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Budo for

Cayetano Sanchez
Dedicated to the loved memory of
Negishi, Yuichi.
A Budo Great Master
Budo for Budoka

Budo for Budoka .................................................................1

El Contexto........................................................................ 10
Context historical Introduction .................................... 10
Historical antecedents ................................................... 11

Religious context ............................................................... 17

Introduction ................................................................... 17
The Shintoism ................................................................ 18
The Buddhism ................................................................ 22
Conclusion ..................................................................... 26

Cultural Context ................................................................ 28

Sen no Rikyu .................................................................. 29
Other Arts ...................................................................... 31
Conclusion ..................................................................... 33

Aesthetic Context .............................................................. 35

Furyu 風流 36
Sabi-Wabi 侘美・寂美 36

History and evolution of the Budo ..................................... 38

The Samurai 39
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Gendai Budo .................................................................. 43

Okinawa (The Kingdom of Ryu-Kyu) 44
The Hand from Okinawa 45
Main styles and schools of Karate. ................................ 46
Semantics of martial arts............................................... 50
Bu (武) ........................................................................... 50
Bushi (武士) ................................................................... 51
Bujutsu, Bu-Jutsu (武術)................................................ 51
Bugei (武芸)................................................................... 52
Budo (武 ) .................................................................. 52
Seishin (精神) ................................................................ 53
Maai (間合) ................................................................... 53
Zanshin (残心) ............................................................... 54
Kime (決め) ................................................................... 54
Shin, Kokoro (心) ........................................................... 55
El Ki (気) 57
Phrases and axioms of the Bugei................................... 60
Fudôshin (不動心) 60
Mushin (無心) 61
Wa (和) 62
Nintai (忍体) 62
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Osu (押忍) 63
Graduation Systems 67
Degrees related to teaching: 70

Practice and training of Budo ............................................ 72

Teaching sytems 75
Training Systems 77
System Do ...................................................................... 77
System Jutsu .................................................................. 78
Western method vs Japanese method. 80
Sensei ............................................................................ 81
The Pupil ........................................................................ 82
The practice ................................................................... 82

Technical Papers ............................................................... 85

Technic (Waza 技) 85
Kuzushi (崩し) 87
Basic study of Shikaku ................................................... 88
Application of the pair of forces 90
Study Case: Harai Waza (払技) ..................................... 94
Conclusions.................................................................... 94
Security: The first premise............................................. 96
Kamae ............................................................................ 97
Considerations ............................................................. 102
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Balance, the second premise ...................................... 103

Kuzushi 崩 - unbalance 107
Movement, the third premise ..................................... 110
Types of movement 111
The elusive (Tai Sabaki 体捌き) 112
Yori Ashi (寄 足) 113
Ayumi Ashi (歩足) 114
Conclusions.................................................................. 115
Defence (Uke Waza 受技) 115
Introduction 115
Uke Waza ..................................................................... 116
Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu ............................................ 117
Tsuri Uke ...................................................................... 119
Curvilinear motion 122
Conclusions.................................................................. 123
Geki Waza 撃技 - Technical Attack 124
Puntualizations ............................................................ 127
Conclusions.................................................................. 128
Basic Biomechanics 128
Introduction ................................................................. 128
Balance and movement 130

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The Biomechanics of the coup .................................... 132

Conclusions.................................................................. 134
Sobre la Inercia 135
Study of basic application............................................ 136
Maximizing the potential 138
Using the law of the lever, 140
Conclusions.................................................................. 141
Breaking the balance ................................................... 142
Dynamic balance 143
Cases practical 144
Conclusions.................................................................. 148
Projection techniques (Nage Waza 投技) 149
Introduction ................................................................. 149
Clasification ................................................................. 152
Cases of study .............................................................. 152
Harai Waza (払技) 152
Using the pair of forces 153
Kiri Waza (切技) .......................................................... 154
Nagashi Waza (流技) ................................................... 154
Final considerations 157
Osae Waza (押技) 158
Description .................................................................. 158
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Basic anatomy ............................................................. 159

Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu system ................................ 162
Kansetsu Waza (関節技) 165
Introduction ................................................................. 165
Wrist (Kote 手) 170
Case study 1. By bending inwards (towards the Palm)
The elbow (Hiji 肘)....................................................... 173
Conclusion ................................................................... 175
Katame Waza (堅技) 175
Introduction ................................................................. 175
Gyaku Waza (逆技)...................................................... 177
The Shoulder (Kata 肩) 178
Study Cases .................................................................. 180
Juatsu Waza (重圧技) ................................................. 182
Conclusions.................................................................. 184
骨攻手 Kotsusete (Attack on the skeletal system) 185
Introduction ................................................................. 185
Techniques and forms ................................................. 186
Finals Considerations................................................... 192
内臓撃 Naizogeki (Attacking the visceral system) 193

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Introduction ................................................................. 193

Anatomy Basic ............................................................. 195
Naizogeki ..................................................................... 196
Cases practical ............................................................. 197
The respiratory system 197
The digestive system 199
The urinary system 201
Final Considerations .................................................... 202
神経撃 Senkeigeki (Attacking the nervous system) 204
Introduction ................................................................. 204
Considerations 205
Nervous System ........................................................... 207
Functional classification 208
Senkeigeki (神経撃) .................................................... 209
Final considerations..................................................... 211
技巧 Giko (The technical excellence) 212
Introduction ................................................................. 212
Shin (心)....................................................................... 215
Gi (技) .......................................................................... 218
Tai (体) ......................................................................... 222

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El Contexto

Context historical
West sinks its cultural roots in the ancient Greece and, later,
in Rome for then imbedded in the judeo-Christian tradition.
To be able to analyze and understand our uses, ways and
customs must take into account these factors, as well as the
geo-political and religious that comprises the thinking of
every nation. Japan is not an exception to this rule. There are
many practitioners of martial arts which, born of a profound
ignorance of these factors and because of the peculiarities of
a country so distant and unknown, mythologize or, in other
cases, despise these facts by misrepresentation or they are
manipulated by unscrupulous people. If we want to be
masters of the Bugei, or simply to understand it, we need
starting from scratch and learn, albeit briefly, the sources
that thrive to understand so many aspects and nuance that
define the world of the Bugei.

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Master means to give a good base training students and

followers, so that they know the origin and meaning of
everything how much practice; give shape, sense and logic,
since we are Westerners and our thinking and cognitive
faculties are based on logic and not in abstract thinking.

Historical antecedents
In origin history of what we know today as Japan religious
legends and truths based on archaeological remains, exactly
are mixed as in the history of all ancient cultures. The findings
and studies, it can be said that, originally, the Japanese
people was a conglomeration of tribes. Its first inhabitants
date back to the 11,000 and 500 B.C., and developed the first
pottery in the world.

Later, appears another type of cultures that manufactures

metal instruments and cultivates rice. This society was
divided into tribes, among which stands out the Yamato (大
和) who manage to impose other tribes claiming divine

According to this belief, narrated in the books, Nihonshiki and

Kojiki, Japan is created by the gods Izanagi and Izanami. The
Union of these gods are born the 6 Japanese islands
(Hokkaido and Okinawa are not included in the ancient
Japan) as well as the Yamato race which in the seventh
century resulted in the establishment of the Empire and the
Emperor holds the name of Tenno (son of heaven).

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The first emperor Jinmu Tenno (S. VII A.C) was, according to
legend is a descendant of the goddess of the Sun Amateratsu
Omikami, he pacified the country bowing to all the tribes and
rival clans establishing supremacy Yamato, a warrior clan. The
title Tenno (son of heaven), which reaches to the present day
was used for the first time in the 7th century AD by the
Emperor Tenmu Tenno established the capital in Nara
(ancient Yamato).

It is at this time that the Buddhist influence begins to bloom

through the commercial and bureaucratic system of China
(Tang dynasty) making it the new capital is built following the
Chinese model. Alongside Buddhism come also Taoists and
Confucianists, thriving mainly flows between the Japanese
Court, not among the common people that continues with its
animistic and mainly Shinto traditions. They are the first
writing systems and gives rise to the literature, both in prose
as poetic and Buddhism occupies a position of total in the
Nara Court influence, being subsidized by the imperial family
until the arrival of the Emperor Kanmu ending with this
influence and moved the Court to Heian-Kyo (current Kyoto)
and is fixed as objective the "barbarians of the North" (Ainu)
who were finally defeated in the year 796.

Melted down China's State system, was born the aristocracy

and the development of its own and sophisticated cultural
characteristics. Equally, with the dismantling of the Chinese
political system, has resulted the breakdown of order and
respect for the law, which encourages continuous revolts
that lead to Civil war and the emergence of a new breed: the
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samurai or warriors in the service of the feudal lords engaged

in continuous struggles for power resulting in the
establishment of the shogunate or military dictatorship.

The first Shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo was defeating the

Taira clan, killing it completely, that establishes the
shogunate as a political system by transferring the capital to
Kamakura, the emperor being a merely symbolic figure while
the real power lies with the military class in 1192. The
shogunate fails the political stability of the country through
different periods.

Of this period include two generals:

Oda Nobunaga, a Daimyo (Feudal Lord) less, does Japan

control imposed on the rest of the clans, but is betrayed by
his own General, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who could not assume
the role of Shogun to not come from any of the major clans,
for which he received the title of Kanpaku (Regent).

After his death he begins a series of alliances between the

most powerful clans in order to keep the country calm, but
this is only apparent. In 1599, the country is divided into two
factions faced at the battle of Sekigahara of is it Victor
Tokugawa Ieasu, becoming Shogun and established its capital
in Edo (Tokyo).

Shogunato Tokugawa (Edo period) is a period in which Japan

is unified and at peace, but also a period in which decreed
total isolation from Japan in 1639, taking as an excuse the
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influence of Christianity, which had come from the hands of

missionaries Spanish and Portuguese in 1543, as
consequence it is prohibited and pursued.

The aristocracy and nobility lost power against the caste

samurai who devise a new social structure based on
Confucianism. On the highest scale of this structure are the
own samurai, followed by the nobles and courtiers, after
them religious, after farmers, and lastly the urban classes:
artisans, merchants and criminals. This structure rooted in
Japanese culture in such a way that, even today, you can find
features in their society.

During this period, flowering Japanese culture with the

peculiarities that we know today in all its manifestations,
since they receive just that only foreign influence through a
small Dutch colony on Dejima and bringing some new
currents of thought.

To encourage trade, the shogunate instructs the Shimazu of

Satsuma Clan, the occupation of the Kingdom of the Ryu Kyu
(Okinawa - Uchinanchu in their dialect), at that time tributary
of the Chinese Ming dynasty. After its conquest is set an
unwritten Pact that benefit all three parties: keeping
Okinawa as a nation independent, tax the Government
Chinese and vassal of the Satsuma Clan, so that commercial
ties are established and developed.

For this purpose two capitals are built: the Okinawan Shuri,
as Chinese capital and the port of Naha as the Japanese

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capital, stayed with his court and banned from using names
and Japanese apparel, as well as show their knowledge of the
Japanese language.

In 1853, Commodore Perry arrives in Tokyo Bay with a fleet

of modern ships of war demanding the opening of ports to
American ships, under the threat of returning a year later and
take military actions against the shogunate. Aware of the
technological supremacy, Japan gives in to their demands
despite some factions willing to fight against the enemy.

During the following years produced the modernisation of

troops forming the basis of the Imperial Army and the
Imperial Japanese Navy. However struggles between
different factions of Daimyo and Samurai, some in favor and
others against the growing foreign influence, marked a
period of fights and battles ending with the edict that puts an
end to the shogunate and returns power to the Emperor in
1868, giving rise to a new period of civil war ending in 1869
with the total surrender of the loyal to the Tokugawa.

In the Meiji Restoration, starts a profound change in the

Japanese culture, given that it promulgates the abolition of
feudal and puts an end to caste samurai initiating a process
of expansion and modernization reinstating the name of
Empire of Japan.

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Later, in the pre-war period, he would return to recover the

samurai spirit, to be used to highlight the "Japanese spirit" in
the ultranationalist idea of the Dai Nihon (great Japan).

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Religious context
Japan is a syncretic village, which fits all outside influence
their own mentality and idiosyncrasies, i.e., without never
renouncing their status as Japanese, its signs of identity and
the tradition of their ancestors. As always in history, a strong
and dominant culture is essential to those who, under their
influence, possess less technological and cultural progress.

In the West we have the example of Rome, as the dominant

Empire, which imposed its architectural norms, religion,
philosophy, and even their writing system until the Arab
people displaced part of this influence with their knowledge
of astrology, mathematics, medicine and defined the
alphabetical model, especially the numbering.

The same is true in the East. The dominant culture is Hindu,

Buddhism and the Sanskrit name from. With the arrival of
Genghis Khan, throughout the East remains under Chinese
power, however the Mongolian people is not as refined as
the Chinese, by what Chinese culture goes to influence
throughout the East.

The Buddhist religion had permeated the layers of power and

the Chinese people evolved into new religious forms, giving

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rise to sects such as the Chan'g, later known by its Japanese

name Zen.

Japan was a town divided into tribes, farmer, and therefore

their rites and primitive beliefs reflect that condition.
Environmental, and geographic conditions define a
catastrophism that affects the entire society and beliefs
today. Constant earthquakes, typhoons, and all kinds of
natural disasters, make the idea of a forthcoming death, an
uncertain future and a completely practical and self-sufficient
way of life something inherent to its inhabitants, thus
establishing its first religious manifestations.

The Shintoism
Initially, this native religion, had no name or established
rituals, that each village or tribe is entrusted to the Kami (神)
or court animistic deities living in all manifestations of nature
and ancestors, as protectors of the village, their crops and
the well-being of every family.

The basics of their worship come, precisely, of the idea of

protection before the calamities caused by natural forces, in
the belief that to keep them happy and live in harmony with
them, protect them and will enjoy its protection.

Basically anything, animal, tree, rock or person can be Kami,

so it must be "perfect", an example of course is Mount Fuji:
has a perfect: triangular; a Lake (Lake Hakone) sits in its base
and its Summit remains nevada; It is a sleeping volcano that,

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at any time, could wake up and "angry" with the catastrophic

consequences that would entail.

Basically anything, animal, tree, rock or person can be Kami,

so it must be "perfect", an example of course is Mount Fuji:
has a perfect: triangular; a Lake (Lake Hakone) sits in its base
and its Summit remains full of snow; It is a sleeping volcano
that, at any time, could wake up and "angry" with the
catastrophic consequences that would entail.

There are myriads of Kami and various forms of worship,

although the central core revolves around the basic idea that
the world was built as a result of a column, hub of the
universe, called Amenomihashira by the gods Izanagi and
Izanami, from whom descend the Japanese themselves both
the main gods: Amateratsu (Goddess of the Sun and the
heavens) Tsukuyomi (the Moon and the night God) and
Susanowo (God of wind and sea).

There are several forms of Shinto:

 Koshitsu Shinto (Shinto of the Imperial House). It is a

general term for a ritual carried out by the Emperor
(which is the symbol of the State and unity of the
people according to the Japanese Constitution), to
ask the deities whose center is Amaterasu Ohmikami
(an ancestral deity of the Emperor according to the
Japanese myths), and Imperial ancestral deities for
the long and prosperous existence of Statethe

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people's happiness and world peace. The Daijosai, or

great festival is the first Niinamesai done by the
crowned new emperor of Japan in a Palace called
Daijokyu which is temporarily built inside the
Imperial Palace. In addition to the above, the rites
performed in the Grand shrine of Ise should be
included in this category, Amaterasu Omikami is also
there, according to the beliefs of the cult.

 Jinja Shinto (Shrine Shinto) Also called Shinto Temple,

is the worship of the gods professed in temples or
shrines. It is considered to be the original form of the
religion and its origins go back to the prehistory of
the country. Constitutes the largest sect / branch of
Shinto with more than 80,000 temples that make up
the Association of Shinto temples, and until the end
of the Second World War (1939-1945), was closely
linked to Koshitsu Shinto, which worships the
Emperor, worshipped as a living God. The symbol of
the Shinto shrine is universal the torii or portal which
marks the approach to a chapel and each one has its
own Kami and associated rites.

 Shuha Shinto (Sect Shinto) The Shuha Shinto (sect of

Shinto) can be classified into two categories: the sect
of Shinto and the new sect of Shinto. The sect of
Shinto is a group of believers from the Shinto which
began activities of individual religions before 1868
and after 1882 when the Shinto shrines were sections
of other religious institutions as the rites and festivals
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led by State (the home of the so-called State Shinto),

are Kurozumikyo, Shinto Shuseiha, Izumo
Oyashirokyo, Fusokyo, Jikkokyo, ShinshukyoShinto
Taiseikyo, Ontakekyo, Shintotaikyo, Misogikyo,
Shinrikyo, Konkokyo, and Tenrikyo according to the
date of its establishment. Each group has a founder
of his own doctrine. Although they worship
traditional gods of heaven and Earth, following
traditional forms of rites and festivals of Shintoism,
they usually have the central figure of divinity to
worship. In the case of the new sects of Shinto, have
a remarkable tendency to make a together
commitment to Buddhism and Confucianism and
traditions such as the Ying Yang school. There are
some groups even showing monotheistic
characteristics such as extreme case.

 Minzoku Shinto (Shinto folk). Shinto folk or popular is

a Shinto faith that was commonly practiced by the
common people without the need to be systematized.
Therefore, it is inseparable from the Shinto shrine.
However, at the time that the fortieth Emperor
Temmu (673-686), it was segregated from the Shinto
shrine when the Government at the time established
a system related to the rituals and traditional
Japanese festivals, which had been practiced in
parallel to Buddhist rituals. After this, the popular
Shinto developed gradually if only in a complex way

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of rituals and festivals, which occasionally mixed

practices associated with Buddhism, Taoism and
Confucianism. Among them, those who have not lost
the traditional form of Shinto are considered Shinto
folk or popular. In a farming community, for example,
there is a custom that the rituals are performed by a
lay man without the involvement of a priest. A
member of the Community (often the younger boy) is
nominated as "Toya", and he performed the rites to
worship the deities of the towns for a year under the
rotation system. Other examples of the (popular)
Shinto folk are the rituals related to the passages of
life and the passing of the year. They are closely
related to the rites and festivals carried out by Shinto

The Buddhism
Buddhism comes to Japan via Korea in the year 552, and
although at first it is not accepted by the majority of the
population, the Nara Court supporting them and begins its
popularity spread throughout the country. In the year 607
messengers are sent to the Court of China in order to obtain
copies of the most important sutras.

Schools Hosso, Kegon and Ritsu, based on different

interpretations of this Religion is founded in that time.

Buddhism is based, mainly, on the idea of compassion, a

term of difficult ethical interpretation, especially toward
"sentient beings" or "conscious" (animals, humans...)
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rejecting any kind of aggression and violence against

them except "in self-defense or of others".

Its code of ethics is easily assimilated by the Japanese


 Respect for life (as she has already been said, except
in self-defense and, always, as a last option)

 A proper sex life (that does not cause damage to

itself or to others) not to mention harmful way.

 As lying, using a language hard or violent, with

ostentation or gossip) not taking intoxicants. I.e.,
those drugs that may damage the mind, excluding
medicines in case of illness.

The arrival of Buddhism transforms Japanese society giving a

political system as well as architectural and town planning
rules whose greatest exponent is the current Kyoto, mainly
setting out esoteric Buddhism, Tendai and Shingon schools
and, with them, the Tantric Buddhism. An influence that lasts
until the Kamakura shogunate, time that establishes sects
that have more influence on Japanese thought: sects Zen
Soto (based on the practice of Zazen meditation) and the
Rinzai, based on the approach of Koan (a kind of puzzles).

As a method of Defense, Buddhist monks, bring with them

their martial arts, creating armed armies, some of whom
participated in the wars for power.

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Although they are not actual religions, the doctrine of

Confucian and the Taoist formed the universe of thought
Japanese taking their philosophical basis to adapt it to their
particular way of life.

Confucianism sees only the accomplished man as social being

that he occupies a position and plays a role, not as an
isolated. On Confucian idea of a utopian society, the
hierarchy is not only social, but also moral. In ancient China,
the family was not a reduced core, but a great clan, many of
its members lived under the same roof, recognized an
ancestor in common, and maintained ties with other groups
of the same origin.

A family was a prefiguration of the State. Thus, the family

was seen as a small Kingdom with hierarchies, protocols and
methods of Government, and the State as a big family where
the should be affects, relationships and moral obligations.
The family members are hierarchy through a complex system.
For Confucianism, appreciation, love and relationships
between the members, should be graduated according to
each person, office, etc. As a result, had terms to mean love
for the parents or filial piety (Xiao), the love of parents for
their children (Ci), etc..

Learning of the superior man began in the family and

haltingly can a rule the State if it a ’t govern his family

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Despite what was said above, for the Confucian all men are
by nature basically equal, independent of their position or
place of birth. But not they can stay the same since it would
be detrimental to the proper functioning of social.

Taoism establishes the existence of three forces: a passive,

another active and a third, conciliatory. The first two oppose
and complement each other simultaneously, i.e. that are
interdependent of absolute and function as a unit. They are
yin (subtle/passive, female, wet strength...) and yang
(active/concrete, male, strength dry...). The third force is the
tao, or strength superior to containing them.

The oldest meaning that exists on the tao says: «Yi yin, yi
yang, wei tao zhe», i.e., "a yin aspect, an aspect yang, that is
the tao".

Can be exemplified this concept from the meaning of the

words: yang literally means 'the (sunny) bright side of the
mountain', and ' dark (shadow) the mountain slope' yin;
understand the idea of mountain as a symbol of unity. Thus,
even though they represent two seemingly opposing forces,
are part of a unique nature.

Equality between the first two forces entails equality of its

manifestations considered in the abstract. For this reason the
Taoist not considered superior life to death, does not give
supremacy to the construction on the destruction, nor to the

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pleasure over suffering, or to the positive on the negative, or

the assertion about the denial.

Everyday and insignificant things have a much deeper

meaning that we give.

The word tao (or dao, depending on the romanization

used), usually translated as 'way' or 'road', although it has
innumerable shades in philosophy and Chinese popular
religion. At the end of the 20th century transcription pinyin of
the putonghua or common Chinese language ('mandarin') to
Roman characters, disclosed how dao, whose closest
pronunciation is/tao / (or at least the intermediate: dao, with
a phoneme between the d and t). In Japanese is the word Do.

Looking from the perspective of the tao, looks like all things
rise, they become large and then return to its root. Living and
dying is to simply enter and exit. The mind forces have no
power over who follows the tao. The path of non - being
leads to stillness and observation, and leads to one of the
multiple. To be able to travel that road does lack internal
preparation. Through spiritual practice, perseverance,
recollection and silence you will reach a State of relaxation
which should be so serene that it allows the contemplation of
being inside, the soul, and thus is accomplished see the
invisible, hear the inaudible, feel the unattainable.

Japan does not profess a particular religion, except the Shinto
for cultural reasons the Emperor is also the high priest. Is said

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that a Japanese "born Shinto, living according to the precepts

of Confucius and die Buddhist" is the Shinto rites at birth and
Buddhists at the funeral (in modern Japan is fashionable
married by the Christian rite).

The religion of Japan is not very well defined, instead

incorporating the features of many religions into their daily
lives. Japanese streets are decorated on Tanabata (July 7,
feast of the stars), Obon (in October, the Festival of the
ancestors), Halloween and Christmas. A sentence that is
popular when you have problems is "Kami-sama, Hotoke-
sa a, dōka otasuke kudasai. '' 'Gods and Buddha, help me in
any way, please '), which seems to imply a syncretistic belief.

