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1. Write a c program to implement the insertions operations on singly linked list.

2. Convert the infix expression a / b – c + d * e – a * c into postfix expression and trace that
postfix expression for given data a = 6, b = 3, c = 1, d = 2, e = 4
3. Write a program to convert an infix expression into its equivalent postfix expression

1. Write a c program to implement the PUSH operation on stack.

2. Write a c program to implement the Tower of Hanoi problem.
3. Show how to implement three stacks in one array.

1. Write a program to implement queue operations using array.

2. Write a program to evaluate a postfix expression.
3. Show the detailed contents of stack to evaluate the given postfix expression.
{1 2 3 + * 3 2 1 - + *}
Assignment: 2 – Set-I

1. Identify and describe the Design Issues for Abstract Data Types.
2. Explain the Multiprocessor Architectures.
3. List and explain the Design Issues of Exception Handling.
4. Discuss about the Fundamentals of Functional Programming Languages.
5. Compare the functional programming languages with imperative languages.

Assignment: 2 – Set-II

1. Explain how information hiding is provided in an ADA package.

2. Describe the logical architecture of an SIMD computer.
3. Describe the actions of the wait and release operations for semaphores.
4. Make a comparison between functional and imperative Languages.
5. Write about the operations that can be performed on atoms and lists in LISP.

Assignment: 2 – Set-III

1. Describe the deep-access and shallow-access method of implementing dynamic scoping.

2. Discuss briefly exception handling in ADA.
3. Briefly Explain the Sub-program level concurrency.
4. Compare functions in ML and Haskell.
5. Describe the scoping rule in common LISP and Haskell.

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