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DISCIPLINA: ____________________________
POLO: ____________________________
ALUNO(A): ____________________________

ATIVIDADE II – Sem respostas

1. Questão

Read the text.

John’s Daily Routines
Haut du formulaire

His name is John Smith. He is a good student from

England. His weekdays are very busy. Usually he gets up at
eight o´clock and he goes to the bathroom. He has a
quick shower, gets dressed and combs his hair. At a
quarter past eight he has breakfast with his
mother. After breakfast he brushes his teeth and at
twenty past eight he goes to school by bus. He
arrives at school at a quarter to nine o’clock and his
classes start at nine o’clock. 
He has lunch in the school canteen at one o’clock
p.m. and his classes start again at twenty-five past two. He goes home at half past
four. When he arrives home he has tea, does his homework and watches TV. Before
dinner he plays computer games and sometimes he helps his mother. John has
dinner at eight o’clock with his family and at half past nine he goes to bed.
English Exercises > daily routines exercises


1. Answer the questions ccording to the text.

a. Where is John Smith from?
b. What time does he usually get up?
c. Who does he has lunch with?
d. Does he have lunch at home?
e. What does he do when he arrives home?

2. Read the following statements and write “true”, “false”, or “not mentioned”.

1. John has breakfast at school. …………………………

2. He plays computer games after school. ………………………….

3. Match the worlds in column A with their opposites in column B.

Column A Column B
1. good a. finish
2. before b. arrive
3. start c. bad
4. go d. after

2. Questão
Choose a, b, or c to complete the following sentences.
1. I …………………………………. John’s friend. a. are b. is c. am
2. I ………………………………….. computer games. a. likes b. like c. liks
3. After school, I ……………………………… to Johns home. a. go b. goes c. gos
4. He …………………………….. a computer too. a. haves b. have c. has

3. Questão
Write the following words in the table according to the pronunciation of their final
“s/ es” .
watches gets goes plays
/s/ /z/ / iz /

4. Questão
What are these people doing? Use these verbs to complete the sentences : eat,
have, lie, play, sit, wait.

1. apple.
2. He …………………………………………………………….. for a bus.
3. They ……………………………………………………………… soccer.
4. …………………………………………………………….. on the floor.
5. …………………………………………………………………. breakfast.
6. ……………………………………………………………….. on the table.

5. Questão

Complete the questions using HOW MUCH or HOW MANY:

a) _____________________________ salt do we need to make rice?

b) _____________________________ eggs are needed for an omelet?
c) _____________________________ water is necessary to make coffee?
d) _____________________________ sugar do you often put in your coffee?
e) _____________________________ fruits do you eat a day?
f) _____________________________ ice cream do you eat when it´s hot?
g) _____________________________ people live in house?
h) _____________________________ money do you have in your pocket?
i) _____________________________ bread do you usually have for breakfast?
j) _____________________________ hours do you often work a day?
k) _____________________________ fish do you eat over the week?
l) _____________________________ pasta do you like to eat?
6. Questão
1. Read and write the time in words.
a. 6:32 …………….........................................................………………………..
b. 2:58 ……….........................................................……………………………..
c. 8:45 p.m. ……………......................................................……………………
d. 7:15 ………………………........................................................……………….

2. Write the dates.

a. 6.9 ………………….................................................……………………………..
b. 4,7 ……………................................................…………………………………..
c. 1900 ……….................................................……………………………………..
d. 30.11 ……………................................................ ……………………………….
e. 1992 …………….................................................………………………………..
f. 2015 …………….................................................…………………………………

Do your best!

Observação: a quantidade de questões poderá ser superior a 05, no entanto, as

mesmas deverão ser mescladas em objetivas e subjetivas.

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