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Vinay S

Senior Java Full Stack Developer

 8+ Years of experience and includes all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including planning,
analysis, design, implementation, testing and maintenance of multi-tier distributed, secure enterprise
applications using Java/J2EE technologies.
 Hands on experiences with Core Java with Multithreading, Concurrency, File Handling I/O, Generics, Data
Structures and Collections, Garbage Collection.
 Proficient in implementation of spring frameworks like Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring REST, Spring AOP,
Spring transaction Management, Spring Data, Spring DAO, Spring Batch, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
 Experience Front end part of the application using Angular, Backbone.js, jQuery, Node.JS, Ajax, Bootstrap,
React JS, Html5 and CSS3.
 Hands on experience in working with Kubernetes for managing related, distributed cluster components.
 Experience in publishing and subscribing streams of records in enterprise message system and in designing
and building real time streaming data pipelines using Apache Kafka.
 Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the Serverless architecture and run the code in AWS.
 Implemented a metrics collection mechanism for the server by utilizing Apache Kafka to stream server-side
 Developed Node.JS Readable and Writable streams to process the data from the external source of the
 Strong Knowledge in MERN/MEAN stack with vast experience in building Web Applications,
used React.js/AngularJS for client side, Node.js/Express for server side and Mango DB, SQL Server for
 Having knowledge on (JMS) MQ's like Apache Kafka, Rabbit MQ, IBM MQ and Active MQ.
 Worked in using React.js Router, Forms, Animations, Keys, components, Events and Flux concept.
 Expertise in implementing Java 8 features like Lambda expressions, Functional interfaces, Stream API and
Time API for Bulk data operations on Collections, concurrency and I/O which would increase the performance
of the Application.
 Good knowledge of developing GUI based application using Swings and Java Applets.
 Expertise in designing, developing, and deploying applications using J2EE technologies including Servlets, JSP,
EJB, JSTL, Struts, Spring, Spring Boot, JSF, JMS, AJAX, JDBC, JNDI, GWT Java Beans, Hibernate and Web
 Have strong exposure and work experience on core java concepts collection API, Stream API, Parallel Streams,
exception handling, Multithreading, HashMap, concurrency, JDBC, modularity, executor service, fork and
join frameworks.
 Experience in Unit testing, Integration Testing with the need of Selenium and generation of test cases for web
applications using JUnit, Log4J, TestNG, Jasmine, Karma and Cactus.
 Experience with SAST and DAST tools.
 Solid Experience in creating a Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and deploying a Docker Image on top of Kubernetes
 Deployed Docker contained spring boot micro services in to Spring EC2 container service using AWS admin
 Created multiple Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and deploying a Docker Image on top of Kubernetes Cluster for
testing purpose.
 Hands on exposure to multiple Application Servers like BEA Web Logic Application Server, Apache Tomcat,
WebSphere and JBoss.
 Hands-on experience using the version control tools like SVN, CVS, Rational Clear Case and GIT and project
management tools like JIRA, QC.

Languages Java, C, C++, SQL and PL/SQL, Python

Java Technologies Java, JDK, JEE, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JNDI, JMS, JTA, JSF, EJB

Web technologies HTML, JavaScript, XML, JSON, CSS, jQuery, Angular, Node JS , React JS

Databases Oracle 10g/11g/12c, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.x, DB2 11.1,
PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, Couch DB

IDE/Development Tools Eclipse, NetBeans, IntelliJ IDEA, Spring Tool Suite (STS), Web Storm,

Frameworks Spring, Hibernate, Angular, Spring Security, Spring MVC, Spring Boot,
Spring Data, Spring Cloud, Spring AOP, Servlets, Java Swing, Applets, Spark,
Spring IOC, Spring Tiles, Spring DAO, Apache Camel

Operating Systems Windows, Linux and Unix

Methodologies Agile, Scrum, Waterfall, TDD

Design Patterns MVC, DAO, DTO, Front Controller, Session Facade, Business Delegate,
Observer, Singleton, View Helper, Factory, Adapter, Front Controller,
Visitor, Decorator

Web/Application Servers IBM WebSphere, BEA WebLogic, JBoss and Tomcat

XML Technologies HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML, XSD, XSLT, jQuery, Xpath, DTD and

Big Data Technologies Hadoop, ApacheSpark, Scala, Hive, Hbase, Sqoop, Solr, Apache Kafka

