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1. Submit your assignment at the administrative counter.

2. Students are advised to underpin their answers with the use of references
(cited using the Harvard Name System of Referencing).

3. Late submission will be awarded zero (0) unless Extenuating

Circumstances (EC) are upheld.

4. Cases of plagiarism will be penalized.

5. The assignment should be bound in an appropriate style (comb bound or


6. Where the assignment should be submitted in both hardcopy and

softcopy, the softcopy of the written assignment and source code (where
appropriate) should be on a CD in an envelope / CD cover and attached to
the hardcopy.

7. You must obtain 50% overall to pass this module.

Table of Content
1.0 Workload Matrix .................................................................................................................. 2
2.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Project Background .......................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Problem Context .............................................................................................................. 4
2.3 Proposed Solution ............................................................................................................ 5
2.4 Project Objectives ............................................................................................................ 6
2.5 Project Scope ................................................................................................................... 7
3.0 Project Plan .......................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 System Development Methodology................................................................................. 9
3.2 Project Gantt Chart ........................................................................................................ 11
4.0 System Hierarchy Chart ..................................................................................................... 12
5.0 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 14
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................ 15
Appendix .................................................................................................................................. 16

1.0 Workload Matrix

Group Component: Student 1: Student 2: Student 3: Student 4:

Define project 25% 25% 25% 25%

Define problem 30% 30% 20% 20%

context and provide

Identify project 30% 30% 20% 20%

scope and

Define methodology 25% 25% 25% 25%

used in this project

Develop project 15% 15% 35% 35%

Gantt Chart.

Develop system 40% 20% 20% 20%

hierarchy Chart.

Proposal conclusion 25% 25% 25% 25%

Proposal finalization 20% 40% 20% 20%

and formatting

2.0 Introduction
2.1 Project Background
In the year 2020, a sudden pandemic known as the COVID 19 pandemic had blazed
through the globe, infecting millions of people and changing billion’s daily life. In a blink of
an eye, this pandemic had changed many norms of working and going to school in a face-to-
face environment to staying indoors. There are no doubts that the education industry all
around the world had been affected and shifted toward online learning due to this. Evidence
even shows a rise in online learning since the pandemic and many had grown accustomed to
this sudden shift in teaching format. (Li, 2020)

With all these in mind, Project Kyōiku is a project that hopes to develop a website that
allows Malaysian to learn online. The website was made due to the lack of free online E-
learning website found in Malaysia. (ROOMZ, 2020) With that said, this project hopes to
develop a website that will not only feature primary and secondary school education
materials for Malaysian, but as well as other extra co-curricular knowledge such as
programming and art.

The website planned will include a wide variety of functions and features. These includes a
timetable management function where students can track their daily progress and make goals.
Not only that, examination and quiz will also be featured inside this website with the
inclusion of past year SPM questions so that students can be more prepared for exams.
Besides that, student can even pick a teacher as their mentor to participate in classroom
activity as well. Many more additional functions such as badges, ranks and fun activity will
also be featured to help increase student activity. Many more user role such as parents,
teachers will also be included as well.

It can be said that this is an ambitious project. But we believe that everyone has right to get
free education.

Diagram 1: Kyōiku System Logo

2.2 Problem Context
As previously said, the COVID 19 pandemic had majorly affected the education industry
all around the world. Online E-learning are now becoming a norm for many students. More
and more students would adapt to this new online learning environment. However, due to the
sudden needs of online learning, there are insufficient resources for these students to access.
Although there are online learning websites in Malaysia. Many of those websites are behind
paywalls. (SasbadiOnline, -) (Bhd., -) Making it difficult for some students to gain
knowledge in this difficult time. Although “BACFreeschool” does provide a free online
learning platform for Malaysian to learn, its functions are insufficient as well. (LEARN, 2020)

To begin with, there are insufficient amount of free available online learning resources for
student to have access to. Most of the Malaysian online learning websites that our team has
encountered are behind some paywalls. “BACFreeschool” did provide free materials for
primary and secondary school students. However, only the SPM students have enough
materials for their study. Others lacks a few subjects for their study. Besides that, all of these
websites seem to only provide learning materials for student’s syllabus-based study. There
are minimal soft skills and additional hard skills learning material for students to have access
to. These skills are vital to the future development of a student.

