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Amber Dey


Final Exam

In order to answer if children’s reading comprehension (n = 240, m = 0.32, SD = 2.29)

differs across home environments (urban; n = 60, m = -0.13, SD = 2.28, rural; n = 60, m = 0.39,
SD = 2.41, sub-urban; n = 60, m = 0.57, SD = 1.98, or metropolitan; n = 60, m = 0.44, SD =
2.46), and if this difference depends on the children’s age (n = 240, m = 11.07, SD = 1.99) I ran
a factorial ANOVA with the hypotheses:
= there is no relation between reading comprehension and home environments
= there is no relation between reading comprehension and age
= reading comprehension and home environments have some correlation
= reading comprehension and age have some correlation
Using =.05 as criterion for rejection I reject both null hypothesis in favor of the alternative.
Environment explains a moderate 12% of variance; F(3, 212) = 9.75, p < .001, = 0.121, while
age explains a large 82.4% of variance, F(6 , 212) = 163.75, p < .001, = 0.824. The
interaction between age and environment is not significant; F(18, 212) = 1.344, p = .16, =
0.102 or 10% (a moderate effect). In summation, both age and environment explain some
variation in reading comprehension; but, age was shown to be a more significant predictor by
explaining 82% of variance.

Post-hoc Tukey tests revealed a significant difference between metropolitan and urban
t(3) = 4.95, p < .001, d = 0.93 (large), CI [0.43,1.43], rural and urban t(3) = 2.85, p = .024, d =
0.53 (moderate), CI [0.04, 1.03] and suburban and urban areas t(3) = 4.33, p < .001, d = 0.82
(large), CI [0.32, 1.33] respectively. The other 4 comparisons are statistically insignificant, all
comparisons between age are statistically significant, and comparisons for the interaction
between age and environment tend to only be significant when there is 2 or more years
difference in age [see table 1.0 in JASP]. Therefore, we can conclude that the environment is
statistically significant, but that it depends on age which has far more practical significance in
explaining the increase in reading comprehension as children increase in age.

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