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H-25 TENG! iS Lk GOVE. INEERING MCENSURE | ATIONS - HYDRAULICS and GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NOV. 2015 Md aed 4.3 m. diameter pipeline of length 2500 m. conveys water between reservoirs at the rate of 10 mYsec. What must be the difference in water surface elevation between the two reservoirs, in meters, neglect minor loss. Coefficient of friction is 0.018. Solution: 0.08261.Q? aS 5, = Hore 2500) 10)! 2(9.81)(3)° he h = 453m Qa ar "the discha a sess secon is ge passing a given cross-section is Constant with time, the flow at called 4 im RA TE aed A manometer is attached 10 a conduit as shown. What is the pressure at A in kPa given the following: Spgr. of quid B=10 h= 150mm d= 450mm Water h=150 4=450 B (59.9 = 10) Solution: Pa + 9.81(0.15 + 0.45) — 9.81(10)(0.45) = = 38.25 kPa CPt -1FD ed Water flows full through a pipe, 500 mm in diameter on a rate of 2 m/s. Determine the rate of flow in mis. Solution: Q=AV 4 = X95), Q= 7 (05)(2) Q=0.39m'/s eal minations Civil Engineering Licensure Exal PA ae r plate 1 m. wide by 2.4 m long Is: voice Saaete in water, the ete edge 2 m. below and parallel to i i surface. Evaluate how far in meters, below i centroid of the plate is the resultant horizon! force acting on each side of it. Lf} P ; = OD o4452 , 12 =Ay ‘s, =1(2.4)3.2) S, =768 \ cok te ee 7.68 Ty er A hydraulic jack is used to raise a 10 KN car. A force of 40 KN is applied on a 25 cm diameter plunger. What diameter of jack in mm is required to raise the car? Solution; 40 gs 2 (a5 7008148 KN S= S| as 0.08143 = 10 ae 4=1250m=125 mm Aer ient of fiction = With a coefficient of i Qn diameter of pipe 's appropriate fo me carry 17 cu.m. per minute with logs wl of 2m per km. Solution: Q=AV 7 2 | Q= a = 0.283 m*/s _ 0.0826 fLQ” ame Deen ' ._ 0.0826(0.019)(1000)(0.283)° oO | 2 D=0.575 say 0.60m to 8._CE Board Nov. 2015 The volume of liquid Passing a cross-sede ofa stream. va) Discharge Permeability Flow ¢) Capillary — Te | A ship floating in seawater is stable im metacenttic height is: | a) below the center of gravity t Y b) above the center of gravity ©) coincides with the center of av, @) the draft of the ship causes 2 Oy force equal to the weight of the sil its cargo. ul Engineering Licensure Examinations H-27 ge ee Mars) h steady flow in any length or reach of a m, the average velocity at every cross. sean is the same in that reach, the flow ig ifwil staid tobe a) continuous b) steady ¢) laminar vq) uniform } Mec Var ‘A mercury barometer at the Gulf of Albay reads 760 mm. At the same time, another barometer at the top of Mt. Mayon reads 538 mm. Assuming the unit weight of air to be constant at 12 Nim, evaluate the approximate height of Mt. Mayon in meters from these barometric readings. Solution: hy Nn 4 i ae 760 mm Pr=Pp tah 176(13.6)(9810) = 0.538(13,6)(9810) + 12h N= 2468 m, TT A 5 msl Placed in a liquid is buoyed up by a qual to the weight of the displaced (uid, This ori att ted toe Principle of buoyancy, was | 3) Pascal | 4) Bemon | /°) Boyle [© Archimedes ~ z (EATS CEE Water is contained ined in an open vessel movi at an acceleration of one half that of prety: A What angle with . surface bay the vertical will the water Solution: » tan @= = tan 9 = 1249 0 = 266" angle the water surface makes with the horizonta Angle the water surface makes with the vertical = 90 - 26.6" = 63.44" eA LED If the Philippine