Besides that, there are a lack of ways for communication online between the students and
the teachers. Although the student can choose to have a one-on-one conversation with the
teachers. They are limited to use application such as WhatsApp and telegram to communicate.
The disadvantages of this method is that, a teacher may be too busy to reply or may even see
and forget to reply. Other than that, there no dedicated online educational forum site for
Malaysian students to ask questions. The only big educational forum site found are “Lowyat”
educational subforum. (Lowyat, -) However, the site has its flaw as the forum allows all
general educational related things to be asked. This can be difficult to navigate for those who
want to search thing based on the subjects and have a category list.

Finally, most of these websites found does not have enough additional functions to keep
students engage while learning. Research suggest that the performance of student may be
affected by the level of enjoyment they have during the classes. (Hernik, 2018) Students
prefer fun learning experience over those boring ones. Online learning can be tiresome as one
would watch a pre-recorded video to learn and without engagement, it can be boring and
affect student performance.

2.3 Proposed Solution
With all these problems previously identified, a conclusion can be made. There is a lack of
free online learning platform available for Malaysian student to get their learning materials
from. This project hopes to solve the issue by producing a website named Kyōiku website. It
will act as that online learning platform for Malaysian students. The website developed hopes
to solve all the problems that are stated previously and even introduce additional functions for
students to allow a good online learning environment.

To start with, the Kyōiku website will provide free available online learning resources for
Malaysian students to have access to. These online learning resources will be available to any
students from Year 1 to Form 5. Additionally, soft skills and additional hard skills learning
material will be provided from the website as well. The benefit of providing all these free
learning materials is that any Malaysian student with any financial background can access
and learn these knowledges. This can help increase the future development of Malaysian
students and allow them to be prepared when integrating into society in the future.

Besides that, the Kyōiku website will also be providing an educational forum and
classroom functions as a platform for students and teachers to communicate in. This forum is
beneficial for students who want to get answer from their peers or people who have more
experience than them. With the introduction of this forum, repetitive questions normally
asked can be search by the students, eliminating the needs for teacher to waste time to answer
these questions. Thus, allowing the teacher to respond to more serious questions. In summary,
a dedicated educational forum can make solving questions to be more efficient.

Last but not least, fun quizzes, badge and point functions will also be implemented inside
the Kyōiku website. By implementing these fun and rewarding functions allow student to be
more engage while learning. Student will feel that it is more fun and rewarding and thus,
improving their overall performance as they are more motivated. Students will also try their
best to study well to earn badges and rewards for them. This will allow students to feel more
motivated to study and there is something to look forward to.

2.4 Project Objectives
The project team hopes to achieve a set of objectives by the end of the development of this
project. To begin with, our development team hopes to create an online learning platform that
include Year 1 to Form 5 educational materials content for students to have access to for free.
Not only that, additional soft skills and hard skills classes are also to be added into the
website as well. By 22nd March 2021, the Kyōiku website are expected to be fully functional
and hosted online.

Other than that, 4 user roles are expected to be created for the website. These includes
student, parent, teacher and admin. Different user role may affect different user privilege on
different functions. Our development team hopes to ensure that these user roles will be
available at the time of the website deployment phase.

After the end of the implementation phase of this project, our developer wishes to ensure
that all promised function listed will be available for use during the deployment. These
functions include account management, timetable management, examination, classroom
management, teacher chat function, forum and course management. Create Read Update
Delete functions will also be applied to each of these functions if deemed suitable of. Our
developer team will also reduce the number of clicks it take for a user to reach each part of
the site as minimal as possible to ensure good user experience.

In summary, our developer will have 14 weeks of development time to complete a

functioning system known as the Kyōiku website. During these 14 weeks, 4 weeks will be
used for design and planning, 9 weeks will be used for the website development and
deployment. While the last week will ensure that the website is fully functional.

2.5 Project Scope
1. Project Objectives

1.1 Problems

The problem statement of the project has been discussed in section 2 subtopic 2.2 (Problem
Context). Please refer to it.

1.2 Objectives

The objective of the project has been discussed in section 2 subtopic 2.4 (Project Objectives).
Please refer to it.

