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Appendix - 4


Six-Monthly Progress Report of the Research work done for the period from 01-07-2020 to 31-12-2020
of the research scholar.

1. Name of the Research Scholar: Devidas Sonyabapu Thosar

2. Subject: Computer Science & Engineering (Faculty of Engineering & Technology)

3. Topic Registered for Ph.D Degree: PASSIMAGE: A Secured Graphical Authentication

Algorithm Using Image Discrimination and Fusion to
Resist Crowd Surfing Attack

4. Name of the Supervisor: Dr. Nisarg Gandhewar

5. Name of Co-supervisor (if any)................None...............................................

6. Description of the guidance on the topic

Period with dates the Candidates

has been with the guide for
research work (It may also
indicate the date of leave availed
by the candidate during the
above period).

Remarks of the Supervisor on the work done by the Candidate on Topic.

Fees paid vide receipt No ................ :............................Date ................................................................

Date:……………………… ……………………… Place:

…………………….. (Signature of Head of Institution wherethe

Candidate was registered for Ph.D. degree)

Signature oftheSupervisor Address: .........................................................


Place::…………………. …………….………………………………..
Work Done by the Candidates in this Six Months Period

In this period of six months, write a conference paper for the INTERNATIONAL
CONFERENCE On“Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2020)”
Date: 05-07November 2020
Title of Paper: An Advanced Graphical Authentication Using Image Discrimination and Image
Fusionto Resists Shoulder Surfing Attacks
Abstract - Images that can operate on digital cameras or smartphones. Proposes a method for
fusing multiexposed the proposed method consists of an automatic exposure bracketing
algorithm that determines which exposures to capture and a newly proposed multi-exposure
image fusion algorithm. This fusion algorithm attempts to improve the fusion performance on
the basis of the recently proposed no-reference image quality metrics,and also change the
affects the change noting that the exposure change affects the change in the local luminance
details, contrast, and colourfulness of a pixel. The poor lighting condition and limited dynamic
range of digital imaging device in smartphones and cameras, the recorded images are often
under-/overexposed and with low contrast. we build a largescale multi-exposure image data set,
which contains elaborately selected high-resolution multiexposure sequences of images.
Subjective experiments are conducted to screen the best quality one as the reference image of
each scene. Thirteen representative multi-exposure image fusion in smartphone and stack-
based high dynamic range imaging algorithms are employed to generate the contrast enhanced
images for each sequence for multiexposure images, and. Most of previous single image
contrast enhancement (SICE) methods in smartphones to adjust the tone curve to correct the
contrast of an input image to capture the snap. Those methods, however, often fail in revealing
image details because of the limited information in a single image

Signature of the Candidate

Remark of the supervisor on the work done by the candidate on topic:

Signature of the Supervisor

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