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Cultural Context
Japan, as we know it today, is given by the two most
important historical periods: the period of Civil war and the
Meiji Restoration. During the first, he starts to occur the rise
of social class Samurai who reaches its peak during the
Shogunato Tokugawa; the second marks the transition to the
modern Japan.

Is the period Tokugawa (Edo Jidai) when Japanese culture

develops way native eliminating all foreign influence and
evolving from its own peculiar geographical, demographic
and environmental characteristics.

At that time, the Shogun holds real power, while the Emperor
held his court and his status divine, but devoid of any sign of
authority in everyday life. In fact, the Imperial household is
maintained by the shogunate, which has resulted in the
impoverishment of the nobility and an enrichment of the
Samurai clans, especially the related to the Tokugawa.

Thus, while in Kyoto flourishing cultural and aesthetic forms

based on simplicity and rusticity of the materials used, in
Tokyo (Edo) feeds a profuse and Baroque aesthetic in rich
materials, especially in the area where the mausoleum of
Tokugawa Ieasu would be built: Nikko.

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Another consequence of the period of peace is the amount of

samurai who belonged to the defeated clans, are jobless
(Ronin), many of them open their public schools of Bu-Jutsu,
teaching skills and crafts, some in temples, others in private
Dojos and others in towns and villages teaching residents so
you aprendieses self-defense techniques.

Similarly, already not fighting opponents dressed in armor

and helmet (Yoroi, Kabuto) and armed with spear and
Naginata, so the Ryuha evolve in that sense, having its peak
Jo-Jutsu and Iai-Jutsu and Ju-Jutsu schools.

Sen no Rikyu

The most influential figure in Japanese

culture is, undoubtedly, the Buddhist
monk Sen no Rikyu. This monk, master
of Chado (tea ceremony) gave rise to the
three schools more renowned and
known: Ura Senke, Omote Senke and
Musanokoji-Ryu, establishing ethical and
aesthetic standards of the Sabi-Wabi,
qualities in which predominates the
purity of heart, humility and respect.

Although, in former times, the tea ceremony was almost

exclusively for the refined nobility, Sen no Rikyu
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"democratizes it" promoting a new concept in which there

are no social classes, and therefore the new dominant breed
is fond of at the time which is influenced by the precepts of
master Rikyu.

Since who perform the ceremony should be familiar with the

production and types of tea, in addition to the kimono, the
calligraphy, flower arrangement, ceramics, incense, suiseki,
and a wide range of other disciplines and traditional arts as
well as the practices of the ceremony at the school, the study
of these many years, often takes a full life. Even participate as
a guest in a formal tea ceremony requires adequate
knowledge of postures and gestures and phrases that are
expected, the proper way to take tea and sweets and general
conduct in the tea room.

In Japanese universities, is the teaching of the ceremony of

tea with the following objectives:

 Make everyday life more enjoyable.

 Live in harmony with the changes of the seasons.
 Become a person of refined taste.
 Become a person honestly and without fear.
 Create better human relations.
 Having good manners.

Offer the tea ceremony means hospitality. A human

encounter will never be exactly as new (Ichi go Ichi ei 一期一

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Other Arts
It's Sen no Rikyu who begins to establish the term applied to
the learning of art as a way to develop personal and spiritual,
since, as mentioned earlier, the objectives of the tea
ceremony, go beyond simply offering a cup of tea, but to get
a series of virtues "Do".

Based on the Wabi-Sabi aesthetic arise new "roads ":

Kado or Ikebana
Born in Buddhist temples, as a sign of homage to Buddha,
becomes a basic element in the decoration of the refined

More than simply putting flowers in a container, ikebana is

an art disciplined in which nature and humanity come
together. Contrary to the idea of the floral arrangement as a
collection of multicolored flowers agreement, often
emphasizes other areas of the plant, such as stems and
leaves, and draws attention to the shape, line, etc.

Though ikebana is a creative expression, it has certain rules

governing its form. The main rule is that all the elements
used in construction must be of organic origin, whether
branches, leaves, herbs, or flowers. The intention of the artist
behind each provision is illustrated through combinations of
colors of a piece, natural shapes, elegant lines and usually
involves the meaning of the provision.

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Shodō 書 "the way of writing") is the Japanese calligraphy.

Is considered an art and a very difficult to improve discipline

and is taught as one subject more to Japanese children during
their primary education.

It comes from calligraphy China, and practiced in the ancient

style, with a brush, an Inkwell is prepared where the ink,
paperweights and a sheet of rice paper. It is also now
possible to use a fudepen (of fude, brush and pen), portable
brush with ink tank.

The shodō pra ti e riti g Japa ese hiraga a a d kataka a

characters as well as kanji characters derived from the
Chinese writing. Currently there are master calligraphers in
this art that are hired for the drafting of important

In addition to requiring great precision and grace by the

calligrapher, each kanji character should be written according
to a specific stroke order, which increases the discipline
required to those who practice this art.

The Tokonoma (the aesthetics of the vacuum)

A tokonoma (床の間 Tokonoma) is a small elevated area on a
washitsu, a Japanese style room with floor mat, where hang
decorative drop-down rolls with paintings (banner).
Arrangements ikebana and bonsai can also be found in these
spaces. The tokonoma and its objects contained in it are
essential elements in the Japanese traditional decor.
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It is an empty space, in which mixing different elements to

project a concept or image. For example: If hangs a script
with the word "Nightingale", or a drawing of this bird,
complemented with flowers of lilies, cherry guest (the third
element), or rather its abstract perception, interpreted the
spring season.

When they are guests in a Japanese-style room, the right way

according to the Japanese label is sitting at the most
important guest with his back to the place of the tokonoma.
This represents modesty; which invites must not flaunt the
contents of the tokonoma to the guest and is therefore
necessary not to lead his gaze directly toward such a space.

Is strictly forbidden step within this area as it is considered

that it is a "space for the gods".

All these cultural elements, composed the piece key Japanese
thought and, consequently, of the samurai, the modern
Budoka. While all of these concepts have been
internationalized, have not been fully understood, but rather
on the contrary, have been overlooked.

The modern Budoka, direct heir of the samurai spirit, should

bear in mind all these aspects. For example, the concept of
"vacuum" that gives rise to mystical interpretations, is not
more than keep the mind pure and clean of all thought,

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"empty" of problems everyday and concentrated on what we

are doing in the "here and now" at the very moment.

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Aesthetic Context
Often, too, are often "experts" in Japanese culture or any of
its manifestations, such as Budo, Bugei, which are complete
unfamiliar of the basics and the keys that identify and classify
something, an action or a work of art.

A teacher of Koryu once said that "had to do away with the

image of "uneducated and gross fighters" that populate the
universe of Budo".

No solo da una pésima imagen, sino que, además, arroja

confusión y engaño a quienes se acercan a este apasionante
mundo, dejándoles a merced de charlatanes y mercaderes.

A judgment or opinion, issued from the ignorance and lack of

knowledge, it is not more than that, has no value and only
serves to sow more confusion and extend a bad, terrible,
interpretation of certain values that are mixed and give rise
to extremes, from the most heinous and shameful
movements of waste of Budo, to the more esoteric and
sectarian modes of thinking.

It is too common, qualify a movement of Budo, Bugei, as

"beautiful", when the concept of beauty that we apply
corresponds to a spectacular choreography, but does not
meet the objectives for which it was devised and, much less,
with the Japanese idea of beauty.

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Furyu 風流
It is the Japanese concept of elegance. Its meaning is made
up of the Kanji (Fu 風) wind and current, fluency (Ryu 流) and
refers to the subtlety and transience. We cannot see the
wind, but it's there, we can feel it, sometimes heard among
the leaves of the trees or in the high grass. Not you can catch,
or translate anywhere, but around us constantly, flows
continuously. It can be soft and weak or powerful, sweeping.
It represents (strong sometimes, other soft) rhythm and
harmony that makes "sing" to the trees and "dancing" with
high herbs. They must thus be movements of Budo, Bugei.
Smooth and powerful at the same time. Fluid, almost
invisible, inatrapables. Away from ostentation.

Sabi-Wabi 侘美・寂美
These two concepts relate to impermanence. Time leaves a
patina, well the MOSS that grows on a stone, well the rust of
a piece, the dregs of tea in a Cup... etc. Naturalness that give
the years, elimination of all that is superfluous. Useless
embellishments lead only to divert attention to the true
essence of things. Time takes care of eliminating such
superficiality and "undress" the truth in our eyes.

The true Budoka, does not need superfluous movements,

Budo is effectiveness, does not require any movement that
deflect that goal. The Budoka need not be admired by trivial
things that are not his great spirit and technique refined,
carried to the minimum.

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Any type of embellishment on their clothing or in their


The true Budoka is "made" by the passage of time, which

gives the virtues that strengthen your character and
personality, as well as the subtlety of movement.

True Budo and its practitioners, flee the artifice, most seek
the inner path to the applause and admiration of those
around him. In other words: they grow inside (Uchi, Honne)
and scrapped the exterior (Soto, Otemae), thus become
characters worthy of respect and admiration. The rest... wind
and time end up sweeping it.

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History and evolution of

the Budo
All peoples and all cultures of antiquity have developed their
own methods and system of fight to fend off possible
invasions or even to expand their territories. Perhaps the
most ancient of which have historical documentation are the
Egyptian, since paintings are and murals showing Egyptian
fighters dating back to 2000 BC. References to martial arts
specifically Chinese, Oriental, dating from 2100 BC, but there
is no evidence of its actual age.

In Japan there are no historical references to the year 23 BC

however, are ambiguous references. The first express
mention occurs in 720 A.D. in the Nihon Shiki (ancient
Chronicles of Japan) and tells Sumo bout between two
contenders, one of which (Nomi no Sukune) uses a series of
mortals shots that manage to defeat your opponent, so it is
regarded as the "father of Sumo". These handmade nude
fighting techniques, gradually evolve to what we today know
as Ju-Jutsu.

It is known that in during the early years of Japanese history

(Kofun period, 250-530 ad) aristocracy was formed by armed
warriors and horse. These warriors were buried along with

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their weapons and armor, as well as clay figures called

Haniwa, in the form of soldiers, horses and armies.

Also it is known that, given its geographical proximity, these

soldiers were involved in warfare in China and Korea.

In 602 (was Asuka), Prince Kume led an expedition to Korea

accompanied between 120 to 150 local chieftains, which
showed each title Kuni no Miyatsuko. Each of them was
accompanied by a personal army, depending on the wealth
of stronghold. These troops formed what would become the
prototype of a samurai army centuries later.

The Samurai
Although there is no samurai (侍) certainty of the exact origin
of the word, most historians agree that has its origin in a
variation of the verb in old Japanese, saburau, meaning
«serve», so the derivative term saburai becomes «those who

The first record that has been found of the word samurai
dates from the eighth century and was not applied with a
martial character, but it was used to refer to the domestic
servants responsible for care for the elderly. The word
eventually led to a military aspect and its meaning as we
know it today emerged with the gunkimono (軍記物), a
series of stories of war of the century XII thanks which is has

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been able to study behavior, methodology, and appearance

of the military elite.

The terms bushi (武士) and samurai (侍) have been used as
synonyms, but the difference is that the word bushi means
simply «Warrior» regardless of position or hierarchy, while
the word samurai refers to members of a military elite.

To 860, you can see most of the features of the Samurai:

riders riding skilful in the use of the arch, in addition to the
use of curved blade swords. These military horses enjoyed
the confidence of the "Chrysanthemum throne" and were
responsible for the safety of the cities as well as fighting
against the revolts that were.

During the century IX Japan suffered a severe economic

decline due to pests and various famines. At the beginning of
the 10th century took place numerous disturbances,
disorders and revolts because of the situation that existed.

The Government took decision to grant wide powers to local

governors to recruit troops and to act against growing
rebellions in accordance with what they believe, what gave
these Governors enormous political power. Is this period that
is documented for the first time the word «samurai», «those
who serve», in a purely military context.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi is who the figure of the samurai, defines

finally ordered and defines the guidelines for the training,
discipline and specialization of the soldiers in the country.
Soldiers ashigaru (light infantry armed with harquebuses)
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were trained in the use of the naginata and the arquebus. An

edict proclaimed in 1588, known as "hunting of swords",
sought to formally separate soldiers and samurai of the
peasants, so they are confiscated their weapons.

Another edict of 1591 ends separate and distinguish between

the social classes of the samurai and peasants. In contrast to
the kind of historical recruitment carried out in the past,
where peasants donde los campesinos tomaban taking
weapons for some periods of the year and the rest engaged
in field work, emphasis is placed on the specialization of the
members of the army.

Every child who grew into a family of samurai was expected

that major was also a warrior, for which much of his
childhood spent her practicing different martial arts. A
samurai complete must be dexterous at least in the use of
the sword, the bow and arrow, spear, and later in the use of
firearms. Similarly, it instructed them in the use of these
weapons while he was riding a horse. Also they expected
from them to know swimming and diving.

During the feudal era of Japan, flourished several types of

martial arts, known in Japanese under the generic name of
bujutsu (surgery). The term jutsu can be translated as
«method», «art» or «technical» and the name that owns
each is indicative of the way they run. Methods of combat
that were developed and perfected are very different.

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From the moment in which Ieyasu established the Tokugawa

shogunate, he began a process to remove the legal and social
status to the samurai class. In the same way, it established
the social class of soldiers ashigaru as one rank lower than
the of the Samurai.

During this period most of the Samurai lost their direct

possession of the land and raised them two choices: lay down
their arms and become farmers or move to the main city of
his fiefdo a d e o e ser a ts i the pa of the dai ō.
Only some few Samurai remained in the outer provinces of
North, as direct vassals of the Shogun. These Samurai were
known as "the 5,000 hatamoto».

In the year 1650, the shogunate issued a law which

prohibited the duels between the Samurai. In 1690 was
formally banned the practice of different martial arts. At that
time, the skills and training in the use of the bow, spear,
sword and combat melee suffered a large decline by what
bloom Ju-Jutsu and Tai-Jutsu schools.

With the measures taken by the Government, many Samurai

were devoted to the field and to manufacture crafts. Some
e a e rō i 浪人 lit. «man wave"), i.e. samurai without Mr.
Many others embarked on the trafficking, smuggling and
theft of goods in ports and on the high seas, which also
ended in the year 1639 with the edict of 'borders closed».

By this edict was to control and prevent the influence of

foreigners, especially of Catholic missionaries, considered by

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the Government as "subversives", others are instead

dedicated to teach their arts of defence in schools open to
the lower, even in villages classes.

Gendai Budo
After the "Meiji Restoration", the samurai lost all its influence
and are born modern martial arts.

The ter ge dai udō 現代武 ) means "modern traditional

artial arts" i Japa ese. It a oppose Kor ū udō 古流武
), which can be translated as traditional classical martial
arts. The o ept of ge dai udō i ludes arts ithout a d
with weapons such as the Karate-do, Judo, Iaido, Ke dō,
Aikidō, K udo a d Ko udo a d fe others, arisi g after the
restoration of Meiji (1868) in the Japan, at the end of the
19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.

Modern traditional martial arts seek to transcend the

liquidate the adversary, by giving ethics training and a
philosophy of life to its practitioners at the same time that
they cultivate the body, also these can be used for a civil

Nowadays modern Japanese traditional martial arts are

specializing more and more due to its sporty or philosophical
approach, becoming combat or precision sports / display.

Setting aside several techniques useful and necessary for self-

defense, before found as integral or complementary parts of
its content. Some of these are: the techniques of
Cayetano Sanchez | The Samurai 43
Budo for Budoka

disarmament, of various types of dislocations and detentions,

beating, hit vital points, technical and traditional weapons of
resuscitation. Because of this can be described in a general
way the emphasis of these martial arts as well:

Judō = releases, takedo s, hokes, su issio s a d

dislocations, fight body to body. Karate do = shock with open
hand, punching, elbowing, kicks, knees, dislocations, with
so e releases a d s eeps. Aikidō = dislo atio s to upper
limbs, releases, fixed assets, some chokes, and a few hits.
Ke dō = ha dli g of a oo or shi ai lightsa er. K udō =
shooti g ith o a d arro . Jodō = ha dli g of a e
appro i atel et ee the . a d .3 of le gth . Iaidō =
a age e t of the s ord fro the sheath. Ko udō =
handling the Japan traditional weapons, and Okinawa.

Okinawa (The Kingdom of Ryu-Kyu)

The Islands that now comprise Okinawa Prefecture do not
always were part of Japan, but an independent nation known
as the Kingdom of Ryukyu (琉球). The location of Okinawa on
the sea of South China and its relative proximity to China,
Japan, Taiwan and the Philippines allowed him to become a
prosperous merchant nation.

However, in 1609 the clan Satsuma from Japan, which

controlled the region currently known as the Kagoshima
Prefecture, invaded Okinawa. After this invasion, despite a

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Budo for Budoka

pesar de permanecer remain as an independent Kingdom in

name, the Ryukyu Kingdom passed into the hands of the
Satsuma clan.

For this historical reason, the Okinawan martial arts are not
among the Koryu Bugei, because is not considered as part of
Japan until 1879 year in which, following the restoration of
Meiji, the Ryukyu Kingdom was abolished and converted into
Okinawa Prefecture.

The Hand from Okinawa

According to the legend, prior to karate martial arts originate
between 480 and 520 BC with:

1. the practices of the Warrior castes of ancient

India, (including within the Indian martial art
of the Kalaripayat),
2. physical practices developed by the Shaolin
monks (Treaty of transformation of the
muscles and tendons, called in Chinese the
"Yijing suijing kingyi», or written as 'I chin
ching', also known as Shi Ba Lo Han She (Shih
Pa Lohan Sho), and in Japanese as Ekkinkyo)
3. the spiritual practices (meditation chan or
zen) developed by the Indian master
Bodhidharma, coming to China from the
India. It is believed that all of the above were
developed by the monks of the Shaolin
Temple in China, thus giving origin to the

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kung fu/wu shu, and later karate Okinawan

and Japanese.

However, as they advance the investigations relate

specifically to karate, credibility has been lost in these
statements and even in relation to the existence of the same
Bodhidharma, which Ta Mo was called in ancient China and in
Japan remembers him as | 磨| Daruma Taishi.

According to the author and researcher Bruce Clayton in his

karate Shotokan Secret, more linear styles (type Shuri - Te) as
Shorin Ryu, and their direct descendants, as Shotokan and
Wado Ryu, Shito Ryu, styles come from Fang Chi-Niang, a
martial artist woman china creator of the Chinese style of the
17TH century (17) of the White crane/Stork or "Bai Hok Pai"
known also as the style of "the crane seeks its food / the
crane in the morning"; This in turn was learned by Tode
Sakugawa, and modified by his disciple the noble Warrior or
pechin, sokon "Bushi" Matsumura combined with his
knowledge of: the linear style of kung fu internal "hsing yi
chuan" or will boxing / mind and fencing, traditional Japanese
or kenjutsu style Jigen Ryu (which was in turn the style of
fencing of the clan Satsuma samurai)who invaded Okinawa
by Portuguese firearms, prior to the Japan final). Sokon
Matsumura was the teacher of Itosu Anko, who was Master
Gichin Funakoshi and Kenwa Mabuni.

Main styles and schools of Karate.

The arrival of Karate to the Japan is located in the month of
may of the year 1922, time in which the Ministry of education
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Budo for Budoka

of Japan held the first exhibition of athletics and physical

education in Okinawa before the emperor. Master Gichin
Funakoshi and Krayan Shudan (creator of the Okinawan style
Chito Ryu, Shito Ryu Japanese style created by Kenwa
Mabuni-unlike), as representative and President of the
Association of Okinawan martial arts, were invited to
participate and demonstrate martial arts of Okinawa before
members of the Royal family Japanese.

However, it is known that karate originates from the combat

systems existing on the island of Okinawa, whose origin goes
back to the kung-fu/wushu practiced by the Chinese, adapted
in accordance with the need of the noble Warriors of the
island or Pechin protect to the last King of Okinawa, Sho Tai;
and to themselves of warriors armor Japanese samurai.
Karate is popularized finally in the Japan in the 20th century,
thanks to the influence of Gichin Funakoshi from 1922,
together ith Jigorō Ka ō fou der of Judo , ho perfor ed
various shows. On the other hand, in the year 1929 master
Kenwa Mabuni Shito Ryu style settled in the city of Osaka to
teach his style of karate.

Karate-is characterized by the use of blows of fist and kicking,

though it does not restrict its repertoire only to them.
"Karate-do" is a martial art that is coordinated force,
breathing, balance and posture, proper hip rotation and the
joint connection of muscles and limbs, transferring much of
body weight and center of gravity to the impact. It usually

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seeks to defeat the opponent with a single forceful impact in

similarity to the thrust or cut a katana or Japanese sword.

Among the styles developed in the Japan, are: the

"Shotokan" (founded by Gichin Funakoshi), the Shotokai of
Shigeru Egami, Shito Ryu (by Kenwa Mabuni), Goju Ryu (by
Choju Mi agi , a d Wado R u Hiro ori Ōtsuka . These
are considered major styles of karate in Japan.

Where Karate originated, i.e. on the island of Okinawa main

styles are: the Matsubayashi Ryu of Soshin Nagamine Shorin
Ryu of Chosin Chibana, Uechi Ryu of Kanbun Uechi and Goju
Ryu of Kanryo Higaonna.

However, styles are many more, resulting from the merger or

internal divisions of the past, including elements of other
martial arts, such as the Ken Shin Kan founded by Seiichi
Akamine, Shindo Jinen Ryu founded by Yasuhiro Konishi,
Kyokushin or founded by Masutatsu Oyama Kyokushinkai,
the Gensei Ryu of Seiken Shukumine, Renbu Kai of Geka Yung,
among others.

In 1949 was founded the Japanese Association of Karate (JKA),

which held the first Japan Championships in 1957. The
Association sought to bring together the different styles of
art, but eventually became the representative of Shotokan
karate, version JKA or Kyokai, known in Japan as.

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Budo for Budoka

The initiators of Sakugawa and Matsumura, art to the

maintained initially combat Arts Okinawan secret left only
rise to speculations regarding "True Karate", which are
currently closer to be resolved due to historical research and
interpretation of the forms (katas) ancient and modern by
Patrick McCarthy, Iain Abernethy, Bruce D. Clayton and

Special mention deserves the Shito-Kai, which, despite not

being a school in the strict sense of the word, its founder,
master Manzo Iwata, introduced a series of modifications
due to its history as a samurai.

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Budo for Budoka

Semantics of martial arts

The indiscriminate use of names and Japanese concepts
leads to confusion when mixing ideas and because of the
lack of knowledge of Japanese language and culture. The
best thing is to be a compendium of the different
concepts that are typically used in martial arts along with
its description and meaning, both literal as its approach to
our language, so that every practitioner can decide freely
the stream that best suits their own interests.

Bu (武)
Literal meaning:

1: (archaic) the art of war, martial arts, arts military;

2: military force, the sword;

3: value; courage;

4: official Army, military.

Its meaning is "military, militarily" or related to the

military, hence their meanings. Also used in the sense of
"martial" in Spanish, their meaning is: "Belonging or
relating to the war, the militia or the military," therefore,
it seems is more accurate meaning.

