Prova 3 Ing

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O Present Perfect Simple 

é formado pelo verbo auxiliar to have

(have/has) conjugado no Simple Present (presente simples) + o
particípio passado (Past Participle) do verbo principal. Exemplo: I
have known Victoria for a long time. (Eu conheço a Victoria há muito
There are 09 questions in this quiz and each question has only one true answer. You
can check the answers and learn the result of your quiz after you finish the test

1. I _____________ my homework yet.

A. have finish. B. has finished
C. did finished
D. haven't finished

2. My father is on the way. He ____________ home yet.

A. haven't arrived
B. hasn't arrived
C. didn't arrived
D arrived

3. I am not hungry. I have _______ eaten.

A. yet
B. now
C. just
D. ever

4. I have never ___________ to Paris.

A. been
B. went
C. go
D. was
5. ________ you ever been to New York?
A. Are
B. Were
C. Do
D. Have

6. I am still working. I haven't finished my work ________..

A. already
B. yet
C. still
D. never
7. I am looking for my pen. I __________ it.
A. have lost
B lost
C. did lost
D. was lost

8. During the two years David ____________ ten different jobs.

A. has has
B. has had
C have had
D. have has

9. I __________ a teacher since 2002.

A. was
B.have be
C. have been
D. had be

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