Post Lec Exam - Dysphagia

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GOLD RANK REVIEW CENTER JUNE 2022 | POST LECTURE EXAMINATION: DYSPHAGIA NAME: ‘SCHOOL: 1.An occupational therapist conducts an intervention session with a client recovering from a CVA to participate in an oral feeding session. What should you incorporate in the intervention program: a.The client must actively participate in the eating process », Utilize adaptive equipment. . Food should be presented within the client's visual field dAll of the above 2. An OT practitioner enters the room of a patient who recently had a RCVA with flaccidity to the left upper extremity. What kind of dysphagia problems might you expect with muscle weakness? | Facial weakness 1- Drooling or spilling from mouth Il - Weakness on one side of the pharyngeal area, IV-- Increases the risk of aspiration a. land Il bland IV cls ll d.WV only €. Allof the above 3.When a client is unable to orally manage food, an indirect swallowing intervention program is initiated as this intervention does not involve the ingestion of food or liquid. However, intervention for swallowing performance is called direct intervention because it involves the ingestion of food or liquid, a. First statement is true, second statement is false b, First statement is true, second statement is true . First statement is false, second statement is true d. First statement is false, second statement is false 4. While observing a client who has just been admitted to the rehabilitation unit after a right CVA with left hemiplegia, the OT practitioner notices that the patient has NG tube. In documenting the observation, you note that the advantages of NG tube includes: | -Can be inserted and removed nonsurgically Il Allows the therapist to begin prefeeding and feeding training while the tube is in place Il = Provides full nutrition and hydration if necessary and keeps the digestive system active IV-Interfere with a positioning program a.tand Il b.tand Iv land it d.WVonly “adress: Gold Rank Review Emailgolaanlveviewcentera pare 5. The NG tube is passed through the nostril, through the nasopharynx, and down through the pharynx and esophagus to rest in the stomach. The client receives a local anesthetic, and @ small skin incision is made to create an external opening in the abdominal wall for a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) procedure. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b, First statement is true, second statement is true . First statement is false, second statement is true d. First statement is false, second statement is false 6.As an occupational therapist you also studied the disadvantages of NG tube. Except? = It can desensitize the cough reflex and the swallow response. -It can interfere with a positioning program Il» It can increase aspiration risk, pharyngeal secretions, and nasal reflux IV - The family can perceive the tube as being permanent a.tand Il bland IV elt Ml d.WVonly 7. An OTR is addressing concerns about an individual with moderate to severe swallowing difficulty who may have a reduced ability to protect their airway. All foods are pureed with little or no jaw or tongue control. Which is ‘most accurate for the OT to document the client is ing? 1. Dysphagia Diet Level | bb, Dysphagia Diet Level 2 c. Dysphagia Diet Level 3 d. Dysphagia Level 4 exhil 8. Following a left CVA, an individual receives OT services at a sub-acute rehabilitation facility. Because of the complex nature of dysphagia treatment, your role as an ‘occupational therapist includes: a. Selects, administer, and interpret assessment measures; develop specific intervention plans; and provide therapeutic interventions. 'b, Reeducate the oral and laryngeal musculature used in speaking, voice production, and swallowing, . Gives the orders for clinical and instrumental assessments ‘and approves intervention and_—_program. recommendations. d. Responsible for monitoring the client's caloric intake wer "floor Dona Amparo Building Tolentino & Espana, Manila cebook: Gold Rank Review Cent GOLD RANK REVIEW CENTER JUNE 2022 | 9.IF a patient has reduced oral bolus control with aspiration before or during the swallow, what sort of compensatory swallowing technique may help them? a. Head Turn, ». Effortful Swallow . Chin tuck d. None of the above 10.An occupational therapist providing home-based ‘occupational therapy services implements an. intervention on how to set a table for self-feeding program for a person recovering from a cerebral vascular accident, Which action should the therapist take to ensure the accurate implementation of this plan by the client's caregivers? 2. Just above lap, forearms resting on table b. Feet supported on a firm surface, with knees just below the hips c. Sitting upright for 30 min after meal completion 4. All of the above 11. You are assigned a new patient who suffered from a stroke with dysphagia problem. What manifestations of potential aspiration would you expect ? 1 Poor control of bolus I~ Excessive coughing or before/during/after swallowing Ill No initiation of swallow at end of the oral phase IV- Change in vocal quality a.tand il b.lland IV eI, N il 4.1Vonly ¢. Allof the above choking 12. What kind of dysphagia problems might you expect with cognitive changes? a. Decreased awareness of the swallowing difficulties , Decreased attention to meal c. Increased aspiration risk d. None of the above e. Allof the above 13. What kind of dysphagia problems might you expect with sensory deficits? 