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Bushi (武士)
The word is composed of the words for "martial" and
"person that you figure in a party or in a collective",
"militant". I.e., its literal meaning would be "related to the
military person", "soldier ".

Is just used in that sense, the "soldier" regardless of any

rank, as opposed to "samurai" which is used to designate
the former professional military of high-grade forming a
caste or social class, abolished in the nineteenth century.

Bujutsu, Bu-Jutsu (武術)

Word composed by "military, martial" and "craft, skill",
which literally translates as skill martial or, more
accurately, as "martial skill set ".

Commonly, refers to this word in the sense of the set of

skills that the former Japanese soldier trained: melee, use
of spear, bow, sword, halberd, etc., as part of his martial
training. Currently it has the sense of "Set of martial
techniques" which are taught without order or
programmatic default system.

It should be noted that it is a global and ambiguous

concept since any "set of military, martial techniques" is a
Bu-Jutsu in itself. I.e., whether we speak of Yari-Jutsu (art
of spear) or of the Iai-Do, both respond to the definition of
this word.

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Budo for Budoka

A common mistake is to include the karate within this

category. Its origin is in the Okinawan people, and
therefore was not part of the system of training of the
Japanese feudal armies, consequently, is outside the set
of the Bujutsu.

Bugei (武芸)
Consisting of the words "military, martial" and "art" its
literal meaning is "the art of war" or "martial art". It is not
usually used in this sense, but as a "set of martial skills",
also in the abstract, "organized and systematized for your
teaching programme". This definition the difference of Bu-
Jutsu when tagging system, school, style or martial

Usually applied to methods and control systems

developed during feudal Japan, prior to the year 1868
when the feudal system was abolished.

Budo (武 道)
Is the most common and widespread name to refer to
martial arts but actually means "The road or way of war",
"The martial way"... in the sense of quest for personal
fulfillment, for what would be its most exact meaning
"path of self-realization through a martial art".

This is so because the word Do, comes from Chinese Tao,

Taoist philosophy that defines and Japanese culture

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Budo for Budoka

adopted by rapidly integrating with the native thought

giving rise to different regulated forms that serve as
methods of self-realization.

Seishin (精神)
Its literal meaning is "mind, soul, heart, spirit and intent...".
Applied to the Bugei, it usually refers to the "intention,
the will shown through physical and mental attitude". The
"intention" of the Budoka is "victory" does not conform
with "avoiding defeat". The Kata are executed according
to this attitude, assume the different Kamae and it adopts
the most suitable strategy adapted to the specific

Maai (間合)
This is a concept quite complex to which too little
attention is paid and that, however, defines the entire set
of tactics and strategies of the Bugei.

It has different meanings:

1 - Interval, distance.

2. Correct time, appropriate opportunity (Timming)

3 - Distance between opponents.

Usually this term is used in Kendo, however a study in

depth of this concept leads, inexorably, to a good study of
the kumite techniques and, therefore, any Bugei.

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Zanshin (残心)
Its literal meaning is "Follow-up", refers to "follow the
path of the arrow" used in the Kyudo.

However, the first word Zan (残) means "remnants",

"which endures" and the second, spirit, heart, therefore,
applied to the Bugei, could be translated as "spirit that
endures". Indeed, both throwing arrow, at the end of any
movement of Bugei, the "spirit of victory and alert
remains", this attitude tends to be poorly understood and
applied in the sense of staying on guard when, in reality, it
is simply not lose sight, "follow" the path of the contender.

It's actually easier than it looks:

It should "follow the arrow" to find out if it has given the

target and, if not, launch a second. Others Bugei "follows
the movement" making sure that it has been fully
effective for relaxing the mind or prepare the next attack.

Kime (決め)
Overrated concept and usually portrayed evil that comes
from the verb Kimeru, which has the following meanings:

1: to decide, to choose the end determine, to make up

one's mind, to resolve, to fix the heart, to resolve, to
organize, create, name, set;

2: (a win), to decide (the result of a match);

3: to persist in doing, go ahead with;

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Budo for Budoka

4: do always, who has made a habit of;

5: take for granted, to assume;

6: to dress, dress to kill;

7: to carry out with success (a movement in sport, an

attitude in dance, etc), to succeed in making;

8: (term of martial arts) to lock with a lock of double arm

(in sumo, judo, etc.)

It also applies in the Kime-Te (決め手) word meaning:

1: decider; person who decide;

2: the decisive factor, critical factor, the trump card;

played winning.

Put another way, its proper meaning would be

"determination to triumph", "decision of victory".

The error comes from confusing the Ki (決) word which

means "decision" with the homonymous word Ki (気)
meaning "power ", which is used in the sense of

Shin, Kokoro (心)

Its literal translation is "heart", but has many more
meanings according to the context in which it is used:
mind, feeling...

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Budo for Budoka

Its use in martial arts often refer more to "mind" or

"mental attitude" given as Zanshin, Mushin, etc... Since, it
is worth remembering, in oriental thought their own
Western mind-body duality, but which is understood as an
inseparable unit, for which, often, Shin, can express a
body attitude controlled by a State of mind. For example
Zanshin, concept that refers to a State of alert in which
the mind is carefully controlled and the muscles ready to

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El Ki (気)
This concept requires a whole chapter since if there is
something completely out of control and given to all kinds
of erroneous interpretations and that it is a source of
confusion, even handling and destructive sectarianism is

Ki, is a word that only translates to "power", "force",

"spirit", semantically, kanji reflected the idea of
"something that moves the lid of a pot to Cook rice".
Obviously, there is an "energy" originating "mysteriously"
and is capable of moving things. Scientifically, it is the
power of steam, generated by the heat energy that
transforms the water. But... what moves to human beings,
clouds, wind, water, etc.…?

Thus Ki is part of words such as "Electricity (denki 電気)",

"(元気 genki) health" "tone or manner of speaking (語気
goki), weather (天気 tenki), the time during the four
seasons (四気 shiki), to give just a few examples." I.e.
"what gives life, move or animate things”.

Derive mystical myths such as "Energy of the universe"

and others that have nothing to do with the original
meaning of this concept.

First you have to understand that the Japanese culture is

animist (belief that spiritual life and powers objects of
nature. Belief in the existence of spirits who animate all
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Budo for Budoka

things.) and, from this point of view, there should be a

"spirit" or "energy" that resides in all objects of nature.
I.e.: the Ki.

Although, from my point of view, the vast majority of the

more or less "traditional" Western Budoka surprisingly
believe this concept so mystical and pseudoreligioso, the
truth is that the West has one with the same meaning:
soul, Latin word meaning soul and, in the judeo-Christian
tradition is the "breath divine" creator of the universe. It
has other meanings, but, as a reference, it serves in order
to clear what the exact concept.

In a simple daily Act, for example, take a spoonful of food,

place a multitude of processes:

 Calculate the distance where the spoon.

 Direct it toward the plate and taking the right
amount of food.
 Take it directly to the mouth.

All these processes, including the calculation of the right

pressure to keep the spoon and the angle at which food
does not fall, are made unconsciously. How is it possible?

A scientist will tell that the brain performs these

calculations and, by means of electrical impulses, sends
precise orders to the muscles involved in the action.

However... How has there been?, what has caused that

the brain starts the process?

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For a Westerner: the will. For a Japanese: the Ki.

Away from misticismos and given that Westerners have

another culture and, with it, or because of it, another way
to interpret what surrounds us, can say that the true
translation of the concept of Ki is will.

When we headed somewhere, walking, simply "visualize"

"will go there" is automatically generated, our brain
calculates distances and obstacles and directs our steps.
This is the rational explanation.

According to Japanese traditional and cultural beliefs, that

will is generated in the womb (Hara), the center of
feelings. This is not unique, in our culture we are talking
about ' acting viscerally ', to refer to a non-cerebral action,
i.e. action has been caused "by the guts", for"belly".

Eyes are organs which displayed the object, thing or goal

we want to reach once the will is manifested and the hand
is that executes the action. In this case it can be hand,
foot... an organ.

I.e. Make-Me-Te (腹目手), an axiom which means Belly -

Eye - Hand and who is to say that "Ki is generated in the
womb, is directed by the eye and executed by hand" and
this is the reason why, Budo, Japanese teachers put so
much emphasis on these three organs since, culturally
speaking, without them there is no "true Ki”.

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Bad, bad, literal interpretation of this simple axiom depart

multitude of beliefs and false myths and misticismos.

A correct interpretation would be that it must be 'will',

applied to Budo, neither more nor less than "will achieve
victory" in the same way that, in the first example, you
"will take some food with a spoon". With this will, the
brain will make, based on experience, ability and acquired
skill, will make the necessary calculations and will direct
the attention and the appropriate orders to the rest of the

Phrases and axioms of the Bugei

There are plenty of more or less philosophical phrases
related to the Bugei and practice, most do not tend to be
good translations and, therefore, well understood,
sometimes misinterpreted given the abstract nature of
Eastern thought and, especially, his writing which
prevents that in all cases it can be translated literally but
interpreted based on the idea that transmit their kanji.

Fudôshin (不動心)
Here, the difficulty lies in the interpretation of the word
shin (心) kokoro. Usually translated as "heart", in the
sense of "soul, spirit", "feeling". Let us remember that
kanji are ideograms, therefore do not represent a
particular word but an abstract idea.

Specifically, Shin, is widely used in the Bugei, to refer to

the inner world (the heart) of the practitioner, therefore

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Fudoshin comes to be: "thoughts without movement" (Fu

[不] prefix of negation, Do [out] movement, Shin [心]
heart, inner world).

It makes reference to a showdown, in a conflict situation,

our mind (heart, feelings, thoughts) should not "moving"
but remain unchanged, so that we are not dominated by
the conflict letting ourselves be carried away by feelings
like anger or others that alter our perception, only in this
way, our minds (心) will be able to properly assess the
situation and establish which is and must be the most
consistent response.

Mushin (無心)
This is a concept of translation and very difficult. Literally
translates as "no heart" (無 negacion, no, no, 心 heart,
sense), in reality is a concept related to zen Buddhism
which expresses the "vacuum" of the mind, not in the
sense of "not having anything", but the "vacuum" as the
point of origin and creator of everything else.

In simple words, it comes to express the idea that when

our thoughts are directed toward a certain action, our
mind is occupied in this default action, however if we
"empty", that is to say if we don't have a specific idea in
mind, this will be open to capture everything what
surrounds us without judging and, therefore, respond
"without intention".

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In other words: our body will react naturally instead of


Wa (和)
In Eastern thought, the concept of the natural balance is
important, in Japan it is even more. WA refers to the
balance between the two opposites called Yin-Yang (in
Japanese In-me, 陰陽), also refers to the Japanese nation,
Yamato, which gives the idea of how important is this

In the Bugei is getting difficult harmony between the

"hard" or "strong" (剛 Go) and the "soft" or "soft" (柔 ju)
which falls squarely on the idea of "rhythm", an idea
difficult to interpret but basic and inherent to all Japanese

The Budoka or practitioner of martial arts should have this

idea constantly in your head, in your mind (shin 心) so
that before something "hard" or "strong", it can respond
with something "soft" or "soft" and the other so as to
restore "harmony" and "balance". This is the basis of
styles of karate Wado-Ryu (和 流) Goju-Ryu (剛柔流),
Aikido (合気 ), and other.

Nintai (忍体)
Although the character Nin (忍) is well known, giving the
connotation of "hidden" (default of popular Ninjutsu 忍
术) is actually the verb Shinobu, which means "endure",
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It is common among Westerners wanting to achieve at all

costs the mastery in a given mode Bugei that popularly, is
considered to the 1st Dan (black belt) as the sign of having
reached that mastery. Nothing is further from reality.

Achieve mastery involves large doses of study,

experimentation and practice, and is therefore
indispensable element "patience" with ourselves,
"endure" and "persevering" in the study more internalized
in automatic certain exercises, Kata, Hojo Undo, or Kihon.
This experimentation should lead to the maximization of
our personal resources, physical and mental, taking them
beyond our own limitations.

Osu (押忍)
The concepts of "military" and "militarism", linked
together are one of the biggest mistakes committed in the
practice of Budo, subverting the original meaning of
respect. To understand this it must go back to the history
of Japan and, therefore, of own Budo.

Martial arts (Bujutsu surgery) are created, as in all

civilizations, from the idea of defending the territory, and
later expand it conquering and subjecting to the
surrounding villages. This must be clear since the origin
defines their evolution and is the root of the real tradition.

Initially they had no known name, until Buddhism and

Chinese culture are introduced in Japan, in the same way

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that the Roman Empire is implanted in Europe, China is

implanted in the East, and as a result, Japan, until then
lacked a social structure and a system of writing, takes
these concepts of the dominant culture at the time
(periods Nara and Heian).

With the new structure, are born warriors clans, at whose

head was the Daimyo or Kubo (feudal Lord) who was the
Lord of lives and farms of its fiefdom. Just as in the feudal
period in the West, each Daimyo had his army and his
vassals, serfs. Their armies were trained in martial arts,
developing techniques that dieses supremacy on the
battlefield and it does, extend their domains.

This is the origin of the word "Martial art" (Bujutsu, Bu-

Jutsu surgery) or arts and warrior techniques or for war. In
this context, the eigenvalues of the soldiers are being
promoted: courage, courage, loyalty to the Feudal Lord
and, of course, respect for hierarchy.

Generally, the training of high-ranking soldiers fell into the

hands of a Shihan, equivalent to the Western master of
weapons, which is owed a total obedience since he had
power over life and death of his subordinates. For which,
the latter, were suitably indoctrinated to "give his life"
literally, for the sake of Honor and Gloria de el Clan. This
was the concept of Martialism.

During the Edo period, marked by the military dictatorship

of the Tokugawa, in which Japan is isolated from the

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outside world, there is a movement of "independence" of

Chinese culture, promoting arts, religion, customs and
purely Japanese ideology, the basis upon which is built
this new system is the Shinto religion and Bushido, the
chivalric military code.

A code that is not too different from what was the

Western orders of chivalry during the Middle Ages.

After the feudal period in the 19th century, decreed the

abolition of the rights of the warrior caste and a modern
system of Government is created. However, there are
noteworthy at this precise point the Japanese mind. Allow
me this subsection.

The Japanese people, educated after centuries of disasters

and natural calamities, is a village that adapts
continuously to any vicissitude, so living changes without
considering much more, almost without trauma or
resistance, although it is true that there were groups and
wars until was implemented the new system, once
assumed was as if it had been so since the beginning of
time. To do this, given a certain continuity, so that the
powerful Daimyo of feudal became advisors and Ministers
of the new Government, most of the time in the shade.

Socially, it advocates an exacerbation of nationalist

sentiment, and this is uses the aforementioned Bushido,
as standards high conduct and morality, in a way such that

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its people are indoctrinated in the rising militarism and

the idea of the Dai Nippon (大日本) similar to the
concepts of race Aria of Nazi Germany but with many
nuances and differences, but dangerously similar in its
fundamental ideas. The Bujutsu is used as a method to
exercise minds and bodies in this idea, create new
Japanese trained Warrior arts and inherited ethical values
of feudalism.

It is precisely at the time when the greeting (押忍) Osu

comes to mean "I effort" is coined, "I continue" improve
continuously, as a way to express the readiness to achieve
the values and objectives enacted by the military
hierarchy. It is a form of greeting military, not in the sense
of strict martial as today understand it, but rather a form
of submission and compliance with the military hierarchy.

The historical consequences of this nationalist sentiment

are well known: Japan lost World War II after the atomic
bombings that devastate the populations of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki and the nation remains under the American
military occupation under the command of General
McArthur, who prohibited martial arts, precisely to
eliminate the germ of this nationalistic spirit.

Historically, Japan once again to adapt to the

circumstances and the once powerful clans reconverted
into powerful companies and banks, holding political
positions in the shade. Martial arts passed to use the
suffix - Do (- ) and are understood as "methods of self-
Cayetano Sanchez | El Ki (気) 66
Budo for Budoka

improvement" included some of them in school such as

Kendo, Judo and Karate-do system.

Is officially eliminated all vestiges of the old militaristic

system and are set for the first time regulated systems of
education, known as Kyu-Dan in a way that practice of the,
now, Budo, is perfectly controlled.

Obviously, I speak in general terms since they already in

the 17TH century, when they try to regulate and register
all schools of Bujutsu, there are more than 500 public, i.e.
that are openly taught and a large but undetermined
number of Otome-Ryu, those who only teach within the
clan or family. This means that although the official
standards were on the one hand, many schools "dress"
their methods adapted to these requirements even
though the reality was that they kept true to their ancient
traditions, especially the Otome-Ryu that official control.

Graduation Systems
In the past there was a concrete system of degrees,
literally "knew or did not know". With the passage of time,
established different systems, hence the amount of names
and different titles that actually refer to the same level.

When different martial arts are creating "school" and the

appointment of a leader is necessary, are born the
Makimono or transmission titles that reflect the history

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Budo for Budoka

and evolution of that particular school. Because you live in

a period of peace, are increasingly those who acquire the
highest level of knowledge and education you are taking
different levels, which leads to the emergence of these

After the birth of the modern martial arts, Jigoro Kano and
the Kodokan, set the extended system Kyu-Dan that we
know today, although there are variations depending on
the school, there split-system between 6 and 10 Kyu
grades in addition to intermediate grades for children.

The most common systems are:

Kaiden (皆伝 - initiation in an art or discipline) or degrees

stage system, better known as system Menkyo (免許) or
certificates or Diplomas.

 Shoden (初伝) first stage. Usually comprise up to

2nd - 1st Kyu and 1st Dan. The corresponding
teaching degree is Shidoin (指 員) which means
"Teacher", "Counsellor", "moderator ".

 Chuden (中伝) Middle stage. Usually covers up to

3rd Dan. This corresponds to the title of Sensei (先

 Okuden (奥伝) internal stage. Normally, it is

usually translated as "Hidden stage" or "hidden"
techniques, since Oku (奥) entails that meaning,

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however, it is better to translate it as "Internal",

since it refers to the inner core of the school or
style. Entails the degree of Shihan-Dai (師範代)
assistant teachers and grants from 4th Dan.

 Menkyo Kaiden (免許皆伝) meaning "license of

total transmission" and that implies that the
holder has learned everything that school or
organization can teach, and has been licensed to
transmit all aspects of your training. Although it
does about any other title, usually occur from the
5th Dan and the title of Shihan (師範)

System Shōgō (称号) system of titles developed by the

Dai Nippon Desdoblarby Kai, the Kokusai Budoin and the
International Federation of martial arts of Europe.

 K ōshi 教師), which in colloquial Japanese can be

a more modest synonym for sensei, is sometimes
used to indicate an instructor.

 Renshi (錬士): instructor.

 K ōshi 教士) Refers to an advanced teacher.

 Hanshi (範士) It refers to a veteran with

consideration of "teacher of teachers". This title is
used by many varieties of martial arts for the
Summit of instructors of that style, is sometimes
translated as "Grand Master".
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 Meijin (名): awarded by a special Board of


Degrees related to teaching:

 Shidoin-Ho (指 員歩) (Previous step) to

 Shidoin (指 員) Instructor, lecturer

 Sensei (先生) Teacher, professor

 Shihan-Dai (師範代) Teacher assistant (master)

 Shihan (師範) Teaching (master model)

 Saiko Shihan (最高師範) Higher model of masters

(grand master)

 Soke (宗家) Head of the family; Creator. Has this

title only one person in each school or style. It is
the founder or who holds the maximum
representation of that school or style. His
appointment means to receive the Makimono
where it collects all the tradition and techniques,
as well as the contributions of the previous Soke
of the school.

Words used colloquially in teaching:

 Gakko (学校) School. Used for regulatory

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 Gakusei (学生). Student, school, who is

registered and attends a regulatory school (gakko).

 Seito (生徒) Student or disciple of someone or

following a certain current.

 Sensei (先生) Teacher, Professor in the

colloquial and current meaning of the term.

Osensei (御先生 大先生)

Both forms of writing have the same meaning:
Grandmaster. Usually used in honorary tone, the absence
of a certificate or diploma. The first form uses the prefix
(or/Go/Sama) that is used in a language called "honorary"
level and that denotes a maximum respect to whom is
addressed since it also translates as "honorable". The
second form uses the prefix (or, Oki, Okina, Dai) which
means "large, great" and is used in a more plain language
but it also implies respect for everyone who receives this

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Practice and
training of Budo
One of the biggest problems that we Westerners to delve
into the culture and Japanese folklore are precisely its
strict rules of tag. These are derived from two social
factors: one its geographical situation that leads them to
suffer all sorts of disasters and natural calamities, another

These two factors result in an excessively hierarchical

society in which each individual has a role to represent
and cannot leave it, since you dislocate an entire system
established for centuries to be able to provide the
corresponding help beyond where needed. If it subverts
this order and aren't sure where to turn, society would
throw quickly into chaos a natural disaster.

As I said before, this must, necessarily based on

knowledge. IE: not enough with that someone possess
corresponding disaster specialist degree, or diploma must
perfectly know how to handle this to make people safe
and minimize damage caused.

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Obviously, this person is doing social work beyond its

strict labor task, since nature can be punished at any time
and you have to be there. Without saying he deserves to
be honored and respected, occupying a prominent place
in the social scale.

So is van built ties, in such a way that there are three

levels, most of the people are on the level medium, others
are superior and other inferior in this scale.
Communication, the type of language that is used
depends on what level occupies the person that we, even
the type of greeting that engaged him (more or less deep)

Like all societies, Japan has its ancestral symbols. In the

same way that Westerners show hands open to
demonstrate that they do not carry weapons and,
therefore, their intention is peaceful to greet, in the East,
the custom is to keep the head lower to that who holds a
higher position (should I indicate here that a guest always
occupies the top position in a house or group), then the
form of greeting bowing his headnot to show the neck and
be able to accept death, but placed in an inferior position
as a means of showing respect by placing another in top
position. In this case, anyone with a lower setting will last
lift torso.

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In modern Budo, especially in the practice of Aikido, its

creator Osensei Ueshiba, thought that martial arts should
be a method of ethical and moral learning. That required
the use of the Hakama and techniques in Suwari (kneeling
or, more precisely, how to sit Japanese). The first comes
from the feeling of nudity caused by not using the item
which corresponds to the Western pants, for the same
reason, if we look at any photograph or old video of
O'sensei, dress with Uwagi (jacket Japanese knotted in the
chest), IE: simply... correctly dressed.

The Suwari practice comes from the Japanese custom of

sitting in any room, so, who occupy the top position, have
the head higher than the rest and, as a result, one should
be prepared to react in such a position. Your particular
way of walking responds to the same standard of label,
walking and moving on his knees kept her head down.
These techniques of displacement were taken from the
most famous school of traditional, even courtly label: La

If the position that deals within a group, is so important

that it decides to the level of language, it is obvious that
each who should know their own status and, for that
purpose, nothing better than please level with others:
Sensei, Shihan, etc..., that way we know to whom we
address and how to do it.

Western systems these cultural connotations, do not give

what is often believe that it is done in a martial sense, of

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the army, where ranges are used to establish the

appropriate distinctions. Perhaps that was true the
militarist period in Japan, not in the modern and certainly
not exclusive martial arts but the entire Japanese society.

The Japanese structure can be simplified into two strata:

who serves and who is served.

