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It is characterized by the inability to control the timing of ejaculation and is typically

defined as ejaculating within 1-2 minutes of penetration. This can cause significant distress for men
and their partners, and can negatively impact sexual relationships.

Premature ejaculation can be caused by a variety of physical and psychological factors, including
anxiety, depression, relationship issues, and medical conditions such as prostate problems or
hormonal imbalances. In many cases, the cause is not clear and is likely to be a combination of
multiple factors.

There are several treatments available for premature ejaculation, including behavioral therapy,
medications, and topical creams. Behavioral therapy can help men learn to control their arousal
levels and delay ejaculation, while medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
can help delay ejaculation by decreasing sensitivity in the penis. Topical creams can also be used to
decrease sensiti


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