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12/8/22, 8:57 AM Survey about regions

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What is/are your regional competitive advantage(s) that you can bring to the *
NEOLAiA Alliance?

• Stable economic output and positive future outlook,

• Industrial specialization, complementarity with other partners, please name which;

• Favourable young demographics and proven successfully inclusive migrant


• Strategic location;

Other: Favourable young demographics and proven successfully inclusive mi

What is/are the main challenge(s) facing your region that you believe would be *
better faced together with other NEOLAiA partners?

• Challenging economic output and negative future outlook

• Industrial offshoring, other common challenges with other partners, please name

• Aging demographics, brain drain, tensions in migrant integration;

• Peripheral location;

Other: Peripheral location; Brain drain, tensions in migrant integration; Popula 1/6
12/8/22, 8:57 AM Survey about regions

As a HEI what is/are the key strength(s) that you can mostly contribute with to *
the NEOLAiA Alliance?

• Complementary or unique study field expertise, please name which:

• Financial capability;

• Experience in internationalization;

• Success in funding;

• Diversity of student community, faculty and staff;

Other: Diversity of student community, faculty and staff; First place at a natio

As a HEI what is/are the challenge(s) that you believe can best be faced together *
with other NEOLAiA partners?

• Lack of access to EU funding;

• Low university prestige/ranking;

• Low levels of internationalization and mobility;

• Competition with larger metropolitan Universities;

• Economies of scale and resource efficiencies derived from more integrated


Other: Competition with larger metropolitan Universities; Economies of scale 2/6
12/8/22, 8:57 AM Survey about regions

What is the smart specialisation strategy of your Region? *

At national level, the National Research and Innovation Strategy 2014-2020 includes four
national S3 priorities: (i) Bioeconomy; (ii) ICT; (iii) Space and security; (iv) Energy,
environment and climate change, eco-nano-technologies and advanced materials.

At a regional level, S3 priorities have been defined in the regional S3 strategies elaborated by
seven out of the eight development regions of the country. The North East regional S3
strategy has been elaborated and is implemented by the North East Regional Development
Agency (North-East RDA).

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