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Lusmore and the Fairies Photocopiable

Revision & Consolidation Worksheet

1 Word wheel. Write the words and complete the puzzle.


y a f t er
The d day s

Thurs e




© Helbling Languages Worksheet by Cathy Lawday

Lusmore and the Fairies Photocopiable
Revision & Consolidation Worksheet

2 Match words from List A and words from List to make sentences.
List A List B
he walked home.
One day a woman and her son came to Lusmore’s house.
In the evening Lusmore went to the market.
In the morning Jack went to the hill.
That day it was dark.
That night Lusmore saw Jack’s hump.
The next day he was the happiest man in Ireland.
Lusmore woke up.
One day Lusmore went to the market.
A …………………………………………….........................................………………………………
B …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

C …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

D …………………………………………….........................................………………………………
E …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

F …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

G …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

H …………………………………………….........................................………………………………

3 Odd One Out.

ear eye mouth leg
back hand foot ugly
C flute candle fiddle harp
D Monday Wednesday Ireland Saturday
E music loud small beautiful
F evening morning night moon
G star dance sing laugh
A ………. because it is a part of the body. The others are parts of the face.

B ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………

C ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………

D ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………
E ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………

F ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………

G ………..................................................................................................…………………………………….........................................………………………………

© Helbling Languages Worksheet by Cathy Lawday

Lusmore and the Fairies Photocopiable
Revision & Consolidation Worksheet

4 Choose the correct word in the sentences and match them with the pictures.

Everything / Everybody said bad things about Lusmore.

When Lusmore put his head on the ground, he heard something / nothing.
One fairy said somewhere / something to another fairy.
Lusmore looked at the road, but nothing / nobody was there.
Nowhere / Nobody saw Jack Madden again.

5 Match the questions with the answers.

Write answers for three questions.

A Why was the man called Lusmore?

B Why did people say bad things about Lusmore?
C Why did Lusmore yawn and close his eyes?
D Why did the fairies want to see Lusmore?
E Why was Lusmore afraid of one fairy?
F Why did Lusmore laugh and dance?
G Why did Jack Madden go to the hill?
H Why were the fairies angry with Jack?
I Why was Lusmore surprised?
J Why were the fairies bad?

1 Because he was tired.

2 Because he was happy.
3 Because sometimes fairies can be bad.
4 Because they loved his singing.
5 Because he had a flower in his hat.
6 Because he wanted the fairies to take away his hump.
7 Because they didn’t like his hump.
8 ………..................................................................................................…

9 ………..................................................................................................…

10 ………..................................................................................................…

© Helbling Languages Worksheet by Cathy Lawday

Lusmore and the Fairies Photocopiable
Revision & Consolidation Worksheet

6 Complete the crossword with the past tense of the following words.

2 3 h

6 8




1 have 16
2 laugh
3 close
4 call
5 hear
6 see
7 go
8 touch
9 say
10 is
11 sit
12 dance
13 f wait
13 g are
14 wake
15 tell
16 sing
17 come

© Helbling Languages Worksheet by Cathy Lawday

Lusmore and the Fairies Photocopiable
Revision & Consolidation Worksheet

7 Now use words from the crossword to complete the story.

Lusmore lived in Ireland. He was A ........................................ Lusmore because he

B ........................................ a flower in his hat. People C ........................................ bad things about
Lusmore’s hump One evening Lusmore was tired.
He D ........................................ down on a hill and E ........................................ his eyes.
He F ........................................ singing inside the hill. Lusmore G ........................................ to the
fairies and they H ........................................ out. Lusmore I ........................................ and
J ........................................ because he had no hump.

In the morning Lusmore K ........................................ up. He L ........................................ his back.

The hump was gone. Lusmore M ........................................ Jack Madden about the
fairies. Jack N ........................................ to the hill and O ........................................ for the
fairies. But the fairies P ........................................ bad, because Jack Q ........................................

a bad man. Nobody R ........................................ Jack again.

8 Can you…?

• Can you name eight parts of the body?

• Can you say the days of the week?
• Can you say what happened in the past?
• Can you name five things that can play music?

© Helbling Languages Worksheet by Cathy Lawday

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