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Submitted to :- Navjot Kaur submitted by :- Harpreet Kaur

Roll no. 21421045
Section- B
Group- H

Punjabi university Patiala

Hollands theory of carrier choice

Personality types:-
 Realistic (R)
 Investigative (I)
 Artistic (A)
 Social (S)
 Enterprising (E)
 Conventional (C)

 Realistic (R)

Realistic individuals are active and stable and enjoy hands-on or manual
activities, such as building, mechanics, machinery operation and athletics.
They prefer to work with things rather than ideas and people. They enjoy
engaging in physical activity and often like being outdoors and working
with plants and animals.

 Investigative (I)
Investigative individuals are analytical, intellectual and observant and
enjoy research, mathematical or scientific activities. They are drawn to
ambiguous challenges and may be stifled in highly structured
environments. People who fall into this category enjoy using logic and
solving highly complex, abstract problems.

 Artistic (A)

Artistic individuals are original, intuitive and imaginative and enjoy

creative activities, such as composing or playing music, writing, drawing
or painting and acting in or directing stage productions.

 Social (S)

Social individuals are humanistic, idealistic, responsible and concerned

with the welfare of others. They enjoy participating in group activities
and helping, training, healing, counseling or developing others
 Enterprising (E)

Enterprising individuals are energetic, ambitious, adventurous, sociable

and self-confident. They enjoy activities that require them to persuade
others, such as sales, and seek out leadership roles.

 Conventional (C)

Conventional individuals are efficient, careful, conforming, organized

and conscientious. They are comfortable working within an established
chain of command and prefer carrying out well-defined instructions over
assuming leadership roles.

Name designation Realisti Artisti Investigative Social Entrepreneuria Conventional

c c l
Parwinde 8 7 6 11 7 16
r Singh Accountant
Study on twenty peoples or employees to measure there personality
with hollands theory

From the above table we can see that the employee is more conventional in
nature they follow proper rules and procedures to work accordingly but he have
less interest in artistic activities. According to the theory as well an accountant
should be strict towards following rules, conventions same quality in that
employee so he is fit for his work.
Name designation Realisti Artisti Investigative Social Entrepreneuria Conventional
c c l
Harman Political 7 11 10 13 11 7
Singh member
Second person involve in political activities and have high score in social
also with having a less interest towards realistic and conventional things .
A political leader should have more interaction with the society or
peoples so that person also choose a right carrier for his self.

Name designation Realisti Artisti Investigative Social Entrepreneuria Conventional

c c l
Vijay Claim 17 16 17 9 17 8
Verma Investigator

Third employee working as a claim investigator and he have high interest

in realistic which is opposite from there work second he have high
interest in investigative which is close to the carrier of that employee but
again he have also interest in entrepreneurial activities according to this
results he should have more qualities but he is yet in other field of his

Name designation Realisti Artisti Investigative Social Entrepreneuria Conventional

c c l
Tarlochan 11 12 14 12 13 11
Singh Mechanical

Above employee working as a mechanical engineer but have less score in

realistic a realistic person more involve in machines, outside world,
animals as well as tinker with parts of different machines but on the other
side he have more investigative mind according to this result he should
involve in investigative activities like carrier in lawyer or any department
of polices where he have to solve some critical cases with sharp mind.
Name designation Realisti Artisti Investigative Social Entrepreneuria Conventional
c c l
Harpreet HR 12 11 10 14 17 16
Kaur Manager

In above table HR have more Interest in entrepreneurial activities as well as in

conventional other factors are also have great interest according to this we can
conclude that HR considered as all rounder that employee also in her right
carrier according to her interest.
Name Designatio Realisti Investigativ Artisti Socia Entrepreneuri convention
n c e c l al al

Ramandee Telle caller 11 14 17 16 9 9

p Kaur executive

Above employee working as a Telle executive main focus on communication

skills as they have to deal with different kind of customer in there organization
as well innovative way to find the solution so basically they must have
combination of both artistic as well as social factors in there nature and she is
also proving it right by getting high score in both so she is fit for her carrier that
she has selected.
Name Designation Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Entrepreneurial conventional

Nargi Assistant 12 14 13 15 11 16
s khan account

Above employee working as a assistant account officer and she get high score
in conventional an accountant should have follow rules that are predefined and
some conventions also the same she is doing by showing more interest towards
conventional factor. We can say she is fit for her carrier.

Name Designation Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Entrepreneurial conventional

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