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2022 - 2023

Name : _______________________________

Class : Primary 5 _____________________

Date : _______________________________

Duration : 2 periods

A. Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer and write its number (1,2,3, or 4) in the brackets provided.

(1 mark each)

1. In a swimming pool, water near the surface is slightly warmer. The warm water rises

because of _______.

(1) conduction (2) convection

(3) radiation (4) all is correct ( ___ )

2. A species of rabbit lives in meadows where grass plants are readily available during

summer months. The rabbits do not stray far from the meadow because the plant

supplies food and protection from predators. One summer, a fire destroys the plants

in the meadow. As a result of the absence of plants in the meadow, the rabbit

population will probably _______.

(1) switch to a different type of food (2) increase in size

(3) increase reproduction (4) decrease in size ( ___ )

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3. Based on the picture below, what animal is on the top of the food chain?

(1) grass (2) grasshopper

(3) mouse (4) owl ( ___ )

4. See this diagram below:

What needs to be placed in the box labeled X to complete the diagram?

(1) ozon (2) glucose (sugar)

(3) carbon monoxide (4) chlorophyll ( ___ )

5. See this picture below:

A popular “pet” in Japan is a plant called marimo moss

balls. They sink during the night and they float during the

day. Based on what you know about plants, why does this


(1) They become lighter during the day and gain weight at night.

(2) They get heavier at night which causes them to sink.

(3) They turn green at night and green makes them weigh more.

(4) They perform photosynthesis during the day, which releases bubbles of

oxygen, which allow them to float.

( ___ )

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B. Short Answer

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer (2 marks each)

6. The function of chlorophyll is __________________________________________________ .

7. The products of photosynthesis are ________________ and ______________________ .

8. The organisms that eats only meat are called __________________________________ .

9. In a jungle there exist many different types of animals. Some of these animals eat

plants while some eat meat. All these animals are interdependent on each other.

A huge animal - an elephant - eats only plants. Based on the passage, the type of

consumer is _________________________________ .

10. We must handle flammable materials carefully because ______________________ .

C. Thinking Skills

Answer the following questions (Total: 40 marks).

11. See the picture above. Brown cooked a bowl of cream soup. He left the hot soup

on the table for a while. When he came back, he noticed that the soup had

already cooled.

(a). Between the soup and the surrounding air, which one gained the heat?

(1 mark)
_______________________________________________________________ .

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(b). Between the soup and the surrounding air, which one had decreased its

temperature? (1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________ .

(c). What did the heat do to the liquid of the soup? (1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________________ .

(d). What kind of heat transfer method is applied from the hot soup to the bowl or

spoon? (1 mark)

______________________________________________________________________ .

12. Based on picture below, please answer the following questions:

(a). Which object loses the heat in the picture above? (1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________________ .

(b). Based on the situation, how does the heat transfer affect the kids? (1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________________ .

(c). Which heat transfer method is applied from the bonfire to the kids? (1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________________ .

(d). Are the children’s outfits a poor conductor of heat? Write your reason.

(1 mark)

_______________________________________________________________________ .

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13. Look at this picture. Mention and explain how the heat transfers being used in our

daily life. (3 marks)









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14. See these pictures below.

(a). Mention 2 differences between population and community? (2 marks)

(b). Give an example of competition in an ecosystem. (2 marks)


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15. Look at the picture below. It is a rainforest ecosystem.

(a). Explain two characteristics of the abiotic factors from this ecosystem that are

different from other ecosystems. (2 marks)



(b). Write one example of the prey-predator relationship you can found in this

ecosystem. (2 marks)



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16. Look at the food web below.

(a). Write two populations that will decrease directly if the wolf population is

missing. (2 marks)



(b). Write two populations that will increase directly if the eagle population is

missing. (2 marks)



(c). Which predator(s) will survive if the grasshopper population, as their prey, is

missing? (1 mark)



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17. Based on picture number 16, give an example of a food chain. Include at least 4

organisms on the food chain. If you do an ilustration, make sure it is labeled.

(example: grass - insect- small bird - fox) (2 marks)



18. Look at the diagram. It shows the photosynthesis process in a tomato plant.

(a). Label each part of the plan. [4 marks]

(b). Where does the tomato plant store its excess sugar? (1 mark)



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19. Fill in the blanks to complete the product of photosynthesis below. (5 marks)

Plants use ______________________ in the sugar to stay alive. If plants produce more

sugar than they need, the excess sugar is stored into ________________ and stored in

different parts of the plant, such as _________________, _________________, and


20. See this diagram below. Fill in the equation for photosynthesis using the words in

the box. (4 marks)


A : ________________________________.

B : ________________________________.

C : ________________________________.

D : ________________________________.

E : ________________________________.

F : ________________________________.

G : ________________________________.

“The best way to predict your future is to create it”

Good luck

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