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Activity #3


Laboratory Report

This laboratory experiment was conducted at Landy National High School hall with the estimated time of one
hour, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. This experiment aims to know what and how filtration works. The
experimenters from group one is composed of a total of 7 members. The materials utilized for this filtration
experiment were two beakers, a small amount of dirt, a 50ml water, one filter paper and a stirring stick. First,
we mixed the dirt and the water into the beaker. Then, we folded the filter paper into a cone shape, we put it
into the top of the beaker. We poured the mixture of dirt and water into the filter paper on top of the beaker.
We observed that the mixture of dirt and water, the other parts of it were not dissolved even if we thoroughly
mixed the dirt and water using the stirring stick. There are other particles of the dirt that are too big to dissolve
by the 50ml amount of water. The remains in the filter paper were what we called the residue or the insoluble
substance in the mixture. The liquid that penetrate or pass through the filter paper are what we called the
filtrate, which was separated from the substances of dirt. We, therefore concluded that, a filtration is the
process of physically separating one substance to another using filter.


Laboratory Report

This laboratory experiment was conducted at Landy National High School hall with the estimated time of one
hour, from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm. This experiment's purpose is to know what and how evaporation works. The
experimenters from group one is composed of a total of 7 members. The materials used for this experiment
were one watch glass/ petridish, one denatured alcohol, a lighter, a piece of towel, a tripod, and a solution of
water and salt. First, we removed the bottle cap of the denatured alcohol and then we pierced the bottle cap
into the center and we put the piece of towel. We put the denatured alcohol with a piece of towel that will
serve as our alcohol lamp under the tripod and then we lit up the towel with a lighter. We poured the solution
into the watch glass or petridish and then we put it on top of the tripod. As we waited, the solution is
vaporizing or turning into a gaseous state, leaving a solid crystal-like substance in the watch glass. We also
tasted the remains of it in the watch glass and it tastes salty. The solid crystal-like substance adhering to the
watch glass is the cause of what we call evaporation. We, therefore concluded that, evaporation is separating
a solution or mixture of liquid with a dissolved solid, turning the solution into a vapor or gaseous state and
leaving behind a solid substance.
The significance of research in a number of fields of applied economics, whether associated with business,
industry, commerce, trade, services or to the economy in general, has tremendously increased these days. The
extremely complex character of business, its size, fast changes in technology etc., has focused attention on the
utilization of research in managing operational problems.

What is the Significance of Research in Business?

The following aspects highlight the business research significance:

New Knowledge: The fascination and desire for new knowledge, new facts for business cycles, environment
analysis and technological upgradation are the primary reasons of research.

Solution of Operational and Planning Problems of Business: Operational research, marketing research and
motivational research are deemed essential and their outcomes help in many ways, in taking business

Market research is the study of the structure and development of a market with the intention of forming
effective policies for purchasing, production, and sales.

Operational research means the use of mathematical, logical and analytical methods to the solution of
business difficulties of cost minimization or of profit maximization or what can be referred to as optimization

Motivational research is worried about market characteristics and figuring out why individuals behave as they
do. Put simply, it is focused on the determination of motives underlying the consumer behavior.

Research pertaining to demand and market factors has good utility in operating a business. Provided
information about future demand, it is easy for an organization or for an industry to alter its supply plan within
the boundaries of its estimated capacity. Market analysis has grown to be an intrinsic tool of business policy

Business projecting which eventually provides an estimated profit and loss account relies primarily on sales
estimates which in turn is determined by business research. Once sales forecasting is completed, efficient
production and investment programmes could be put in place around which are arranged the buying and
financial plans. Thus, research replaces intuitive business decisions by more logical and scientific decisions.

Research assists the company to find the right supplier at the right price and at the right time. An appropriate
supplier choice makes it possible for the company to obtain or acquire top quality raw materials which result
into production of good quality items which are consumed by the end user. Additionally, trustworthy and
efficient suppliers help a company to perform effectively as supplies will be available on time.

Research aids the business enterprise to enhance the productivity, reduce the cost, save time and maintain
expertise of their core competencies through research discovery of latest technology which contributes to
development of innovation management system for future growth.

Research creates benchmarks and helps a business measure its progress – If you don’t measure you may not
be able to evaluate how well your business is performing. Early research may identify glaring holes in the
service or issues in the product, regular research will indicate if advancements can be made and, if positive,
may help inspire a team.

Research is a crucial part of any business which wishes to provide goods and services which are focused and
well targeted. Business decisions which are according to good research can reduce risk and pay dividends in
long run.

You cannot ignore the significance of research in business decision making and every organization needs to
conduct research to be successful.

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