Trench is observed to be 10.5 km deep. The pressure on the trench is greater than the atmospheric pressure. What ist he gage pressure at the bottom of the ocean at that location. Use specific gravity of water = 1.03. Solution: P=yh i 101.3 P= 1047 KPa H-28 Civil Engl weighs 400 N in air and when ie f rock abet letely in water weighs 240 N. submerged compl 3, ® Evaluate the volume of the tock In m9. ® Evaluate the unit weight of the rock in kN/m3, ® Evaluate the of the rock. Solution: Volume of the rock BF = 400- 240 = 160N 8 ® Unit weight of rock W=V Yet 400 = 0.0163 yoxk ‘os = 24525 Nim? ‘Yoo = 24,53 KN? @ of the rock 24.53 Spgr.= —— = 25 re 9.81 SOTO Pe A rectangular irrigation canal 6 m. wide and 1.2 m. depth has a hydraulic slope of 0.001 and a roughness coefficient of 0.013. Estimate the discharge of the canal in m/sec, Solution: neering Licensure Examinations Q=AV | veipms n A=6(1.2)=7.2 P=6+1,2(2)=84 R=AP 72 = 5 =0857 Ad | 4 210001" = (0.857)"° (0.004 Verrin ae es Q=AV Q=7.2(2.19) = 15.80 V=219 m/s | ee aed A concrete cube 0.60 m. on an edge, weigtin, 23.5 kN/m3 is placed at the bottom of the tak in which seawater ( = 1.03) stands 5m deep. The bottom edges are sealed off sold no water is admitted under the block. Evauée | the vertical pull required to lift the block in | Solution: | | | P=9.81(1.03)(4.4)(0.6)(0.6) + 23.5(0.6)(0.6)(0.6) 1.08 kN ; i civil Engineering Licensure Examinations What height in meters of a column of special gage liquid having a of 2.90 would exert the same pressure as a column of oll 6 m. high raving a of 0.80? Solution: P=9.81(0.8)(6) = 47.09 P= yw (sp.grJh 47.09 = 9.81(2.90)h h= 1.66 m. tae re The absolute pressure in a gas tank is 2.85 atmospheres, Obtain the pressure head in meters of water for each gage pressure. Solution; Absolute pressure = 2.85(101.3) = 288.71 KPa Gage pressure = absolute - atmospheric pressure Gage pressure = 288.74 - 101.3 = 187.41 KPa nok Ys hs 16741 9.84 "191m. of H,0 H-29 Tare ‘What is the head loss in meter per km on a 150 mm diameter bipeline having a coefficient of friction of 0.025 if the discharge is 0.04 mise? Solution: 26fL0” DF .0826(0.025)(1000)(0.04)? (0.15) h, = 435m. PROP ard Determine the unit weight of dry air at 6°C and at 93 kPa absolute. R = 287 Jikg*K. Solution: eeetores R(C +273) = 93000 287(6 + 273) y= 1.16(9.81) y= 1137 N/m? Pp P = 1.46 kgim? PRTC AE If water were used to measure the atmospheric pressure, what height of column of the liquid in meters would it rise? Solution: PE ywh 101.3=9.81h h= 10.32m ee sure Examinations Civil Engineering Licet 23._CE Board No’ ining ait the In a condenser containing air and water, air pressure is 40 kPa absolute. What is the gage pressure in kPa 1.5 m. below the water surface? Solution: Poage = 101.03 = - 61.03 Gage pressure at a depth of 1.5 m. below the water surface: Gage pressure = - 61.03 + 1.5(9.81) Gage pressure = - 46,3 kPa pee ae A circular gate 1.5 m. in diameter is inclined at an angle of 45 deg. Fresh water stands on one side of the gate to a height of 10 m. above the center of the gate. © Evaluate the total force on the gate. ® Locate the point of action of the total force from the bottom on the plane of the gate. © If the gate is hinged at the top, evaluate the force normal to the gate at the bottom that will require to open it in KN. Solution: ) Total force on the gate e pzyhA P=9.81(10)n(0.75)? P=1734KN @ Point of action of the total force: