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Pt. 430 9 CFR Ch.

III (1–1–16 Edition)

product appear to be better or of great- Antimicrobial process. An operation,

er value than it is. Therefore: such as freezing, applied to an RTE
(1) Paprika or oleoresin paprika may product that has the effect of sup-
not be used in or on fresh meat, such as pressing or limiting the growth of a
steaks, or comminuted fresh meat, microorganism, such as L.
such as chopped and formed steaks or monocytogenes, in the product through-
patties; or in any other meat con- out the shelf life of the product.
sisting of fresh meat (with or without Deli product. A ready-to-eat meat or
seasoning). poultry product that typically is
(2) Paprika or oleoresin paprika may sliced, either in an official establish-
be used in or on chorizo sausage and ment or after distribution from an offi-
other meat in which paprika or oleo- cial establishment, and typically is as-
resin paprika is permitted as an ingre- sembled in a sandwich for consump-
dient in a standard of identity or com- tion.
position in part 319 of this subchapter. Hotdog product. A ready-to-eat meat
(3) Sorbic acid, calcium sorbate, so- or poultry frank, frankfurter, or wie-
dium sorbate, and other salts of sorbic ner, such as a product defined in 9 CFR
acid shall not be used in cooked sau- 319.180 and 319.181.
sages or any other meat; sulfurous acid Lethality treatment. A process, includ-
and salts of sulfurous acid shall not be ing the application of an antimicrobial
used in or on any meat; and niacin or agent, that eliminates or reduces the
nicotinamide shall not be used in or on number of pathogenic microorganisms
fresh meat product; except that potas- on or in a product to make the product
sium sorbate, propylparaben (propyl p- safe for human consumption. Examples
hydroxybenzoate), and calcium propio- of lethality treatments are cooking or
nate, may be used in or on any product, the application of an antimicrobial
only as provided in 9 CFR Chapter III. agent or process that eliminates or re-
(b) Nitrates. Nitrates shall not be used duces pathogenic microorganisms.
in curing bacon. Post-lethality exposed product. Ready-
to-eat product that comes into direct
[64 FR 72175, Dec. 23, 1999, as amended at 78 contact with a food contact surface
FR 14640, Mar. 7, 2013] after the lethality treatment in a post-
lethality processing environment.
PART 430—REQUIREMENTS FOR Post-lethality processing environment.
SPECIFIC CLASSES OF PRODUCT The area of an establishment into
which product is routed after having
Sec. been subjected to an initial lethality
430.1 Definitions. treatment. The product may be ex-
430.4 Control of Listeria monocytogenes in posed to the environment in this area
post-lethality exposed ready-to-eat prod- as a result of slicing, peeling, re-bag-
ucts. ging, cooling semi-permeable encased
product with a brine solution, or other
AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 450; 7 U.S.C. 1901–1906;
21 U.S.C. 451–470, 601–695; 7 CFR 2.18, 2.53.
Post-lethality treatment. A lethality
SOURCE: 68 FR 34224, June 6, 2003, unless treatment that is applied or is effective
otherwise noted. after post-lethality exposure. It is ap-
plied to the final product or sealed
§ 430.1 Definitions. package of product in order to reduce
Antimicrobial agent. A substance in or or eliminate the level of pathogens re-
added to an RTE product that has the sulting from contamination from post-
effect of reducing or eliminating a lethality exposure.
microorganism, including a pathogen Prerequisite program. A procedure or
such as L. monocytogenes, or that has set of procedures that is designed to
the effect of suppressing or limiting provide basic environmental or oper-
growth of L. monocytogenes in the prod- ating conditions necessary for the pro-
uct throughout the shelf life of the duction of safe, wholesome food. It is
lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB

product. Examples of antimicrobial called ‘‘prerequisite’’ because it is con-

agents added to RTE products are po- sidered by scientific experts to be pre-
tassium lactate and sodium diacetate. requisite to a HACCP plan.


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Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 430.4

