Detailed Lesson Plan in General Physics 1

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DANDY DMAYAO Teaching Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
JANLYN FRANCISCO Date: December 5, 2022

A. Content Standards Competing models of the universe by Eudoxus, Aristotle, Aristarchus, Ptolemy,
Copernicus, Brahe, and Kepler
B. Performance The learners knowledgably and skillfully illustrate and apply ideas, utilize equations, and
Standards solve problems in relation to the concepts of Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.
C. Learning S11/12PS-IVb-45: Apply Kepler’s 3rd law of planetary motion to objects in the solar
Competencies/ system.
Objectives Learning Objectives: In this lesson, the students will be able to:
• Describe how Kepler’s law contributed to our understanding of how planets move
around the Sun;
• Explain the motion characteristics of a planet;
• Demonstrate mastery on use of equations on Kepler’s third law; and
• Create a planetary motion model with the use of recyclable materials.
II. CONTENT Subject Matter: Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Kepler's Three Laws
Kepler's Laws
M5-S10: Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion
2. Learner’s Material
B. Other Learning Laptop, TV, carboard, sticks, thumbtacks, pencil, yarn.
Preliminaries a. Prayer

b. Greetings
Good morning, class. How are you
Good morning, Sir/Ma’am. We are
today? fine.

That’s good to hear!

c. Checking of attendance
Is your class monitor around? Yes, Sir/Ma’am.

Can you list those who are not around

for today’s session? Noted, Sir/Ma’am!
d. Setting of Standards

Before we go any further, I'd like to go

over the classroom rules with everyone to
help you plan your behavior for our
discussion. Please read our class's rules.
(Reading of classroom rules)
Class Rules
1. listen to your teacher and behave
2. Participate and cooperate during the
3. Don’t make any unnecessary noise.
4. Respect your teacher and classmates.

Can I expect that from you class? Yes, Sir/Ma’am.

A. Reviewing Previous To refresh your learnings regarding to our

Lesson or Presenting the previous topic, I will ask several questions for
New Lesson you to answer.

What was the topic of our previous meeting?

Anyone who can recall? Sir/Ma’am, our topic last meeting is
about the models of the universe and
how they differ from each other.
Yes, you’re correct!

What are the models of the universe? Ptolemaic system, Copernican system,
and Tychonic system.

These are the three models of the universe.

Ptolemaic system
Copernican system

Tychonic system

What distinguishes the Ptolemaic system,

Copernican system, and Tychonic system from
one another? In Ptolemaic model, the Earth is the
center of the universe and that
everything else revolves around it.
Similarly, the Moon and Sun orbits
Earth, while all of the planets orbit the
Sun according to the Tychonic model.
While in Copernican model, the Sun is
at the center of the universe, and the vast
majority of its celestial bodies revolve
around it.

Excellent! You really grasped the information

related to our previous meeting's topic.
Establishing a Purpose for Everyone, please read our objectives for today’s
the Lesson discussion.

Learning Objectives: In this lesson, the students

will be able to:
• Describe how Kepler’s law contributed
to our understanding of how planets
move around the Sun;
• Explain the motion characteristics of a
• Demonstrate mastery on use of equations
on Kepler’s third law; and
• Create a planetary motion model with the
use of recyclable materials.

A. Engage Now, you are going to observe an activity that

will stimulate your knowledge and understanding
of the subsequent topic.

DIY Gravity Well


• Large bowl
• Stretchy fabric, like a cotton blend t-shirt
Rubber band, big enough to go around
the bowl, or binder clips.
• Heavy ball, like a golf ball or something
• Marble, round bead, or something


1. Place the stretchy fabric over the top of

the bowl. Stretch the fabric tightly and
use the rubber band or binder clips to
hold it in place.
2. Place the heavy ball in the center of the
3. First place the marble on the side and let
it go.
4. Next, roll the marble along the side of the

Guide questions:

1. What does the heavy ball represent? The heavy ball represents the sun.

2. How about the smaller ball, what does it

symbolize? Smaller ball serves as the planet.

3. What happens when you place the heavy

ball? As I placed the heavy ball in the middle
of the fabric, it bends the cloth.

4. In what way the heavy ball affects the

motion of smaller one, as you let it
travel around it?
After putting the smaller ball, it directed
to the center following circular motion.
So, when we let our little marble planet
go in the gravity well, the heavy ball’s
gravity is pulling the marble towards it.
In other words, when we gave our
marble a little push, though, it started to
orbit the ball in an elliptical path.
5. So how does this simulate planetary
orbit? It shows the motion of planets in the
solar system. The set-up is on such a
small scale, that marble quickly collides
with the heavy ball, but on a massive
scale, like with a planet and the Sun, an
initial velocity allows the planet to stay
orbiting the Sun.