fro bottom on the plane of the gate |, =0.249 8, =Ay 10=7 Sin 45° y= 14.44m. % s, = 2 (.5)°(14.14) 7 a! )° (14.14) S, = 24.99 m. t 4k 029 954 8, 24.99 ® Force normal to the gate at the bottom ta require to open it Ma =0 F(1.5) = 173.4(0.76) F=87.8kN | yngular channel 6 m. wide has a i ar specific energy of 22m the critical depth. the critical velocity. the critical slope ifn = 0.012, Caloulate Calculate @ Calculate Critical velocity: Ve= Vie Ve=V9.81(1.47) ° a abs (0.987)23g,12 0.012 0021 H-31 A barge floating along the Pasig River is in the form of a parallelepiped having dimensions fo 10 m by 30 m by 3 m. When loaded, has a weight of 4500 KN, the center of gravity located 4 m, from the bottom of the barge Assuming the specific gravity = 1.01 of the water in the river, evaluate @ The draft of the barge in meters. ® The metacentric height with respect to rolling (sideways listing) of the barge in meters. The metacentric height with respect to ® pitcher (longitudinal isting) in meters. Solution: Draft of the barge nat KN rolling ‘OQ wa pitching W=BF 5000 = 30(10)D(1.01)(9.81) D=1.51 ® H-32 @ Metacentric height with respect to rolling: wie V=30(10)(1.51) = 453 wp, = 2500 5 55 453 Metacentric height : MG=MB, - GB, MG =5.52 - 3.245= 227m. Metacentric height with respect to pitching: wpm V= 30(10)(1.51) = 453 22500 MB, = =—— = 49.67 ° 453 ‘ Meta centric height: MG=MB, - GB, MG = 49.67 ~ 3.245 = 46.4m, Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations A triangular plate, 1m. wide at the 24 m. high is submerged in Water md) base at 2 m. and parallel to the Water 5, h Evaluate how far in meters below the can, Is the horizontal force acting on each Side, hw Solution: (2.4) | | | 28. CE Board Nov. 2015 A rectangular gate 1.2 m. by 3 m. is acted YY water on one side and is positioned a | longer sides parallel to the water sua wf the plane of the gate is inclined at 60 wn } horizontal. The top of the gate is subme’ | ™. vertically below the water surface. tne ® Evaluate the total hydrostatic force gate. : t ® Locate the point of action of ei hydrostatic force from the bottom plane of the gate. tt @ If the gate is hinged at the bois evaluate the force normal to the 9 tia fi Vertex that will be required to ope” ad te cwil Engineering Licensure Examin; tions Solution. © Total hydrostatic forge on the gate =2+06Sin 60" h=252 P=y, fA P=9.81(252)(1.2)(3) P=89kN ® Point of action of the total hydrostatic force from the bottom of the plane of the gate singg' = 2 x x= 231 ¥=06+231=291 8, =Ay 8, =1.2(3)(2.91) S, = 10.48 3(1.2)° j= zt b= #0492 10.48 Location of point of action of total hydrostatic force from the bottom plane of the gate =06 - O41 = 0.559 H-33 @ Force Normal to the gate at its vertex that will be requited to open it neil og, /¢3 YMa=0 T(1.2) = (0.559) T(1.2) = 89(0.559) T=41.4kN TET Ar ed The flow rate of the pipe system shown is 50 liters/sec. under a total head loss from A to D equal to 9m, Using C= 120 for all pipes. lines Length Diameter Hazen oe : Williams 300 m. 200 mm, 120 266 m. 160 mm. 120 190 m. ? 