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, CRITICAL HUMIDITY. The humidity at which DELAY.

A pyrotechnic, mechanical electronic,

the material is in equilibrium with its environ- or explosive train component that introduces a
ment with respect to moisture content, controlled time delay in some element of the
arming or functioning of a fuze mechanism.
CURE TIME. Time required for polymerization
of certain plastic materials to achieve a certain DELAY, ARMING. 1. The time or distance in-
structural strength or surface hardness. terval between the instant a piece of ammunition
DARK IGNITER. Tracer that has period of dark- carrying the fuze is launched and the instant the
ness between ignition and visible flame (British). fuze becomes armed. 2. The time interval re-
2. Igniter for tracer with low luminous intensity quired for the arming processes to be completed
to prevent blinding of the gunner. See DIM IG- in a nonlaunched piece of ammunition. See

DEACTIVATE. The act of rendering an explo- DELAYED. When the term is used in connec-
sive device inert or harmless. tion with tracer bullet observation, it means that
the bright trace starts late along the trajectory,
DEAD-LOAD. Total pressure in pounds used to but traces at least the minimum distance re-
consolidate pyrotechnic compositions. quired.

DEAD PRESSED. In an explosive, a highly com- DELAY ELEMENT. An explosive train compo-
pressed condition which tends to prevent the nent normally consisting of a primer, a delay
transition from deflagration to detonation that column, and a relay detonator or transfer charge
would otherwise take place. assembled in that order in a single housing to
provide a controlled time interval.
DECOMPOSITION. The process of breaking down
a material into more simple products. Disinte- DELAY, FUNCTIONING. The time or distance
gration, dissociation. interval between initiation of the fuze and detona-
tion of the bursting charge. See DELAY.
DEFLAGRATION. Very rapid combustion some-
times accompanied by flame, sparks, or spatter- DELAY, GASLESS. Delay elements consisting of
ing of burning particles. teflagration, although a pyrotechnic mixture that burns without produc-
classed as an explosion, generally implies the tion of gases.
burning of a substance with self- contained oxygen
so that the reaction zone advances into the un- DELAY IGNITER. A delay element used in con-
reacted material at less than the velocity of sound junction with ignitible materials; such as igniter
in the unreacted material. The term is often used composition for tracer bullets. Delay igniters
to refer to the action ofahigh explosive projec- are designed to produce no visible exterior burn-
tile that upon impact with a target does not pro- ing for a predetermined distance of the initial
duce the usual effects of a high- order detonation. portion of the trajectory.
Strictly speaking, the term low-order detonation
should be used to describe such a phenomenon if DENSITY OF CHARGE. The weight of pyrotechnic
it is intended to connote a detonation at lower charge per unit volume of the chamber, usually
than the stable detonation velocity of the explo- expressed in grams per cubic centimeter.
sive. The term deflagration should be used if it
is intended to connote a burning reaction. See DESICCANT. A drying agent.
DETONATE. To be changed by exothermic chem-
DEGRESSIVE BURNING. Propellant granulation ical reaction usually from a solid or liquid to a
in which the surface area of a grain decreases gas with such rapidity that the rate of advance
during burning. The degressive burning of a of the reaction zone into the unreacted material
propellant is sometimes termed degressive exceeds the velocity of sound in the unreacted
granulation or regressive burning. See PRO- material; that is, the advancing reaction zone is
GRESSIVE BURNING. preceded by a shock wave. See DETONATION.

DETONATING AGENT. Explosive used to set DICHROMATION. A chemical treatment em- 4
off other less sensitive explosives. Includes in- ploying salts of chromium to metals or alloys I
itial detonating agents, and other less sensitive to inhibit corrosion.
explosives that may be used as intermediate ex-
plosive elements in a detonating train. DILUENT. An additive, usually inert, used to
regulate burning rate or temperature.
DETONATING CORD. A flexible fabric tube con-
taining a filler of high explosive initiated by a DIM IGNITER. Igniter composition for tracer
blasting cap, or electric detonator. bullets designed to produce weak or dimly vis-
ible trace, visible to gunner for apredetermined
DETONATION. (Detonation Rate, Detonation Ve- distance of the initial portion of the trajectory.
locity) An exothermic chemical reaction that See DARK IGNITER.
propagates with such rapidity that the rate of
advance of the reaction zone into the unreacted DISC, BLOWOUT. A thin, metal diaphragm,
material exceeds the velocity of sound in the un- sometimes installed in a rocket motor as a safe-
reacted material; that is, the advancing reaction ty measure against excess gas pressure.
zone is preceded by a shock wave. A detonation
is an explosion. The rate of advance of the reac-
tion zone is termed detonation rate or detonation DISPERSING AGENT. A surface active agent
velocity. When this rate of advance attains such that tends to keep solid particles dispersed in a
a value that it will continue without diminution liquid medium.
through the unreacted material, it is termed the
stable detonation velocity. The exact value of DOG HOUSE: A small temporary storage space
this term depends upon a number of factors, for explosives. See also BEE HIVE; IGLOO.
principally the chemical and physical properties
of the material. When the detonation rate is equal
to or greater than the stable detonation velocity DRY BLEND. A mixture of dry powders. L..
of the explosive, the reaction is a high-order
detonation. When the detonation rate is lower

