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Neuroscience Letters 254 (1998) 17–20

Pattern of apolipoprotein D immunoreactivity in human brain

Ana Navarro, Jorge Tolivia*, Aurora Astudillo, Eva del Valle

Departamento de Morfologı́a y Biologı´a Celular, Facultad de Biologı́a y Medicina,
Universidad de Oviedo, Julián Claverı́a s/n, Oviedo 33006, Spain

Received 17 June 1998; received in revised form 24 July 1998; accepted 3 August 1998


Presence of intracytoplasmatic apolipoprotein D (apo D), a lipophilic ligand transporter, was investigated in normal human
brains between 20 and 55 years, using an anti-human apolipoprotein D antibody and extravidin-biotin-enhanced immunohis-
tochemistry. Apo D immunoreactivity was found in neuroglial cells of white matter in all sampled brain regions studied but also in
pial cells and perivascular cells. Immunoreactive neurons do not present a uniform pattern throughout the gray matter. The pons
and the brainstem show a high immunoreactivity for apo D in several nuclei (olivary, arciforme, cuneado, raphe). In the
cerebellum the immunoreactivity appears in some neurons of the Purkinje layer. Finally in the cerebral cortex apo D positive
neurons were not observed. These results suggest that apo D role may vary depending of cellular synthesis or location.  1998
Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

Keywords: Apolipoprotein D; Immunocytochemistry; Human; Nervous system

Human apolipoprotein D (apo D) is a glycoprotein com- cancer [1,4] and other pathologies [18–20]. Recent data
ponent of the plasma lipoprotein particles with its maximum have raised the possibility that apo D expression is a marker
concentration being localized in high density lipoprotein of cell differentiation and growth arrest [7].
(HDL) and with trace amounts in other lipoproteins. It The finding of apo D synthesis in brain [13–16] and in
was first isolated and partially characterized by McConathy regenerating and remyelinating peripheral nerve [2,17] has
and Alaupovic [8] and subsequently by others authors suggested that this protein play a significant role in lipid
[5,21]. The human apo D cDNA was cloned and sequenced transport and neuronal regeneration in CNS [10,18]. In ani-
and the analysis of the deduced aminoacidic sequence mal brains apo D production, by astrocytes, oligodendro-
revealed that apo D shows no sequence similarities to cites and neurons, has been shown by in situ hybridization
other known apolipoproteins and extensive homology to [13,14,16] or in vitro [11] studies. In the present study the
lipocalin family of proteins [6]. Most members of this expression of apolipoprotein D in sampled human brain was
family bind and transport small hydrophobic molecules. investigated to provide further information regarding the
Recent reports have shown that apo D can bind and trans- response of different types of neurons to apo D expression.
port a variety of molecules including cholesterol, heme- Eighteen human brains belonging to males 20–55 years
related compounds, odorant substances and some steroid old were used for this study. Specimens were obtained
hormones [9,12,22]. Thus, it has been suggested that apo within 6–12 h postmortem from subjects who had no
D may be a protein ‘multigand-multifunction’ [16]. known symptoms of nervous system disease before death;
Apo D is unique among apolipoproteins, being expressed the cause of death in each case was not neurological. The
throughout the body and at high levels in organs other than specimens were fixed for 2 weeks in 10% buffered formalin,
the liver and intestine [13–16]. It has been reported that apo sampled, dissected out and embedded in paraffin. Samples
D could be used to a prognostic marker of some types of were taken of cortex (frontal, parietal and temporal), peri-
ventricular white matter, lenticular nucleus, cerebellum and
* Corresponding author. Fax: +34 985 103618 or +34 985 232225. Immunohistochemical assays were performed on 10 mm

0304-3940/98/$19.00  1998 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

PII S0304- 3940(98) 00639- 9
18 A. Navarro et al. / Neuroscience Letters 254 (1998) 17–20

Fig. 1. Immunostained sections, for apo D, of different brain areas. (A) White matter of central nervous system, the glial cells appear clearly
marked for apo D (arrows) (35 years). (B) Cerebellar cortex immunoreactive (arrows) and non-immunoreactive (arrowheads) Purkinje cells can
be observed. In the white matter a great number of immunoreactive glial cells (arrows) appear (35 years). (C) Dentate nucleus of cerebellum,
neurons with high immunoreactivity (arrows) (36 years). (D) Purkinje layer, group of Purkinje neurons in which only one immunoreactive cell is
present (arrows) (35 years). (E) Parietal cortex, the immunoreactivity is only present in the glial cells (arrows), neurons are not positives for apo D
(arrowheads) (24 years). (F) Nucleus cunneatus, an intense immunoreactivity can be observed in all neurons (54 years). Scale bars, (A,C,D) 28
mm; (B,F) 14 mm; (E) 17.5 mm.
A. Navarro et al. / Neuroscience Letters 254 (1998) 17–20 19