1.3 Proposed Solution

The proposed solution of the project has been discussed in section 2 subtopic 2.3 (Proposed
Solution). Please refer to it.

2. Deliverables

1- Products
Able to access the following website function as a student. These functions
include account management, timetable management, examination, classroom
management, teacher-student chat function, forum and course management.
Able to access the following website function as a teacher. These functions
include account management, timetable management, examination, classroom
management, teacher-student chat function, forum and course management.
Able to access the following website function for their children. These functions
include account management, timetable management, examination, classroom
management, teacher-parent chat function, forum and course management.
Able to manage the following website function as an admin. These functions
include account management, timetable management, examination, classroom
management, forum and course management. Able to generate report and traffic
usage of the website.

2- User Manual
A user manual that shows how to navigate and use the website will be produced
by the end of the system deployment phase.

3. Milestones

The time and events of the project has been discussed in a form of a Gantt Chart at Section 3
subtopic 3.2 (Project Gantt Chart).

4. Technical requirements

 The database used for the website will be (MySQL) server.

 The local host for the website will be (XAMPP Control Panel).
 The domain used for the website will be (Google Domain).
 The computer language used to develop the website will be (HTML, CSS, PHP and
 The website will be developed in Windows 10.

5. Limits and exclusion

It is important to understand the possible limitation that the project might face during its
development. To begin with, the promised content of the website may not be fully delivered
as there are many subjects and topics to cover. The project team currently only have 4
members, which is a small team to cover a lot of topics in. While most of the functions of the
website are expected to be implemented. The subjects and content promised may not be fully
release as promised.

Other than that, the small development time of 14 weeks may also affect the development of
the functions of the website. Bugs and glitches are to be expected from this website. However,
the development will ensure these to be as minimal as possible.

3.0 Project Plan
3.1 System Development Methodology
The 6 phases of the waterfall method are system requirement analysis, system design, system
implementation, system testing and integration, system deployment and system maintenance.

Diagram 2: Waterfall method

First and foremost, preparation is the key to a well-developed system. In the requirement
analysis phase, any potential requirement, project objectives and scopes are analyzed and
documented as a specification document for the foundation for the development of the
Kyōiku System. The expected outcome during this phase in the development of the Kyōiku
System is to obtain a well-documented requirement documentation. These includes the
project’s problem statement, the project’s solution statement, project scope and objectives,
Gantt chart and the functions of the project. The project team will be using software such as
Microsoft Word to document these requirements and Microsoft Teams as a communication
platform to discuss.

Subsequently, in the system design phase. The system requirement gathered from previous
phase are then used as the foundation to design the Kyōiku system. The project team will
then define the overall system architecture structure such as hardware and system
requirements for the Kyōiku system. The system architectures design such as the system’s
flowchart, Data flow diagram, entity relationship diagram and context diagram will be all be
developed in this phase. A prototype can even be made to help the project team in having a
guideline on what should be done. To do all these, Microsoft Visio are used to make system
architecture diagram while Adobe XD will be used to produce a prototype.

Next, the implementation phase for the Kyōiku system can finally begin. With all the
system design developed previously used as a reference. The physical coding can then be
performed to build these concepts into reality. The developer team of the project will start to
develop the system unit and test them regularly to identify some bugs and glitches to be fixed.
The progress of the development of the system will be tracked to ensure that the time spent
on developing the system are distributed equally. To develop the Kyōiku system website, the
developer team will be using software such as Visual Studio to code the website and MySQL
for the development of the database for the website. Other external programs such as
XAMPP control panel will also be used to host the website.

After that, the integration phase of the project has begun. All the system units previously
developed are then tested and integrated together into a fully functional system. After
integrating these systems together, a throughout system test will be undergone to ensure that
the Kyōiku system is working as intended. User acceptance test and quality assurance will
also be undergone to ensure that the Kyōiku website are fully running and user can navigate it
without crashing it. If any issues are found, the development team will identify and fix the
issue. GitHub will be used by the development team to merge the system units together as
some of the system are developed separately from other developer in the project team.

After developing and ensuring that the full system is functioning as intended, the system
can then finally be deployed online for the public community to have access to. The
development team will setup a domain for the website by purchasing one at Google Domain.
After that, the development will then search a good website hosting service such as Site
Ground to host the website on. Will all that completed, the website will then be undergone a
final test to ensure that the website deployed are working as intended.