These are not watertight in modern society. Imagine a taxi

driver, for example. Obviously while it exercises its work
and following the Shinto tradition, try to be the best taxi
driver and, thus, serve the customer as much as possible
(they wear white gloves, driver cap and doors open
automatically, to serve to the customer), however, we can
imagine that, in his spare time is a good Sensei of any
martial art, the Dojo will be he who is served and treated
as superiorLikewise, faithful to the Shinto tradition, will be
the best possible Sensei continuing their study and
research to achieve the highest levels of his martial arts
knowledge and transmitting such knowledge of the most
faithful and perfect way.

Teaching sytems
Martial arts, like almost any other means or way of
overcoming, collecting its materials, forms and techniques
in books as we understand them, but that knowledge was
transmitted through the experience, in a way with the
trial and error method.

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Traditionally, the head of a style, was rarely left in public

view and if he did so was to direct students according to
excessively hierarchical structure of which I have already
spoken above. Another aspect that is often forgotten is
that, for a Japanese, it is difficult to be expressed in
negative terms: "This is wrong", "So is it not", are
expressions too absolute that for who is conscious of not
having "whole truth" become pure vanity, something
heinous from the moral point of view.

Traditional teaching is based on "show forms" (kata) of

doing things, these forms, in turn, are techniques that
have been made "for something", for some reason they
are so and not otherwise, but the Shihan, not will never
explain that reason, but it will be the student who must
investigate and discover it. Nor will receive specific
instructions, but rather abstract ideas about how things
should be: "In my opinion, better as well" is a phrase
common when it comes to correcting a movement, the
reason, the by which "better as well" it is the work of the
student and here is where the Osu (押忍) term with the
meaning fits "my effort to understand", "unreasonable in
my search" or similarObviously, it should be made of heart
and persevering, striving to grasp the abstract concept
that the Shihan tries to teach.

Thus avoided the practices based on mere imitation, but

rather was intended to the student to acquire its own
personality and identity within, of course, the rules of the
style or school.
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This system was not exclusive of martial arts, but of all the
Japanese arts.

Training Systems

System Do
As already stated, the word "Do", means "way, via" in the
spiritual sense, and according to the philosophical
conception of Buddhism. It was introduced in the martial
arts after the Tokugawa shogunate with the Meiji
Restoration that returned Royal power to the emperor.
Perhaps the first to use it in martial arts was Jigoro Kano,
to create the JuDo and differentiate it so the traditional
Ju-Jutsu. Before and during the Tokugawa period Do, like
ChaDo (tea ceremony) institutionalized by Sen no Rikkyu,
a Buddhist monk who significantly influenced what we
know today as "Japanese culture", since it laid the ethical,
aesthetic and philosophical foundation of modern
Japanese thought others already existed.

As it happens in the Buddhist temples, the physical and

spiritual training is performed by imitation, by the student,
the "forms" (Kata) of the master, repeating them
constantly until they internalize and natural movements
become. At this time, the student, being introduced its
own personality in these Kata in the form of small
variations of the concept, giving rise to the different
trends and lines (Ha 派).
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Thus, we have, to martial arts such as KenDo, JuDo, AikiDo,

KarateDo, etc..., they used a method of learning and
training based on these principles, which sets rigid basic
standards in the execution of the movements that the
student repeats constantly until almost completely
dominate them. This is the level of Kyu, going upwards, as
on a ladder by which the student up from the 9th step 1st,
when he receives the degree Dan (level or straight) which
means that it has reached the maximum of the basic

A from there, it's going up the ladder rungs (Dan) to

implement and improve this basic technique to provide it
with a unique personality and singular, adapted to their
physical and mental conditions.

System Jutsu
This system, more traditional or old above, is influenced
by the philosophy and Shinto thought, resulting in a much
more abstract learning system of forms (Kata) default that
allow students lacking (especially in the West) follow a
sequential and progressive method of learning.

It is based, mainly, on the individual experience of certain

concepts that master will progressively teaching the
student depending on the level reaches. These concepts
must be assimilated and applied, internalized them and
letting the body go looking by itself the technique.

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The only teacher corrects or shows errors that the student

should Polish and improve. More clearly, it can be said,
that the master is simply an example that students must
follow, not imitate and find for itself how best to advance
and progress.

Specifically, in these schools, concepts such as safety and

effectiveness are inculcated. In other words: practitioners
must learn to perform certain movements that impede or
prevent the attack, after that, learn how to perform
techniques effective and forceful, not giving rise to a new

The system provides different degrees or levels which the

pupil reaches. A basic level (Menkyo) in which it is
certified that it dominates the early concepts. This level, in
modern times, translates into the 1st Dan. The second
level consists of study, learn and execute the most subtle
movements, unseen to the naked eye called Oku Den
(hidden techniques). It must be clarified, contrary to what
is claimed routinely, that these hidden techniques does
not mean secret, but, quite simply, that the human eye
does not perceive them. This level corresponds to the 4th
Dan modern.

The last section consists of providing style, current or

school (Ryu) of his own personality and move forward to
incorporating new forms (in the technical sense) that
nourish and make evolve the techniques learned and

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developed. After that, the student receives the Menkyo

Kaiden, which means that it has reached the limit of what
the teacher can teach you.

This system is known by the name of Shu (learning) Ha

破 (improve) Ri 利 (break, break the limit) the goal is that
students exceed the master, to produce the art (Jutsu) can
advance and evolve.

Western method vs Japanese method.

There are two main components that make up the
methods of learning and training of martial arts in general
and Shinkyoku-Ryu in particular. One of them is the
derivative of the philosophical, cultural and language
differences between the Japanese mind and Western.
While the Japanese mind is abstract and interior designer,
the West is concrete and exteriorista.

In general, West is accustomed to a progressive method of

teaching in which the teacher or Professor specifically
explains every detail. This can be seen in the teaching
methods of formal education.

On the contrary, the Japanese mind, accustomed to the

symbolism of his writing (Kanji) directly takes the meaning
of the concept and "Customize" details and nuances.

Another drawback is the culture shock. There are certain

concepts, such as Ki, which are inherent to Japanese

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culture, so a Japanese knows what it is and what it means

exactly, but can't explain it with words and much less to
translate it correctly so that it can be understood by
Westerners. Every culture has its concepts, its peculiarities
which are assimilated in childhood and, therefore, do not
need explanation since they are key to that particular

In Japanese society, is inherent sense of discipline and

respect for others, the feeling of belonging to a group that
is above your individuality. On the contrary in the West,
prima individualistic sense and the desire to Excel above
the group. This cultural difference marks the different
ways of understanding the martial arts and their training.

Japanese teacher addresses the group without distinction,

always looking for someone who can overcome you and
continue the line that represents, on the other hand, in
the West is committed to competitive spirit rather than
the collaborative so that each teacher or teacher wants to
make his mark away, many times, of the original line since
it does not appreciate the common good that represents
the Groupstyle, school or current practice.

The first thing to understand is that the Sensei (先生)
knows "the way" (Do ) or "art" (Jutsu/Gei 術/芸) since
"he was born before", i.e., has experience in that way, and
his duty (Giri 義理) is to faithfully transmit their
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knowledge and experience in the Bugei until we get to

reach your level.

It is sad to see, some Westerners, give more value to Excel

as practitioners than to monitor and assist the progress of
their students. It is not only possess a great technique, nor
create the best athletes and world champions, is in
addition to helping you become in the better human
beings with great and enviable ethical conduct.

The Pupil
Practicing, student (Seito 生徒 - which start-) in the Bugei
practice, should understand that (although is a financial
compensation) a person is devoting his time and effort in
making them a people who shall be taken as an example.
Therefore, they are contracting a "debt that can not be

Lovers of the mystical component that surrounds the

practice of Koryu Bugei, often say that it is "dilute the self",
this statement is not entirely false. What is to replace
individualism and desires (natural, human) by excel and
"be the best" by the cooperative movement and the
common good that represents the Ryuha. Remember that
a "traditional school" has the same characteristics as a
family according to Japanese thought.

The practice
The practice of martial arts is often understood as the
gradual repetition of a series of routine exercises which,

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over time, become techniques, more or less, well

executed. This is not false, but it is only a fraction of which
is practicing Bugei.

It has been much criticized Japanese traditional teaching,

mainly due to ignorance and due to the great difference
with the Western method. A great Shihan explained, on
one occasion, that he taught "one, three, six, nine, and
that was the good student who should internalize it and
discover for yourself that the correct sequence was"one,
two, three, four, five, six...", while in the West the
complete progression is taught from the outset;" This
makes the student will not strive (Osu 押忍) find it by
yourself, paying attention, putting all their senses in which
it is trying to convey.

It is common in the Kado (Tachibana, Ikebana) that the

student is the flowers and the rest of material placed on
the table. Know what you have to do: build your flower
arrangement. When it ends, out of the classroom, Sensei
enters, correct and back out without saying a Word. The
student returns and have to discover for yourself what is
what fixed the Sensei and the why.

Obviously, in the West, this system of education is not

understood and creates a certain uneasiness even stress
not knowing to where to walk. It is not necessary,
therefore to reach those ends, but what is certain is that
the student should know and understand that the practice

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of the Bugei is not the mechanical repetition of


A movement or technical poorly executed but repeated

thousands of times, resulting in a bad technique,
therefore is to learn and get better by itself that
movement following the maxim of profitability and save

Of course, is work of the Sensei, help students, lead you,

not allow you to separate or confuse the Ryuha road...

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Technic (Waza 技)
It is advisable to specify that Waza are technical
implementation while each concrete and individual
movement is often called tea. For example Oitzuki is a
movement group Geki Waza (撃技) or O Soto Gari (Te 手)
a Te 手 that is inscribed in the Nage Waza and Harai Waza.

The content of these technical papers is the overview of
research and experiments, following instructions received
by the deceased master Yuichi Negishi and settle on two
pillars: On the one hand, continue with Sosei (創誠) line in
the sense of deepening in the origin of the school, which
translates in practice take Kendo, Kenjutsu, as a point of
reference, rather than Karate-do as usual. For another,
giving a sense and, as far as possible, scientific ideas,
practices and technical approaches to the system,
following the instructions received in its day.

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This translates in practice into two fundamental ideas:

Take as the main and basic technique, often forgotten,
called Kuzushi and using displacement in Shikaku (blind
angle), on the other, the systematized concatenation of
the attacked systems, on the basis of the "principle of

This principle is based on the following premise: the mind

of the adversary is busy in attack, any time, instantly, you
will be taken in this direction. Therefore is not both cancel
the attack, but cancel the desire to attack while keeping
the mind occupied in something else: imbalance, pain,
depending on the technical level and (especially) of each
situation will be one or another or mixture of several.

KamaeAn essential part of every method and system of

martial arts is the position of guard: Kamae. Usually, this
position is keeping the hip right in line with the of the
adversary, i.e. torsos completely in parallel. This position,
Orthodox on the other hand, has the disadvantage of
providing too much openness.

Our Kamae position is with the hip in Hanmi (45 °) with

getting an interesting visual effect: the adversary
perceives torso straight, parallel, however the opening
offered is much less.

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On the other hand, due to the dynamics of forces, to be

reached if the impact is less: blow, say Tzuki (with fist or
katana), trace a straight toward the center of the body
(nuanced, but to understand), if it crashes to a horizontal
surface, the vector of force and its dispersion is straight
(equally nuanced, just to basically understand) However if
the impact occurs on a tangential surface (45 °) the
resulting vector is another angle of 45 ° to the outside.

In plain words: If the surface of the body is perpendicular

to the coup, the body receives full impact, if the surface is
tangential to the path of the coup, the force is dispersed
and body receives less than 50% of the power generated.

Por tanto, se deduce que es más fácil la defensa y

posterior contraataque en posición Hanmi que en la
puramente ortodoxa.

Kuzushi (崩し)
Physical concepts and laws
Pair of Forces

The so-called "pair of forces" is a physical system that

consists of two forces acting in the opposite direction, but
with the same intensity. In their everyday applications we
can find it in a multitude of objects, like a corkscrew, or
which usually gets example in Budo, the wheel of a car.
The space between both forces called "Arm of force" can
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be moved without that effect vary. Also varies the effect if

forces transform components and his arm, giving rise to
another pair.

Force Moment

It is a vector magnitude obtained from the product

between the vector of force applied over a point and the
position of that point.

When the pair of forces acting at a dynamic moment, a

force of angular acceleration that changes the State of
rotation of the body on which it is applied is obtained as a

These physical laws are that Act enhancing the strength of

the movements of martial arts, well in attack, in defence.
Not apply only technically, but also as a dynamic set in
certain tactics, for example, Kuzushi (崩し) or imbalance
that implies the use of "blind angles" called (死角 Shikaku).

Basic study of Shikaku

Although there are actually eight angles called Shikaku
(literally "angle or dead space"), are placed at 45 degrees
the most used in the movements of Tai Sabaki or Dodge
for stringing with Geki Waza or Atemi (attack technique,

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It is important to clarify that to increase the effectiveness

of this movement, must be accompanied by the use of the
center of gravity, making a rotational movement of the
axis of the body, which will generate an additional kinetic

This movement takes advantage of different physical laws,

by modifying only the path of attack:

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Based on the hypothesis of an attack front and straight

work, gets the following relationship of forces:

 Of attack, formed by the sum of the kinetic

energy of motion, speed and power, forming a
straight line.
 Defence, a force whose vector is the sum of the
resistance of the body, according to the law of
action-reaction, most properties of an inclined
plane and the own force generated by the
 The resulting vector, is the modification of the
task force at an angle of 45 °.

Application of the pair of forces

As already pointed out, the pair of forces operates in
three segments: El Hikite or movement of collection, the
rotation of the hip and the coup itself, being the force arm
shoulder length.

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Combining the kinetic energy of the movement's elusive

or Tai Sabaki and applying the property of the pair of
forces whereby the result does not vary but that the force
vector is changed giving rise to a dynamic moment, gets a
circular path that takes advantage of the inertia of the

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The result is a force resulting that prints a displacement

and rotation of the body axis of the attacker by effect of
the following forces:

 The inertia of the attack drives the body forward.

 Tai Sabaki movement causes a centrifugal force
that alters the trajectory of the attack and its
corresponding inertia in its tangent.
 The pair of defensive forces emphasizes that
inertia by modifying the position of the body and
its axis, causing the imbalance (Kuzushi)

These principles are those that apply in martial arts "soft",

such as Judo or Aikido, particularly in basic imaging
techniques taking advantage of the residual inertia of the

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In a simplified way:

We must point out and qualify, the result varies

depending on point and time where he applies the pair of
forces, as well as the distance of the arm of force

Put more simply: to seizing contrary to the tab, for

example, arm strength and the inertia forming one angle
less than if grips the wrist or arm on one side and hip in

Irimi Nage in Aikido techniques take advantage of these

physical laws using as an arm of force the width of
shoulders and applying a force on the offensive arm and
the opposite on the shoulder or back, that by adding
kinetic and centrifugal power of circular motion produces
the effect of imbalance on the opponent.

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Study Case: Harai Waza (払技)

Harai Waza or technique of sweep, is based on three
fundamental concepts:

 The "sweep" strictly speaking from the point of

support of the body in the moment in which the
center of gravity moves towards that point.
 The Shikaku or blind angle in which the opponent
has a lower resistance
 Two forces acting in the sense opposite and
(approximately) equidistant from the center of
gravity of the opponent, the pair of forces, whose
force arm is the distance between the two points
where the force is applied.

The result is a rotation angle of the body axis of the

opponent who is brought to the point of imbalance

To verify the results of this study recommended the
investigation of variables here omitted intentionally, as
the distance, but which directly influence the efficiency
and beauty of the movement.

It should be clarified that despite influencing the physical

imbalance in this entry, also it is possible to cause a State
of imbalance "mental", to be more exact, a State of
disorientation of the attacker if the movement and
technique are made with "timming", rhythm and correct
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In the Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu (古流心 極体術), it is

essential to understand and apply this basic principle,
because it is understood that the opponent has the
intention to harm, injure or hurt and, therefore, the first
premise is not to focus on such intention, resulting in our
own security.

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Security: The first premise

From the first moment in which occurs an aggressive
situation, should be aware that the opponent has his mind,
psyche, brain focused on one objective: damage, injure,
hurt, maim or kill, according to severity, in any case, the
first objective must be to protect the own integrity against
the desire of the opponent to infringe any damage.

The big difference between a training in a "controlled

environment" as it is the dojo, gym, training room, group
of practitioners of Budo and a confrontation
"uncontrolled", is that willingness to do damage, there is
no while in real life it there. What you mean is that the
practitioner of martial arts should imbue this reality and
train (albeit controlled way) with this mentality. Hence the
need for security, part since facing a conflict real, fear, or
fear of being damaged brakes and limited capabilities and
acquired skills.

This is precisely the real importance of the Kamae

(position of guard): eliminate or minimize the chances of
the opponent through the posture and mental attitude.
This second feature does not fit within the purely this
technique, but as a guide, suffice it to say that this
attitude must be total attention, concentration on the
specific situation that is occurring.

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Starting from this premise, we begin to analyze the
situation of combat.

As a basic situation and study purposes, we will accept

that both sides have the same size and weight, something
impossible in reality but valid as working hypothesis.

The Kamae tends to protect the centerline, without

neglecting the flanks and strategically to dominate the
"combat Center", the equidistant point between the two,
so the guard tends to (non-complete) an equilateral
triangle, starting from the shoulders and toward the
center of the body.

Forces According to the laws of the physical, at the time

of the impact, the force is scattered in various directions,
causing damage. In combat, the force of the blow
(remember: force = mass * acceleration, power is the
result of the kinetic energy generated by the movement
[work] for a period of time) is basically interpreted as the
path towards the centerline or axis of the body.

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Let me emphasize that these graphic representations and

descriptions are elemental, basic, which means that it
would lead to a much more complex study, but only
including as notions for understanding the importance of
the Kamae.

In view of the chart, can be understood easily, with the

body placed completely horizontal and neglecting the
guard, the coup will impact with its maximum power.

In Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu (古流心極体術), another

situation is preferred to obtain the required security:

In this school are advocates for the position of hip, body,

Hanmi (半身). Position with the advance standing
completely straight and the late at an angle of 45º - 90º ,

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the hip at 45 degrees, a very used in the Japanese

tradition (not Okinawan position).

Perhaps should be here remembered the third law of

Newton, according to which, for every force that acts on a
body, it performs another force of equal intensity in
opposite sense principle known as action-reaction. In the
case of having the body completely horizontal, being the
body at rest, the reaction force is defeated by the energy
of the work, the strength of the hit. In the other case and
despite also being at rest, the relationship of forces
changes to hit against an inclined plane, resulting in a
vector of dispersion that minimally affects the body.

Kamae So far we have not had in mind the position of the

arms, which, as described above, cover the central line of
attack, on the basis of the working assumption that the
blow is rectilinear.

With the arm, hand or fist, covering the central axis, the
trajectory of the coup will be interrupted at the point of

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contact with the guard, causing a deviation of the vector

original getting a path that avoids the impact.

As a hypothesis and based on the study, deemed the

subject that it defends (Uke) completely passive, just to
maintain a stable and strong position; the attacker (Tori)
runs a straight blow (Tzuki or Nuki) towards the center of
Uke. It must be checked that the path is diverted by the
only contact with the defense. This principle gives rise to a
whole series of techniques known as Nagashi (流し fluid,

Defense basic

Of course, the hypothetical situation of total passivity is

not real, Uke must defend themselves, by simply a
rotational movement of the body axis, in either of the two

With this movement, generates a centrifugal force that

gives as a result a new vector that alter the dispersion of
the coup in contact with its tangent, giving rise to an
angular path that moves away from the body, thus

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avoiding the impact.

However, to make the experiment more consistent with

reality, must be taken into account that the trajectory is
not exactly straight, but rather angular, since part of the
joint of the shoulder or hip, depending on the type of shot
and without taking into account other variables such as
the kinetic energy of the body movement, time.

Starting from the central axis, linking the two bodies, we

can observe the angular path of the blow aimed at the
center of the body. It can also be seen as the area of
impact, with the body in Hanmi, is an inclined axis, so the
dispersion, in case of shock, affects the body to a lesser

Contact with the guard occurs at an angle that is more

favorable to Uke (blue) takes place before reaching the
axis and, therefore, the forces and resulting trajectories
move away from the body.

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The data here are part of a study on the Kamae, almost
exclusively, the experimental basis for more complex
movements. To do this, the trajectories and dynamics of
forces in its simplest principles taken into account in order
to show the effectiveness of the basic position with
empirical data.

As noted in the introduction, the basic principle (called in

some schools Nyumon (入 門 - introduction, input)
common to all Japanese martial arts is safety (Anzen 全),
Karate-do, this principle is embodied in the kata, Heian-
Pinan (平晏) which means "Calm, peaceful".)

Koryu Shinkyou Taijutsu school, takes this fundamental

principle as a technical basis for the rest of the
movements, because only when you have rational security
of minimal risk, the mind, the brain, it releases stress
(tension, State of alert, instinctive and natural) allowing
the practitioner to focus attention on the attack or

Therefore, should not be taken as a dogma, but only as it

is: beginning to study more broadly of the exposed here,
since it supports an endless number of variations both
situational and technical.

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Balance, the second premise

In a completely general, common to all martial arts
drawing, balance is the basis upon which is built the rest
of techniques, he relies on strength, the power even the
accuracy of any movement that is performed.

Actually, in terms of physics, equilibrium, as such, there is,

really what we define as balance is the balance, i.e. a
physiological sense that allows human beings to walk
without falling off.

If we define balance as the State in which the sum of the

forces acting on a body is equal to zero, we are actually
talking about a mechanical equilibrium, of a static body.

The origin and core of the forces that nullify the law of
gravity, is known as a center of gravity. In a symmetrical
object, this is located in the geometric centre of the same
(Center of mass), in the human body, which has a uniform
density, coincides with a point called centroid, which is
the point where there are all the straight lines that affect
its symmetry. This point is located near the navel and the
central axis of the body.

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This balance point has some interesting properties when

applied to the practice of Budo:

 The resultant of all forces can be grouped into a

single magnitude that is the weight of the body
that is applied to the center of gravity.
 A body, whose vertical axis passing through the
Centre of gravity and falls on the basis of support,
will be in stable equilibrium.
 If this axis moves slightly away from its Center, is a
"restorative effect" which returns it to its state of
equilibrium, however, if you move, falling outside
its base of support will lose balance and fall to the
ground unless you print a movement of rotation
that returns it to its balanced position.

The first two easily follows the broader it base and

position the center of gravity lower, you get greater

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This is one of the reasons why, some martial arts, such as

Karate-do, Judo or Sumo, opt for lower and therefore
more stable positions.

Second property of the center of gravity, we can extract

some applications, such as the mobility of the torso, if
shaft is maintained within the plane of support.

In this way take advantage the most other physical

characteristics, such as backward leg thrust force, or the
use of body weight.

The first of these features is related to dynamics and the

second law of Newton, since momentum of backward leg
strength, is transformed into kinetic energy to be defined
on the strength of shock and hit power. The second is

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used to print higher pressure and force on the techniques

of dislocation.

These illustrative diagrams, has been used the traditional

graphic Japanese, translated into three dimensions, which
are, square, triangle and circle.

However, it must be said, they do not totally explain

balance applied to Budo, since it is dynamic and not static,
so, for this study, most should represent the basis as a
sphere, since we are talking about dynamic equilibrium.

In this case, the center of the sphere and the center of

gravity, must be perfectly aligned.

With spherical base, you can see how there is movement,

keeping the body vertically with the point of support. This

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is not entirely accurate, since a slight tilt of the axis, will

result in a greater acceleration, as explained above, due to
the "restorative effect".

