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1. Compare and contrast the traditional concept of literacy to the modern view of literacy.

2. Describe the changes in the 21st century that have led to the rise of new literacies.

The changes in the 21st century that leads to the rise of new literacies are the technology
that we have. We all know that technology is now available to all and it is easy to access.
Before, the internet connection is hard to find or hard to access, but now it is everywhere. By
the technology that we have, we can easily access and search for the things that we want to
know. In just one click, the information is all there. Technology plays a big role in our everyday
life, it helps us to communicate with others, search for informations, organize things and more.
New literacies helps our everyday life to work on the easiest way.

Before, literacy means able to read and write, now, it is a broad topic. This teaches us not
just to be able to read and write but also to have a critical thinking about something. We need
to be a diverse learner to help ourselves cope up and adopt to the change in our society or

3. Given the traditional/ conventional literacy concept, how literate are you? How deep is your
level of comprehension?
Traditional literacy is about integrating our macro skills, which are the reading, writing,
listening, speaking and also the critical thinking skill. This skills must be combined to produce a
good and quality education for the students. This is also needed to understand each others
culture, for them to have the idea or knowledge about the status in life and have the respect in
each others culture. This is for us to learn how to adjust and be kind to everyone in any status
they have in life or even in any culture, religion or belief they have.
Conventional literacy is the symbols and grammar that we read and how we extract or
interpret the meaning of the text. This is how we communicate and understand the meaning of
what they are saying.

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