Advances in Childhood Cancer - NIH

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February 2023

National Institutes of Health • Department of Health and Human Services •

Inside News: 3 Kids’ Oral Health 4 COVID-19 and Gut Microbes 4 Heart Health 4 HerbList App

Advances in Childhood Cancer

Making Personalized Treatments a Reality
Children often get bumps, stem-cell transplant. Dif-
bruises, sneezes, and ferent types of cancer need
sniffles. It doesn’t seem like different treatments.
they could get something Until recently, it was
as scary as cancer. But they common for all kids with
can. the same type of cancer
Every year, more than to receive the same treat-
10,000 kids in the U.S. will ments, explains Dr. Will
get a diagnosis of cancer. Parsons, a child cancer
Some cases are caused by specialist at Texas Chil-
changes in certain genes dren’s Hospital. But the
that are passed from par- discovery of certain gene
ents to their children. But changes, called mutations,
these are rare. The causes in cancer cells has started
of most cases of cancer in to change this. These mu-
kids aren’t known. tations cause cancer cells
Advances made over the to grow out of control.
last few decades have led A new type of treatment
to more children surviving called targeted drugs can
cancer than ever before. And a better hood cancer specialist at NIH. These block the effects of these harmful
understanding of the disease means are cancers that start in certain mutations. They cause cancer cells
that more children with cancer are types of blood cells. to stop growing, or to die, without
getting personalized treatments. Next most common are cancers of causing as much damage to normal
the brain, nerves, and spinal cord. cells. Targeted drugs often have few-
Treating Childhood Cancer • Lymphoma—another type of blood er side effects than chemotherapy.
Cancer isn’t just one disease. There cancer—also occurs in kids and “Targeted drugs have gone from
are many different kinds. But all teens. Children may be affected by a theory to a reality over the past
cancers start when some of the tumors of the eyes, adrenal gland, decade,” says Parsons. This break-
body’s cells begin to grow uncontrol- kidneys, muscles, and bones. through has been aided by faster
lably. Sometimes, these cells spread Common treatments for childhood and cheaper tests to pinpoint cancer
to other parts of the body. cancers include surgery, chemother- mutations, he explains.
“Leukemias are the most common apy, and radiation therapy. These Researchers are testing ways to
types of cancer that we see in chil- can be used in combination or alone. expand gene mutation screening
dren,” says Dr. Nita Seibel, a child- Chemotherapy and radiation for kids with cancer. One ongoing
therapy work by killing fast-growing study is called Pediatric MATCH.
cancer cells. But these treatments The study is trying to match the
Definitions can also damage normal cells. This continued on page 2
damage can cause side effects like
Genes infection, hair loss, and nausea.
But these often go away. Other side
Stretches of DNA you inherit from your
parents that define features, like your risk
for certain diseases.
effects, like hearing loss, may not
go away. And some can appear after Subscribe
treatment stops.
Some kids may need other treat- newsinhealth.n
Treatments that train your body’s disease
defense system to fight cancer. ments, such as immunotherapy or a