In the same way, as I illustrate Leonardo da Vinci, the

human body is a sphere, something that has special
relevance in their applications of projection and
dislocation that we will see later. Suffice it for now with
the idea simplified and reduced the body moves in the
same way that a ball, a sphere.

Kuzushi 崩 - unbalance
The term literally means "Collapse, collapse," Although it
applies more in the sense of "unbalance", because that is
used as a technique to bring down (collapse) of the
opponent making it lose balance.

This technique consists in attacking certain angles, taking

advantage of the properties of the Centre of gravity.

Based on the working assumption that the human body is

a solid, a block, so the center of gravity is located in the

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center of mass, imbalance angle is 45 ° at the point most

remote from the Center.

Once to understand this point, we must point out that it is

not correct, but used the so-called "pair of forces," is a
system consisting of two forces of the same intensity that
act in the opposite direction.

Although there are other techniques based on the inertia

of movement and reactions psychomotor this will be
detailed in other entries, this is the Foundation on which
is built across the working hypothesis.

However, the human body, as we have already said, is

three-dimensional, spherical (as descriptive, not actual
image), so in addition to these forces, should be
considered other angle trajectories whose magnitude is
always of 45 °, which achieves an initial rotational
movement in Tori which, as explained above, will result in

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This does not mean that they should never applied in a

vertical or horizontal plane, but that following the law of
the minimum effort, we have found in our experiments
that prove to be much more effective and with less risk
using these angles, although the theoretical basis is the
same: the use of the "pair of forces" or "Torque".

The trajectory is mixed and depends on the concrete

situation when it must be straight and where move,
according to the postulates of the Koryu Shinkyoku
Taijutsu, other such as Aikido and Judo martial arts,
circulars are used basically. It usually applies a force
straight to provoke first imbalance and a circular, taking
advantage of the dynamic force of the movement to bring
about final.

Finally and as an object of study and working hypotheses

on which perform different experiments, these are the
classic angles of the Kuzushi:

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Just add those located at 45º are called Shikaku (視角)

visual angle "blind", on which countless tactical
movements of attack and defense are built.

Movement, the third premise

The classical concept of Budo, with Chinese influences -
Buddhist, were named as land (地 Chi), air (Sora 空) and
heaven (天-Ten), the three fundamental premises. Land is
the basis, in this case would be the security, but I'm not
sure of hitting with these concepts as old and since my
intention is to adapt traditional teachings to modern logic,
I think better to define them by their empirical concepts.

Truly essential thing is that the three premises and

concepts form a single core set, as the cornerstone on
which is built the rest of the building. Without security
there is no confidence and results in lack of skill; without
balance, there is no stability and translates into lack of
security and loss of strength; without movement cannot
run any type of technique since Budo, by definition, is

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Types of movement
There are basically two types of movement: rectilinear
and circular, these can be forward (Omote) or backward
(Ura) and are carried out either by sliding feet (Yori Ashi)
or taking a step (Ayumi Ashi). Its application depends on
of the moment, strategy, distance and of the relationship
between the contenders, relationship relating to attitude,
scale, etc., so there is a general and exact rule for

It could also be seen (and thus prefer to do it personally)

as unification and combination of the two previous
premises, i.e. on the basis of a stable and secure, Kamae
movement must adapt to changing the point of gravity
using the axis of the body. This change may involve or not
the movement of the feet, although in a general, and
basic way that is exposed here as base and experimental
hypotheses, should move to perform two functions: A
avoid shock or impact, another benefit from the kinetics
of movement to establish the strategy of counterattack.

If we start from the premise that the balance is the

principle that regulates the force and, therefore, the
strength of the hit, then the objective is to break that
balance so that the opponent is at a disadvantage.

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Just seeking safety, the objective is none other that

change position in search of something more secure and

In any case, should be applying Kuzushi angles combining

all paths.

The elusive (Tai Sabaki 体捌き)

Tai Sabaki literally means "Handle the body", which is not
a simple movement to "flee" or "avoid" the coup, but
must also provide a situational advantage, that is why
situation (and although it has been deliberately
overlooked here) is used in combination with any
technical or tactical defensive.

The basic concept is to "manage", move the center of

gravity and, with him, the axis of the body, which is
carried out with hip movements since the Centre is
physically located in this joint.

In investigations of Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu (古流心極体

術) start of the first working hypothesis: Uke in front
position that displaces its axis to one side and prints a
rotational movement of the hip to the body at 45º with
respect to the line of attack.

It can be seen as the kinetic energy of the movement

makes slight contact, to deflect the force into a resultant
angular vector that departs from the body, thus takes
advantage to the maximum centrifugal force of hip

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minimizing the energy necessary to divert (rather than

block) hit.

In this basic diagram, you can see how the kinetic energy
becomes centrifugal force whose effectiveness is
enhanced to oppose force an inclined plane. Therefore, if
we assume the basic Kamae position 45 ° only would need
the force generated by a rotational movement of the hip.

Yori Ashi (寄り足)

Yori Ashi means literally "standing advances", is a form of
travel in which the front foot moves forward, thus moving
the center of gravity, while the late start position still
recovering it.

If it is from a starting position with the body at an angle of

45 ° (Hanmi), to move the body in the same direction the
result is the avoidance total impact anyone who is the
direction of the attack, provided that the path is straight.

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Ayumi Ashi (歩足)

However, as I noted above, Tai Sabaki should be referred

to as a set, so combining Yori Ashi with the rotation of hip,
will be that obtained positional advantage is considerable.

It is precisely this latest twist in which must converge

counterattack technique, since in this way pays off to the
maximum the kinetic energy of the movement of the feet
with the centrifugal force of the hip.

This centrifugal force is exploited and enhanced by arms,

transmitting the rotation angles Kuzushi to break the
balance of the opponent using the inertia of its own

The technique can be mixed, with an arm cause imbalance

and another make the response suitable to the situation.

Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu is eminently, a style of the so-

called "soft" (Ju 柔), which indicates that, basically, uses a
technique of projection (Nage Waza 投技), to do so and
smoothly, turns to change the weight of the body by
turning the hip, so that the "Torque" or "Pair of forces"
(the centrifugal force of the movement and the one
generated by the hip) is usedcausing a change in the
rotational axis of Tori because the physical principle called
"Kinetic moment", whereby the force applied, in a
moment or time, generates a radial movement to the
body that will be the vector sum of the initial speed

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generated. This force ceases when Tori (the projected

mass) passes through the Center, causing his fall.

Consider these movements, just as the basis for work. The
same physical principles are applicable to other
movements as you said at the beginning, in each and
every one of Kuzushi angles and different types of

Based on this assumption of work and combining it with

other techniques is understood the principle and
importance of kinetic energy.

Defence (Uke Waza 受技)

It is said that "Budo always begins with a defense", aside
from ethical interpretations in the sense that "only be
used to defend against physical integrity, life", or that "it
shows humility and respect", the truth is that it is
methodologically for two reasons:

 One. Accept the fact that "everyone knows

attack", do not lack learn any discipline of Budo to
learn these techniques. Be more or less effectively,
with more crude or refined techniques, anyone
knows how to attack.

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Budo for Budoka

 Two. Starting from the premise that the novel

Budoka begins their training looking for "security"
in a possible aggressive situation, then agree on
what it does for 'afraid' or some sort of sense of
danger or insecurity.

Defense techniques there are many, from the already

discussed in the previous post concerning the movement,
Tai Sabaki, until consistent defenses to deflect or block the

In these I have come to call "Technical papers", I do not

intend to expose each of these techniques and
movements, since they are characteristic of each school or
style, in addition to the essential adaptation to each
specific situation, which makes it quite impossible to
analyze and respond to each and every one of them

Therefore, here will be exposed the fundamental basic

principles, the physical explanation of its application so
that it can serve as starting point so that each practitioner,
apply those principles to the fundamentals of their
specialty and adapt them to their physical and mental

Uke Waza
The term Uke from the verb Ukeru (受け ) which means
receive, be hit, catch, grab, hold, continue, modify... in
short, Uke Waza, literally means the technique of receiving

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(the coup), although it would be more appropriate to

divert or modify hit.

Basically part of a simple physical principle: La force (mass

* acceleration) is a vector of draws a path whose point of
origin is the center of gravity (pushing force) and the point
of impact. All vector, to find a force or point, changed his
career in the middle line of the angle formed by the
vectors of the forces in contact.

Therefore, Uke is the vector of force originated in the

center of gravity and a trajectory that intercepts or
collides with the attack by modifying it.

To obtain the required acceleration, force, originates in

the foot, applying the first law of Newton, the kinetic
energy is increased by the rotational movement of the hip
and (in the case of hitting with hands) transmitted by the
vertebral column to shoulders, arms and hand/fist.

The defensive force originates in the same way, but

instead of being transmitted in a straight line toward the
goal, creates a centrifugal force from the hip which will be
which modify the path of the attack.
Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu
The Kamae, at this school, is done with the hip in Hanmi
(at 45 °) and on the experimental basis of the concept of

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"Anticipation", the basic movement of Defense is Yori

Ashi (foot sliding) and towards Mae (towards adelanrte),
resulting in a technique called Kiriashi (shear movement).

This would be the working hypothesis: the maximum

power of a coup is on its final trajectory, given that power
(result of energy developed to carry out the movement in
a given period of time) is a magnitude scale, that is to say
that it is increased in time, therefore, the shorter the time,
minor is the strength of the hit and minor developed
kinetic force.

Because of these reasons, there are two points where the

power is lower, close to zero, at the moment of initiating
the movement and passed the moment of impact, in this
case only is strength and residual speed, inertia. Then
these two would be the moments that is ideal for
connecting the counterattack.

However, if it has deviated the path at a point before (at

the beginning of the movement) you can continue and
increase resulting trajectory using it as kinetic energy to
cause imbalance. For these reasons, in the Koryu
Shinkyoku Taijutsu, Omote (forward technique is

On the other hand, the advantage of "enter" with the

body placed at an angle of 45 ° offers the advantage of
offering a "flat inclined" that causes, by action of the mass,
a flectora force that alters the trajectory of the attack.

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Tsuri Uke
The basic defense used in Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu
technique is slightly different to that used in other
martial arts.
Usually, Budo, uses a force that opposes the attack in a
perpendicular direction (Shotokan school) or circular path
(school Goju-Ryu), Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu uses Tsuri
technique, that is based on the premise that, given that
the difference of the vector path of a force and its
resulting is angular, the difference between the objective
and the point of impact will be greater as away from the
vertex (the point of contact).

Therefore, just a small turn to cause the diversion of the

attack path, detour to grow exponentially in time.

Kime or Kikentai, is the moment, instant, in which

different States must match: maximum strength and
muscle tension, the expulsion of air from the lungs, body
thrust and the impact of the two opposing forces, well
either the attack with its objective or the defence.

Basically, there are two ways of understanding the

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defense, a straight line of systems using medium and long

distances and other curvilinear systems in distances in half
and cut.

The most common technique is a mixture of techniques,

dodging the body which prints a centrifugal force on the
arm (or member running the Defense) in his career deflect
the attack force.

Experimental starting point, intends to delete the variable

from the body movement to observe how they behave
the forces involved in the movement and in all directions.
You will notice that at the meeting point, the resulting
force is diverted at one sufficient angle to avoid impact
with the body.

Rectilinear motion

This movement, depending on the martial art, technique

and school or style, rectilinear motion is executed in two
different ways: in angle perpendicular to the line of attack
and at an angle of 45 ° with respect to this.

In the first case, it can be observed that if only the arm or

hand that advocates pushed or collides with the strike
force, change the trajectory of this at an angle of 45 °, i.e.
half of the angle formed by the two vectors, force attacker
and defensive strength.

When, at the time of the meeting, a movement of rotation

about the axis of the hand (or member) is printed
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however defensive, such movement generates an

additional centrifugal force which deflects the path in its
tangent, so the angle is larger, being able to get to the 90 °
when applied other variables, such as the power of the
impact and body movement.

When this straight path runs at an angle of 45 °, the

resulting trajectory is of +/-30 ° with respect to the line of
attack, which indicates mandatory Dodge body to avoid
the impact, since it may not be enough.

However, applying the same turn to defensive Member,

you get not only a contact in an earlier time, but
centrifugal force deflects the trajectory of the attack at
one greater angle.

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Curvilinear motion
In this case, the path is not affected by the clash of forces,
but by the tangent of the defensive line. Can you say,
simplifying, that would be a defense "softer" and "slide".
Of course, this is not true in all cases and can be as "hard"
as a rectilinear motion.

The strength and power of this movement depends

directly on the instant in which the offensive and
defensive forces to cross, but in both cases, the path will
be the vector angle of the tangent to the circle of the
defensive line.

Now, applying the same technique in the previous case,

rotating the hand at the precise moment of the contact,
the defensive strength is amplified and, therefore, the
resulting path it forms one greater angle.

Practical applications

Using this technique, consisting in turn the middle or

defensive member at the time of the impact, gets, as well
as increase the angle of the path, cause a slight rupture of
the balance of the attacker (Tori).

This imbalance is used in Kendo well for disarmament of

the adversary or to chain together attack technique; in
Aikido and other "Arts Ju (gentle)" used in combination
with the body movement to cause a technique of

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projection or release (Nage Waza); in other martial arts,

such as Karate-do and most of the Ju, included in already
named Aikido schools, used to perform the Kakete or
"hand technique which traps", i.e., catch, seize the
Member hitting in order to render the attack or the use of
the residual inertia of this.

At the beginning there was the Kime or Kikentai. From my
personal point of view, the majority of Budoka, employ
this principle "to the end" of the technique, which is a
mistake given that at that very moment, there is a
threatening force, since it was previously diverted.

The experiment proposed is therefore to check that if the

principle of Kime or Kikentai is applied at the moment of
contact forces, defense will be much more effective and,
therefore, will require less energy use, can be "overrun"
on the counterattack as well gain in speed, therefore in
force and, as a result, power and effectiveness.

This statement requires to be nuanced, if what is claimed

is no longer a counterattack of Atemi or shock, but rather
the use of inertia or cause a projection, the time of Kime
or Kikentai is the time in which the centrifugal force
generated by the body movement reaches its peak.

In the same way, you can check easily on the exposed

diagrams that this technique increases the possibilities
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when combined with the variables omitted here

specifically, as the kinetic energy of feet, legs and hips,
even change and rotation of the body axis.

I leave it to the imagination and creativity of each

practitioner who experiment and adapt techniques to
your convenience and physical and psychic

Geki Waza 撃技 - Technical Attack

Despite the many and varied ways of hitting, whether that
part of the body is used either the type of weapon used,
the technique of attack, strictly as such has only two basic
paths: Rectilinea and curved or circular, regardless of the
angle and the sense of that path (ascending, descending,
direct, diagonal...).

For this reason and in order to simplify, the objective of

this study or experiment was to find the origin and form of
leverage the power of the impact in the coup. So he
departed from a fairly simple premise that is the concept
of Kime (Karate-do and derivatives) or Kikentai (Kendo
and derivatives).

Kime (極 め) comes from the verb "kimeru" a verb with

different meanings among which I highlight, according to
this context of attack, "decide", "determine", "an action
performed successfully"; in what refers to the attitude of
"determination" in the attack which translates physically

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in speed, strength and power.

To understand the concept of power, it should be

understood first the physical concept called Work, which
is the energy required to move or deform an object.

That is more consistent with the experiment, the power is

the amount of kinetic energy transformed into speed.
Since force is the product of the mass by acceleration,
developed power depend, physically, "the jerk" speed,
explosive moment in which begins the movement.

Of course there are other variables, such as muscle

strength, but since this is constant in each individual, it is
studying as they affect the various forces originating in the
power of the impact.

As a starting point, should keep in mind that the kinetic

energy of the movement, is transformed into a centrifuge
by the rotation of the hip and force transmitted to
Member hitting in the direction of the attack.

In karate and its variants, this force is multiplied by the

action of the Hiki-Te, generating a "pair of forces" that
drive the fist against the objective, in a way that we have
the sum of the kinetic energy (motion), the centrifugal
force (hip) and the pair of forces (Hiki-Te), her climax must
match the impact so that it produces a power able to
move or deform the lens.

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The difference with circular holes is, simply the kinetic

energy to muscles and joints that are responsible for
carrying out the work is transmitted.

As you can see in these simplified diagrams, originated

force generates a rectilinear path, from toes and muscles
responsible for the movement, to the target.

One point, however: in order to use well the mass (force =

mass * speed) Center of gravity should be used in support
or "Force push" at the time of the impact. The way in
which it is used differs from a school to another, for
example, while he uses Kendo generating a couple of
forces (the center of gravity is driven upwards while hands
down), karate and other martial arts uses generates a
centrifugal force (the center of gravity broken driving

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members of attack) since the pair of forces is originated

by the limbs.

For this study the direct attack has been taken as a basis.
It is too common that hit be performed completely
straight, with which energy, due to the impact, is
scattered in various directions.

If at the moment when the fist reaches its goal, rota on

the axis of the forearm, there is a ballistic of penetrability
effect, since the Rotary force added to the power
generating "shock wave" instead of dispersing, so the
effectiveness of hit is much greater.

The same happens in the circular strokes, especially when

weapons are used. In this case and although optically
seems that path is circular, is actually ovoid, draws an oval,
given that during the movement, the weapon or attacker
member does not begin to generate a rotary power, but
at the last moment to make the most of this energy.

For maximum power, similar to the direct hit runs a

rotation here, the same movement becomes a couple of
forces, taking advantage of the law of the lever on a point
of support (weapons and usually forward hand) that
transmit the force exerted on one end (with weapons and
usually backward hand) towards the end hitting.

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In fact, if you look carefully, is the same effect as the Hiki-

Te in the fist hits, only varies the point where this force is

The lessons learned from these experiments are the
implementation of various principles and techniques of
the physical that, if used in the right way and at the right
time result in Precision and the power of the punch.

There are other variables, such as the final position, which

varies according to the schools: a thrust force, uses so the
position is long, so backward leg to provide the necessary
support, in others, this long position is a transition to
another shorter that the kinetic force of the movement to
take advantage.

Based on these studies and experiments, other earlier,

can be combined as the body position, its rectilinear
movement or circular and how to combine defenses and
attacks so to maximize the developed kinetic energy.

Basic Biomechanics
To study and investigate the martial arts, regardless of
specialty, school, style or group, they tend to think more
in principles "philosophical", "Mystic" and "folklore"
Japanese than in the physical laws that govern the
Cayetano Sanchez | Basic Biomechanics 128
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movements of the human body, which is a contradiction

in terms.

First because those concepts, in their cultural context,

express ideas and concepts handed down orally from
generation to generation and based on physical
experiences, since the Budo which always sought and
continues to seek is "The maximum efficiency with the
minimum effort". Secondly because such ancestral
knowledge, took names folk or pseudomistics since in
antiquity did not they have knowledge, theories and
physical and biological studies that today are.

Going from generation to generation, the fundamental

principles of the Budo were evolving taking mechanical,
dynamic and biological laws of the time and, therefore,
modifying the original meaning of the traditional name.

For example: Hara. In its original meaning is belly and

literally translated it remains; However when it comes to
applying this idea to the modern Budo he understands or
he should understand by "Center of gravity”.

The Sumotori develop a voluminous belly, as an

expression of "having a high Hara". In their positions and
strategies of combat down the will as much as possible,
which makes it more difficult to raise them and project

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Translated to a language more rigorous and current one

could say that "the sumotori developed a high Center of
gravity that, according to the laws of physics, to keep it
more closely than soil does need more work to move it".

Balance and movement

As noted in the paragraph for the balance, this does not
exist as such, but rather is a dynamic equilibrium that is
changing according to the displacement of the Centre of
gravity. The movement is achieved due to the different
muscle groups that generate the force necessary to move
the bones through the rotation of your joints.

It is not intended to make a study of complete and

comprehensive biomechanics, although it is
recommended to do this for a better understanding of the
different techniques of martial arts, so are a few basics
that allow to extrapolate experimental results to any
specialty of Budo.

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It is said that the body is in stable equilibrium, when its

axis falls point central from his base of support, is
composed of the rectangle to form his feet.

The motion, therefore, is not but the displacement of that

point and thus, the transformation of a stable equilibrium
in a dynamic equilibrium.

For this transformation the muscles of the feet trigger the

articulation of the ankle which, in turn, transmit the force
generated from the leg, articulating the knee and passing
to the thighs that do the same on the hip.

This moves the center of gravity towards the new

balanced situation.

To take more advantage of physical laws, usually in

martial arts, the movement is performed differently.

 Start position (Kamae) is having a forward leg.

 Hip begins the displacement of Center of gravity
toward the forward leg.
 It transmits the dynamic energy to thighs that,
tenses, exert a force of traction to the knee,
articulating it.
 Knee transmits this force towards the twin and leg
muscles which, passing through the ankle, will
drag the feet towards the new position.

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This is the reason why, in martial arts such as Karate-do,

the movement of the feet use a semicircular motion. Its
advantage is that the position may become stable at any
time if so required.
However, in other specialties, such as Kendo, the basic
movement there is horizontal and straight, but upward
and slightly round, similar to that caused by the sprinters.

 The body axis varies by placing in a straight line

with the heel, which creates a slight imbalance.
 The muscles and joints of the foot, driving the
body diagonally upward and forward.
 Hip moves the center of gravity towards the new
position and transmits the energy transformed to
the muscles of the back to replace the shaft in
vertical position.
 The impulse of feet over the force of gravity,
placed the body in his new position of balance.

It should be recalled here, Budo disciplines which support

this form of movement, they keep your feet in a straight
line and the base of support of the Kamae is lower,
shorter and narrow.

The Biomechanics of the coup

In a direct hit and without taking into account the
movement of the undercarriage already analysed above,

 Hip prints a rotation whose kinetic energy is

transmitted to all the axis of the body, the torso

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 The shoulder starts rotation driving the arm

towards the objective.
 The muscles of the arm and forearm exercise its
tensile and elongation to elbow and wrist until its
total elongation.
 Thus the force generated by the hip is
transformed into the pair of forces, already
discussed in another entry, which transmits power
to the coup.

In terms of General, basic, as we can deduce, the strength

of the hit depends on a greater percentage of muscle
groups in the back and shoulder. This is not accurate,
since all those involved have their share of work, but will
these groups who "hold" and "support" column, the body

If this axis were not sufficiently strong, the force

generated according to the law of action and reaction,
would cause an imbalance.

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In circular movements or weapons, the movement is

basically the same in the sense biodynamic, except that
the final path is not straight, but ovoid, coinciding his long
axis with the moment of impact.

As was pointed out at the beginning of the entry, this
basic study is not in itself a manual or Treaty on
mechanics, because that is a subject too complex with
many ramifications and points.

In any movement, slammed, projection or dislocation,

including immobilization, whatever its trajectory and
angle, muscles and the different forces that generate and
influence in it, must point towards a single point: the point
of impact or force for dislocations or levers.

In karate type movements, backward leg forms a straight

line from the heel of the foot late until the point of impact
through the Centre of gravity. Movement type Kendo, is

Cayetano Sanchez | Basic Biomechanics 134

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the center of gravity that drives the force of the blow and
defines his career, being aligned with the point of impact
and the end of the weapon or member who carried out
the attack or defense.

