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MET # 1: Major Genres

Lesson # 4: 21st Century Major Literary Genres

Prerequisite Content-knowledge: Earlier Literary Genres or Periods

Prerequisite Skill: Convergent Thinking, Critical Thinking

Prerequisites Assessment:
Review on the earlier genres/ periods of Philippine literature through a sorting activity.
Instructions: Categorize the following early Philippine literature genres/forms according to the period each of them belongs to. Use the table in doing the activity.

Blogs Riddles Senakulo Essays Revolutionary Literature

Tanaga Oral tradition Wattpad Sarsuela Epics

Pre-Colonial Period Colonial Period Contemporary Period

Pre-lesson Remediation Activity:

1. For Students with Insufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
 The teacher will let students come to know of the early genres/periods of Philippine literature through a short discussion or provide supplementary reading materials
and video links for students’ review.

2. For Students with Fairly Sufficient Level on Prerequisite Content-knowledge and/or Skill(s):
Review on early genres/periods of Philippine literature through a short discussion or provide supplementary reading materials and video links for students’ review.


1. Time Allotment: (Two (2) Sessions) TEACHER’S CONTACT INFO: The teacher provide his/her contact details.

2. RUA (OBJECTIVE/ The students is expected to gain from learning the topic/lesson)
At the end of the lesson, the learners will:
1. identify the elements and structures of the various 21st century genres
2. appreciate the unique features of each genre
3. compare and contrast the early and 21st century literary genres

3. Context where the student is going to apply his/learning (In what PAA/EFAA and personal use?)
The learners will use their knowledge on identifying and explaining the theme of the literary piece in completing a graphic organizer to compare and contrast 21st
century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their elements, structures and traditions for cultural understanding.

4. Overview:
● Technology is the main learning tool for a 21st Century Reader. He has the ability to navigate and decipher digital formats and media communications. He also has
reading skills, including keyboarding, internet navigation, understanding of technological jargon, the capacity to communicate and interpret coded language, and
the ability to decipher graphics.
● 21st Century Literature refers to new literary work created within the last decade. It is written by contemporary authors which may deal with current themes/issues
and reflects a technological culture. It often breaks traditional writing rules.
● This lesson will help the students classify literary pieces they have read or will be reading into different 21st century literary genres.

Student’s Experiential Learning: (Note: Use the Flexible Learning Activity Identified for the topic/lesson relative to the General Enabling Teaching Strategy)
This section is intended for the presentation guide of the lesson proper. It must highlight the chunking of the topic into essential concepts through the use of formative

21st Century Major Literary Genres

Chunk 1: Activate students’ prior knowledge on the 21st century major literary genres through pictures.
1. The teacher will be showing logos of the different reading platforms during which the teacher also asks the following questions:
Formative question:
1. From what does this logo belong to?
2. What is/are usually featured in each site?
3. Which literary pieces are you familiar with?

2) The teacher will collate the responses from the previous questions and relate it to the 21st century major literary genres.

Teacher’s dialogue:
With the development and emergence of technology, not only did the way of living change but also the way how literature is created is presented. If in the past,
especially in the pre-colonial period, literature is spread through oral tradition which may also mean that a literary work could possibly take time before reaching to
another group of people. However, the 21st century literature could be easily accessed by all people of color and age through the use of technology. Also, technology
has changed the way we perceive, interpret, and even write literature, by creating the ability for everyone to write, through social networks, reviews, and blogging,
and it has been for the better. Technology has, and will continue to influence literature in a multitude of different ways (

Input for Students:

As can still be seen in modern literature and film, a genre comes with certain in-built codes, values, and expectations. It creates its own world, helping the author to
communicate with the audience, as she deploys or disrupts generic expectations and so creates a variety of effects. Genres appeal to writers because they give a
structure and something to build on, while they offer audiences the pleasure of the familiar and ingenious diversion from it. The best writers take what they need from
the traditional form and then innovate, leaving their own imprint on the genre and changing it for future writers and audiences. In other words, genre is a source of
dynamism and creativity, not a straitjacket, unless the writer is rubbish, i.e. unimaginative and unoriginal (OUPblog, 2014).

Experimentation in writings or setting a new trend has always been in vogue in literature since time immemorial, because people are incessantly in search of better
and innovative ways to express themselves. Classic genres like Poetry, drama, Fiction, nonfiction have evolved in to hundreds of sub genres to address the dynamic
reality of the modern times. The new social, cultural, political, and philosophical verities shaped by Twentieth Century modernism, postmodernism; mainstreaming of
feminism, colonialism, psycho analysis; catastrophes of the two world wars, emerging environmental and global issues gave birth to the huge innovations in literature
due to which 21st century witnessed the emergence of new genres and different styles of writings (Manzoor & Mushtaq, 2022)

Chunk 2: Presentation of 21st Century Major Literary Genres

Formative question: What is 21st Century Literature?
21st Century Literature
 The range of years in 21st century literature was written from the year 2000 to the present.
 It also refers to world literature in prose produced during the 21st century.
 Deals with current themes/issues and reflects a technological culture

Chunk 3: Presentation of 21st Century Major Literary Genres

Formative question: Which of the major genres are you familiar with? Is there a particular literary from any genre which you have enjoyed?