continued from page 1 cancer specialist at NIH. One reason other cancers later in life. This is
mutation found in a child’s tumor for that is that standard treatments another reason why researchers
with a drug targeted for the specific usually work very well. Another is want to reduce the amount of
gene mutation, instead of for a that CAR T cells are expensive to treatment whenever possible.
specific type of cancer. make because they’re custom made For some treatments, late effects
every time. are still unavoidable. So personal-
Personalizing Treatment • Researchers are testing so-called ized care after treatment, called
CAR T cells are the newest, most off-the-shelf CAR T cells, which survivorship care, is vital for any
personalized cancer treatment. To could be made in big batches and child who’s been treated for cancer.
make CAR T cells, immune system used for many kids. This could Survivorship care plans help guide
cells called T cells are collected from reduce the cost and time needed to the type of care kids will need to lead
the blood of a person with cancer. produce them. “But we need to know their healthiest life possible.
The T cells are then modified in the if their effect is going to last as long, “It’s part of the whole package of
lab so they can find and kill cancer and if the side effects are going to cancer treatment,” says Seibel. “We
cells. Millions of these designer cells differ,” she says. “So they need to be want to make sure that kids have
are then grown and infused back further evaluated in clinical trials.” the highest quality of life possible
into the patient. CAR T cells and many other new as survivors.” To find advice and
“CAR T cells have made a big treatments for children with cancer information about supporting a child
difference for kids whose leukemia are being tested in studies called with cancer, visit n
has come back after treatment,” says clinical trials. If your child has
cancer, talk with your health care
team. They can help you learn about Ask Your
“Right now, they’re reserved for Doctor
patients whose disease has come all the treatment options.
back, or who have a high risk of How to Talk With Your Child
relapse,” says Dr. Nirali Shah, a child When Less is More • Personalizing
About Cancer
treatment can also mean adjusting
the amount of therapy a child gets. l Who should tell my child? If you
That often means a lower risk of side choose to be the one to tell your
Definitions effects. child, the doctor or nurse can
For some cancer types, research- help you decide what to say and
Immune System ers can predict which tumors have a how to answer their questions.
A collection of specialized cells and organs low risk of coming back. Kids at low l When should my child be told?
that protect your body against invading risk of relapse may now be able to Your child should be told as soon
germs and other microscopic threats.
get lower doses of chemotherapy or as possible. But they don’t need
radiation therapy. They may even be to hear everything all at once.
NIH News in Health able to skip some toxic treatments l What should I tell my child? The
ISSN 2375-6993 (Print) ISSN 1556-3898 (Online)
entirely. information you share with your
Reducing the amount of treatment child depends on his age and
Editor Harrison Wein, Ph.D.
can make a big difference in quality what he can understand.
Managing Editor Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D.
of life both during and after treat-
Graphics Alan Defibaugh (illustrations), l How much should I tell my
ment. But no matter what treat-
Bryan Ewsichek (design) child? It may be hard for many
Contributors Vicki Contie, Brian Doctrow, and
ments are needed, many side effects children to process too many
Sharon Reynolds can be managed. For example, drugs details or information given too
Use our articles and illustrations in your own can manage symptoms caused by far in advance.
publication. Our material is not copyrighted. chemotherapy, like nausea.
Please acknowledge NIH News in Health as the Some cancer treatments may l How might my child react? Each
source and send us a copy. have what are called late effects. child is different. Expect that
These are side effects that can some days will be rough, and occur months or even years after others will be easier.
treatment. They include trouble with l What can I do to help my child
learning and development, damage cope? Being calm and hopeful
NIH…Turning Discovery Into Health®
to the heart, and increased risk of can help your child.
Office of Communications & Public Liaison
Building 31, Room 5B52
Bethesda, MD 20892-2094
Web For more about childhood cancers,
see “Links” in the online article:
phone: 301-451-8224 Links

