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Handout for multiple choice questions.

▪ May 1857
War of Independence, started from Meerut.
▪ September 19-20, 1857
British forces captured the Red Fort.
▪ 1864: Scientific society in Ghazipur.
▪ 1867: Urdu Hindi controversy
Prominent Hindus campaigned to replace the existing court language Urdu (Persian script) with
Hindi (Devanagari script). Reacting to this Sir Syed Ahmed Khan met Mr. Shakespeare,
Commissioner of Banaras, and said to him: “Now I am convinced that these two nations will not
work united in any cause. At present, there is no open hostility between them. But, on account
of the so-called educated people, it will increase a hundredfold in the future. He, who is alive at
that time, will see it come to pass.”(Origin of Two Nations Theory)
▪ 1865: census on communal Basis (19.74% Muslim population; 18 different divisions or sects)
▪ 1869: Mahatma Gandhi was born.
▪ 1875; MAO College
Opening ceremony of Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental College was arranged by Sir Syed at Aligarh,
but the classes started on June 1, 1875. The inaugural ceremony of Aligarh University took
place on 17 December 1920.
▪ 1876: Birth of Quaid e Azam
▪ 1877: Birth of Allama Iqbal
▪ December 28, 1885 Indian National Congress (INC) was founded by A.O.Hume in December
1885. Sir Syed called upon the Muslims not to join this party because it was the representative
body of Hindus, not of Muslims. As the Muslims form a separate nation, they will be required to
form their own separate body. At that time there was not a sizeable educated class all over
British India which could form a separate body of the Muslims. Therefore, in a number of
speeches he called upon them to devote their efforts towards education.2 It was after his death
in 1898 that his associates established a Muslim party.
▪ 1886: Muhammadan Educational Conference
▪ 1888; Birth of Abul kalam Azaad (died 1958)
▪ Jawaharlal Nehru (1889-1964)
▪ 1896: Jnnah joined INC.
▪ March 27, 1898
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan passed away.
▪ October 16, 1905
▪ Partition of Bengal. The British decided to redraw boundaries, the provinces of Bengal and
Assam were re-constituted to form two provinces – Western Bengal, and Eastern Bengal and
Assam – because of administrative problems as Bengal was too big a province for one governor
to administer. Incidentally Western Bengal became the Hindu majority province, and the Eastern
Bengal and Assam became a Muslim majority province. The Hindus started the Swadeshi
Movement against this partition, especially against the new province of Eastern Bengal and
Assam because it became another Muslim majority province. This factor aroused the Muslims all
over British India and made them conscious enough to start their own separate political party
which was established in the next year. Ultimately, the British Government bowed down before
the Swadeshi Movement and reunited both provinces by ending the partition in 1911.
▪ October 1, 1906: Shimla Deputation.
▪ December 30, 1906
All India Muslim League (AIML) was founded at Dacca (now Dhaka).
▪ 1907: Surat Split
▪ 1909; Minto Morley reforms
Lord Minto (proposed idea of Divide and Rule) was viceroy of India from 1905-1910 who invited
Shimla deputation to propose Muslim League. ( Lord Curzon 1899-1905 was significant
character for Partition of Bengal).
▪ 1910
Jinnah elected as member of Legislative council.
▪ 1913
Jinnah formally joined the AIML by signing the performa of party membership.
▪ 1914-1919
First World War in Europe and across the world.
▪ 1915: Gandhi arrived in India.
▪ 1916: luckhnow pact
▪ 1918: Spanish flu
▪ 1919: Treaty of Versailles; official end of World War 1.
o Rowlatt act.
▪ 1919-1924; Khilafat Movement
▪ 1920: League of Nations established in Geneva. (41 members in inaugural meeting)
o *Jinnah left Congress.
▪ 1927: Simon commission
▪ 1928: Nehru Report
▪ 1929: 14 points of Jinnah
▪ 1930: Allahabad Convention presided by Iqbal.
▪ October 24 1929: New York stock market crashed amid great economic depression which
eventually led to WW2.
▪ 1938: Munich Agreement
▪ 22 December 1939: Day of Deliverance
▪ 1939-1945: World War 2
▪ 1940: Battle of Britain; Pakistan Resolution
▪ March 1942: Cripps Mission, Quit India Movement
▪ 1943: famine of Bengal
▪ June 1944: Battle of Normandy; Final nail in the Coffin. End of wartime ventures for Germany.
▪ June 1945: Wavell Plan
▪ 24 October 1945: Bretton woods agreement; United Nations was founded.
▪ 1946: Cabinet mission plan
▪ 1947: Pakistan and India was created.

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