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Código: GA-IN-05

Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 1 de 6





This project aims at promoting students’ production based on their profile and interests while integrating the
contents of the course to their real life and encouraging them to develop critical thinking about this
globalized world. The main focus will be to reflect the importance of the student’s profession, its
characteristics, and relevance.

As an on-going process that will be carried out throughout the course, this project should answer the
“How can I use English to tell other people about my profession?” SPECIFIC


✔ Students will complete a professional blog in English.

✔ Students will use a blog to let other people know who they are as professionals and how well they
know their professions.
✔ As a final product, students will keep a record of all their submissions in a blog on GOOGLE SITES.

Código: GA-IN-05
Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 2 de 6

The project proposed for A2 level will be developed in 2 courses: BASIC III (Units 1-6) and BASIC IV (Units
7-12). The series employed for this project proposal is LIFE Elementary, by Cengage.

General guidelines
• The tasks described in this document must be developed, built and nurtured in each lesson. You
should find a time in every class to connect the tasks of the project with the contents of the series. This
will guarantee students will develop the competencies addressed in each stage. It will also provide
students enough practice to succeed in the socialization. Please refer to the principles of constructivism
and project based learning (PBL) for more information.
• At the beginning of each unit, the teacher has to explain to students what they have to do: clarify
objectives, procedures and evaluation methods (following the PROJECT RUBRICS).

• Students must always be given class time to work on these projects.

• Every two units represent a STAGE.
• For each stage, students will complete one task with two parts: one written task and one
socialization. Written Tasks
• Check written tasks: Students should have at least 2 days to work in class on their written tasks. The
teacher should receive them and check mistakes using the rubrics.

 Please do not amend mistakes, underline or highlight them

using the Writing Code so students can correct them.

• Every written task must be uploaded to the established platform.

• Upload written tasks: Once written tasks are checked, students should correct the highlighted
mistakes and upload their final version to the platform corresponding to their level:
• A2: BLOG ⇨
Código: GA-IN-05
Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 3 de 6

• Socializations refer to the moment, at the end of the term, in which students will have the chance to
interact spontaneously with their classmates and use in context, and for real purposes, what they
have studied in the previous units. Teachers are to set the conditions and context for students to
mingle and communicate with others in a safe atmosphere.
• Socializations should never be conducted in a traditional “presentation” format, that is to say,
students should never stand alone at the head of the class to present material. Unless specified in
the task description, they will complete socializations one-on-one with you, a partner, or as part of a
small group.
• You may never assign specific times for socializations. All students are required to be punctual and
arrive at the scheduled beginning of class.

• Students should never be tasked with memorizing material for socializations, so be sure to
discourage this misconception. If you see evidence of memorization, speak to the student about it.
• Students should bring their own materials and be ready for their socializations. This will be
considered as «task completion» according to the Project Socialization Rubrics.




STAGE IV: Units 7 and 8

Students will be able to:

✔ Present information about past events in a visually appealing and

chronological way.

✔ Talk about experiences in their academic/professional field.

✔ Compare people, things and situations and give their opinion.

✔ Make descriptions based on keywords and/or images.

✔ Talk about what they are currently doing in their

academic/professional life.
Código: GA-IN-05
Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 4 de 6

Unit 7:
Written task: The most interesting life

Students will write a short text where they mention and compare some of the most important aspects
in their academic/professional life. They can include the most difficult subjects, the friendliest teacher,
the easiest subjects or topics of their major etc. They may also compare those hidden details from their life
as a student: a friendly gathering after class, a group meeting to study for a test, etc. In the same way,
his/her professional life should be mentioned, too. Students may talk about the hardest boss they worked
with, they should also mention the sort of colleagues they had or the furthest workplace they occupied.

Students should add pictures to their posts (once the written tasks have been checked by the teacher)
showing as many details as they can about the information given.

Unit 8:
Socialization: “Speed interview”

This socialization will work as a “speed date” but about academic/professional life. To develop this activity,
students will work in pairs. Each person in the couple will have about 3 minutes (depending on the size
class, you can assign more time) to ask as many questions as possible to her/his partner about not only the
events in his/her text but also what they are currently doing. Then, they will switch roles. Once they finish,
they will look for a new partner.

The objective for each student is to get as much information as possible about the person they are
Based on the time and the number of students, the teacher will decide when the “speed interviews” should
At the end of the “speed interview”, each student will give a conclusion: Who was the most interesting
person? Why? What are the things this person is developing in her/his life now? Why do you find this

STAGE V: Units 9 and 10

Students will be able to:

✔ Talk about their future plans and their purposes.

✔ Make arrangements.

✔ Describe different types of experiences.

✔ Talk about changes in technology.

Código: GA-IN-05
Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 5 de 6

Unit 9 Written task: My future plans

For this submission, students will write a reflection about their future professional plans. They will answer
the following driving questions:

- What are your plans for the near future?

- What is the purpose of the plans you are making?

- As a professional, do you think your plans can contribute to make a better country and a better
world? Why?
Students will post this reflection on their blogs (150 words approximately). They are encouraged to be
creative and use images or pictures in their work.

Unit 10
Socialization: What have I done to succeed?

Before the socialization day, students have to fill in the chart below with key words to explain their future
plans and what they have done so far to reach their goals.

In groups each student will show and explain their diagrams and the others will provide feedback
(comments, questions or suggestions) about their ideas. Students will take turns to present their plans.
Código: GA-IN-05
Fecha: 12-Jul.-2019
Versión: 05
Página: 6 de 6

At the end of the socialization the teacher will ask the students to write down how they will take action to
reach their goals based on the comments they received. This last activity will not be assessed but it will
give proper closure to their conversations.

STAGE 6: Units 11 and 12

Students will be able to:

✔ Make suggestions and give advice.

✔ Talk about obligations.

✔ Make predictions.

✔ Structure and organize arguments to make presentations.

Unit 11 Written task: A professional’s traits and duties

In this submission, students will reflect on the ethical issues and responsibilities related to their profession.
Students will write about the things they are supposed to do or not in their professions using should,
shouldn’t, have to, don’t have to, can and can’t. They will add a situational example to this. (Maximum 180

Students should add pictures to their posts (once the written tasks have been checked by the teacher)
showing as many details as they can about the information given.

Unit 12:
Socialization: The future of my profession (2 hour- session)

For this final socialization, students will talk about the past, present and future of their professions. In order
to do so, the teacher will make groups from 3 to 5 students according to the size of the class. Students will
describe what their professions were like some decades ago and how they have changed in recent years.
Once they share the information, their classmates will make predictions about the future of their careers.
Students must recall the others’ information on which they base their predictions.

Some aspects students can mention are:

✔ Work place

✔ Duties and responsibilities

✔ Use of technology

✔ Relevance in society

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