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Where did the term "SNAKE OIL SALESMAN" come from?

The term "Snake oil salesman" is often used to describe someone as dishonest and untrustworthy.

But where did this term come from? And was it always used in negative lights?

This video will explore the term's Origin and discuss how it has evolved, and how the word is portrayed
in popular culture.


The origins of the term “snake oil salesman” are somewhat murky. However, hearing the words makes
anyone’s skin crawl with unpleasantness.

The term “snake oil” is often used to describe a worthless, fake medical remedy promoted as a cure-all
for many illnesses.

By extension, a snake-oil salesman is a person who sells these useless products for a quick profit before
fleeing the scene to escape the backlash.

These elixirs, tonics, and salves often contained questionable ingredients, such as mineral oil, alcohol,
cocaine, and opium.

So, these products were fake, but they were addictive to those who fell prey to the nonsense.

In some cases, these products might have had a small amount of natural snake oil.

However, the active ingredient in snake oil, Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA), is not known to have many
medicinal properties, but it is an omega-3 fatty acid.

For centuries snake oil has been a folk remedy used in Chinese Traditional medicine to treat joint pain.
The use of snake oil dates back to the Transcontinental Railroad days of the 1860s when Chinese laborers
were brought over to work on the project.

America’s Belief in Snake Oil

However, the belief in snake oil did not start with the Chinese laborers. Native American tribes like the
Choctaw were also using snake oil. For example, in 1820, the tribe used snake oil to treat cuts, burns,
rheumatism, and other ailments.

The oil was also believed to have healing properties for respiratory problems, such as colds and

During the 1800s, there was a general belief in the power of “earthly” remedies. This was a time before
modern medicine, and people were desperate for anything that might ease their suffering. So, when
someone came along promising a cure-all, people were quick to believe it.

When Chinese immigrants came to work for the Transcontinental Railroad, all 180,000 would have
brought this remedy with them. Most immigrants came from peasant families and couldn’t afford to see
a doctor. So, they would have used various homemade remedies like snake oil to self-medicate.

This remedy came from the Chinese Water Snake, which was rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which naturally
help reduce inflammation, so snake oil in its original form effectively managed the effects of arthritis and

After a long day’s work, the Chinese workers would rub the snake oil on their joints, offering it to the
American workers partnering with them.

Because of this practice, Americans got to experience the effectiveness of snake oil. It wasn’t long before
entrepreneurs in the United States started making and selling their version of snake oil. Entrepreneurs
had to get creative since the United States did not have Chinese Water Snakes.

This remedy came from the Chinese Water Snake, which was rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which naturally
help reduce inflammation, so snake oil in its original form effectively managed the effects of arthritis and

After a long day’s work, the Chinese workers would rub the snake oil on their joints, offering it to the
American workers partnering with them.

Because of this practice, Americans got to experience the effectiveness of snake oil. It wasn’t long before
entrepreneurs in the United States started making and selling their version of snake oil. Entrepreneurs
had to get creative since the United States did not have Chinese Water Snakes.

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