DUD. An explosive munition that fails to explode
than the stable detonation velocity of the explo- although such was intended.
sive, the reaction is a low-order detonation. See I


DWELL TIME. In press loading powders into
cavities, the interval of time that the powder is
DETONATION WAVE. The shock wave that pre- held at the full loading pressure.
cedes the advancing reaction zone in a high- order
detonation. See DETONATION. EFFICIENCY. Ratio of the actual performance
of an operation to the ideal performance, often
DETONATOR. 1. In an explosive train,that com- expressed as a percentage.
ponent which, when detonated by the primer in
turn detonates a less sensitive explosive (usually EJECTION. The throwing out of loose material
the booster), or when containing its own primer, or a canister from a munition, usually by an ex-
initiates the detonation in the train. A detonator pelling charge; may occur after impactor at any
can be activated by either an explosive impulse preset altitude. See BASE EJECTION.
(a primer) or a nonexplosive impulse. When
activated by a nonexplosive impulse, the detona- ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVITY. See SENSI-
tor contains its own primer. Detonators are TIVITY.
generally classified as percussion, stab, elec-
tric, or flash, according to the method of initia- ELUTRIATION. The process of purifying by
tion. 2. An explosive charge placed in certain washing and straining or decanting.
equipment and set to destroy the equipment under
certain conditions. Preferred term in this sense EMISSION. Flow of electrons out of heated ma-


EMISSIVITY. The rate at which a solid or a liquid EXPLODE. To be changed in chemical or physical
emits electrons when additional energy is im- state usually from a solid or liquid to a gas (as
parted to the free electrons in the material by by chemical decomposition or sudden vaporiza-
the action of heat, light, or other radiant energy tion) so as to suddently transform considerable
or by the impact of other electrons on the surface. energy into the kinetic form. See EXPLOSION.

EMITTERS. The component of a pyrotechnic EXPLOSION. A chemical reaction or change of

flash or flame responsible for the development state that is effected in an exceedingly short
of the color. space of time with the generation of a high tem-
perature and generally a large quantity of gas.
An explosion produces a shock wave in the sur-
END ITEM. An item developed to meet a stated
rounding medium. See DEFLAGRATION.
requirement. Usually a combination of com-
ponents, assemblies, or parts ready for their
intended use, and not a component of a larger DETONATION. A confined explosion is an ex-
assembly. plosion occurring, as in a closed chamber, where
the volume is constant. An unconfined explosion
is an explosion occurring in the open air where
ENDOTHERMAL. A reaction that occurs with
the (atmospheric) pressure is constant.
the absorption of heat. Opposed to exothermal.


A powder train
nents constructed so that either they will not
encased in a cotton or plastic sheath. See FUSE,
spark or that dusts and vapors are barred from
places where sparking does occur.

ENTHALPY. A concept for any system defined

by H = E + PV, where His enthalpy, E is internal EXPLOSIVE. A substance or mixture of sub-
energy, P is pressure, and V is the volume. stances that may be made to undergo a rapid
Often called the total heat. Change in enthalpy chemical change, without an outside supply of
is the amount of heat added to, or subtracted oxygen, with the liberation of large quantities of
from, a system in going from one state to another energy generally accompanied by the evolution of
under constant pressure. hot gases. Explosives are divided into two clas-
ses: high explosives and low explosives, accord-
ing to their rate of reaction in normal usage.
ENTROPY. The degree in which the energy of a
Certain mixtures of fuels and oxidizers can be
system has ceased to be available. dS where made to explode and are considered to be ex-
plosives. However, a substance such as a fuel,
S is entropy, Q is heat absorbed by a system,
which requires an outside source of oxidizer, or
and T is absolute temperature.
an oxidizer, that requires an outside source of
fuel to explode, is not considered an explosive.
ENTROPY OF ACTIVATION. Related to the prob-
ability of the activated state (P), which is the es-
sential intermediate in all reactions. pz = e R explosive.
(KT/h) where Sis entropy, Risthe gas constant,
and Z and KT,h are essentially constant.
EXPLOSIVE FILLER. Main explosive charge
contained in a projectile, missile, bomb, or the
EQUATION OF STATE. Any of several equations
like. See CHARGE, as modified.
relating the volume, temperature, and pressure
of a system.
EXPLOSIVE LIMIT. Maximum weight of ex-
EXOTHERMAL. A process characterized by the plosive that may be allowed in any particular
evolution of heat. Opposite of endothermal. storage, loading, or handling area.


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