It must be pointed out that the designation "Type Karate-

do" refers to martial arts of beating with fists, hands and
feet and the "type Kendo" to others that use other

In general and without taking into account qualifications

of schools, this distinction between martial arts or taking
as a reference the Karate-do, from Okinawa and
techniques that take as a reference which come from

Sobre la Inercia
La Inercia es la propiedad que tienen los cuerpos de
mantener su estado mientras ninguna fuerza actúe sobre

Aplicando este Principio Físico al Budo, se puede traducir

como la Fuerza Ficticia que mantiene al cuerpo en
movimiento durante su traslación o rotación. Dicho con
palabras llanas, la fuerza que ejercen los músculos para
iniciar el movimiento se mantiene invariable hasta que
dicho movimiento termina.

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Budo for Budoka

This principle is widely used, technically and tactically, in

all martial arts, modifying the trajectory of the coup and
with it the inertial force to cause imbalance, either to
increase the power of the counter-attack techniques
called 切 Kiri (cut), that "cut" the movement.

Given that, in reality, it is what is called a fictitious force

(an effect caused by the acceleration of the mass by the
impulse of the muscles and the movement speed), for use
in technical and tactical defensive, force should be applied
while the attack is still underway.

Study of basic application

For an in-depth study, this principle should be investigated
by applying different magnitudes of force, both attack and
defense, as well as other variables such as speed and
angle, which directly affect the inertial force.

Although it is not exclusive of them, martial arts that more

study and apply this principle are the so-called Ju 柔 (soft),
namely: Judo, Jujutsu, Taijutsu, Aikido, Yawara, Kumi Uchi,
etc. They usually use it generating a centrifugal force
joining the inertial force changing its trajectory and
causing the imbalance and projection of the attacker.

Application basic
Basically the strike force can be decomposed in different

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 The initial force of snatch that begins the

 The muscular strength to throw the punch.
 Impact force.

All these forces drive the body of rectilinear form, hence

that called "direct attacks", therefore the inertia, during
all the motion is a straight line.

Also in basic form, the defense force breaks down into

three stages or phases:

 A circular force caused by the movement of

elusive (Tai Sabaki)
 A force that deflects the trajectory of the coup
(Uke Waza)
 A drag force that joins the force generated by the
rotating movement of the body.

The sum of these forces, and made in the same direction

of the attack, even though circular way, which provide
added acceleration to the original force to vary its angle
and trajectory, generates a rotational movement that
drags to the attacker.

A practical example is very simple to study the effects of

the use of the inertia of the attack as defensive tactics can
be absorbent and circular motion performed backwards.
At the time that the attack is underway, the body (trunk)
is in sleep mode (remark: be static means stationary, no
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force acting on its mass) while the arm carries out its work
of attack, which means that there is an inertial force

Movement of elusive back, in this case, involves a twisting

motion that generates a centrifugal force that meets the
attack and changed his career. If this circular movement
keeps its direction and Acceleration, it causes an inertial
force that joins the attack, giving as a result a vector which
leads to imbalance and translation of the body of the
Depending on the angle of the trajectory of Defense leads
to its projection.

Maximizing the potential

In this experiment are principles fundamental in the
school Koryu Shinkyoku of Taijutsu. Consists of a less
broad movement in Aikido, made in Omote (front) and
using one of the dead angles, to cause imbalance using
only the inertia of the attack.

Part of the premise that hip runs a rotary movement

about the vertical axis, involving the entire body and
generating corresponding centrifugal force that drags to
the attacker.

In this case the body performs a forward motion, in 45 °

angle at the same time that the hip starts their turn
transmitted to defense a circular motion, amending his
career in contact with the task force.
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In the second stage of the technique, the body of Uke

continues and completes its turn at 180 °, although this is
not accurate, since it has been made in a 45 degrees axis.
Defense, remains, is the only body who performed a
double movement of translation and rotation, to be exact,
the body moves and hip rotates around the vertical axis.

The line of attack is modified by the tangent of the

centrifugal force and energy transformed into a drag force
due to the initial inertia.

This sum of forces resulting in the projection of the

attacker to cause a movement of rotation on the vertical

Using the torque

The practical application, in Budo, of the physical principle

of the pair of forces, carried out by means of arms, one
exerts a force of traction while the other thrust, driven
both by the rotation of hips and body rotation.

It is important to point out that, despite changing the

trajectory of the attack, the inertia of the body continues
its forward direction. Is the second moment of force when
it changes in the angle in which his initial career, has been
transformed in what is achieved with the rotation of hip.

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By using the pair of forces, the drag force is powered by

the arm of force, which results in a displacement and
angular imbalance of the attacker.

Using the law of the lever,

Joints, biomechanically, are forms and examples of lever,
the simplest machine.

In this case there is a clear resistance: the body of the

attacker. And also clear power: force or the body of the
Defender. Therefore it is study and experiment how to use
this machine by means of a lever arm, which will be the
attacking limb, and where to locate the point of support.

The support point cannot be other than the own centre of

gravity, since this way the centrifugal force, the inertial
force and the weight can add up. Given that this support is
dynamic, as well as resistance, we must consider the
variable speed of both movements.

In any case, taking one of the moments, the operation is

simple: While the thrust force modifies the inertia, the
pulling force is transformed into power thanks to the
action of the weight applied to the Centre of gravity. This
combination, coupled with the speed of rotation, make
the result multiplied by the action of the attacking limb.

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No matter the specialty school, style or group that is
practiced, there are a number of physical principles which
should be taken into account when improving and
maximizing technical resources.

Budo is dynamic, not static, so there are many variables to

consider, so many that it is mathematically impossible to
study them all. Due to this characteristic, just you can
raise some fundamental principles and experiment with
different variables: mass, speed, direction, time...

Basically, this study presents different ways of

implementing these principles, and as used in Koryu
Shinkyoku Taijutsu, ensuring, to the extent possible, use
all the technical resources to achieve the maximization.

 A first time: the movement combined Tai Sabaki

more Uke technique, causing an acceleration of
the inertia and modification of the trajectory that
unbalances the opponent.
 A second time: the action of the pair of forces an
increase of the angle of imbalance.
 A third time: exerting this power on a lever arm,
the enemy resistance causing his fall or projection
is due.

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In this way, the physical properties of the movement,

dynamics and biomechanics are used in conjunction.

Breaking the balance

In the preceding paragraphs have been described, so basic
and schematic, the various forces involved in a situation of
combate-defensa and its different forms of application in
martial arts.

We start here a series of analysis and experiments on the

different techniques (Waza technology) used in Budo,
logically cannot give answer to each of the possible
situations, since the variants are unlimited, so it will be a
series of case studies and experimental proposals, work
tools so that the student can improve his own technique.

Following the teaching of the Nihon Koryu Shinkyoku

Taijutsu, the first organic system program to attack it is
balance, and to be consistent with ourselves, we will begin
by this point.

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Although it was said in a previous chapter, is going to

allow to first clarify a number of points:

 In this context of Budo, means that the balance is

both physical and mental, is not only intends to
attack the physiological sense of staying upright,
but also the sense of orientation and loss of
concentration for actions and subsequent
 Due to this conception will be treated different
techniques, always explained and reasoned from
the physical point of view, biomechanical and
neuro-scientist, staying completely away from
other interpretations pseudomistics.
 Is not intended to create nor a dogma or
something similar, just to give a logical and
rational explanation to the different techniques of
Budo, therefore it may seem that some nuances
are veiled, the reason is that it is intended to be a
pilot basis from which each student remove
conclusions adapted to their physical and
psychological characteristics.

Dynamic balance
Without going into too many definitions and laws of
physics, we can say that the human being is a closed
dynamic system, allowing an exchange of mass and energy
with its surroundings.

In the specific case of Budo, means that there is an

exchange of energy that changes its status, evolving into a

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new State of equilibrium (the movement or action of

push) since occur various processes acting at the same

According to the physical principle of action-reaction,

simply push forward, leads a force of opposition, is "a
force of equal magnitude in the opposite direction".

However there is a range or moment of time that the

thrust force adds kinetic energy, which in physics is called
work, this sum of forces makes the body is displaced and
by action of the sense of balance to recover its previous
position if and when there is no other force preventing it

Cases practical
Subject is underpinned by two forces that keep it in
vertical position: weight or mass acting in favour of the
law of gravity and legs that exert a force in the opposite
direction keeping the shaft in balance.

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On the basis of a force in a straight line (push or direct hit),

as seen in the above scheme, it causes a reaction that
cancels out and dispersed such force.

To add the burden of work, i.e., the kinetic energy of

motion or the effort of pushing, action by this first
dispersion effect, the resulting continuous force a straight
line, so what is achieved is a shift in the same direction
without losing the initial balance.

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If instead of applying force on the front, applies in the end

more away from the center of gravity, gets a lever arm
defined between the point of application of the force and
the projection of the center of gravity.

As a result, the strength of opposition does not occur at

same angle of thrust, which has as a "Point of support"
the center of gravity, which makes the original path to be
diverted at a different angle, but in the same direction:
the equivalent of the distance between the focal point
and the impact.

This resulting and due to its kinetic effect, causing a

change in the vertical axis, a first slight disequilibrium. The
body, by the properties of the dynamic equilibrium, tends
to regain its original state, however applying the labour
force, the resultant is a line that revolves around the
center of gravity, resulting in the rotation of the body axis
that loses its verticality.

Technique Kuzushi

If we bear in mind the foregoing principle and apply this

force in one of the blind angles (Shikaku), we will obtain
greater effectiveness since the central axis not can resist a
direct, but angular, which modify the path but not your

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In reality the basis of bearing capacity of the human body

is formed by the rectangle forming their feet flat on the
floor, this is the reason why the position known as
Zenkutsu Dachi is the more stable, since it offers a larger
bearing surface.

When applying thrust force at an angle of 45 ° to the

vertical axis and the farthest point in its Center, if force is
front, the resulting is another force that is separated from
the center of gravity instead of approaching it, which
creates a circular inertia that translates into the rotation
of the body around its axis in order to recover its
equilibrium position.

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It is therefore obvious that if instead of applying force in a

frontal plane, carried out at the point of the center of
gravity and diagonally upwards, the body will react to
opposing a force in a direction and angle which will result
in a rotation of the vertical axis, and a slight imbalance
due to the resulting inertia.

Adding the kinetic energy of the work, the shaft will lose
its verticality and its Center will be out of his base of
support, which will cause you to lose balance.

These experiments result in many nuances depending on
different variables not contemplated this purpose, since it
tries to prove the basic technique. Its applications are the
projection techniques (Nage Waza) to which the following
studies will be devoted.

These physical principles can be observed in everyday life,

constantly to move heavy objects, such as major
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appliances, checking how to apply different forces in

different angles, are produced the desired effects.

The human body responds just like any other object, i.e.
fulfilling the same physical properties, although there is a
psychological and neural factor that modifies these
reactions, should not be forgotten that it is not an inert

Even so, I think very enlightening and interesting to

students of Budo, to experience these principles in order
to achieve an improvement in his technique.

Projection techniques (Nage Waza 投技)

Historical and cultural context
There is a general tendency to assimilate imaging
techniques with modern martial arts, particularly Judo and
Aikido, if it is true that these are based almost exclusively
on them, it should be noted that both are modern
derivatives of ancient schools fight melee Japanese (not
Okinawans) known under the generic name of Jujutsu.

The ancient Jujutsu (the name varies according to the time,

place and context), it takes place in a military atmosphere
and its aim was to end the life of the opponent either take

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it prisoner for his subsequent interrogation (so Nawa

Waza techniques are developed).

However, finished the period with the abolishment of the

samurai caste and feudal, these goals are no longer be a
priority and are relegated to tradition while new devoid of
aggressive components criteria are imposed.

Is in these circumstances that Jigoro Kano, on the basis of

Tenjin Shinyo-Ryu, Kito-r ū of Jujutsu, a d s hools
desprovee from the military component and create Judo
in 1882.

After World War II, many Japanese are traumatized by

their participation, more or less active, in extremely
violent episodes such as "The massacre of Nanking", the
martial arts are prohibited by the occupying army and
brought new criteria are imposed.

Morihei Ueshiba, heavily influenced by the religious

trends of the moment, eliminates "all the techniques not
Aiki (flow of inertia)" (sic) of the Daito-Ryu Jujutsu or
Aikijutsu and shapes that would be known as Aikido
officially in 1948, date in which the Ministry of education
granted permission to restore the Aikikai.

While the word "Aiki (合気)" currently has a strong

mystical component and pseudo religious, the literal
translation is "union of energy", for what, contextually,
should be interpreted as a union of the trajectories of the
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intervening forces without any any shock or sudden

impact. This shape is known in karate as "Nagashi" or
"R ūsui" slidi g, fluid the learest e a ple of this
technique is "Te Nagashi Uke", as it appears in certain
Kata as Jitte.

This is the concept Morihei Ueshiba was referring to that

"delete all not Aiki techniques", to remove from his
method all those that used shocks or sudden impact.

When it comes to interpret, investigate, study and

practice the techniques of Nage Waza in Jujutsu, these
factors should be taken into account, there are techniques
similar, even common to the two named specialities, but
with different performance and objective.

 Example of Judo: O Soto Gari, is "sweeping" leg

support in Judo, while in the ancient Jujutsu
changes the angle of execution to injure the knee.
 Example of Aikido: Kote Gaeshi is done by exerting
a lever which increase the inertia and unbalance
the opponent projecting it, in Jujutsu is made by
twisting or lever for injure, luxar, wrist and
without much use of inertia, so that the
movement is much more closed.

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According to each school, imaging techniques, are
classified in a way or another depending, in some cases,
the type of handle to be used (Judo) either of the principle
underlying it (Aikido). This leads to possible unintended
misunderstandings, since what for some is "a hip"
technique, for others is "a technique of flow of inertia".

Therefore, and in order to systematize generalizing these

techniques to his experimentation and study, can be
grouped according to their technical principles:

 Sweeps (Harai Waza)

 Inputs (Kiri Waza)
 Absorbers (Nagashi Waza)
 Lines or direct circular

For these studies and experiments, proposed study of the

first three cases since the use of inertia, on straight or
circular line represents nuances to the previous.

Cases of study

Harai Waza (払技)

In general terms, Harai Waza, are "swept" techniques, i.e.
that removed the support foot just when the weight of
the body is being moved towards him, causing the fall of
the adversary by effect of the inertia.

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Being a dynamic balance, walking, the body loses its state

of stable equilibrium shifting the axis of the body, due to
the kinetic energy of the legs, to recover it at the new
position is reached.

However, if you apply a force that change that position,

inertia transforms the direction of the Centre of gravity
and, consequently, the body axis.

The body directs its mass, its center of gravity toward the
support foot, so if that kinetic force direction is altered,
around the axis lost their equilibrium position.

As explained in the introduction, there are small nuances

between the use of this technique in various schools.

 Push the support leg in the same direction that

brings increasing its inertia.
 Push and drag upward, so circular foot support.
 Hitting the ankle at an approximate angle of 45 °.
 Beating the muscle of the leg sweep.

Using the pair of forces

As already explained, the pair of forces consists of two
forces acting at opposite along an axis directions.

In this case, if a force acts on the kickstand, must the

other act at the point farthest from the body along its axis.
That is, in the head or upper torso.

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Thrust force, as it was previously, gains in efficiency if

used in dead angles (死角 Shikaku) and downward, and
circular-shaped in such a way that the body perform a
movement of Tai Sabaki in twist.

Kiri Waza (切技)

This technique consists in 'cut' (Kiri) movement until this is
complete, is also known as Kerikomi and Komiashi. It can
be done smoothly, putting an obstacle that modify the
trajectory and inertia of motion or using a technique of
beating (Geki Waza or Atemi).

In this case, the force is determined by the kinetic energy

generated by the movement of input and at an angle that
would eliminate the trajectory of the coup (approximately
45 ° with respect to the line of attack) since the kinetic
energy of motion of Tori has as point of origin of the path
the center of gravity, the continued inertia in that
directiongenerating a resultant force that modifies the
shaft the body rotates around the Center.

As in Harai Waza, this technique can be enhanced using

the pair of forces, i.e., running at the same time a
scanning technique. It can be said therefore that both
complement each other.

Nagashi Waza (流技)

Nagashi or Ryusui Waza (technique slip or smooth)
consists of the basic principle of techniques Ju (柔), soft,

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without resistance, according to the classic phrase: "if

they push you strip, if they pull ti, push". Which in other
words means fully take advantage of the inertia of the

Basically, it’s adapti g speed and with it the kinetic energy

of Uke to the Tori, printing a spin to the body that make
you deviate from the trajectory of the coup.

The defense force traces a circle whose tangent touches

the attack force modifying it and amplifying it in the
direction of the circle, giving a result that alters the body
axis breaking the balance.

The kinetic energy of Tori, which pushes it forward,

creates an inertia that is modified by the drag force in
such a way that the center of gravity is outside the base of

Applying levers
According to the same principle of fluidity and without
breaking the inertia of Tori, lever arms in order to
overcome and projecting its mass, the body is taken

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In this case, without breaking the initial inertia, Uke can be

taken as arms of lever shaft of Tori, her spine, body or arm
that carried out the attack, either both.

To do this, in a circular motion, Uke enters the field of

influence of Tori with the lower hip, legs bent, that will
transform its force when stretched in the power applied
above the resistance point located in the center of gravity
of Tori.

Taking advantage of the strength of the attack, Uke takes

the arm of Tori as another lever whose point of support
will be your shoulder or internal part of the elbow.
Applied power is transmitted equally towards the center
of gravity, by means of the kinetic chain of the spine.

In both cases, the inertia forces of attack are modified into

a centrifugal force that abate and rotates the axis of the
body of Tori.

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Final considerations
These basic principles of the imaging technique result in
multiple variants and combinations that is precisely the
purpose of this study.

Depending on each situation there are certain variables

that directly affect the technique appropriate for it, for

 The distance of the contenders. If they are too

separate, it is advisable to use long, if on the
contrary they are too close, you should use short
 The wingspan. When Uke is higher than Tori, its
area of counterattack and defense lines are higher
than the attack, so it is more appropriate to
counterattack in upper levels of height. If it is
more bass, otherwise.
 The speed. When Tori is faster than Uke,
appropriate is to use Tai Sabaki in Ura (back), in
order to gain time to take advantage of the inertia
of the attack. Otherwise, the Kiri techniques break
the balance and the sense of orientation.

Other variables are the angles of attack, his career, etc., in

any case is matter that each student must experience for
yourself to find ways to best suited to your personality
and physical condition.

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Osae Waza (押技)

Within the Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu (古流心極体術) the
first organic system that learns to attack is the bone and
muscle, but this point requires a prior qualification: Given
that we are talking about traditional systems (Koryu) must
be taken into account that, at the time, they did not have
medical and anatomical knowledge that we have today.

In his ancient conception, the joints are part of the system

muscular position that, although there may be split,
almost always should it even more as a side effect
understood only attack on the skeletal system as the
aggravation of fractures, commonly using the technique of
Atemi or Geki Waza although not only.

This attack on the muscular system group is subdivided

into three groups:

 Osae Waza (押技) or Control or submission

techniques caused by damage to joints or
projection with final control.
 Kansetsu Waza (関節技) or techniques of direct
attack on joints, dislocation in itself is intended to.
 Katame Waza (固技) or immobilization by
dislocation, attack the nervous system, or both

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As you can see, although the goal varies, from the purely
technical point of view and simplifying, there is much
difference since understanding and experiencing
dislocation technique differences are simply of application
and combination of movements it was difficult even for an
expert to discern when it comes to one group or another,
since usually the movementsthey tend to be chained up
smoothly and seamlessly.

Basic anatomy
A joint is a system consisting of two or more bones and
the elements which allow its movement by eliminating
friction and friction: cartilage, capsules with synovial fluid
that serves as cushioning and lubricating, the ligaments
that attach the bones and muscles and tendons that exert
force on the bones into motion.

A dislocation is any injury that is involved or the entire

system, with loss of contact of the parties joint that it
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occurs when a force acts on one or more ligaments

causing the separation of the two connected bones.

Effect of force and friction between bone surfaces, other

effects may occur as bones fracture, what is often speak
of Fracture dislocation, as well as break the capsule and
synovial cavity with loss of its liquid and break ligament by
hyperextension. It can also cause nerve damage.

In martial arts, is used to control or harm an opponent

acting on different joints (wrist, elbow, shoulder, knee,
ankle, neck...) and different forms, being the most
common twist, for lever and for acting in the opposite
direction to the normal work of the joint.

Comparative implementation

Technically, the main difference lies in the techniques of

Kansetsu Waza in the aim of the so-called Katame Waza
and mode of implementation of a Osae Waza.

Jujutsu Lines (and variants of the name).

Two trends can be distinguished: the traditional and the


Traditionally, in the pugnacious style, devised and

practiced for war or expedited resolution of a conflict, the
techniques of dislocation were primordial since they
disable the member attacked by inefficiency and acute
pain. Immobilization techniques were used to search for
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an opening in the armor and use both to take life to the

opponent, also to cut the head, which would be used as a
trophy by exposing the public stuck on pikes.

Obviously, in modern times, these objectives are

unimaginable and reprehensible from the ethical point of
view, therefore, in modern styles have been suppressed,
so that dislocation is rather a technique of control without
completely run.

In styles that keep the traditional line, in general, have

evolved and although practiced with the same purpose,
never held in a total way, except by accident caused by
lack of control.

Aikido is a variant of Jujutsu which removed all traces of
confrontation. Its main objective (in summary) is to deter
the aggressor rather than defeat him. Techniques for it
are dislocation are often used in mode lever or twist
which will increase and strengthen the inertia of the
attack into imaging techniques. Immobilization techniques
are rather calls "techniques of submission", since its
objective is to achieve accountability and the
abandonment of the aggressive attitude by opponent.

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Sporty lines

In recent times has been established Championship mode

in variants and modern Jujutsu styles, which involves a
series of rules that prevent injury and damage to the
physical integrity of the participants. Because of these
regulatory restrictions, pure dislocation techniques are
more excluded, to represent an extreme risk and
immobilization techniques are only used for this purpose:
immobilize the body of the opponent in a way that cannot
attack or defend themselves.

Applications for police use

In most countries, police and security forces, public or

private, has a number of legal restrictions on their
operation. Its application is aimed at the arrest of an
individual to put at the disposal of the Judicial authority,
so the emphasis is placed on techniques of immobilization
and control that allow the arrest with the least possible

Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu system

As a traditional school, Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu (古流心
極体術) maintains the basic principles of the old styles, it
is true that different techniques are learned, practiced
and carried out in a controlled way.

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In this sense referred to four basic ways of applying the

technique of dislocation.

Rakka (落下) basically consists of hitting joint, in a move

in advance, i.e. in full path of attack and applying a force
of traction at the time hitting above the whole joint. Beat
that, taking advantage of the reaction force will involve
the loss of contact of the bones.

It is a pure attack on the muscular system.

Maki Otoshi (巻落) the application of this technique

consists in bringing the joint beyond its natural limits,
applying several physical principles for its greater
efficiency with minimum effort.

 When joint form a 90 ° angle, is form a lever

power point is located in the farthest from the
Haw joint, the point of support is the joint itself
and the point of resistance at the end next to this
 If a force is applied at the point of power, it will
result a hyperextension of the ligament.
 The strength of power is amplified by the own
inertia of the attack.

Mawaru Nagashi (廻流) this technique requires great

dexterity and control, consists of applying a force that
double joint up to its normal capacity or find resistance as

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reaction of the opponent, then applies a twisting motion

to continue with Maki Otoshi.