4. Difficulty sensing the size and texture of bolus b, Difficulty in judging movement of bolus . Pocketing food d. All of the above 14, What manifestations of poor bolus control of 2 patient with dysphagia would you expect. Except? 2. Spillage from mouth ». Pocketing of food . Delay or difficulty with oral preparatory phase d None of the above “adress: Gold Rank Review Email: goldrante 15. Tea a. Thick liquid b, Semi thick liquid . Semi - thin liquid Thin liquid 16. Mendelsohn Maneuver requires the therapist to put fone hand on your larynx and swallow. After that you let the patient hold it up for 2 seconds, a. First statement is true, second statement is false b, First statement is false, second statement is true c. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 17. Masako Maneuver requires the patient to place tip of, tongue between his / her front teeth. After performing. the first step, you ask the patient to swallow and keep his. [her tongue in place. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true c. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 18, Shaker Head Lift is used to strengthen muscles of the neck in order to facilitate opening of the bottom of the throat for food passage. When performing Shaker Head Lift patient lies flat on his/her back with no pillow under head a. First statement true, second statement is false b, First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 19. A type of swallowing maneuver designed to close the vocal folds by voluntarily holding one's breath before and during swallow in order to protect the airway. Procedure includes: Inhale, Hold your breath, Swallow and Cough. a. Super-Supraglottic Swallow bb, Supraglottic Swallow c.Allof the above d. None of the above 20. Position of therapist’s hands when positioned in front during dysphagia management: a. thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the lip, middle under the chin », thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the chin, middle under the lip . thumb under the lip, index lateral aspect of the mandible, middle under the chin d. thumb above the lip, index under the lip, middle lateral aspect of the mandible wer "floor Dona Amparo Building Tolentino & Espana, Manila cebook: Gold Rank Review Cent GOLD RANK REVIEW CENTER JUNE 2022 | 21. Position of therapist's hands when positioned on side during dysphagia management: a. thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the lip, middle under the chin . thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the chin, middle under the lip . thumb under the lip, index lateral aspect of the ‘mandible, middle under the chin , thumb above the lip, index under the lip, middle lateral aspect of the mandible 22. Indicators of Eating and Swallowing Dysfunction includes difficulty or inability to shape food into a cohesive bolus. This also manifests coughing or frequent throat clearing before, during, or after the swallow. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 23. Fiberoptic Endoscopy is a type of instrumental evaluation of swallowing that uses nonradioactive alternative. It allows for direct assessment of the motor and sensory aspects of the swallow. 2a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 24. It is the most common type of instrumental evaluation of swallowing that is used to examine ‘oropharyngeal swallowing disorder. a. Fiberoptic Endoscopy b, Videofluoroscopic Swallow Study c. Videofluorescentic Swallow Study . NOTA 25. When we use electromyography, we placed it on the skin over a muscle to record contractions of the muscles. In addition, it is also used to measure the speed of bolus transit. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b, First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true 26. Scintigraphy is a type of instrumental evaluation of swallowing wherein a radioactive isotope is mixed with food, Furthermore, a beta camera tracks the radioactive patticles. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false d. First statement is true, second statement is true “adress: Gold Rank Review Email: goldrante 27.A 65-year-old man who suffered aright cerebrovascular accident (CVA) with left hemiplegia 2 weeks ago should progress to a regular diet when oral ‘motor control is within functional limits, allowing the client to chew and form any consistency of food into a bolus and propel it back toward the faucial arches. The client at this level should be able to swallow all food and liquid consistencies with only occasional coughing, a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is true, second statement is true . First statement is false, second statement is true d. First statement is false, second statement is false 28, First to evaluate during dysphagia evaluation. a. Oral sensation bb, Ability to follow commands . Head control d, Oral musculature 29. Position of therapist’s hands when positioned in front during dysphagia management a. thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the lip, middle under the chin bb. thumb lateral aspect of the