510m. 250 mm. 120 com> ® Compute the head loss of pipeline B. ® Compute the discharge of pipeline C in liters/sec. ct © Compute the diameter of pipeline C. -34 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations HL = hf + hf + hfs hf = hfs a5 10.64(300}(0.05)%85 _ (120)*85 (0,2)487_ = 4.51 m. 1.85 ~ 10.64(510)(0.05) = (120)*5 (0.25)@7 = 259m. HL= hh; + hfy + hty 9= 4.51 +hh+2.59 hf= 1.9m. (headloss of pipeline B) hhy= hfe ® Discharge of pipeline C: hf,= hy= 1.9 10.64 L Q,185 ~~ CTS paar 10.64(266) Q.15 pa (120)'-8 (0,16)487 Q)= 0.019 mis Q)= Q) +5 0.05 = 0.019 + a Q3= 0.031 ms Q3= 31 liters/sec, hy 3 Diam. of pipeline c: 10.64 L yt 86 hi C185 D487 4.g = 10.84(190)(0.031)185 4 (120)788 (D887 D*87= 0.900245 A square footing 2m. onside is oug 1m. below the ground surface for wig | Unit weight of soil is 20 KNim, the cnet strength fs 10 KPa and the ang friction is 15 degrees. Under the cone general shear failure, evaluate the soi beat capacity in kPa. Use Terzaghis 4." capacity factors. © Ifthe ground water table is more thandy below the bottom of the footing. @® If the ground water table is at the bot, of the footing. @ If the ground water table Fises to ty | ground surface. Solution: © Ifthe ground water table is more than dn | below the bottom For square footing: Qu= 1.3 C Ne + qNq+0.40yBNy From table for angle of intemal fiction 15°, >2m q= 1.2(20) q= 24 kPa ewil Engineering Licensure Examinations 3 CNe+qNa +040 B yNy qu= 1-3(10)(12.86) + 24(4.45) + 0.4(2)(20)(1.52) qu= 299 KPa © Ifthe ground water table is at the bottom, of the footing around surface 19 kN/im3 2(20) = 24 kPa .3.C Ne+qNq + 0.40 By Ny 3(10)(12.86) + 24(4.45) +0.4(2)(10.49)(1.52) qu= qu= 286.3 kPa ® If the ground water table rises to the ground surface Pr ater tate ground safe H-35 = 1.30 Net q Ny +0408 yNy qu = 1.3(10)(12.86) + 12.23(4.45) + 0.4(2)(10.19)(1.52) Qu = 234 kPa a pis LTT rE A tri-axial shear test was performed on a well- drained sand sample. The normal stress on the failure plane and the shearing stress on the failure plane were determined to be 50 kPa and 30 kPa respectively, © Determine the angle of intemal friction of the sand in degrees. ® Determine the angle, in degrees, of the fallure plane with respect to the horizontal plane. ® Determine the axial stress applied to the specimen in kPa, Solution: © Angle of internal friction of sand sample failure plane 30 tan 9 = — 50 0 = 30.96" @ Angle of failure plane with respect to the horizontal plane 2 =4g+S ® 2 0545+ as 0 = 60.48" #H-36 @ ‘Axial stress applied to the specimen 30 =r Cos 30.96" = 34.98 tan 30.96" = x=18 6, =50+ 18+ 34.98 «o, = 10298 KPa EPS ee) A right circular cylindrical container 2m. in diameter and 4 m. high is % full of water. When rotated about its vertical axis at the rate of 5 radians per second. © By how many meters will the water surface drop at the center of the vessel ® What is the pressure, in kPa, at the base of the container along the perimeter? @ Determine the volume in m° of the paraboloid formed by the rotation of the vessel. Solution: © Distance of the water surface drop at the center of the vessel ‘The water surface will drop by a = 0.637 m. Civil Engineering Lic sure EX @ Pressure at the base of the : Cong, along the perimeter pone 363 + 1.27 = 2.633 m, = wh i = 9,81(2.633) = 25.83 kPa @ Volume of the paraboloid foray rotation of the vessel Ob 2my eed . x(t) ed 14995 sey 2 hear RRS arse Aclay layer 5 m. thick rests beneath a depos, of submerged sand 8 m. thick. The top of hy sand is located 3 m. below the surface ofa body of water. The saturated unit weight oft: sand is 25 KN/m3, and the clay is 20 kN/m. @® Evaluate the total vertical pressure at mid. height of the clay layer in kPa. ® Evaluate the pore water pressure at mit height of the clay layer in kPa. @ Obtain