Hineri (捻) this is a pure attack on the muscular system

technique that attacks the muscle and tendons minimally
affecting complex joint.

Basically consists in twisting hard muscles, if it is possible

in a double direction either relying on joint torque.

It is not, however, a definite technique, but transition that

serves as support for grip and get a more effective

Other techniques of attacking the muscular system. In

general, all movements are chains or mixture of different
techniques, depending on the variables affecting each
specific situation. Thus, Rakka technique, can run in a
smooth way instead of violent impact, taking advantage of
the inertia of the opponent.

The most direct way of attacking this system is by Geki

Waza or Atemi to muscle or tendons with enough power
to leave this inert, however and as explained at the
beginning of this entry, the traditional division does not
provide current anatomical knowledge, so this mode of
attack would be more in their classification as attack on
the nervous system.

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In any case, not be neglecting the following points in this

type of attack:

 All power must be supported and enhanced by

the center of gravity, mass and body weight.
 To achieve this, the movement demands a total
coordination and accuracy. This is the technical
 Ju (柔) arts are called thus by avoiding, in the
majority of cases, the front shock, so their
techniques must be used in dead angles.
 Its effectiveness depends almost exclusively
"Timming" or its execution at the right time, i.e.
after the attack started, and before its

Kansetsu Waza (関節技)

Technique of dislocation or direct attack on the joints can
be understood and carried out in different ways, although
it always requires a great deal of precision and skill, it is
not so easy to overcome the natural resistance of muscle.

Human beings, as every living being, possesses the instinct

of survival which, your brain reacts by sending the signal
to flee pain. This reaction does not meet a rule of thumb,
i.e. each individual reacts in a certain way, there is who
does it tense its muscles to prevent injury and who moves

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throughout the body to a less compromised position or

who reposition their joints so you oppose greater

These natural and semi-conscious reactions give rise to

new situation which is not only possible to override the
dislocation, but also develop a response in counterattack

It is a purely instinctive and individual reaction, regulation

or general technique cannot be applied to override it, nor
nor is useful in systematically learn certain chains that try
to resolve certain situations, since an unexpected reaction,
such as in the majority of cases, leads to the failure of the

On the other hand, although there is a common pattern,

each individual differs small morphological and
anatomical besides having different levels of the pain
threshold. In this sense it must be clarified and always
keep in mind that it is quite impossible to have or create a
kind of guide that answers specific to each type of
situation given that even if it were possible to make a
detailed study, automating a number of responses to each
of these situations would take a lifetime and still would
not provide any guarantee of efficacy.

Clarified this point, the question that arises is, therefore,

the solution. Martial arts were born and developed and
they continue to evolve to that answer, but yes it is part of
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a basic premise: developed as combat methods, in

particular the so-called "soft" for combat without
weapons against opponents armed with sword and armor-

In such situations there was no margin for error since if

the movement or technique was not effective, the
response of the adversary would be deadly.

It is, therefore, obvious that if they have come down to us

is because they found some kind of solution and training
that allows you to reach the victory in clashes of this kind.

The solution is at the root of the problem.

Too often, errors in the methodology, both teaching and

learning, it tends to establish a direct relationship
between situation and technical answer, now, if you look
at the following variables:

 Physical characteristics of the adversary: size,

weight, speed...
 Attitude: the degree of aggressiveness, fear or
bravery... Differences between adversaries
anatomical: height, mass...
 Physical: fatigue, influence of agents such as
alcohol or drugs...
 Etc.

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Is too much in evidence that the number of situations and

their combinations are incalculable, therefore there is no
direct relationship, it cannot exist. And since it is unreal,
what should be sought is just the opposite: a series of
abstract concepts that may be interchangeable depending
on the concrete situation.

Precisely this is art.

Musical notes are five basic colors are seven, however the
combination of these different elements, in the hands of a
true expert and following a few abstract patterns as
harmony (musical harmonies, harmony of colours and
composition), it leads to sublime pieces and at least to a
high degree of technical excellence.

Entire joint is likely to be luxada, with more or less

difficulty, applying different techniques and varying
degrees of injury.

As noted above, basically there are several ways of

provoking a dislocation:

 By torsion.
 By bring the joint beyond the limits of its natural
 By forcing the joint in a direction contrary to the
 By stroke.

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All of them have a common feature, must be carried out

using every resources body, since the mass and weight, to
own inertia of motion. To adapt to the variables above,
different angles must be studied in that exercise force,
using the physical principles as the lever, torque and,
especially, the proper use of the distance and the
centrifugal force generated by the kinetic energy of the

The initial reaction of the opponent is annulled or reduced

causing a situation in which your brain is busy in other

 Break balance, so natural and instinctive reaction

is to recover it.
 Causing a pain may cause loss of control and
 Adapted to the specific circumstances and
creating a situation in which the reactions of the
adversary for the dislocation can benefit.

Case studies
A dislocation technique is correct when it is performed in
the manner appropriate to the given situation. It is
impossible to describe all the possible situations for all
joints, approximately 360 since some authors claim that
the number varies depending on the anatomical
differences previously mentioned.

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However, since forms cause the dislocation is very specific,

to study just with experience on the most common, in any
case it should study and know how each of these joints, if
not the 360, yes the most susceptible of being attacked, as
the limbs, neck, and spine.

Wrist (Kote 小手)

Generally, the attacks are carried out with the tips above,
well unarmed or with some kind of weapon or blunt
object, therefore, the part of the human body that is more
easily accessible is the hand and wrist joint that has a
higher rate of possibilities to be dislocated.

Although usually tend to think of the doll as a joint, the

truth is that it is a set of them, consisting of 7 bones, their
corresponding ligaments that bind them together and the
bones of the arm and fingers. Even so, and training
purposes, is presented as a block and an object of study in
its own right.

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The wrist has three movements:

 Bending, at an approximate angle of 90 ° inwards

and outwards. These angles vary in each
 Torque to both sides at an approximate angle of
20 ° in the direction of your thumb and 40 °
towards the little finger.
 Prono-Supination or rotation around the axis of
the arm, but rather this occurs due to arm and not
strictly by the wrist.

The most common techniques of dislocation, in this case,

are precisely to bring these movements beyond their
natural limit.

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Case study 1. By bending inwards (towards the

The natural bending movement, the flexor muscles move
the joint out, being the ligaments that press to return the
bones to its natural place.

Entire joint is a lever, the muscles activated his arm and is

the point of support (synovial capsule) which facilitates

Based on that point of support, defined by the own bone

that forms the joint, if a force is applied in the same sense
that exercises the muscles, but at a different angle and in
the far more remote as possible, will be break or loosen
ligaments causing the loss of contact of the chain of bones.

Case study 2. By lateral flexion

The fingers of the hand, form independent joints, with

their respective flexor muscles that depart from the

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forearm, then the lever arm should be viewed throughout

the whole hand, wrist and forearm.

Morphologically, middle and index fingers are responsible

to execute more precise actions, while the rest have the
function of grip.

These fingers are which are almost perfectly aligned with

the forearm, so are the strongest lever arm to cause
dislocation. The point of support will be, as always, the
own bone that limits the action and what is produced is a
strain or rupture of the ligaments on the opposite side.

The elbow (Hiji 肘)

Anatomically, the elbow is the joint between the bone of
the arm, humerus and the forearm, ulna and RADIUS,
more different ligaments that allow mobility. The biceps is
in charge of its Flex triceps is its elongation or stretching.
They are also responsible for their turns, called prono-

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These characteristics make the dislocation to bring the

joint beyond its natural limit, more difficult than in others,
as there to get it to cancel the muscle strength, which is
achieved at an angle of 45 ° to the outside.

However 90% of accidental dislocations are caused by an

action that leads to a flex against nature, i.e., to the
opposite side of your natural flex.

To succeed you must overcome the forces that make the

muscles involved, acting in the same direction but at
different angles so that the resulting force push the joint
towards the outside, breaking or causing strain on the
ligaments and the loss of contact of the bones.

To apply the principle of the lever and given the location

of the muscles, resistance by applying a thrust force
expires and another of traction, the latter is located at the
point farthest from the forearm and the point of support
can be exchanged between both forces depending on the
reaction of the opponent.
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The point where the muscles offers less resistance on the

side, since the biceps is located in the anterior or front
part and the triceps in the posterior or rear, so it’s the
point to apply the pressing.

Although it is not essential to study Anatomy, taking into
account that in times where these techniques were
created was not known accurately today day performance
of different muscle systems, it is convenient to have at
least one basic idea of Biomechanics and the actions and
reactions of muscles in order to maximize the force

As she has already been mentioned and seen in the case

studies exposed, each joint works differently, because its
configuration is different. Therefore the form of attack
may not be the same for all of them, but they should look
at them individually. The only rule of thumb is to always
act on behalf of the muscular reaction of the opponent to
achieve best results.

Katame Waza (堅技)

Katame Waza is the technique to immobilize the
adversary. In the past, during the Japanese civil wars, was
used to search for an opening between armor where nail
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dagger (Tanto), later, in the time of peace, was used as

arrest technique.

They are technical based, mainly, on dislocations, so were

also used to seriously hurt the opponent, using different
methods, even cause death by shock, traumatic and brain

Today, its practical application is far from those objectives,

are used causing a sharp pain that paralyzes the opponent
either limits your ability of movements, reasons which are
fairly used by public and private security forces.

Katame comes from the word katameru which literally

means "hardening, Fortify", what should be understood as
"action leading to the opponent to tighten his muscular
system so that it restricts their ability to move, (hardening
their muscles)".

In his sports practice, it is usually given in the form of

levers on the joints and it is considered valid after 20
seconds in which fixed assets not can break out of the

In Aikido is used in a softer way, limiting possible

movements of the aggressor until your total submission
and abandonment of aggressiveness.

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Despite being a single concept, three variables can be


 Shime Waza (絞技) or strangulation techniques,

usually, blood that causes fading without brain
 Gyaku Waza (逆技) or techniques of luxation,
usually by a lever or twist.
 Juatsu Waza (重圧技) or forms of pressure,
different to the known as Kyusho, on the muscles.
 The combination of several or all the above.

It is possible, in some schools and applications is taught

and practice, perform Katame Waza in position upright,
although typically, that occurs after a chain of dislocation
and/or screening and, therefore, the opponent is lying on
the ground, general and preferably lying, well side or
lateral decubitus, upside down or prone, well mouth
above, supine, to apply techniques vary by State. In the
practice of safety, public or private bodies, it is mainly
applied with the arrested lying on belly and chest.

Gyaku Waza (逆技)

Gyaku Waza translates literally to "invest, twist"technique,

in the case referred to immobilize an opponent, is applied
in the direction of twist one of the extremities in order to
cause a dislocation. In this regard, of hand and elbow

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dislocations were treated earlier, and because of elbow

and shoulder dislocations are the most common in these
cases, it will be the shoulder where the emphasis is put.

The Shoulder (Kata 肩)

The shoulder joint is not easy of luxation, given that it is a
set formed by different bones:

 The clavicle
 The acromion
 The scapula
 The humeral
With their different ligaments and muscles including the
biceps and the dorsal major.

These muscles give this articulation of a wide range of


 Bending. This is done by raising the arm forward.

Its range is from 0° to 180 °. The main muscles
that run action is the deltoid and pectoralis major.

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Accessories are the coracobrachialis, subscapular,

and biceps.
 Extension. Contrary to the previous movement.
Amplitude from 0 ° to 50 °. The main muscles that
run it are the pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi
and round major. Accessories are deltoids and
 Abduction or separation. It is done by moving the
arm outward, its amplitude is 0 ° to 90 °. Major
muscles are deltoid and supraspinatus.
Accessories are pectoralis major, subscapular, and
 Adduction or approximation. It is contrary to the
previous movement and has equal amplitude. If
the subject is in leading position, i.e. with the arm
next to the trunk, adduction will be impossible.
Major muscles are pectoralis major, subscapularis,
dorsal width. Accessories are the coracobrachialis,
subscapular, biceps and triceps.
 Internal rotation. This movement can be executed
taking the hand inwards with elbow flexion of 90º.
Major muscles are the coracobrachialis, round
major, latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major.
Accessories are the deltoids and biceps,
 External rotation. Reverse the previous one, is
carrying out hand with elbow flexion of 90º. Major
muscles are round minor and infraspinatus. The
accessory is the deltoid.

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Study Cases
With the rival lying face down, on the belly and chest, the
first part consists of annul the force that exercise the
muscles that tighten offering resistance. The deltoid
muscle exerts its force inwards, the dorsal side down and
the rest abroad, which is an axis that does not exist just

Using the weight of the body and keeping the arm

perpendicular, is pushed toward the ground, so that the
strength of the deltoid is void and the joint scapular (from
the shoulder with the shoulder blade or scapula) offers a
point of support using own arm as a lever toward the
inside (in the direction of the spine).

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To delete or cancel the resistance of the dorsal fin, is

printed a rotary motion to the humerus, which will force
the joint to the limit of their natural ability and taking it
forward, will force relying again on the humerus joint -
shoulder girdle.

This force can be enhanced with the arm bent, which

really limits the action of the biceps, flexing his arm, and
providing a more effective lever arm.

Making lever on the elbow

With the opponent upside down (prone) and the straight
arm at an angle equal to or greater than 90 °, depending
on the natural flexibility of the adversary, is in its
maximum angle of separation, using a mix of techniques:
Knee press triceps at your point of greater volume, thus
obtaining a fulcrum that intense pain, cancels muscular

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Power is applied on the side furthest from the forearm,

forcing the articulation to the contrary to the natural side.
This technique has more effectively if the arm is in a
torque of approximately 45 °, which limits the action of
the biceps and triceps.

Juatsu Waza (重圧技)

Should be stressed once again that once lacked today's
fisico-anatomicos knowledge day, therefore, even though
this technique is related to the nervous system, muscles
being the objective, fits traditionally as an attack on the
muscular and visceral system.

Adhering to the immobilization techniques, apply pressure

on the part of the bone joints, namely knee and phalanxes,
but also with the edge of the hand and other bony areas.
All the weight of the body is used to exerting pressure on
the more voluminous part of muscle or tendons.

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This action causes intense pain which, by reflex, paralyzes

the affected muscle, which is almost involuntarily
tightened in an attempt to relieve the pain. It's easy to
find these areas in husiformes, such as biceps muscles,
need a greater precision in the flat muscles such as the

As a general summary, these are the areas most used for

this technique:

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The choice of one or the other depends exclusively on the

position in which the opponent is and, in any case, it must
be supported by another technique as Gyaku Waza
already commented, thus attains a total immobilization of
the opponent.

This entry is completed by the study of the different
methods of attack on the muscular system, there are
others which we will discuss later referred to its use in
Geki Waza (撃技) or technical attack, however it should
be outlined that in Japanese martial arts, beating
techniques were not very developed, precisely because of
its use in battle, sincein these circumstances and,
generally, the adversary was protected with armor.

In any case, some of these classifications can be

somewhat forced, it must be taken into account that do
not respond to a system rigorously scientific, just is a
method of grouping for didactic purposes. In reality, there
is no a specific and isolated movement, but the
combination for a given situation. Is training and personal
experimentation and self-criticism, who can provide the
necessary basis to find that perfect combination.

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骨攻手 Kotsusete (Attack on the skeletal


The human skeleton consists of, approximately, 206 bones
that are connected together by cartilage, tendons,
ligaments and muscles, forming a solid structure that
provides stability, locomotion, protection, etc....

To carry out these functions, the bones are designed to

withstand high pressure and compression rates being
different depending on the type of bone resistance: long,
cylindrical; short, shaped cuboid; Planes, whose main
function is to protect the soft tissues; e irregular, whose
main function seems to be to protect the central nervous

Since the bones are composed of small crystals of hard

bone material, joined by a flexible collagen matrix, can
withstand voltages 25 times higher than the granite and
much stronger in compression. In general it is estimated
that it would withstand a force equal to 130 times the
weight of the body or what is the same 130 N, these
figures will vary depending on the bone, its dimensions
and characteristics, causing them to require a force of
25000 Newtons.

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These features, coupled with the fact that the human

body is not rigid or immovable, lead to the conclusion that
it is extremely difficult to cause a fracture with only a hit
except in certain circumstances, existing bone more
susceptible than others to the fissures and fractures, for
instance the ribs and, especially, the floating.

La diferencia entre fractura y fisura es que, en los dos

casos, hay una pérdida de continuidad en el tejido óseo,
sin embargo en caso de fractura existe un desplazamiento
de los extremos.

En el conjunto de fracturas, las más fácilmente

provocadas en Artes Marciales son las llamadas "Fracturas
articulares", en las que se daña el hueso con lesión o
pérdida de contacto con el cartílago o ligamento que une
la articulación.

Techniques and forms

Forms of attack on the osseous system, can be classified
into two:

 Geki Waza or Atemi Waza. Techniques of beating

to sensitive areas, such as ribs, or the cranial area,
also in the head, in order to both bone and the
entire joint or ankle injury.

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 Katame Waza. Using this type of attack to get the

immobilization of the adversary by the acute pain
that the injury causes, as well as disable the tip.

Atemi Waza
Hitting in areas in which it is possible, under certain
conditions, cause a bone fracture, need large doses of
precision, impacting preferably close to the articular and
the coup carried out so precutting.
The area joint presents a more muscular checkout, hence
that is easier to achieve it, and to provoke a clash
between their bones, produce fracture. The most
commonly used technique consists of exploit the kinetic
force of the own adversary to crash and impact in the
bone area in certain angles.
To put the force on a horizontal plane, clashes with the
natural resistance of the musculature as well as the
kinetics, however, when using an angle of approximately
45 degrees, muscle force acts on behalf of the coup, due
to its ability to contractor that force the bones in a certain
The fracture occurs by the clash between the bones
impact product.

Katame WazaAs already noted above, the most common

formula of attack on the skeletal system is in fixed assets.
Its objective is to disable the zone fracturing and

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immobilize the opponent by the intense pain that


We must point out that, although if possible, it is not easy,

requiring precision and strength, in addition to undo or
overcome the natural resistance offered by the muscles.

Lever, putting the knee as a point of support and loading

on her entire body weight, at the time exerted pressure in
the opposite direction of the point farthest from the
member, limb or area to injure is used to achieve fracture
or bone lesion,.

With the opponent lying on your belly and chest, prone,

gets a first immobilization by wrist flexion and through
external torque is put the arm so that the muscles stops
the bone area exposed.

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Pressing the humerus above the elbow with the knee and
forearm, in addition to using the dislocation of wrist,
forcing it produced lever arm needed to force the bones
beyond its natural resistance.

Support the forearm near the wrist, on one knee, the

weight of the body press and force down, which translates,
physically, in an angle of 45 ° approximately in relation to
the axis of the arm.

To exert force on the inner side, of triceps and biceps

muscle strength may not oppose the pressure exerted.
Instinctively they tend to wind up, with which the
combined forces (elongation and tensile) favor
articulation and consequent fracture bone break.

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The rest of muscles affecting the shoulder joint, are

cancelled by the position of the arm, opened and rotated

When the opponent is in lateral decubitus, the ribs are

unprotected, to be precise, only protected only by the
intercostal muscles.

To cancel your force is applied a lever on his arm which

induces tense muscles in resistance to lever.

The knee is placed on ribs, on the side, carrying all the

weight in the area where the numbers can not act. This
formula prevents, in addition, a normal breathing,
pressing the ribcage hampering its expansion, resulting in
a lower muscles resistance to the pressure of the knee
and, therefore, facilitates fracture.

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In the Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu, it is customary to use a

combination of techniques (Renshu Waza), which
overrides the brain response to the not attend two
dangerous situations at the same time.

The cranial bones, do not have muscles that protect the

joints. Not that is the reason why they are more fragile
since, given its Constitution and form, they are more
flexible and resistant than others, however although there
is no actual fracture, if it can produce a swelling between
the bone and internal organ that protects the brain.

This combination uses a lever on the arm that acts as a

distraction, the muscles of the arm, including the pectoral
element, they tighten offering resistance to the lever,

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leaving the more uncluttered rib cage for a pressure or

blow with all body weight. The other knee, pressed and hit
the skull, in any of its unions, in this case, the temple.

Finals Considerations
The attack on the skeletal system is quite expeditious,
since it is intended for, more or less seriously hurt, the
opponent, rather than to their actual detention, it is
incapacitating him to continue with the aggression.

However, some qualifications are needed:

 Hit both as by pressure, needed a supporting

surface for the area to attack does not suffer
variation by the inertia of the coup or movement.
 A principle of physics States that a greater surface
exerts less pressure, since originated force is
scattered over the surface, therefore the area that
perform pressure or blow should be as small as
possible. In the case of the fist, the area known as
"Seiken", although more effective is the use of a
single finger, best in "Nakadaka", using the bent
finger and its articulation as contact surface.
 In general, short bones offer greater resistance for
long, its composition makes them resistant to very
high pressure, so if you are encouraged to study
the angles and forms of attack in that overcome
the natural resistance.
 While, for their study, they qualify for and be
differentiated between different systems, the
human body is a unit in which all components are
related. It is not possible to perform a technique
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that attacks the skeletal system without the need

to intervene in the muscular system, and this
attack, will affect the visceral nervous system. So
it is essential to study and experiment the
different reactions of all sorts of adversaries
against this type of attack.

内臓撃 Naizogeki (Attacking the visceral


Talk about the Visceral system and the nervous system,
anatomically, it comes to be the same, given that is called
autonomous nervous system that governs the functions of
internal organs transmitted to the brain information
about your State or perceptions and returning orders
appropriate to the glands and muscles responsible for
proper operation.

We are therefore entering a phase of experimentation on

different brain reactions, an automatic or unconscious
mode, with educational reasons and following Japanese
traditional schemes, will be divided into viscera or internal
organs as such, peripheral nervous system and the
autonomous nervous system.

To avoid confusion, needs to be clarified that all the

visceral system depends on the spine, known as spinal

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level, containing the entire nerve channeling information

receiving receiving calls (stomach, eyes, bladder...) located
in the brain via cranial nerves Visceral Control Center.

Therefore, and from the point of view only of the martial

arts, damaging the spine is equivalent to, under certain
conditions, can cause damage to the functioning of
internal organs.

It is, however, obvious, that the ancient Japanese did not

have this information, so that Naizogeki refers to damage
or cause anomalies (usually transient) in the functioning of
viscera, through direct intervention on these organs.

Is also important to clarify that, despite offering tracks for

his experimentation, these forms and attack techniques
involve a true and real danger to health and physical
integrity, so it spread only for educational purposes,
recommending its study in controlled environments while
does not have expertise and sufficient skill to be aware of
what and how exactly is being done and the consequences
that may have.

For these reasons, this type of techniques were eliminated

or forgotten during the evolution of the Budo to sports
activities or, as in the case of Aikido, toward less bellicose
and suitable for all kinds of practitioners practices.

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In some schools, this level of learning is called Okuden (奥

伝) or "Transmission deep" since instructed only to gifted
students in them, not because they were secret, but
precisely because of necessary intellectual maturity to
understand them and make appropriate use of them.

Anatomy Basic
While the Visceral system is also composed of basement
systems and lymphatic, Viscera means every organ in the
human body, mainly thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis cavities.

Or put another way, it includes the digestive apparatus,

pulmonary, urinary and Genital.

Given that, in general, are protected by the skeleton, it is

easy to attack any of these devices directly, except and
kidneys, which are only protected by the musculature.

