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Title of the
Afdem Water Supply System Rehabilitation Date: 22.02.2021

General Objective ETHPGENASSENG0 SO N°: 04 WPA N°: ET-ADD-ASSENG-22-1-00XX

Region Woreda Coordinates Altitude

Location SOMALI REGIONAL 09°27'45"N
Afdem 1058. m asl

Total number % IDPs/ Returnees % female % children

25,120 20 %

Sub delegation WatHab Engineer Head of Project

In Charge
JIGJIGA Mahdi Abdi Guled Abdi Tonny Bollo Achieng


Figure1: Afdem Town

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Afdem town centre is located to the western side of SRS and is about 30km from Muli town
and approximately 120 km from Diri Dawa city as well 300 km from Jigjiga (ICRC) office. The
road from Dire Dawa to Afdem town is rough gravel road. The town centre is located about 50
km from the border of Afar and Somali regions and is relatively peaceful with its own security
team. It hosts 20 % of IDPs from most of the border villages.
. The road is generally characterized by a chain of mountains and villages at the top
of the mountains. The main access road is a difficult hilly and rough road. It takes an average
of 3.5 hours to drive from Dire Dawa. Afdem woreda has a total population of 96,880 people.
It has a vast area running across the Sitti zone running from the north to the south. The town
centre has an approximate population of 25,120 (5186 HH). There have been recent clashes
between Afar forces and Somali Issa tribes resulting in the displacement of communities in the
disputed areas moving to more safer grounds in Sitti zone. Afdem has 193 HHs as the recent
IDPs also significant numbers in the kebeles under the district. This number continues to grow
given the clashes in Afar and SRS regions.
Background The Management team made the first visit between 7th to 10th July, followed by
& another visit by the Ecosec team to Sitti zone. Subsequently Wathab joined the Ecosec team
Current for a second visit between 21st July to 03rd August. The objective of the field trip was to conduct
Situation a first Wathab needs Assessment and to develop a network of wathab interlocutors in the
Woreda. In so doing we were partly able to collect information of the water situation and other
needs in the town centre hosting the IDPs. Late last year (2021) ICRC assisted in Food, Non-
Food Items and Cash transfers. Since mid-2021 because of the conflict between Somali and
Afar regions.
The town centre gets water from two boreholes with completely two different solarized systems,
both with an average daily production of 201 m3 supplied in the town. Water trucking is
conducted daily to the nearby villages of Damer, Sisalu, Ali and Asli. Therefore, access to
water is fairly good in the town and its environs, with an average of 13.4Litres per person per
However, the challenge faced in the town centre relates to the generator as a backup at night
or in the event the solar systems fail and the old rusty GI pipe network which requires
rehabilitation. In addition, a section of the town does not receive water due to its elevation and
therefore requires some technical study to understand the reason behind it.

NRC was previously supporting the zonal projects but have since been kicked out of the
Presence of country. There are no other NGOs or Governmental organisations working in the area because
other of conflict. ICRC has previously done registration for food distribution in Muli & Erer towns
Organisations during the conflict in late 2021 and the nearby Afar areas. The sporadic conflict is the main
reason why many NGOs shy away from operating in the area.

• Water source: The town centre gets water from two boreholes with two separate solarized
• Water points: There are 750 taps in the town centre also connected through 12 water points
out of which 8 points are working and the remaining 4 points require rehabilitation.
• Water system pipeline: 4km pipeline for the two supply systems. However, a 2.5 km stretch
consists of old, rusty 3 inch and 2-inch GI pipes. So far with support from the federal
government they managed to replace 1.3 km of the pipeline networks with HDPE pipes.
About 1.5km of 2inch HDPE is still needed. A section of the town does not receive water due
Assessment to its elevation and therefore requires some detailed technical study to understand the reason
Findings behind this.
• Power Source: Both are solar powered while the one of the system was connected to a
generator as a back-up. However, there is an electricity line 50m away from the generator
one. Electricity to the town is mostly unreliable. The 30KVA generator ceased to operate
early 2021. For sustainability it would be best to replace the worn-out generator as a backup
in the nights and as well, in the event the solar system fails. Generally, the generator was
previously overused and later completely broken down. The pump size is a 11.5Kw
• Storage/Reservoirs: There are three concrete storages with capacity of 25 m 3, 50 m3 & 75
m3 and one pioneer tank. All the storage units are functional.
• Quality: it has good quality.
The project aims to ensure access to sufficient clean and safe drinking water of good quality
to cover the host communities, the IDPs and livestock needs by providing a replacement
generator as a back up to the current solarized water system. The second objective of the
project is to maximize efficient use of this well by increasing the amount of water available to

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the community, reduce the time it takes to get the water by rehabilitation of the old GI pipeline
network as well rehabilitation of four water points.
In summary, this will be achieved by:
• Supply and installation of a 30 KVA genset to provide electricity at night, as well, the
generator house rehabilitation
• Rehabilitation of the old GI pipeline network (distribution line) with HDPE (about 2km)
• Rehabilitation of 4 water points.
Objective • A detailed technical study needs to be done with consultants to understand the
challenge of the pipeline system is not fully supplying a section of the town centre

