYPE (+4, -2) © Answer to each question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme: Full Marks +4. Ifonly (all) the correct option(s) is (are) chosen Partial Marks If all the four options are correct but ONLY three options are chosen. Partial Marks +2. If three or more options are correct but ONLY two options are chosen, both of which are correet options Partial Marks +1 If twoor more options are correct but ONLY one option is chosen and it is, a correct option Zero Marks 0 If none of the options is chosen (.e. the question is unanswered). Negative Marks _: -2 In alll other eases. can take value(s) wn = Trsindx , Tsin2x 2 2 -1ssin2x <1 > Tysin2x 0514 sindx <2 toy T¥sindx 2 44. Choose the INCORRECT statement(s} x 008373 27% .sin 97% have the same value (A) sin 82> 0s 375 and sinl275 975 have the san ah ‘SRGBT 21 Sol. 45. Sol. 46. Ans. Sol. 3 v3 (BA) If tanA = Gg and tanB= 7, then tan(A~B) must be rational {C*) The sign of the product sin2.. sin3 . sin5 is positive. {D*) There exists @ value of 0 between O& 2x which satisfies the equation: sin*0 — sin? 0-1 (BCD) 1° 1° 165" 75" °. oy _ XO+1 (A) A= sin825° .cos375 sin20" +sin45°] =“ a] «goal bl v3, 1 N6+2 3+ V2 Be sinl275 sin975 [2 | ib > A=B= Tue] tanA-tanB {B) tan(A-B) = Ty tana tanB v3 8 = Ba [FIA] ge sonal] 3.3 16-373 ind 1+ (4-3)(4+ v3) {C) Sol. sin = + ; sin = +; sind (0) (Sok. sin? = _ => sin’ _ {not possible) sino = pe >1 = notpossible | 4 NB sin(o.+B) ~ 2x cos(o.+B) Itis known that sin B = 5 ROo c) eRe) for tanB <0 (D) none of these (ABC) aos 8 (7+24cota) E reduces to Fy for 0< p< a2 &to SOMO tora < pen 1 2 tara tan? tary + tan? ac tan? +tarp tan®y + tankectan?y = 1 (oy By 1 © Ree Pr # 5 2x1) here x is an integer) (A) sin’ + sin?B + sin®y (B) cos2a + cos2B - cos?) (C) cosa + cos" + cos"y =2 {D) cos(a. + ) costa— f) = cos”) (AC) sin?a. + sin’B + sin’y = 1 ‘SRGBT 22 47. it tan{§(6? + 29))= co £(0# +n+1)) nekthen (A*) 1 should be an odd integer (B*) nz 4k-Lkel (C) n=3kkel (D) None of these ‘Ans. (AB) Sol. tan( Ein? ' 2) = tn( (2 (v?+ nei))) = Fin? +2n)= kes F(2-(n? +n+1)),kn el => WP +2n=dk+(1-n?-a) bn? +8n=4k+1 > n=4itLhel 2 4 ¥ coc’ sec?) +sec?( 2%) +sec?( 4) = and >,c0s*k") ==, where a, b are coprime, then which of the 48. Let (3) (Fi) -see?(SE)=s and Dose =2, where a,b re eoprime, then which of thy following islare correct?” (A*) Number of positive divisors ofa + b + Sis (B) Number of positive divisors of a +b + Sis 8 (C*) Sisa perfect square (D*) a+ bisaprime number aa. (Eom (2) me (* Using CD formulas 3. s*{k°) = Sens . patil) +cos°(k")) 1/8 (1_ 3 gs,0¢a4)) = 89-3 ¥ cintany? = EQ (2k ')) Fo gpm ‘SRGBT 23 49. Ans. Sol. 50. Spe peo eel b 8 a=221,b=8 ees k_ | _.3n lex satistios the equation sin — cos = 1—sinx & the inequality [> - 5]< "then (A) n= -1,0,3, (BY) n=1,2,4, (C) n=0,2,4 (D) n= -1,1,3,5 ®B) = possible x are Sto, Se FOF mem D sing ~ cos = (sing — cos 3} factors sin cos > 2 only circled angle satisfy one of the above equation when n = 1,2, 4, 5] If (xa) cos@ + ysind = (xa) cos + ysing= a and ton(§)-an($)-26. then (A) yf =2ax—1 be? (B) tan = Fy rb) (C) y°=2bx-(1-a%)x? (0) tan$=2(y-by) . (A, B,D) ‘SRGBT 24 COMPREHENSION TYPE (+3, -1) Paragraph - 1 (Q. 51 & 52) If be a natural number, define polynomial f,(x) of n® degree as follows {,{cos 8) = cos nd fh) =2x7-1 fx) = 43x, Then Bi (xed 1) is equal to (A) foo) (B) fo) + f60) (C60) (DB) Ayobx) Ans. (D) Sol. 52. {x(x} is equal to (A) 36x° — 48x + 182-5 (B) 32x" — 48x" + 182-1 (C) 36x° — 45x4 + 187-8 (D) 36x°— 48.4 + 187-7 Ans. (B) Sol. Paragraph - 2 (Q. 53 & 54) espe item cata where x eR. { = a(x) = cos" x5, (x) & Ty (8) =Pa(x)-Pyols) fy 53. To[G]= (A) 3 (B) V3 1 (D)-1 Ans. (©) Sol. Pu ¥ (B)-2° © (D) None of these seetaloiook ‘SRGBT 25

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