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1 - Escreva as sentenças abaixo no Present Perfect.

a) He ___________ here for three months. (work)

b) They __________ to Australia many times. (go)
c) ____ you ever ____ to Paris? (be)
d) My family _________ me recently. (visit)
e) My parents __________ yet. (not arrive)

2 - Faça sentenças no Present Perfect com as seguintes palavras:

a) (JHON / study / English)


b) (YOU / eat / French fries)


c) (ANN/ family / go / to Italy)

____________________________________d) (THE STUDENTS / read / that book)


e) (MARY / live / here for five weeks)


3 - (UNIP) Thing___________ a lot since October.

    a) changed has
    b) are changing
    c) has changed
    d) change
    e) have changed

4 - (ITA) A: Would HE like some more whisky?

      B: Yes, HE ___________ it.
      a) have already drunk
      b) have already drink
      c) already drink
      d) has already drunk
      e) have already drinking

5 - Complete as frases com o Present Perfect

    a) MY PARENTS_______________________(to travel) to Miami .

    b) JHON____________________( not to go) to office.
    c) MARY ____________________( always to see) her family.
    d) ____________THE GIRLS____________(to walk) to square?
6 - Use os advérbios em parênteses)

    a) they have taken this train.(never)


     b) have you seen this film?( ever)


     c) I have read a newspaper.( always)

      d) she hasn’t talked to me.( yet)


7 - Use: since, so far, for, nas frases abaixo

     a) she has studied here _______________ 2000.

     b) They have been married ________________ five years.
     c) We have stayed here _______________ now.
     d) My sister has lived in Ney York __________________ 1999.
     e) My father have worked that office _______________ six years.

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