the intergranular stress or effective stres id-height of the clay in kPa. Solution: Total vertical pressure at mid-height # clay layer 7 water surface @ | | sana Ysar=25 kKN/m3 8m) 1 clay 2.5m Year=20 kN/m3 $$$ S| = 9,81(3) + 25(8) + 20(2.5) = 279.43 kPa @ Pore water pressure at mid-height of the olay layer pore pressure (hu) = 9.81(3 + 8 + 2.5) Pore pressure (1) = 192.44 kPa ® Intergranular stress or effective stress at mid-height of the clay oat= v= oar = 279.43 - 132.44 oar= 146.99 kPa Another solution: out = (25- 9.81) + (20 - 9.81)(2.5) Get = 146.99 kPa Rte Are According to Section 304 of the National Structural Code for Building (NSCP C101-10), ‘he presumptive load bearing capacity of Sandy deposits, in the absence of exhaustive geotechnical site assessment and investigation, is 75 KPa for a minimum footing width of 300 mm and a minimum depth of embedment of 300 mm. This value can be Woteased by 20% for each additional 300 mm OF width of footing andior depth of founding to raRetinum of thee (3) times the designated lue, ® Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity, in Pa, ofthe soil for a square footing 1.2 m. Wide When founded at a depth of 300 mm ® ‘OW ground surface. Evaluate the allowable bearing capacity of the soil for a square footing 1.2 m. wide When founded at a depth of 900 mm below Stound surface. ‘ermine the safe downward load, in kN, that the footing of the preceding question £21 support, gqvil Engineering Licensure Exam ions Total vertical stress (oy) H-37 Solution: Allowable bearing capacity, in kPa, ofthe Soll for a square footing 1.2 m. wide when ° founded at a depth of 300 mm below the ground surface Additional width of footing = 1200 - 300 Additional width of footing = 900 There are 3~ 300 mm in 900 mm for each ‘side or 6~ 300 mm in all, Code specifies 3 times only of the designated values, Increase in bearing capacity = 120 kNim? Allowable bearing capacity of the soil for a square footing 1.2 m. wide when founded at a depth of 900 mm below the ground surface Additional width of footing = 1200 - 300 Additional width of footing = 900 mm There are 3 additional increased in soil pressure (20% of 75 kPa). For additional depth of embedment: Additional depth of embedment = 900 - 300 = 600 mm There are 2 additional increased in soil pressure (20% of 75 kPa). The code specifies a max. of 3 times the designated values only Increased in bearing capacity = 0.20(3)(7) + 0.20(3)(75) + 75 = 165 kPa Safe downward load in KN that the footing of the preceding question can support = 165(1.2)(1.2) H-38 Ree) « The turbine of a hydrostatic plant is driven by a falling head of water from a source 30 m. high Up through a 600 mm penstock flowing full. © Evaluate the theoretical velocity of water as it hits the turbine blades in m/sec. ® Evaluate the theoretical discharge of water in mis, ® If the turbine is only 70% efficient, estimate the horsepower available from it. Solution: ® Theoretical velocity of water as it hits the turbine blades ®@ Theoretical discharge of water i in m9 cow ms Qs 7108) (24.26) Q=6.86m’/s @ Horsepower available from it Hp = Stee 746 Hp = £:88(9810)(30)(0.70) 746 HP = 1894 hp, Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations RTM carer ‘An open cylindrical tank 1.0 m, diam 2.5 m. high is 3/5 full of water. ty 24 rotated about its vertical axis, wp, at should it have, in rpm, so that @ The water could just reach the top tank