Finally, after launching the Kyōiku website, the maintenance phase of the project has
begun. In this phase, the Kyōiku website are now running as intended. However, due to some
uncertainties in the client environment and potential threats such as server overload.
Maintenance of the system must be performed to address these issues. Patches and
improvement can also be released to fix some issues that were not found during the
development of the website.

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3.2 Project Gantt Chart

Diagram 3: Kyōiku System Development Gantt Chart

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4.0 System Hierarchy Chart

Diagram 4: Kyōiku System Hierarchy Chart (Student Functions)

Diagram 6: Kyōiku System Hierarchy Chart (Teacher Functions)

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Diagram 7: Kyōiku System Hierarchy Chart (Parent Functions)

Diagram 8: Kyōiku System Hierarchy Chart (Admin Functions)

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5.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, the purposed of this project is to develop an online learning platform that
allows Malaysian students to obtain learning materials from. The system developed hopes to
include many functions and features that can allow the ease of this website. The proposed
website in this proposal hopes to address the lack of free online learning platform in Malaysia.
However, the system might be unable to address several issues. Although the website will be
developed, the amount of user using it are still unpredictable. Our project team may develop
the solution to all these problems. However, if there’s not enough user using it, it may pose as
a challenge to solve the problems found.

14 | P a g e

Bhd., P. B. S., -. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 1 2021].
Available at:
[Accessed 14 1 2021].
LEARN, 2020. Tanya Cikgu's SPM. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 1 2021].
Li, C., 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever. This is how. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 12 1 2021].
Lowyat, -. Education Essentials. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 1 2021].
ROOMZ, 2020. 5 Online Learning Website For Malaysia School Curriculum. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 1 2021].
SasbadiOnline, -. i-LEARN Ace. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 13 1 2021].

15 | P a g e

Group Minute of meeting

Total number of 3
Meeting Detail: Meeting 1: (10/12/2020) – WhatsApp
2pm – 3pm
Minute Meeting:
1) Everyone is present at the meeting

2) The group begin to identify each member’s role and begin

task allocation for each member.

3) The role decided are:

a. Student A (Group Leader)
b. Student B (Lead Programmer)
c. Student C (Lead Documenter)
d. Student D (Lead Quality Assurance)
4) All member role is voted and discussed fair and square.

5) After discussing on each member’s role, the group leader

had assigned each member with the task of finding
creating a problem statement for the project, the result will
be discuss at the end of this week (13 December 2020)

6) Base introduction phase of the project had also begun and

will be discussed at the end of this week (13 December

16 | P a g e
Meeting 2: (13/12/2020) – WhatsApp
3pm – 5pm
Minute Meeting:
1) Everyone is present at the meeting.

2) The group begin to discuss with the result found on

investigating the problem statement of the project.

3) The problem statement decided are:

a. Student A
- Lack of forum and a place of discussion for
education system.
b. Student B
- Educational system are not efficient in attracting
student or user friendly enough
c. Student C
- School exam system does not show data well
d. Student D
- School Attendance and timetable system is not
efficient enough

4) More discussion had been made regarding to the problem

statement for the project. Key discussion made during the
meeting are the combination of several problem statement
and the realistic of the problem statement.

5) After discussing with each member, the group leader had

concluded that the main problem statement had been
made. Further discussion with the lecturer is required to
confirm if the project can continue.

17 | P a g e
6) Base introduction phase of the project had also been
discussed and work will begin soon.

7) Week 2 task allocation had also been discussed by group


Meeting 3:(16/12/2020) – WhatsApp

9.10am - 11.10am

Minute Meeting:
1) Everyone is present at the meeting.
2) The group begin by identifying the system functions
and design of this project.
3) The system decided is an educational platform that
contains function such as account management,
timetable management, examination, classroom
management, teacher-student chat function, forum and
course management.
4) The group then discussed what the system will be
developed in. After a brief discussion, the group
decided to develop it as a website using HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and PHP.
5) The discussion continued by a suggestion of user roles
by the project team.
6) The group leader then assigned the group members with
works for the proposal of the system.

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