Healthy Mouth for Kids

Start Early to Protect Tooth Health
Oral health is important at every hiding just beneath the gums.
age. A healthy mouth helps you eat “You can start cleaning your
and speak, and healthy teeth can baby’s mouth with a clean, soft
give you a winning smile. If you’re cloth even before the first teeth
caring for young children, you come in,” says Dr. Tim Iafolla,
can help them get an early start at a dental health expert at NIH.
protecting their teeth, gums, and “That way your baby gets used
mouth. to having his or her mouth cared
Newborn babies have a cute for.”
toothless smile. Even though you Baby teeth may start to appear
can’t see the baby’s teeth, they’re at about 6 months of age. As early
as 6 years old, these teeth may
begin falling out. Though baby
Wise Choices teeth are temporary, they are
Tooth Timeline for “Baby teeth are used for
Kids chewing food, of course, but they
It’s never too early to create tooth- also guide growth of the jaw
healthy habits. bones, and they make room for
the permanent teeth when they
l During pregnancy, brush your
come in,” Iafolla explains.
teeth twice a day, floss daily,
Once teeth start to emerge,
and schedule a dental check-up
before your due date. tooth decay can become a day. Consider flossing daily as well.
problem. “Tooth decay can cause Regular visits to the dentist also
l Before teeth appear, gently wipe early loss of teeth, which can affect help. Baby teeth can be painted with
your baby’s gums twice a day speech, nutrition, and appearance,” a thin coating that can prevent or
with a soft, clean cloth. Iafolla says. reduce cavities, called a fluoride
l When teeth emerge, clean them Pain from tooth decay might varnish. Fluoride varnish should be
twice a day with a cloth or very cause kids to miss school. If left reapplied twice a year.
soft toothbrush. unchecked, tooth decay can lead to Once permanent teeth come in,
l At age 1, take your child to the a serious infection, or abscess, that dentists can paint the back teeth
dentist and schedule regular may spread to other parts of the with protective coatings called
check-ups. Ask when it’s time to body. dental sealants. Both dental sealants
start using fluoride toothpaste or Tooth decay is caused by sugar- and fluoride varnish are preventive
get fluoride treatments. loving bacteria that grow in the treatments that are usually covered
mouth. The bacteria use sugar to by insurance.
l Starting at age 2 or 3, brush your
make acids. Over time, these acids “Sealants harden to form a
child’s teeth with a pea-sized
can wear away your teeth’s hard protective shield against germs
drop of toothpaste. Help them
enamel coating and create a hole, and food,” Iafolla says. “They last
brush twice a day until they have
good brushing skills. Make sure or cavity. Eating or drinking sugary for years and can prevent 80% of
they spit out toothpaste. things, or snacking often throughout cavities in the back teeth.”
the day, feeds the bacteria and “Helping your children develop
l Around age 7 or 8, kids can creates more acid, which can lead to healthy dental and nutritional habits
brush and floss their own teeth. cavities. early in childhood can set them up
Help them create a habit of The good news is that tooth for a lifetime of good dental health,”
brushing in the morning and decay can be prevented. Start by Iafolla says.
before bed. Check from time encouraging kids to eat healthy See the Wise Choices box for a
to time to make sure they’re
foods and brush their teeth twice a timeline of tips. n
brushing all their teeth.
l At all ages, encourage healthy
eating. Avoid sugary foods and Web For more about kids’ oral health,
see “Links” in the online article:
H News i n Healt h

Health Capsules For links to more information, please visit our website
and see these stories online.

COVID-19 Disrupts Gut Microbes

Microbes live all over your body. to the gut lining. Mice with the virus Together, these results suggest
These include bacteria, fungi, and also had fewer types of microbes in that SARS-CoV-2 can upset the
viruses. People with COVID-19 often their guts. balance of gut microbes. This allows
have an imbalance in their gut’s Next, the team studied the mi- harmful bacteria to thrive in the
microbes. In hospitalized patients, crobes in stool samples from 96 gut. It also alters the gut lining to let
this can lead to serious infections people with COVID-19. In one of these bacteria more easily spread
in the blood, called secondary every four samples, a single type of from the gut to the bloodstream.
infections. A new study showed bacteria dominated. Some of these “Now that we have uncovered the
that COVID-19 can disrupt the bacteria were resistant to antibiot- source of this bacterial imbalance,
gut’s microbes and allow harmful ics, which makes them difficult to physicians can better identify those
bacteria into the bloodstream. kill. The people who had infections coronavirus patients most at risk of
The researchers first studied mice in their blood tended to have a less a secondary bloodstream infection,”
infected with SARS-CoV-2, the diverse mix of microbes in the gut. says Dr. Ken Cadwell of New York
virus that causes COVID-19. They The type of bacteria found in their University, who co-led the study
found that the virus caused changes blood was also seen in their gut. with colleague Dr. Jonas Schluter. n

Show Your Heart Some Love!

Heart disease is a leading cause of Having a higher BMI is one factor of moderate-intensity activity each
death in the U.S. for both men and that increases your risk for certain week. Consider wearing a device that
women. But you can take steps to conditions, including heart disease counts your steps to track how much
protect your heart and stay healthy. and type 2 diabetes. you walk every day. Or simply jot
To start, you can learn and keep Get your blood pressure checked down how much time you spend each
track of some important heart health at least once a year by a health care day with different activities.
numbers, like your weight, blood professional, and ask what your Eat a heart-healthy diet and keep
pressure, cholesterol, and blood target numbers should be. Then ask a record of what you eat and drink
glucose (blood sugar). Then take for tips to keep your blood pressure each day. This can also help you stay
action to improve your numbers. under control. Keep track of your on track.
One key number to know is your numbers. Find tips and tools for calculating
body mass index, or BMI. BMI is Getting enough physical activity your BMI, tracking your blood
an estimate of body fat. Your BMI can help you meet your heart health pressure, eating a heart-healthy diet,
is based on your height and weight. goals. Aim for at least 150 minutes and more at n

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