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Print Media

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The New York Times newspaper is a publication that has proved to be an evolutionary

form of print media which has set the pace for numerous and similar form of publications in the

United States and the rest of the world. On 18th September 1851, George Jones and Henry Jarvis

Raymond founded the New York Times though the title of the company had been used before to

make other publications from as early as 1813 by Nicolas Van Riper and David Longworth. As

one of the best newspapers in the United States, The New York Times was first published in

New York with the hopes that it would deliver information in an objective and restrictive manner

while evading sensationalism.

Based on the content that was integrated into the New York Times publication, it was

evident that the targeted audience people believed to be intellectual and cultured individuals who

had a keen eye and taste for what was going on in the United States and the rest of the world at

the time. It meant that even though The New York Times newspaper was publicized in New

York, it had a mass audience as the primary target. There was an intentional purpose to make the

newspaper a daily publication to keep the audience updated on current affairs at all times while

at the same time trying to stay ahead of their competition. The newspaper has maintained its

audience since its first publication and still incorporated both national and international news.

One of the first things to note about the New York Times is that since it is primarily

focused on news coverage, there is no fictional work that is published so that information is kept

as authentic as possible. Available journalism resources have enabled the New York Times to

have the capacity of ensuring that news acquired is impactful and anodyne. Publications

concerning the 1912 Titanic and Vietnam War became widespread and eventually gathered the

attention of many.

Technological advancements have played a key role in the publication of the newspaper

which has assisted in ensuring that there is a global circulation. Early publications contained

photographs that in black and white, though after the evolution of photography and colored print

there was an adoption of colored publications around 1997. In 1995, The New York Times also

adopted an online platform with the evolution of the internet to make information available to the

public in a faster and easier way compared to printed forms which sometimes took days to reach

wider regions. In 2005, there was the introduction of a subscription service for people who had

access to the newspaper on the internet through its was prematurely abolished so that more

people had access to information as compared to only those who could afford to pay. The

subscription was later re-introduced (2011) since the publishers felt that there was a need to

restrict certain information. The current print edition was made available for download through

the creation of an online version known as the Times Reader developed in 2006. The

incorporation of new methods of distribution meant that more information could be fitted in the

publication to include information concerning topics such as industrialization and technology.

The New York times have its foundation safeguarded by its audience in the United

States. It has become fundamental as it primarily focuses on presenting news concerning

America before reaching out to the international world in an attempt to maintain a form of

cohesion and preservation of culture. Citizens all over the country are kept updated on

contemporary issues with evidence-based facts which have led to the New York Times becoming

more integrated as a source of information that will ensure its longevity. Technological

advancements have stamped the New York times to be a reliable source since it has maintained

consistency which has enabled it to gather awards such as the Peabody Awards (3) in 2014 and a

total of one hundred and thirty Pulitzer Prizes making it rank the third-best newspaper in the

United States.


Pederson., J. (2012). The New York Times Company. International Directory of Company


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