mandible, index under the chin, middle under the lip . thumb under the lip, index lateral aspect of the mandible, middle under the chin dd, thumb above the lip, index under the lip, middle lateral aspect of the mandible 30. Criteria for Oral Feeding, except? a. Have a reflexive cough 'b, Have beginning tongue control . Able to maintain adequate trunk and head positioning with assistance dd. Minimum RLA Level VI 31. Milk a. Thick liquid b, Semi —thick liquid . Semi - thin liquid Thin liquid 32, First to introduce for clients with dysphagia a. Regular food ». Thin liquids liquids 33. It refers to the normal consumption of solids or liquids. a. Deglutition », Swallowing «. Eating d. Feeding wer "floor Dona Amparo Building Tolentino & Espana, Manila cebook: Gold Rank Review Cent GOLD RANK REVIEW CENTER JUNE 2022 | 34, It Involves moving food through the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, a. Deglutition », Swallowing . Eating d. Feeding 35. The ability to keep and manipulate food / fluid in mouth and swallow it a. Deglutition , Swallowing c. Eating d. Feeding 36.Food is masticated with teeth and gums, and manipulated to form a bolus. a. Anticipatory Phase , Oral ~ Preparatory Phase . Oral Phase d. Pharyngeal Phase 37. Starts when the bolus enters the cricopharyngeal juncture or UES / Upper Esophageal Structure. a. Oral Preparatory Phase ». Oral Phase «. Pharyngeal Phase 4. Esophageal Phase 38, Criteria for Oral Feeding, EXCEPT: |-Must be alert ll-Have reflexive cough lll Have beginning of tongue control IV- Minimum RLA Level IV a 1&l b. WIV c 1&IV d. NOTA 39. High-risk food includes the following, EXCEPT: a. Stringy, Fibrous texture 'b, Homogenous texture c. Mixed consistency food d. Crumbly items and fruit skins 40.A type of swallowing maneuver designed to voluntarily move the arytenoids anteriorly, closing the entrance to the laryngeal vestibule before and during the swallow Procedure includes: Inhale, hold your breath while bear down, Swallow and Cough. ‘a. Super-Supraglottic Swallow bb, Supraglottic Swallow . Masako Maneuver d, Mendelsohn Maneuver “adress: Gold Rank Review Email: goldrante 41. The G tube does not interfere with a positioning program. It can be removed when the client no longer requires supplemental feedings or liquids. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is true, second statement is true . First statement is false, second statement is true d. First statement is false, second statement is false 42.To participate in an oral feeding program, a client must: | Be alert I= Able to maintain adequate trunk and head positioning with assistance III|- Have beginning tongue control IV - manage secretions with minimal drooling, and \V- have a reflexive cough at, and Il bland IV cul Ill, and V d. All of the above 43. Gastrostomy tubes are also called G-tubes or PEG tubes, are short tubes that go through the abdominal wall straight into the stomach. Meanwhile, Nasogastric tubes, ‘or NG tubes, are thin, flexible tubes inserted through the nose that travel down the esophagus into the stomach, a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true «. First statement is false, second statement is false . First statement is true, second statement is true 44, During an OT intervention session, a client with right CVA turns head to weaker side while swallowing. When documenting this behavior, what compensatory swallowing maneuver should the therapist report? a. Supraglottic Swallow . Super-Supraglottic Swallow c. Neck Rotation d. Effortful Swallow 45, A father of five teenage children who was diagnosed with left cva is at high risk for aspiration and is receiving ‘occupational therapy services. The treatment plan includes implementing an indirect therapy. Which action should the therapist take to ensure the accurate implementation of this plan? |= ROM, strengthening, and l= strengthening of pharyngeal and laryngeal structures coordination Ill - Provide a quiet environment to encourage concentration IV = Rehabilitates prerequisite abilities or the capacity to swallow during therapeutic snacks or meals wer "floor Dona Amparo Building Tolentino & Espana, Manila cebook: Gold Rank Review Cent GOLD RANK REVIEW CENTER JUNE 2022 | a.tand Il bland IV cu, and it d.1V only 48, Multiple Sclerosis a. Paralytic Dysphagia 46. Hypotonicity of oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal b. Pseudobulbar Dysphagia structures, resulting in: c. BothA&B ‘A. Delay in and reduced coordination of bolus control, Mechanical Dysphagi both in the mouth and in propelling the bolus posteriorly NOTA to initiate the swallow b, Delayed initiation of the swallow 49. Developmental Disabilities . Result includes educed muscle tone is evidenced with 4. paralytic Dysphagia both his swallowing and self-feeding penance pers 4. AOTA ©. Both A&B d. Mechanical Dysphagia 47. Mr. D. was seen daily for occupational therapy during. NOTA ‘a week as a hospital inpatient. Constant supervision at mealtime was accomplished, and all meals and snacks 50, Alzheimer’s Disease took place with him seated upright in the chair. Palpation 3. paralytic Dysphagia of the neck during swallowing is done by the occupational, Pseudobulbar Dysphagia therapist, what should the therapist do?

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