Ready-to-eat (RTE) product. A meat or or process used to suppress or limit the

poultry product that is in a form that growth of the pathogen must be in-
is edible without additional prepara- cluded in either the establishment’s
tion to achieve food safety and may re- HACCP plan or its Sanitation SOP or
ceive additional preparation for palat- other prerequisite program.
ability or aesthetic, epicurean, gastro- (ii) The establishment must validate
nomic, or culinary purposes. RTE prod- the effectiveness of the post-lethality
uct is not required to bear a safe-han- treatment incorporated in its HACCP
dling instruction (as required for non- plan in accordance with § 417.4. The es-
RTE products by 9 CFR 317.2(l) and tablishment must document, either in
381.125(b)) or other labeling that directs its HACCP plan or in its Sanitation
that the product must be cooked or SOP or other prerequisite program,
otherwise treated for safety, and can that the antimicrobial agent or proc-
include frozen meat and poultry prod- ess, as used, is effective in suppressing
ucts. or limiting growth of L. monocytogenes.
(2) Alternative 2. Use of either a post-
§ 430.4 Control of Listeria
monocytogenes in post-lethality ex- lethality treatment (which may be an
posed ready-to-eat products. antimicrobial agent) that reduces or
eliminates microorganisms on the
(a) Listeria monocytogenes can con- product or an antimicrobial agent or
taminate RTE products that are ex- process that suppresses or limits
posed to the environment after they
growth of L. monocytogenes. If an estab-
have undergone a lethality treatment.
lishment chooses this alternative:
L. monocytogenes is a hazard that an es-
(i) The post-lethality treatment must
tablishment producing post-lethality
exposed RTE products must control be included in the establishment’s
through its HACCP plan or prevent in HACCP plan. The antimicrobial agent
the processing environment through a or process used to suppress or limit
Sanitation SOP or other prerequisite growth of the pathogen must be in-
program. RTE product is adulterated if cluded in either the establishment’s
it contains L. monocytogenes, or if it HACCP plan or its Sanitation SOP or
comes into direct contact with a food other prerequisite program.
contact surface that is contaminated (ii) The establishment must validate
with L. monocytogenes. Establishments the effectiveness of a post-lethality
must not release into commerce prod- treatment incorporated in its HACCP
uct that contains L. monocytogenes or plan in accordance with § 417.4. The es-
that has been in contact with a food tablishment must document in its
contact surface contaminated with L. HACCP plan or in its Sanitation SOP
monocytogenes without first reworking or other prerequisite program that the
the product using a process that is de- antimicrobial agent or process, as used,
structive of L. monocytogenes. is effective in suppressing or limiting
(b) In order to maintain the sanitary growth of L. monocytogenes.
conditions necessary to meet this re- (iii) If an establishment chooses this
quirement, an establishment producing alternative and chooses to use only an
post-lethality exposed RTE product antimicrobial agent or process that
must comply with the requirements in- suppresses or limits the growth of L.
cluded in one of the three following al- monocytogenes, its sanitation program
ternatives: must:
(1) Alternative 1. Use of a post- (A) Provide for testing of food con-
lethality treatment (which may be an tact surfaces in the post-lethality proc-
antimicrobial agent) that reduces or essing environment to ensure that the
eliminates microorganisms on the surfaces are sanitary and free of L.
product and an antimicrobial agent or monocytogenes or of an indicator orga-
process that suppresses or limits the nism;
growth of L. monocytogenes. If an estab- (B) Identify the conditions under
lishment chooses this alternative: which the establishment will imple-
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(i) The post-lethality treatment must ment hold-and-test procedures fol-

be included in the establishment’s lowing a positive test of a food-contact
HACCP plan. The antimicrobial agent surface for an indicator organism;


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§ 430.4 9 CFR Ch. III (1–1–16 Edition)

(C) State the frequency with which effective by conducting follow-up test-
testing will be done; ing that includes a targeted test of the
(D) Identify the size and location of specific site on the food contact sur-
the sites that will be sampled; and face area that is the most likely source
(E) Include an explanation of why the of contamination by the organism and
testing frequency is sufficient to en- such additional tests in the sur-
sure that effective control of L. rounding food contact surface area as
monocytogenes or of indicator orga- are necessary to ensure the effective-
nisms is maintained. ness of the corrective actions.
(iv) An establishment that chooses (B) During this follow-up testing, if
this alternative and uses a post- the establishment obtains a second
lethality treatment of product will positive test for an indicator organism,
likely be subject to more frequent the establishment must hold lots of
verification testing by FSIS than if it product that may have become con-
had chosen Alternative 1. An establish- taminated by contact with the food
ment that chooses this alternative and contact surface until the establishment
uses an antimicrobial agent or process corrects the problem indicated by the
that suppresses or limits the growth of test result.
L. monocytogenes will likely be subject (C) In order to release into commerce
to more frequent FSIS verification product held under this section, the es-
testing than if it uses a post-lethality tablishment must sample and test the
treatment. lots for L. monocytogenes or an indi-
(3) Alternative 3. Use of sanitation cator organism using a sampling meth-
measures only. od and frequency that will provide a
(i) If an establishment chooses this level of statistical confidence that en-
alternative, its sanitation program sures that each lot is not adulterated
must: with L. monocytogenes. The establish-
(A) Provide for testing of food con- ment must document the results of
tact surfaces in the post-lethality proc- this testing. Alternatively, the estab-
essing environment to ensure that the lishment may rework the held product
surfaces are sanitary and free of L. using a process that is destructive of L.
monocytogenes or of an indicator orga- monocytogenes or the indicator orga-
nism; nism.
(B) Identify the conditions under (iii) An establishment that chooses
which the establishment will imple- Alternative 3 is likely to be subject to
ment hold-and-test procedures fol- more frequent verification testing by
lowing a positive test of a food-contact FSIS than an establishment that has
surface for an indicator organism; chosen Alternative 1 or 2. An establish-
(C) State the frequency with which ment that chooses Alternative 3 and
testing will be done; that produces deli meat or hotdog
(D) Identify the size and location of products is likely to be subject to more
the sites that will be sampled; and frequent verification testing than one
(E) Include an explanation of why the that does not produce such products.
testing frequency is sufficient to en- (c) For all three alternatives in para-
sure that effective control of L. graph (b):
monocytogenes or of indicator orga- (1) Establishments may use
nisms is maintained. verification testing that includes tests
(ii) An establishment producing a for L. monocytogenes or an indicator or-
deli product or a hotdog product, in ad- ganism, such as Listeria species, to
dition to meeting the requirements of verify the effectiveness of their sanita-
paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section, must tion procedures in the post-lethality
meet the following requirements: processing environment.
(A) The establishment must verify (2) Sanitation measures for control-
that the corrective actions that it ling L. monocytogenes and procedures
takes with respect to sanitation after for antimicrobial agents or processes
an initial positive test for L. that suppress or limit the growth of
lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB