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Perhaps it is to clarify two points:

 Martial arts were developed in a military

atmosphere, where fighting for life or death, in
this sense, cause irreparable damage to internal
organs was considered "a lesser evil", aimed at
eliminating the adversary without robbing the life.
 In this sense, it has perverted the origin of these
techniques and has taken body the myth of
damage through an accurate and powerful blow.
Although it is not entirely incorrect, it should be
clear that, most of the time, what you get is to
attack the lymphatic, nervous system creating a
reaction that can lead to an even lethal damage
by a previous malfunction. However, the chances
of that happening are slim.

It is well known that a strong trauma damages internal

organs, but the power required to achieve that far
exceeds the real possibilities of a blow made with hands,
feet, elbows or knees. These circumstances tend to occur
in auto accidents or falls at high altitudes, where the force
of the impact is truly considerable.

Viscera can be attacked by different techniques:

 Geki Waza or Atemi Waza: blows of the fist (Tzuki),

open hand (Shuto or Tegatana), elbow (Hiji or
Empi), knee (Hiza) or foot (Ashi-Geri) launched
against the organs that are not protected by the
skeleton as the kidneys or bladder. Since these
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bodies are covered with muscles, hit must be

penetrating in such a way that they are actually
affected. In the case of the urinary bladder, at an
approximate angle of 45 degrees downward and
below the waist. In the case of the genital system,
is accessible directly in the masculine gender, yet
the blows aimed at both sides of the crotchs,
affect this system in either of the two sexes.
 Katame Waza: Immobilization techniques, what is
sought is a malfunction of the body attacked, that
sends a signal to the brain through the nervous
system which will result in a situation of nervous
stress and, therefore, a collapse of the muscular
endurance, i.e., the immobility of the adversary.

Cases practical
Perhaps easier to attack system is the respiratory system,
since the upper part, the trachea, is not protected by the
muscles or skeleton.

The respiratory system

In a real combat situation, is not easy to access this area,
given that the position of guard, Kamae, tends to protect
it by lowering the Chin. However, the epiglottis is usually
being made accessible on the sides making it the most
effective attack using the clamp fingers (Hira Basami) to
catch the glottis.

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In this case, your thumb is prehensile toe, so that the

other four, is used to penetrate behind and push out the

The diaphragm is the muscle responsible for respiration.

To contract expands the chest cavity allowing the
entrance of air into the lungs, to recover its natural
position, press the lungs and air is expelled.

One of the usual reactions, especially in untrained people,

is to hold the breath for tensing the muscles, this is
actually false, however Yes it creates that feeling of
tension. Therefore a blow in the diaphragm will make that
this contract preventing normal breathing by inability of
the muscle to relax.

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Pressing with the knee, below the ribs and upwards,

approximately at 45 degrees, it prevents normal breathing,
since pressure forces the lungs to expel the air and
prevents the diaphragm to contract. In order to achieve
this effect, should be pressing on one side, where the
dorsal or abdominal muscles do not provide added

The digestive system

Throat and, specifically, the epiglottis, contains parts of
the digestive system (esophagus) and respiratory systems
(trachea), this organ is responsible for opening or closing
the appropriate channels in each case. Therefore the
same technique described for the trachea serves for the

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In general, the digestive system is protected by the

abdominal muscles and the rib cage, so accessibility is
limited. Most, in terms of volume, is formed by the
intestines, which do not offer great opportunities to be
attacked, except weapons, due to its elasticity and
protection that gives them the abdominal muscles.

The stomach, but is accessible at the point where the

sternum ends and begins the upper abdominals, a point
known as "Suigetsu", susceptible to be attacked by hit
(Atemi-Waza) or pressure (Katame-Waza) with the knee
or the fist.

At this point, is actually pressed the esophageal hiatus,

just above the insertion of the esophagus with the
stomach (popularly "the pit of the stomach"), preventing
normal operation of the esophageal sphincter.

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At the edge of the ribcage towards the middle of the side,

the inclusion of the duodenum is with liver and Pancreas,
these in turn share nerve endings with the diaphragm
(Phrenic nerves). Although, in reality, the liver does not
protrude protection chest, if an attack is possible below
the ribs and upwards.

Their fabrics are highly stable, being resistant to injury,

what does a sharp pain when pressed or hits, and can
result in excessive segregation of bile.

The urinary system

Form the urinary system, basically, the kidneys, located on
the back on both sides of the spine, the ureter, and
located in the pelvic cavity, urinary bladder.

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The kidneys are protected by muscles, specifically by the

set called "Renal Plexus", being possible a coup necessary
to generate malfunction causing trauma.

In the same way and although protected by the bones of

the pelvis, bladder can be achieved by a coup in a
downward direction in an area located between the navel
and the bone zone.

With the individual lying in decubitus prono on your belly,

chest, knee pressed in the lumbar area, between the ribs
and the hip, approximately in the middle of the side,
causing a sharp pain by the innervation of the kidneys,
directly affecting their functioning.

Final Considerations
The attack on the internal, visceral organs, is outside the
sports field and the teaching of martial arts people
immature enough because of the risks. An injury in these
organs can result a chronic malfunction, depending on
many variables and circumstances that exceed the work of

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dissemination and teaching that these cases for the study

are presented.

It is not secret or hidden techniques for some esoteric

reason, but simply of responsibility since its effects can be

In any case, has been expressly omitted how to override

the natural resistance, through the muscles, to damage
organs, while a student who experiment with honesty,
you can find these forms without too much difficulty.

Therefore, is not intended here give a system of injure or

harm another person, but rather a research tools so that,
according to the school and specialty that is practiced,
they can be used as part of a good understanding of the
different techniques.

Another reason driving this disclosure is overcome myths

and fears unfounded, or with one mystic who does not
respond to the reality, as well as to recover the original
meaning of Budo.

Each school and specialty has its own methods and forms
of attack, although all are based on the same principles:
defeating the opponent or deter him from his aggressive

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While there is much talk of ethics of the samurai, there is

a rule which is usually little talk and mention:

 Damage rather than injure

 Injury rather than hurt
 Hurt rather than kill.

神経撃 Senkeigeki (Attacking the

nervous system)
Speaking of the nervous system in martial arts is difficult
since many concepts of very different origins are mixed:
from folk and superstitious beliefs to traditional Chinese

The work of this book and the Koryu Shinkyoku taijutsu is

not delve into vain superstitions or beliefs mystical but to
evolve the ancient knowledge to the scientific postulates
of our era. Not in vain knowledge, in itself, is one, evolves
with each new discovery and scientific breakthrough that
can not be overlooked for the sake of a poorly understood

Said otherwise and on the issue that concerns us: it is too

obvious that the ancient knowledge of the human body
and, specifically, of the nervous system, simply does not
exist in the East, instead applied knowledge, also primitive,

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traditional Chinese medicine we know today with the

name of acupuncture.

Nor is it that he was very advanced at the same time in

the West, but that is really irrelevant since today (21st
century) will have empirical data on the functioning of the
nervous system and how it affects the human body, both
in East and West.

Before hurting sensibilities, it is fair to recognize that

acupuncture is recognized by the who (World Health
Organization) and indicated for some specific cases,
however these applications exceed the content of these
notebooks, in which its application as a means interested
to obtain advantage and victory against an aggressor.
Therefore it is somewhat aside considerations and in-
depth studies about the meridians and acupuncture
points although they are obviously, reference to quote the
ancient foundations of Senkeigeki.

Japanese melee fight, which is today known under the
generic name of Jujutsu (Jyu-Jitsu, Ju-Jutsu and other
variations of words) is developed against enemies, armed
and dressed in armor (Yoroi) and helmets (Kabuto), this
means that attacks nerve points, in a direct way, were

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The background to this form of struggle is today known as

Sumo of which there is documentary evidence of the use
of techniques of beating zones and sensitive points,
although its location is not exactly known.

It’s in the time of peace, when the fights are no longer on

the battlefield, when these techniques are developed due
to social and historical circumstances already discussed in
other sections.

In this sense, the use of areas and sensitive points are

developed "inside" each school, each possessing their own
forms of attack depending on its tenets and concepts
about the fight.

Despite the general belief, influenced by the "maps" of

acupuncture, that there are a few points and common
areas and standard, traditionally this is not exact.
Influences religious, professional and other measures such
as social class, influenced the decision areas and forms of
attack above others, giving personality to each of the
schools and styles.

Therefore, for those who wish to engage in the use of

these "secrets" (that never were) should go back to the
study of acupuncture meridians and establish the
relationship between these and the nervous system to
deepen and specialize in the specifics of each school or
style, without detriment to expand these points, always

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under the premise of the particular technical foundations

and identity of the school.

Nervous System

As you can see there is not much difference, except in

details between the "maps" of acupuncture and the
nervous system, this leads to erroneous interpretations
that, mainly due to ignorance, does that move and
confuse some and others.

In fact, the nervous system is divided into two from an

anatomical point of view:

 Central nervous system: a structure consisting of

the brain and spinal cord, is protected by bony
structures and undertakes mainly perceive
external stimuli and transmit involuntary impulses
to nerves and muscles. Due to their structure they
have limited regenerative capacity.
 The peripheral nervous system: Formed by nerves
and neurons that resides or extends outside the

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Central nervous system, and are therefore not

protected by bony structures, being susceptible to
mechanical damage or trauma. Their regenerative
power is high and its function is to coordinate and
regulate the internal organs through involuntary

Functional classification
From the functional point of view, the nervous system is
divided into:

 Somatic nervous system: consisting of the

neurons that regulate the voluntary functions of
the body, for example the musculature.
 Autonomic nervous system: which regulates
involuntary or unconscious reactions. It is
subdivided into: System friendly, responsible for
the "escape behavior" or stress, causing changes
in the system, giving priority to somatic systems
and by inhibiting the functions related to the rest.
Parasympathetic system, which gives priority to
the excretory functions and promotes vasodilation
in order to provide blood to internal organs.

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Senkeigeki (神経撃)

The attack on the nervous system contemplates

several objectives:

 Disable the limb that attacks or limit the muscle

 Cause a malfunction of the internal organs.
 Disable or damage any of the senses.

Therefore and mainly these techniques are aimed at the

peripheral system since they are visible at

certain points.

The most common area is the arm, given

that most of these attacks are made with
this tip.

As shown in the illustration, there are several nerves that

pass through the arm, being accessible points of insertion
between the arm and the solar plexus, the elbow and
wrist joints, as well as the bony areas of the arm.

Forms of attack are by coup (Atemi Waza) mainly with

Shuto or Tegatana, or with the knuckles of the middle and
index finger bent (Nakadaka Ippon Ken).

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A strong trauma or pressure on these points, leads to a

failure of nerve conduction, without that there is
structural damage, which results in a more or less mild
loss of mobility and sensory response.

It is widely used as a counterattack in the form of coup

and in the form of pressure immobilization technique.

The parasympathetic system part of the brain, so it is

protected by the cranial cavity, however the system
friendly is more accessible, although their functions are
altered by the dangerous situation.

The correct way is not to attack

nerve directly, since your response
would be cushioned by their own
functions, but celiac ganglion
located in the abdominal area and
whose trauma can degenerate into
a malfunction of the entire
digestive system and abnormal
segregation of hormones.

Due to its great innervation cause a sharp pain that

immobilizes all response.

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A strong trauma to the ear transmits

waves that damage the inner ear,
causing an ear, total or partial nerve
injury at the same time.

It not only causes a sharp pain but can cause dizziness and

The same effect can be produced by pressure with bony

parts behind the external ear and next to it, where the
inner ear.

Final considerations
Although there are commonalities between the various
branches of the Budo, his application differs among
schools and styles. Some common aspects, presented in a
general way but through an orderly and systematic
practice directed conveniently, it involves a deepening
comprehensive of this type of attack and the adversary
reduction techniques. Although this practice and for
obvious reasons, only should be considered in high
technical levels and intellectual maturity.

However their study and experimentation is extremely

interesting to discover those evil calls "Techniques

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hidden" or "Secret". There are no secrets in Budo, only

requires an inquisitorial and critical mind to find
techniques that are really obvious when observed without

Koryu Shinkyoku Taijutsu,

according to its original and
traditional dictates, only uses
7 of these areas. Its mission is
to eliminate all resistance of
the adversary, damaging or
injuring momentarily and not
irreparably some internal
organs and peripheral nerves,
usually by pressure.

These areas coincide mainly with vulnerabilities in the

ancient armor (Yoroi) which was accessible through

技巧 Giko (The technical excellence)

The technical excellence goes beyond simple mastery, is a
superior concept, since no one stating it, but that is the
goal of any person who practices any way of knowledge:

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Arts and letters, sports and hobbies.

Today, in our days, prefers the Diploma or certificate of

black belt and Shihan or higher, even appear on the Hall of
Fame, enter on a list of "Grand Masters", however, in
many cases, is just a matter of marketing, sell and sell
even smoke. However there are not many (and there are
unknown to the general public) that they have truly
mastered the technique, but that dress up their
knowledge of a great dogmatic and Manichean verbiage
that, in reality, is very far from the initial approaches to
martial arts.

To take just one example: the phrase "Win without

fighting" is very popular, "the Warrior gets first victory
and then prepares to fight" or other similar axioms. What
exactly it means?

Nobody gives a clear and rational response, although they

are vested with the highest degrees. However, in small
gyms and dojo, Eastern and Western, there are great
teachers and practitioners carrying that phrase to its
highest meaning.

Some think or may think that it's one of those so Oriental

semi-mystics phrases, but the truth is that the Japanese
mentality is eminently practical, little given to mysticism.
Their social and geological conditions drive the Japanese

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people to put aside everything that is not governed by

elements, call it, practical and materialistic. They aren't
much beautiful sentences when a typhoon or an
earthquake of great magnitude, ravaging the city, there
are no much philosophy in this.

Therefore, this purported "path" (Do ) is nothing more

than the constant search for the technical excellence and
the rest are natural consequences of that search. More
clearly: anyone can get (in the middle that is) degree or
title of Grand Master, but technical gaps will continue to
be there, however, someone who has an absolutely
refined technique is considered Grand Master with or
without a title that supports it.

This path does not can be taught, not in the Western

sense of the word, explained with words or by teaching
skills and abilities.

Art, in all caps, goes much further, is something "inside",

ability to innate or learned through direct experience,
honest and critical study.

Therefore, in this final chapter, proposed different

experiments that border beyond pure technique based on
physical principles, but also empirical psychology,

In the same way that the human body obeys the laws of
physics, the behavior is studied by science in different
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disciplines, all related to psychology and today, unlike

times past, we are able to provide scientific answers to
certain attitudes that the traditional language of Budo, are
artificially spiritual concepts.

Shin (心)
As noted at the time, the first premise of any martial art
and attitude to life is safety.

Security, or its lack, is a feeling that determines the

attitude with which each who faced or facing a conflict
situation, aggressive, difficult, or any other type. Fear,
stress, are hardly controllable feelings, so that people
looking for shelter or protection to them. Budo is one of
these shelters.

The behavioural sciences, have been sufficiently studied

the Victimology, a which manifests itself through body
language and attitude that defines a person as "prey" for a
"predator" or offender.

In the field of martial arts, there are two concepts that are
extrapolated: Kamae (構) and Maai (間合), guard and

Kamae (構)
Each martial art, each school and specialty, has his own
conception of Kamae, guard. Literally the word comes
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from the verb Kamaeru, which means "prepare ahead of

time", "an action plan", therefore is not exactly "be on
guard", "prevented", but "prepared for action (defend
themselves, resolve the conflict situation)" a somewhat
different concept since it implies a plan of action in the
event of aggression or danger materializes.

Too usual, perceive a high State of tension in Kamae, this

attitude indicates insecurity, insecurity in oneself, it is
attentive to the decisions that the adversary takes and
therefore, the initiative is in your hands. Since is can not
advance what that decision, actually you are at a
disadvantage. Nor should we fall into a false security by a
sense of self-sufficiency, both ends are equally harmful.

The Kamae has a double function:

 A physical, technique: cover the vulnerable areas,

usually the central area of the body without
neglecting the flanks and prepare response.
 A psychological, mental: provide the security
needed to control the situation and, with it, the
stress and emotional overload that any situation
of conflict involves.

Once a good Kamae, the adversary perceives (or should

perceive) a lack of "hollow", "openness" of opportunity to
attack. Not perceived fear or fear, but precisely the
security situation and, therefore, a loss of the initial
advantage. To achieve a good Kamae, you should

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experience the different trajectories of the blows, its

inertia and speed and the correct way to cancel the attack
with minimum effort, reserving the force and kinetic
energy to counterattack.

Maai (間合)
Measure the correct distance is not easy, depends on
many variables: If there are weapons, the magnitude of
the contenders, the physical environment in which the
action occurs... Each school and specialty have their "ideal
distance," one in which a quick and forceful reaction is

However it should be pointed out that the word Maai, is

composed of two concepts: Ma (間), which means "time",
"interval", "space" and Ai (合) of the verb Au, meaning
"union", "meeting" and, in this case, "suitable",
"appropriate". Maai has a double connotation, on the one
hand find "space (distance) right", but on the other also
"the appropriate time". Which again can be interpreted in
two ways:

 Technically: The distance that is defined by the

conditions of the situation, that allowing an
appropriate response. The correct distance is
usually one in which, at a glance and without
changing the viewing angle, the full body of the
opponent see.

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 Psychologically: Distances are measured in

different ways, in this case it is the so-called
"private space", one in which physical integrity
may suffer and that is roughly defined, by the
distance of the own arms. By embracing allowed
someone implicitly "penetrate into private space",
otherwise it is to prevent an "invasion of space".

It is, therefore, apparent that maintain and master that

"proper distance" is directly in personal safety and is in a
State of self-control on the situation and the anxiety and
stress that causes.

The right combination (there is a standard) between

Kamae and Maai gives a safe and relaxed mental state in
which it is possible to anticipate any action of the
opponent given that through these simple rules
(apparently) is completely feasible to control the situation
at least enough as to respond with the technique or
proper tactics.

Gi (技)
Speaking of martial arts is can not ignore the technique, in
the end, it is the base, the middle and the end in itself,
since it is the technical excellence that reports a true

The technical concept is too abstract and gives rise to

many interpretations, most of the time, wrong. Occurs we

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call "technical" ability, or a movement in particular, when

what is needed is an ability or technical excellence in
capital letters, master body, all its facets, its smallest
details, physical and psychological.

It is often blamed on Budo, that take much time to master

his techniques, is true, although not exact. This happens
because there are millions of variations of a same
movement or, in other words, infinite forms of application
of a single technique. Happens that the majority of
teaching methods are outdated, based on the repetition
"examples", a distortion of the system automatic
traditional Japanese, therefore lack a methodologically
ordered system adapted to the Western mentality and
modern times.

Basically, la técnica se puede clasificar en grandes grupos:

 Ashi-Waza (足技), literally, technique of feet, or

"way of walking without compromising the
balance ".
 Uke-Waza (受技, techniques of Defense or
"reception of the attack", which in turn has
different variants according to schools and
 Geki-Waza (撃技) or technical attack in
distinguishing techniques of fist, hand, foot or
kicking and different variations according to the

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method of attack: going forward, dodging in circle

(tai-sabaki), etc..., rectilinear, circular...
 Atemi-Waza (当身技) literally
"beating"techniques, i.e., the same as the
previous definition, varies according to schools,
although one can say that this is a part of that.
 Nage-Waza (投技) or imaging techniques, differ
according to the school and specialty, usually is
taking advantage of the inertia of the attack for,
creating a kinetic centrifugal force, projecting the
opponent to the ground. Are subdivided according
to the martial art concerned in "foot, shoulder,
hip techniques..." depending on the part of the
body or the concept on which base the projection.
 Katame-Waza (堅技) or techniques of
immobilization or control the opponent, usually
by dislocation.

In addition to this general classification, each school,

martial art and specialty, enter their own, according to
which part is given more emphasis. However, they are
nothing more than technical resources, the greater the
baggage that has, more likely to apply one or other will
have. This is what makes it seem difficult.

However one can speak of a unique technique: avoid

defeat and victory.

In any situation of conflict or aggression, you can take two

attitudes: passive or active. Who assumes the active role
is by definition, who tends to be the "aggressor", who

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started the aggression. This is not to say that the defense

is passive, not at all, it is only a role.
The aggressor is (usually) dominated by the central idea of
harm, damage, therefore and speaking of technical
excellence in martial arts, technique to use is to cancel
that idea. To achieve this there are different tactics, from
the simple flight until the defeat of the aggressor by
inhibiting its aggressiveness by pain or imbalance.
However, the most difficult is accomplished it by
deterrence, an attitude and body language that leads to
the aggressor to the conviction that his idea of damage
will not lead more than to defeat.

In this sense, there are two essential concepts in martial


 Shisei (attitude) attitude. It actually has to do with

body language. Show a defensiveness leads to
contrary to take an offensive, and therefore to
manifest their aggression; However, a problem-
solving attitude, be willing to "present battle", an
attitude of safety and without fear, deters from
that aggression.
 Metsuke (目付), is this a word of difficult
translation. Refers to the look, but to an
inquisitive, scrutinizing, expectant look. It comes
from the old censors and inspectors of old Japan.
Is trafficking in a look relaxed, but attentive to all
movement, complementary body attitude that

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denotes resolution to overcome no matter the

situation concerned it.

It is obvious that this single resolution can be obtained

when it relies heavily on a technique that is mastered and
that security that is obtained through the technical
excellence is transmitted and perceived in an animal,
instinctive way. To do so, are not enough the automatic
repetitions, but the AutoCorrect and the constant search
for that excellence.

Tai (体)
There is one irrefutable physical fact: not all bodies are
equal. Not all have the same strength or physical

Now, this may not mean mastery of the strong (physically

speaking) over the weak.

Each person, each body has its own physical

characteristics: speed, agility, weight, force..., the really
important thing is not getting being the most powerful
(Citius, altius, fortius), but take advantage of the
opportunities and resources that they possess,
compensating for the lack of characteristics with
maximizing others.

Put another way, slow and heavy, someone will have

greater stability that a light person and to use that
stability in his favor is the feature, technique, Budo.

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In fact, although educational systems to use, affect all

learn the same thing, the same techniques and the same
resources, this is not more than a fallacy, a misconception.
The muscles or nerves react the same way in one
individual to another. Even when evaluating the adversary
and establish proper tactics.

Given that the variations are limitless, it is not possible to

analyze or study each case, therefore, the idea of learning
techniques or specific movements adapted to the
environment of a gym or dojo is highly detrimental to the
sense and learning correct Budo since it automates
reactions that, faced with circumstances and a different
environment, create the effect opposite to which it was
intended to degenerate into a situation of total insecurity
and a technical failure.

Hence, the traditional practice of martial arts, is based on

abstract principles, techniques in the sense of "resource
groups," which the practitioner must adapt to their
individual physical and psychological characteristics. This
concept has been lost or, rather, forgotten and perverted
for the sake of sport that tends to establish categories in
which the contenders are characteristics (weight specific)
similar, something that does not occur, for example, in
Sumo, a sport that does not have the weight, is not even a
decisive factor though it seems from the spectator side,

Cayetano Sanchez | 技巧 Giko (The technical excellence) 223

Budo for Budoka

but precisely the ability and skill. I.e. the technical


This technical excellence lies simply in study itself and

refine those skills, skills and resources that are are most
suitable to each individual.

Cayetano Sanchez | 技巧 Giko (The technical excellence) 224

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