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7 ways to communicate with strangers:

1.Follow someone who looks open to conversation.

Watch the person’s body language to see if they’re friendly
and receptive. Before approaching a stranger to talk, wait to
see if they’re smiling or making eye contact with people. If
they’re already having a conversation with someone, check
if they’re using hand gestures and listening when the other
person talks. If they look comfortable socializing, they’re
probably really easy to talk to and won’t mind if you try to
have a conversation with them.
2.Make eye contact and smile.
Even a friendly expression can help you feel like you’re
socializing. People are more likely to strike up a
conversation if they feel like they can trust you. Briefly
glance in their direction and try to lock eyes even if it’s just
for a second. It’s completely normal to feel a bit
intimidated, but try to offer up a warm smile and see how
the other person respond. If they smile back, it’s a good sign
that they’re willing to stop and chat for a little while.
3.Use open and engaging body language
Adjust your posture to seem more approachable. Keep your
arms uncrossed so you look receptive and open to talking to
someone. Turn your body towards the person you want to
talk to and lean slightly toward them to show that you’re
interested in chatting. If it helps you feel more comfortable,
imagine the person as a good friend so you’re even more
relaxed around them.
4.Respect their personal space.
Getting too close might make the person feel
uncomfortable. Everybody has different physical
boundaries, so make sure you don’t intrude on them. Pay
attention to the person’s body language to see if they’re
turning away from you or breaking eye contact often, which
might be signs that they’re nervous. If they look like they’re
uneasy, take a step back from them and be polite
about how they react.
5.Learn and use their name.
Drop their name in the conversation to develop a better
connection. People enjoy hearing the sound of their own
name, so be sure to ask the person for theirs right away.
When it feels natural to do it, say their name a few times
while you’re chatting. The person will feel like they’re
genuinely bonding with you and will encourage them to
be friendly back.
6.Give them a compliment.
A compliment is a natural and flattering way to break the
ice. Mention something specifically that you appreciate or
like about them so you sound sincere. You could make a
comment about something the person’s wearing, how they
handle a situation, or anything else you admire. After you
break the ice, continue chatting so you can learn more
about the person.
7.Discuss common interest.
Find some common ground to carry on the conversation. If
the person perks up when you mention your favorite hobby,
sports team, or another thing you like, delve into the topic
even more. Talk about why you love it and ask the other
person for their opinions as well. Don’t judge or criticize
them if they have a different opinion on it, but be open and
receptive to what they’re talking about.

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