monocytogenes or an indicator organism the pathogen may be incorporated ei-

on a food contact surface in the post- ther in the establishment’s HACCP
lethality processing environment are plan or in its Sanitation SOP or other


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Food Safety and Inspection Service, USDA § 439.1

prerequisite program. When these con- 439.10 Criteria for obtaining accreditation.
trol procedures are incorporated into 439.20 Criteria for maintaining accredita-
the Sanitation SOP or prerequisite pro- tion.
439.50 Refusal of accreditation.
gram, and not as a CCP in the HACCP 439.51 Probation of accreditation.
plan, the establishment must have doc- 439.52 Suspension of accreditation.
umentation that supports the decision 439.53 Revocation of accreditation.
in its hazard analysis that L. 439.60 Notifications and hearings.
monocytogenes is not a hazard that is AUTHORITY: 7 U.S.C. 138f, 450, 1901–1906; 21
reasonably likely to occur. U.S.C. 451–470, 601–695; 7 CFR 2.18, 2.53.
(3) The establishment must maintain
SOURCE: 73 FR 52196, Sept. 9, 2008, unless
sanitation in the post-lethality proc-
otherwise noted.
essing environment in accordance with
part 416. § 439.1 Definitions.
(4) If L. monocytogenes control meas-
ures are included in the HACCP plan, (a) Accreditation—Determination by
the establishment must validate and FSIS that a laboratory is qualified to
verify the effectiveness of measures for analyze official samples of raw or proc-
controlling L. monocytogenes included essed meat and poultry products, be-
in its HACCP plan in accordance with cause it has met the requirements for
§ 417.4. accreditation specified in this part, for
(5) If L. monocytogenes control meas- the presence and amount of all four
ures are included in the Sanitation food chemistry analytes (protein, mois-
SOP, the effectiveness of the measures ture, fat, and salt); or a determination
must be evaluated in accordance with by FSIS that a laboratory is qualified
§ 416.14. to analyze official samples of raw or
(6) If the measures for addressing L. processed meat and poultry products,
monocytogenes are addressed in a pre- because it has met the requirements
requisite program other than the Sani- for accreditation in this part, for the
tation SOP, the establishment must in- presence and amount of a specified
clude the program and the results pro- chemical residue of any one of several
duced by the program in the docu- classes of chemical residues. A labora-
mentation that the establishment is tory may hold more than one accredi-
required to maintain under 9 CFR 417.5. tation.
(7) The establishment must make the (b) Accredited laboratory—A non-Fed-
verification results that demonstrate eral analytical laboratory that has met
the effectiveness of the measures it the requirements for accreditation
specified in this Part and, therefore, at
employs, whether under its HACCP
an establishment’s discretion, may be
plan or its Sanitation SOP or other
used in lieu of an FSIS laboratory for
prerequisite program, available upon
analyzing official regulatory samples.
request to FSIS inspection personnel.
Payment for the analysis of official
(d) [Reserved]
samples is to be made by the establish-
(e) An establishment that controls L.
ment using the accredited laboratory.
monocytogenes by using a post-lethality
(c) Accredited Laboratory Program
treatment or an antimicrobial agent or
(ALP)—The FSIS program in which
process that eliminates or reduces, or
non-Federal laboratories are accredited
suppresses or limits the growth of the
as eligible to perform analyses on offi-
organism may declare this fact on the
cial regulatory samples of raw or proc-
product label provided that the estab-
essed meat and poultry products, and
lishment has validated the claim.
through which a check sample program
[68 FR 34224, June 6, 2003, as amended at 80 for quality assurance is conducted.
FR 35188, June 19, 2015] (d) Chemical residue misidentification—
see ‘‘Correct chemical residue identi-
PART 439—ACCREDITATION OF fication’’ definition.
NON-FEDERAL CHEMISTRY LAB- (e) Coefficient of variation (CV)—The
ORATORIES standard deviation of a distribution of
analytical values multiplied by 100 and
lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB

Sec. divided by the mean of those values.

439.1 Definitions. (f) Comparison mean—The average re-
439.5 Applications for accreditation. sult, for a sample, obtained from all


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