Now, let us start the discussion. But before

B. Discussing New anything else, I will give you a brief history in
Concepts & relation to our topic.
Practicing New
Skills # A great mathematician named Johannes Kepler
who lived in Graz was given an opportunity to
work as an assistant of a famous astronomer
Tycho Brahe. He tasked Kepler with determining
the orbit of the planet Mars, the movement of
which fit problematically into the universe as
described by Aristotle and Ptolemy. It is believed
that part of the motivation for assigning the Mars
problem to Kepler was Brahe's desire to keep
Kepler busy while he worked to perfect his own
theory of the solar system, which was based on a
geocentric model.

As it turned out, Kepler, unlike Brahe, firmly

believed in the Copernican model of the solar
system known as heliocentric, which correctly
placed the Sun at its center. However, Mars' orbit
was problematic because the Copernican system
incorrectly assumed that the planets' orbits were
circular. After much struggling, Kepler
eventually realized that the orbits of the planets
are not circles, but rather ellipses, which are
elongated or flattened circles. That’s how
Johannes Kepler formulated the three laws of
planetary motion with help of Tycho Brahe’s

Class, is there any moment where you believe that

the planets are travelling around the sun in perfect
circular motion? In my elementary days Sir/Ma’am, I
believed it was a perfect circle. But I’m
wrong, the orbital shape that the planets
travel is elliptical.
(Student’s answer may vary)

To gain a deeper understanding of the concept of

planet motion and orbit. Let’s have an activity
called Elliptical Bit.

Activity: Elliptical Bit

Each of you are provided with an improvised

model that will allow you to draw a perfect
Materials used:
• A piece of board
• Thumbtacks
• Sticks
• Yarn
• Pencil/pen

1. All you need is a piece of yarn, two
thumbtacks, some cardboard, and a
2. The thumbtacks should be placed at
the foci.
3. Put the cardboard under the paper, so
the thumbtacks stay in place.
4. The pencil pulls the yarn tight and
draw out the ellipse.

With your pen or pencil, draw your ellipse and

Guide questions:

1. How many foci are there in an ellipse? There are two foci.

2. In what part of the ellipse the sun is

positioned? The sun is located at one focus of the
orbital ellipse.

You are right. Kepler’s first law states that the

planets move in an elliptical orbit around the
sun, with the sun at one of the foci of the
elliptical orbit.

In first law the orbital motion is elliptical and

considering the foci where the sun is situated,
what do you think will happen to the areas
covered by a planet when travelling? The area changes as the planet changes
its orbital position.

That’s correct!

If the planet changes its orbital position and it is

closer to the sun’s site, does the velocity of the
planet change as well?
Yes Sir/Ma’am, depending on how far
away from the Sun a planet is, it will
have a different orbital speed. A planet
moves more quickly and experiences a
stronger gravitational pull as it gets
nearer to the Sun.

How about if the planet was farther from the sun? It moves through space more slowly
because the Sun's gravitational pull is
weaker the farther away it is from the

Yes, planet moves fastest when it is closest to the

sun and slowest when it is furthest from the sun.

Based on that concept, what do you think is the

relationship between radius and velocity of a
planet? It shows the relationship of radius and
velocity of a planet travelling around
the sun. They are inversely
Orbital velocity (Vorbital)=√ proportional.
↓ r=↑Vorbital
↑ r=↓Vorbital


Let us watch this video presenting the concept of

second law.

Guide questions:

1. What have you observed in the video?

In my observation the area formed when
the earth is closest to the sun can be
approximated as wide but short triangle;
while when it is farthest to the sun, the
areas formed can be approximated as
narrow but long triangle. But, despite of
its differences of the formed triangles, it
has the same areas.

2. How about its velocity? There are parts that the planet travels
faster or slower.

3. What happens to the range of a planet's

swept area from a specific point? The area is long and narrow when the
planet is farther from the sun. When it is
closer, the area is wider.

4. What do you call the point where that

planet is closest to the sun?
It is called perihelion, when the planet
travel 1 month the orbital point that is
closest to the sun it travels faster and
will sweeps an area.
5. How about the point where the planet is
farthest to the sun?
That point is called aphelion, when
planet travel 1 month in the orbital point
farthest to the sun it travels slower and
will sweeps the same amount of area.

That explain the second law.

Now we are done with the law of equal areas, let
us proceed to the third law.

Third Law: The Law of Harmonies

Unlike Kepler’s first and second law that describe

the motion characteristics of a single planet, the
third law makes a comparison between the
motion characteristics of different planets. It
compares the orbital period and radius of a planet
to those of other planets.