without water being spiled out Ot ® The depth of water at the center cylinder base is zero, oh ® There is no water at the bottom With distance of 20 em. from the vertical aie * Solution: © Speed in rpm so that water coud iw teach the top of the tank without war being spilled out 22 W057 2(9.81) = 12.528 rad/sec. oo = 12528160) an © = 119.64rpm iil mngineering Licensure Examinations 39 inrpm so that the depth of water at 0 mon of the cylinder base is zero yeed in rpm so that there is no water at . = bottom within a distance of 20 cm, from the vertical axis (05) (y-25)(29) (02) 0 = 50g (y- 25) 89 y= 50g (y- 2.5) 8y=50y- 125 Y= 2975 w y ©" = (9812976) = 15.28 radisec, wx 15.28(60) 2 145.94 rpm 37._ CE Board Nov. 2015 A Vertical circular gate 0.90 m. in diameter is Subjected to pressure of molasses ( = 1,50) on one side, The free surface of the molasses is 2.4 m. above the top of the gate. _ © Evaluate the total force on the gate in kN. ® Locate the point of action of the total force from the bottom of the plane of the gate in meters, ® If. the gate is hinged at the top, evaluate the force normal to the gate at the bottom that willbe required to open it in KN. Solution: © Total force onthe gate P=y,fA P= 9181(150(285) (0. 9)? P = 26.68 KN ® Point of action of the total force from the bottom of the gate | 7 ay 1 = 21090)" - 9939 a 64 Ay= (0.907 (288) Ay = 1.813 40 a ure Examinations Civil Engineering Licens h=045-0.018 h= 0.432 @ Force normal to the gate at the bottom to open the gate ARinged iso t TMa=0 (0.90) = 26.68(0.468) T= 13.87 KN ‘An unconfined compression ‘conducted (0 a soil sample having 4 4, cf 50 mm. The fallure load was 6g 2s the value of the cohesion strength of they! in kPa. Sy Solution: o== A 0.066 o © (0.05)? o=336i 4 Unconfined compresiny, o = 33.61 kPa Cohesion strength C : c= SO teak Ell aed A process by which water-saturated soil sediment temporarily loss strength and acts as a fluid, a) Consolidation b) Plasticity c) Settlement vd) Liquefaction Ee eee) One of the following foundation conditions does not affect foundation settlement. a) Plasticity of the soil b). Depth of founding footings ©) Position of ground water table ¥ d) None of the other choices CTR ee MYA Evaluate the resisting capacity agains aid load due to skin friction of a ‘wooden pl embedided into a layer of plastic clay nl given the following conditions: Size of pile = 0.3 m. square Depth of penetration into the clay layer i Unconfined compression strength “a clay = 110 kPa c= 100 Solution: o=aPCL P=4(03)=1.2m cet, 0 = 1.0 for plastica 110 2 9 = 1(1.2)(55)(10) = 660 kN c= = 55 kPa si DIAM. (mm) H-A4l eorind Licensure Examinations SOIL SAMPLE 8 4.760. 100 400 97. 90 100 92 77 78 87 59 92 53 51 84 42 42 79 26 35) 70 17. 33 63 Characteristics of - 40 fraction 35, 46 47 20 29 4 i Ausing AASHTO Method. ing AASHTO Method. ‘AASHTO Method. Cassy sl 2 Cassi sil B ust 4 Cassy soil C using Solution : 0 Sail: L=35 PL=20 4upassing sieve No. 200 = 17 < 35% PiL=LL-PL .: From table 3.1, the soll is A-2-6 40% max, > 36 | Pett min, < 15 [ mira Group Index: "passing sieve No. 200 = 33% < 35% Legh tate 3.1 = 46%, eam 148-292 17% (LA? soit: HE min, < 46% ok =H min, < 17% ok. e Use Partial Group Index for A-2-7(soi) OF - 15)PI- 10) 0.01(33- 15)(17- 10) GL = 1.26 say (1) Therefore soil B is an A-2-7 (1) Soil C: % passing sieve No. 200 = 63% > 35% Use table 3.1 u=47 LL = 24 Pj. =47-24=23 LL-30=47-30=17 23>17 The