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Signpost language' is the words and phrases that people use to tell the listener what has just
happened, and what is going to happen next.

In other words, signpost language guides the listener through the presentation. A good
presenter will usually use a lot of signpost language, so it is a good idea to learn a few of the common
phrases. Signpost language is relatively easy to understand.

A. Match the signposts used in the following sentences with their function in a presentation.

1. I’d like to move on to the next point if a. to give more detail about a topic
there are no further questions
2. Let’s turn now to our plans for next year. b. to talk about something off the topic
3. I’d like to expand more on this problem we c. to refer back to an earlier point
have had in Chicago.
4. I’d like to digress here for a moment and d. to repeat the main points of what
just say a word of thanks to Bob for you’ve said
organizing this meeting.
5. I’d like to go back to something Jenny said e. to give the outline of a point
in her presentation.
6. I don’t have a lot of time left so I’m going f. to make your next point
to summarize the next few points.
7. I’d like to quickly recap the main points of g. to give final remark
my presentation
8. If I may conclude by quoting Karl Marx h. to change to a completely different
……. topic

B. Choose the correct half of each sentence below

1. Now, I’d like to invite by showing you a chart of destination
competitiveness index
2. Finally, let me sum up b with a quote from Confucius
3. I’d like to illustrate this by asking you to ponder upon this
Chinese proverb
4. I’m going to conclude something that requires our
immediate action
5. I have four main points e any questions you might have
6. Let’s me begin that I’d like to discuss with you this
7. What I’m going to talk about today is g the main points, which were…..
8. So, that was my first point. let’s now take a look at the next thing
I’d like to discuss
C. Complete the following phrases and sentences using the expressions above to help you. The
first one has been done for you.

a. Moving on/question/US market

Moving on to the question of the US market

b. Expand/the background/previous project.


c. ?/recap/the main points of the study.


d. Go back/question/tourist consumption behavior.

e. Digress/a moment, let’s consider/ alternatives.

f. Turn/our targets/ the next five years.

g. Elaborate/that/little/those of you/aren’t familiar/Russian business practices.


D. Watch Dan Cobley’s presentation on “What Physics Taught Me About Marketing.”

First, just listen through it once. Then, listen again. This time, try to listen what kinds of
signposts he uses in his presentation. Make a note.

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