1. Creative Nonfiction, often known as literary nonfiction or narrative nonfiction, is a type of writing that uses literary techniques and styles to tell true stories. Creative
nonfiction contrasts with other nonfiction, such as technical writing or journalism, which is also rooted in accurate fact, but is not primarily written in service to its craft. As a
genre, creative nonfiction is still relatively young, and is only beginning to be scrutinized with the same critical analysis given to fiction and poetry.

Things to consider in writing Creative Nonfiction:

● include accurate and well-researched information
● hold the interest of the reader
● potentially blur the realms of fact and fiction in a pleasing, literary style (while remaining grounded in fact)

2. Textula is a cell phone novel, or mobile phone novel is a literary work originally written on a cellular phone via text messaging. This type of literature originated in
Japan, where it has become a popular literary genre. However, its popularity has also spread to other countries internationally, especially to China, United States,
Germany, and South Africa. Chapters usually consist of about 70- 100 words each due to character limitations on cell phones.
The term "textula" is a blend of the English word "text" and the Filipino word "tula! ' Meaning text poem, it is a poem written in the form of a text message. Usually
consisting of one or two stanzas, it is sent as a direct communication to a person close to the sender.

3. Illustrated Novels are stories through text and illustrated images. 50% of the narrative is presented without words. The reader must interpret the images to
comprehend the story completely. Textual portions are presented in traditional form but some illustrated novels may contain no text at all.

4. Chick-Lit is marketed as a “for women, by women, about women” genre. It is writing about the feelings of women, and the “every woman type-heroine, complete
with dieting woes and dating insecurities”. It is a type of fiction, typically focusing on the social lives and relationships of young professional women, and often aimed
at readers with similar experiences (Natalie Rende, 2008 , Bridget Jones, Prince Charming, and Happily Ever Afters: Chick Lit as an Extension of the Fairy Tale in a
Post feminist Society).

5. Manga is used in the English-speaking world as a generic term for all comic books and graphic novels originally published in Japan.

6. Doodle Fiction is a literary presentation where the author incorporates doodle drawings and handwritten graphics in place of traditional font.

7. Flash Fiction is a hybrid or mixed genre that consists of one part poetry and one part narrative. It is also called prose-poetry and needs to be read slowly like a
poem because missing a word can change the meaning of the story entirely.

8. Speculative fiction is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with elements that do not exist in reality, recorded history, nature, or the present universe.
Such fiction covers various themes in the context of supernatural, futuristic, and other imaginative realms.

9. A blog post is any article, news piece, or guide that's published in the blog section of a website. A blog post typically covers a specific topic or query, is educational
in nature, ranges from 600 to 2,000+ words, and contains other media types such as images, videos, infographics, and interactive charts. Blog posts allow you and
your business to publish insights, thoughts, and stories on your website about any topic. They can help you boost brand awareness, credibility, conversions, and
revenue. Most importantly, they can help you drive traffic to your website.

10. Hyperpoetry, also called cyberpoetry as well as other names, has many definitions and, like hyperfiction, is difficult to categorize. Much poetry on the web is
basically just traditional work uploaded. True hyperpoetry refers to works of verse (although not necessarily in lines and stanzas) which could not be presented
without the computer. Hyperpoetry includes verse with links to sub-poems or footnotes, poetry “generators,” poetry with movement or images. Hyperpoetry is usually
highly steeped in the visual and sometimes involves parts that are read in varying orders.

11. Spoken Poetry is an oral art that focuses on the aesthetics of word play and intonation and voice inflection.


Anything produced and published in the 2000s is considered 21st century literature. 21st Century Literature refers to new literary work created within the last
decade. It is written by contemporary authors which may deal with current themes/issues and reflects a technological culture. It often breaks traditional writing rules.
Existing forms of expressive culture are reacted to and discussed in contemporary literature. As we become increasingly engrossed in technology, we create and
discover new types of expressive culture. We now have access to a vast array of materials thanks to the internet, which has allowed individuals, particularly the
youth, to begin writing and expressing their views, ideas, and feelings.

RUA of a Student’s Learning:

You have encountered the different 21st Century Major Literary Genres which are not only found in English literature but also in the Philippine literature. Read the texts below
and using the C-E-R Table below, point out the similarities and differences of the earlier Philippine literary genres and the 21st Century major literary genres.
Competency: EN12Lit-Id-25. Differentiate/compare and contrast the various 21st century literary genres and the ones from the earlier genres/periods citing their
elements, structures and traditions
Instructions: Read the following texts about the earlier Philippine literary genres and the 21st Century major literary genres. After that point out their similarities and
differences. Use the prompts in writing your answers.
Text #1: The past and present of connecting with literature: Interactivity
Retrieved from

Text #2: Early Philippine Literature by Dr. Lilia Quindoza-Santiago


Retrieved from

Text #3: Faith to the Fate: The Rise and Fall of 21st Century Philippine Literature
Retrieved from

Question: How similar or different are early Philippine literary genres and 21st century major genres from each other?

Cite two statements which supports your claim from either of the texts.
Evidence #1:
Evidence #2:
Explain how your evidence support your claim.

My chosen pieces of evidence support my claim because…

Post-lesson Remediation Activity:

The students will test what the they have learned by examining the two examples below and doing the following tasks:
1. Identify the literary genres of each example.
2. Compare and contrast the characteristics of the two using a graphic organizer.

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