soil is A-7-6 (PI> LL - 30) Group index = (F-36)[0.2 + 0.005(LL - 40)) “+ 0.01(F - 15\PI- 10) gi. (63-36) 0.2 + 0.008047 - 400] “+ 0.01(63- 15)(23 - 10) Gul. = 12.82 say (13) Therefore the soil is A-7-6 (13) H-42 Civil Engineering Licensure examinations CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM AASHTO eneral assification Al Group classification Sieve analysi (percent passing) No. 10 No.40 No. 200 Ala 50 max 30 max. 15 max. Characteristics of fraction passing No. 40 Liquid timit Plasticity index 6ma Usual types of significant constituent materials gravel, and General subgrade rading eee TABLE 3.1 Classificat Stone fragments ion of Highwa Granular mater eo na (ast or I Add ADS Alb AB 51 min. 10 max. 50 max. 25 max. 35.maK 35 max. 41 min. 10 max. 40 max. NP 10 max. x. Fine sand sand Excellent to good S jo of to co y Subgrade Materials pee eL A-2 AD6 AD-7 35 max. 35 max, 40 max. 41 min. MH min. 1 min. Silty or clayey gravel and sand Me SI Sea 8 For A-7-5, PLS LL 30 bForA-7-6, PI > L.- 30 f ATS! Group classification Ad AS A6 A-7-6° Sieve analysis (percent passing) No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 36 min, 36min, 36min 36 min, Characteristics of fraction passing No. 40 Liquid limit 40 i max. 42 min, 40 ma Jem max. 41 min, lasticity index 10 max 10 max. tl mi, U1 min. Usual types of significant constituent materials Silty soils Clayey soils General subgrade ratin to poor pnil Engineering Licensure Examinations oe rede eee} From the figure shows the sieve analysis of Soll samples A, B and C, = | 13438 GRAVEL ‘sun Yecene | Fe caw 4 3 3 6 Finer by weight & ‘Percent, [Dag=3.32-— Soil C| Dy=1.90 - DueD.10/ y Dyyr0.60°—Solt al D,.-0.17 Grain size (mm) © For soi A, determine the coefficient of gradation, & ForsollB, determine the coefficient of radiation, © ForsoilC, determine the coefcient of gradation Solution: : © Coeticient of gradation for soil A ® Coefficient of gradiation for soil B D, =0.158 D,, =0.32 D,, =08 2 ¢ = (032) 0.158(0.8) C, =0.81 H-44 Civil Engineering Licensure Examinations ® Coefficient of gradation for soll C > = 0.60 D, £19 Dy, #332 (18) = 9.89 © * 9.60(3.32) Cr tk nA aed In accordance with the Unified Soils Classification of soils, which are considered coarse grained if the passing thru No. 200 sieve is less than a) 30 b) 40 vo) 50 d) 60 citar Section 302.2.2 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines provides that the slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for intended use and shall be no steeper than Ya) 1to2 b) 1101 c) 1t03 d) 11015 Cit AP Ifthe dry unit weight of a soil is 12 N/m’, what is the unit weight of soil if water is added causing a water content of 15%? Solution: = Yn " 1to Youg = 12(1+0.15) =13.8 KN / m? ‘A confined aquifer is rechar continuous supply of water from thy 0: source. The average thickness of jp, Cty, was determined to be 25 m and th width 1s. 4 km. TRe hydraulic emg (coefcient of permeability) ofthe aay obtained at 40 m. per day and its co 0.25, The piezometer heads in two wats km apart are 65 m. and 60 m. from a ee reference datum. From the given data on © The rate of flow through the aquty cubic meter per day. Evaluate the seepage velocity in nes, per day. Estimate the time of travel, in days, fn the head of the aquifer to a point kn downstream. 