in thickness tissue sections that were treated with 0.1% neuroglial cells (Fig. 1E) show positive immunoreactivity
Triton X-100 in H2O for 10 min. Endogenous peroxidase for apo D. Some apo D positive neurons were present in the
and non-specific binding were blocked by sequential incu- basal nuclei, where the higher immunoreactivity appears in
bation of the sections in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution and myelinic tracts.
in normal serum. Incubation with a specific antibody against The functional role of apo D in CNS is not yet known. In
apo D (1:2000) dilution was carried out overnight at 4°C brains of several species, apo D is produced by neuroglia
(provided by Dr. C. López-Otı́n, Departamento de Bio- and neurons [3,15,16]. Smith et al. [16] have suggested that
quı́mica y Biologı́a Molecular, Universidad de Oviedo). apo D may transport cholesterol or its derivatives across the
Purification protocol of polyclonal antiserum against apo blood–brain barrier maintaining appropriate cholesterol
D was described in previous papers [4,7]. The immunoreac- levels in compartments not directly in contact with the
tivity was detected using the Extravidin-biotin-peroxidase blood. Patel et al. [11] have found that apo D is constitu-
kit (Sigma Extra-3). Peroxidase activity was demonstrated tively secreted by cultured astrocytes and that the secreted
by incubation with 0.05% DAB in 50 mM Tris buffer pH protein is associated with cholesterol and other lipids. A
7.5, containing 0.05% H2O2. Finally the sections were coun- potential role for apo D in neural regeneration has been
terstained with formaldehyde-thionine, dehydrated, cleared suggested by the observation that its levels increase mark-
in eucalyptol and mounted with Eukitt. edly in the regenerating nerve. This increase appears to be
For control purposes, representative sections were pro- due to an induction of apo D gene expression in endoneurial
cessed in the same way with a non-immune serum or with fibroblast [2,17]. Recent works of neuronal degeneration
specifically absorbed sera instead of the primary antibody. have implicated the increased in neuronal apo D immunor-
Under these conditions no specific immunostaining was eactivity with a potential role in neural regeneration [10,18].
observed. Sections were photographed in a Nikon Labophot High levels of apo D immunoreactivity in rat hippocampus
microscope on panchromatic film (Agfapan, APX25). To following excitotoxic injury with kainic acid have been
diminish the contrast coloration, in black and white photo- reported in neurons that probably may be ultimately des-
graphy, the sections were photographed with a blue filter. tined to cell death. Authors found that apo D is increased in
In sampled human brain, high apo D immunoreactivity some pyramidal neurons but not in glial cells or any vascu-
was found in the neuroglial cell of the white matter (Fig. lar compartments in rats that suggest a neuronal synthesis
1A,B). The soma and the processes of these cells show an [10]. A similar increase of apo D levels has been found in
intense deposit of apo D. By contrast, only a few neuroglial Niemann-Pick disease type C mouse brains [18]. These
cells of the grey matter appear stained for apo D (Fig. findings could explain the lack of neuronal apo D immunor-
1E).These observations are in correlation with the studies eactivity in normal human cortex, hippocampus and cere-
achieved in other species [3,10,13,17]. Neurons apo D posi- bellum. However it is insufficient to explain why other
tive were only found in some of the different brain regions nuclei present a strong labeling to apo D in all neurons
studied in the present work. The neuroglial deposits of apo where we could not suppose a neuronal loss. While a true
D show a granular aspect, while a more diffuse deposit was high affinity physiological ligand of apo D has not been
observed in the apo D positive neurons. Unlike the gray found, it is possible that apo D has multiple physiological
matter no changes were observed in white matter tracts of ligands and functions and that both vary according to the
different brain areas, where astrocytes and oligodendrocytes site of synthesis or localization.
appear strongly labeled. The present study highlights the features of apo D immu-
The immunohistochemical staining of several human noreactivity in different neuronal populations throughout
brain areas showed that neurons do not accumulate apo D CNS in humans and provide more data to elucidate its func-
uniformly. In the samples containing the pons and the brain- tional role. Clearly, additional works need to be done in
stem, apo D immunoreactivity was detected in many of the humans to observe the role of apo D in development
neuronal nuclei: olivary, arciforme, cuneado, raphe, etc. aging and pathology of the CNS.
(Fig. 1C,F). However a few isolated apolipoprotein D-
immunoreactive neurons were observed in nearest nuclei, This research was supported by a FISS (96/1546) Grant.
amid a vast majority of unlabeled neurons. We thank Dr. C. López-Otı́n for providing the antibody for
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