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Aryanna Hinckley


IB English 12

February 13, 2023

Eva is Inside Her Cat Reflection

"Eva is Inside Her Cat" is told from the point of view of a woman of an old aristocratic

family cursed (in her mind at least) with incredible beauty who also suffers from insomnia. As

the story begins the woman feels she is dying. The sensations in her body tell her that death is

coming for her soon. She begins to look for something in which she can place her spirit so she

can live on. The story takes place outside of time, so that Eva is both alive and has been dead for

three thousand years.

In this short story, there's Eva, a tree and an orange. It reminds me of the Genesis story of

Adam and Eve with the apple and tree. It’s very likely that Marquez is connecting to the Catholic

Biblical story as he was raised Roman Catholic. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to believe that it is a

connection as there have been other Biblical connections to his other stories such as “A Very Old

Man With Enormous Wings”.

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