ETHPASSENG0, SO 04 – Rural Water supply: Improve access to clean and safe drinking
water to cover the needs of the host community, IDPs and livestock needs in line with the
national requirements.
Detected problem = Shortage in water quantity limited access to water in Muli and its
neighbouring villages
Baseline: Currently, due to the above-mentioned problem. Water consumption reduced to
the minimum.
Target value: Adequate service by improving the quantity of water supply
In this specific project, there are three partners supporting the project. They are;
1- Sitti Zone Water Bureau; it is the governmental institution responsible for implementing
rural projects and to rehabilitate the existing ones in the zone ;
2- Afdem Woreda Water Bureau office;
3- Afdem town centre Administration.
Afdem Woreda and in general Sitti zone areas bordering the Afar region in general have been
highly contested areas since 2018 to date, has been identified by the Sub-Delegation in Jigjiga
as a priority one area as it is one of the districts which borders the Afar Region. The intervention
is in line with the ICRC PFR 2022, WatHab SO04, where Afdem and Maeso districts in Sitti
Zone been identified by the Jijiga sub-delegation as a priority area. Previous WatHab and
Ecosec interventions in the area were much appreciated by the authorities and community.
Wathab is planning to implement its first rural water project in Sitti Zone in the two districts.
Strategic fit/ The two neighboring communities have been contesting the border between the Afar
Acceptance and Somali region and therefore Afdem and Muli town kebeles represent an important hosting
heaven for IDPs. As such it is extremely important to make sure the basic needs such as clean
water and food are available. The Afdem Woreda water bureau office, the Kebele
administration and the two communities have a good knowledge of the ICRC mandate and
projects. The communities acknowledge that the ICRC is carrying out activities on both sides
of the communities. The use of ICRC cars, aprons and badges are usually preferred when
visiting the area and do not lead to negative interpretations. In this regard, acceptance of ICRC
activities seems to be high and lately more requests have been coming.

The project implementation was divided into 5 stages:

1. Signature of the MoU between ICRC, Somali Regional water bureau and the Kebele
Administration representing the community.
2. Procurement of Lead materials (HDPE Pipes& fittings, 30 KVA generator and its soft start
control panels & other accessories) – purchase of these will be managed by LOG.
3. Tender Process and Implementation of the Pipeline and Water Points – Our initial plan is
to have a framework agreement with the Afdem water bureau office. However if this is not
feasible, ICRC LOG will tender and hire a contractor for the executing of the rehabilitation
& construction works.
4. Technical Study, Assessment & Design of existing water distribution system in the town :
ICRC may use its technical expertise from ADD or hire a water experts to perform a
technical and assess the water distribution system and possible re-design.
5. Electro Mechanical Installation of Generator & Soft start control panels will be managed
by LOG

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The project proposes to improve access to sufficient water of adequate quantity and quality to
cover the host communities and IDPs by working together with all stakeholders by doing the
following activities:
A. Procurement
- Procurement of 30kVA genset & control Panel and its accessories
- Procurement of HDPE pipes and Fittings
Description of
Intervention B. Water Connection : Pipes & Fittings
(Work - Replacement of DCI pipes with HDPE pipes & fittings, a total length of 2000m
description) long with different diameters (2inch and 3 inch) to connect to the elevated tank;
C. Civil Works
- Rehabilitation of Generator house;
- Rehabilitation of 4 damaged water points;
D. TRAINING: Operations and Maintenance (O&M) training before handover.
Formation of Water committees to manage the water points.

Activity Responsible FEB 22 MAR 22 APR 22 MAY 22 JUN 22 JULY 22
Assessment/Project ProposalWatHab
GL/Technical approval HoSD / WatHab Co
Procurement of Lead Items WatHab Co / LON/ GVA
Tender process /till ST) WatHab Co / Log
ST approval (LON / GVA) WatHab Co/Log/GVA
Contract signature Log/ WatHab/Admin
Implementation Phase Contractor + supervisor

Activity Responsible AUG 21 SEPT 21 OCT 21 NOV 22 DEC 22

Genset Procurement
Implementation Phase Contractor + supervisor
O&M Training + SOP Trainers/wathab
Testing /Primary Handover Trainer/Consult/WH
Final Handover Contractor/Comm/WH End of October 2022

Amount Amount
Cost of procurement of HDPE, pipe connections and fittings (2km) 1 000 000 20 000
Cost of procurement and installation 30 KVA generator with control
1 250 000 25 000
panel and other accessories
Rehabilitation/Repair of the old GI pipeline to HDPE and repair of 3
Project 1 000 000 20 000
damaged water points and generator room – framework Agreement
Technical study on the water distribution system and re-design 150 000 3 000
Sub -Total 3 400 000 68 000
Contingency (10% of total amount) 340 000 6 800
Grand Total 3 740 000 74,800
1CHF = 50 ETB

- Ibrahim Hussein Musse : Head of Water Bureau Office, Afdem, Mobile: 0915000390.

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