8 e Solution: Rate of flow ° Rech [325 L 13 (=3.77x 10° A = 25(4000) A= 100000 m? Q=KiA Q = 40(3.77)10" (100000) Q= 15080 m’ / day H-45 nil gagineering Licensure Examinations b see velocity Mert _ ss V* 000 vye0.t5 miday Vv cae n y= 28 = 060m/ day 's” 0.25 of travel, in days, from the head of Time eau toa point 4km downstream =D, $000 - 6667 day Te 0.60 ys Foran increase of 12 kPa in the normal stress da sol, the shear strength increased by 8 ipa. Estimate the probable angle of friction in tees of the soil in accordance with this cfterion Solution: CT eed h 4 ee of shear strength of a rock or a interparticle friction is called __— ®) plasticity ) skin friction ) adhesion ®) cohesion LP Are According to USCS soil classification of a soil particle whose size is ver! greater than 75 mm is Ya) cobbles b) gravel ©) rock d) sand aE a Section 3024.5 of the National Structural Code of the Phil, (C101-10) provides that slope of fil surface shall be no steeper than is safe for its intended use and shall not be steeper than__. a) tt Vb) 12 o) 15:2 d). 13 PPC eed Soil derives its strength from its capacity to resist. ¥ a) Shear b) Torsion ©) Tension 4) Compression Mae Which of the following is nat a component of the soll mass? a) Gas b) Organic matter ¢) Minerals ¥ d) None in the list H-46 vil Engineering Licensure EXa! eae ee cohesion strength of a cohesive soil Is @ ween strength C= Kqo where K is equal to_ va) 0.50 b) 0.25 o) 0.33 d) 10 Fea Te ee tn triaxial shear test of a cohesionless soil, the soil cylinder is subjected to a liquid pressure of 12 kPa inside the chamber. It was observed that failure of the sample in shear occurred when the compressive stress reach 34 kPa. ‘The angle of intemal friction is nearest to__. Solution: 2412234 r= sing= 1 B 0= 28.6" Ee te ered Ina triaxial test to a cohesionless soi subjected 10 a liquid pressure of 10 WPa msds the chamber observed that failure of the sample in shear occurred when the Compressive stress reached 30 kPa, The angle of internal friction is nearest to Solution: 2r+10=30 r=10 10 Sino = — in @ = 30° ——_ 57. CE Board Nov. 2015 A sample of soil has void ratio of Oat Evaluate the porosity of the soil. Solution: |e n= es ne 1 (100) = 28.6% & TT TP re Oil of spr. of 0.95 flows at 200 iter through a 500 m, of 200 mm diamele Pe (f= 0.0225), Evaluate the pressure drop ifthe pipe slopes at 10° in the direction of Solution: oO wil Engineering Licensure AP = 274kPa (pressure drop) 1 are Evaluate the resisting capacity against axial load due to skin friction of a conorete pile tmbedded into a layer of plastic clay given the folowing conditions: Sze of pile = 0.4 m. square Depth of penetration into clay layer = 20 m. confined compression strength qu of the Clay = 200 kPa Solution; Sa PCL . *10 for plastic clay *0.44) = 1.6 (perimeter of pile) Examinations H-47 = 1.0(1.6)(100)(20) 3 = 3200 kN TT ee cre The permeameter in a permeability test setup involves a soil sample 200 mm diam. and a length of 30 mm. The height of water is kept Constant at 400 mm. In a duration of 4 min., water was collected in the graduated flask having a volume of 420 Determine the Coefficient of permeability in percent. Solution: K= ce Ant A= Fao = 314.16 om? = 420(30) 314.16(40)(4)(60) K = 0.418% = 0.00418 cm/sec. (aT Are In accordance with Rankine's Theory, what angle @ in degrees, results in a coefficient of lateral pressure equal to 4.00 of a horizontal backfill? Solution: _ 1+Sin@ K+ gino 1+Sin® 4° gino 4-4Sin@=1+Sin® 5Sin@=3 0= 36.9"

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