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Henwick Primary School

Executive Headteacher: Mrs L Lazell

Head of School: Ms C Lotriet
Henwick Road, Eltham, SE9 6NZ

Tel: 020 8856 8627

Friday 18th November 2022

Dear Parents & Carers,

Since the start of term, we have noticed an increase in absence for circumstances which could be
avoided. Headteachers have no discretion to grant leave of absence during term time unless there
are genuinely exceptional circumstances and so all absences like these have to be unauthorised.

Parents and carers should avoid arranging appointments for their child during the day. However,
if it is unavoidable, then please do notify the school office of the appointment details in advance
and you will be asked to provide evidence. A child should only be taken out of school for their own
appointment, not because another family member has an appointment. This includes collecting a
child early so a parent or carer can attend an appointment for someone else. In these cases
alternative collection arrangements will need to be made.

It is the responsibility of parents to contact the school in writing when requesting any leave for
their children so that each case can be considered on an individual basis.

Genuine illness is of course unavoidable. We can, however, deal with minor ailments in school.
Some children feel much better once they are in the school building.

Punctuality is also very important. Just being 5 minutes late every day adds up to 3 lost days
learning over the school year. Gates are open between 8:40 – 8:50 and learning starts from 8:50.
Any children that are late must be accompanied by an adult to the school office. You will be asked
to sign your child in via our school Inventry system with the reason for lateness and this will be
monitored in line with our attendance procedures.

Persistent absence and lateness will be referred to Attendance Advisory Service at the Local
Authority and could result in penalty notices and legal proceedings.

Our expectation is that children attend school on time, every day for every session. Regular,
uninterrupted attendance secures the best possible learning achievement for all our children and
we are committed to working in partnership with families to achieve this.

Kind regards,

Lisa Lazell Claire Lotriet

Executive Headteacher Head of School

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