• Average radius or orbit (r) is directly

proportional to the square of the planet’s
orbital period (T2)
𝑟 2 𝑘𝑇 2
𝑇2 𝑇2
• The proportionality constant is the same
for objects orbiting a common mass.

• Planets orbiting the same star share the

same value (k).

• If a planet’s orbital motion around its star

is circular:

Then Vorbital=√ is also equal to the
circular motion velocity that V= .
Hence, Vorbital=V

𝑟 3 𝐺𝑀
𝑇 2 4𝛱 2

When is a constant (k) value
4𝛱 2
G = universal constant of gravitation
M = central mass (mass of the sun)

C. Finding Practical This time, to check if you really understood our

Applications of discussion, here are some problems for us to
Concepts and Skills solve. I will be expecting you to follow and also
in Daily Living do your own solving.

Am I clear class?

Problem #1

Assuming the orbital period of earth around the

sun is 365 days. Calculate the average distance
between the earth and the sun.
Use the following information in your
Mass of sun = 2.0x1031 kg
Mass of earth = 6.0x1024 kg
365 days = T
Days → sec. 𝑟 3 𝐺𝑀
𝑇 2 4𝛱 2

𝑟3 =
4𝛱 2

3 𝐺𝑀𝑇 2
r= √
4𝛱 2

3 (6.67𝑥10−11 )(2.0𝑥1031 )(365𝑥24𝑥60𝑥60)2

r= √
4𝛱 2

r= √3.36𝑥1034 𝑚3

r=3.22𝑥1011 𝑚

Problem #2

A satellite orbits the planet Xerus in a circular

path with a radius of 4.0𝑥106 𝑚 and orbital of 4

Calculate the period for a satellite orbiting term

at a radius of 1.5𝑥107 𝑚. Given
𝑟1 = 4.0𝑥106 𝑚
𝑇1 = 4 hrs
𝑟2 = 1.5𝑥107 𝑚
𝑇2 = ?

𝑟1 3 𝑟2 3
= 𝑘=
𝑇1 2 𝑇2 2
𝑇1 2 𝑟2 3
𝑇2 =√
𝑟1 3

(4 ℎ𝑟𝑠)2 𝑥(1.5𝑥107 𝑚)3

𝑇2 =√
(4.0𝑥106 𝑚)3

𝑇2 = 29 hrs.

As we all know, one orbital revolution of the

planet earth is equivalent to a year. On your
ellipse, can you divide the orbit intro 12. Label
each divided part of the orbit with the names of
the months considering the concept of the second
law of Kepler’s planetary motion.
Remember, the earth travels faster on the orbit
closer to the sun, while it travels slower on the
orbit further to the sun.

You can decide the orbital location of the months.

D. Making It is wonderful that all of you understand the

Generalizations and concept of Kepler’s law of planetary motion and
Abstractions about able to relate this to the revolution of the earth. Its
the Lesson division according to month and in what way it
can be related to second law.

1. What have you observed on months Dec.

to Jan? The months near to the sun have wider
displacement (Dec. to Jan.)

2. How about months June to July? The months farther to the sun have
lesser displacement (June to July).

3. How can velocity affect its area? Because the earth's velocity near the sun
is faster than the other section, it can
sweep a large area, say from December
to January. In June and July, it sweeps a
narrow but long area because the planet
moves slower because it is farther from
the sun. Despite their differences in
orientation, they share the same area.

E. Evaluating Learning Short Quiz

1. How many focal points are there in an

There are two focal points

2. What is Kepler’s first law known for?

Law of ellipse
3. What is the relationship of orbital
velocity and the radius of the planet?
Inversely proportional

4. Do planets orbiting the same start share

the same constant value?

5. In Kepler’s third law, what is the variable

that is constant in orbital velocity
G = universal constant of gravitation
M = central mass (mass of the sun)

F. Additional Activities Assignment:

for Application or
Remediation For your assignment, using available resources in
your homes, you are required to make your own
modified model of planetary motion. You may
utilized any recyclable materials that are found on
your hosehold. Use your craetivity in creating
your model.


Model Accuracy 40%

Model functionality 40%
Creativity 20%
Total 100%

Are there any questions or clarifications about

your assignment, class? None, Sir/Ma’am.

You understand everything now, so that

concludes our discussion for today. I hope you
had fun with today's conversation.

Thank you! God bless students! Goodbye and thank you, Sir/Ma’am.
Submitted to:

Course Professor

Prepared by:




Bachelor in Science Education with Specialization in Physics IV

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