Testing tools JUNIT, JMeter, Mockito, TestNG, Jasmine, Karma

Build Tools ANT, Maven, Gradle, Jenkins, Cucumber

Cloud Services Amazon Web Services(AWS), Azure


Version Controls GIT, Bit Bucket, CVS, SVN, GITHUB

Client: Sams club, Bentonville, AR Mar 2021 – till now
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
 Involved in analysis, design, implementation and testing phases of SDLC through Agile methodology
 Designed, developed, and tested HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and React.JS that meets
accessibility and web browser standards for website.
 Implemented generating the verification hash code using crypto package on Node.JS and added user
validations and user permissions by using Node.js.
 Experience in building application with React.js, Redux; Require.js, in MVC architecture.
 Addressing heavy traffic situation and migrating user-specific data off service instances and into a shared by
using Microservices.
 Wrote Kafka producers to stream the data from external rest APIs to Kafka topics.
 All the functionalities are implemented using Spring IO / Spring Boot and Spring JDBC.
 Designed REST and SOAP services.
 Designed and developed the RESTful web services using the JAX-RS API to communicate over the network.
 Create a Java Lambda that watches an AWS S3 bucket, load the data to the Redshift and send a message using
RESTful webservices if the file has errors.
 Developed Docker image and containers for the application by configure Dockerfile, using Docker Compose to
manage images
 Worked with Node.JS framework including authoring complex directives, services, controllers and filters.
 Worked in container based technologies like Docker, Kubernetes and Openshift.
 Used Babel, Typescript and Web pack as a module loader/bundler and used along with React.js
 Implemented Java EE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security
 Migrated many applications into AWS and provide cloud Security.
 Used Continuous delivery / Continuous Integration (CD/CI) tools Docker, Jenkins to deploy this application
to AWS and used GIT for Version Control of code for incremental development
 Created proof-of-concept using responsive web design, Node.js, React JS, HTML5 and CSS3.
 Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Kubernetes environment, utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the
runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, Test and Deploy.
 Setting up and configuring Kafka Environment in Linux from the scratch and monitoring it.
 Used Babel, Typescript and Web pack as a module loader/bundler and used along with React.js
 Used services to read data from remote server using React.JS.
 Implemented Object-relation mapping using Hibernate framework to fetch the data from Oracle 12c database
and to write data into the database.
 Experienced in Docker engine and Docker Machine environments, to deploy the microservices oriented
environments for scalable applications. Excellent understanding of OpenShift platform in managing Docker and
 Experience in working with messaging systems like Kafka, Kafka event Sourcing.
 Used Bootstrap, React.js and Node.js in effective web design.
 Used Rest client - POSTMAN and SOAPUI tools to test REST API services.
 Tested JSON output using Advanced REST Client or POSTMAN.
 Developed Mockito and JUnit test cases to improve code coverage.
 components with frameworks using Karma and Jasmine.
 Built real time pipeline for streaming data using Kafka and Spark Streaming
 Created JSON request and validated the response using postman Interceptor and Swagger UI.
 Set up Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process for application using Jenkins.
 Experience in setting up the life cycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier, Worked with
various AWS, EC2 and S3 CLI tools. 
 Apache Maven tool has been used for the build and deployment of the application.
 Used GIT for Source Control and Version Management and Monitored the Error logs using Log4j and fixed the
Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Spring batch, Spring Boot, JPA, JMS, ReactJS, HTML5, CSS3, Eclipse, Oracle,
Swagger UI, Log4j, JIRA, Pure XML, Web Services, Kafka, Microservice, REST UI.

Client: New York State, Albany, NY July 2019 – Mar 2021

Java Full Stack Developer
 Responsible for system analysis, design and development using Java J2EE architecture.
 Developed the application use cases using the open source framework such as Spring and Hibernate.
 Involved in Web application development for backend system using HTML5, CSS3, Angular 8, PrimeNG,
Typescript and Angular CLI.
 Used multi-tiered Java design and coding utilizing Spring Inversion of Control (IOC), spring boot and spring
 Worked in a CI/CD environment with Jenkins, Maven, AWS, Ansible and Terraform.
 Experience in managing the build and deployment using Gradle, Maven, Jenkins, Docker.
 Experience in Message Oriented Middleware implementation using JMS and Apache Kafka.
 Analyzed the Node.JS server structure in legacy project, then mimicked the REST service by using java JAX-WS
API, and did the corresponding configurations.
 Implemented CRUD operations by Angular 8 in designing the information table and connect the database
under the instruction of back-end developers.
 Excellent in deploying the applications in AWS as EC2 instances and created snapshots for the data that had to
be stored inAWSS3.
 Experienced Spring Boot based Microservices using Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and
using OpenShift, AWS admin console.
 Created multiple Kubernetes Clusters in AWS and deploying a Docker Image on top of Kubernetes Cluster for
testing purpose.
 Using Kafka for Publish/Subscribe pattern in application dealing with messaging.
 Developed a dashboard based on Ajax calls with Business Customers Count, Flags, Real-time graphs for
Analytical Reporting using Node.js.
 Moving existing monolithic architecture to microservices and migrating them to AWS cloud.
 Used AWS Services platform to upload data into AWSS3 buckets and creating EC2 instances.
 Implemented modular approaches for backend on AWS’s Elastic Beanstalk and implemented interfacing with
MySQL/Aurora DB on AWS’s RDS, allowing for scalability.
 Worked with build tools like Bower, NPM and Grunt.
 Used Mongoose API to access the Mongo DB from Node JS and used Angular CLI and NPM for scaffolding
the Angular 6 Application.
 Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI's.
 Experience with tools like Experience with Docker Images/containers and kubernetes.
 Apache Kafka is used to send message objects to client queues and topics.
 Implemented various functionality using spring IO/spring boot and hibernate ORM.
 Used spring core annotations for dependency injection and utilized spring boot for developing micro services
and spring batch for batch processing.
 Created SQL queries, Stored procedures using PL/SQL for data modification (Using DML insert, update, delete)
in Oracle.
 Experience working with Docker containers, Amazon EC2, S3 and ELBs in an AWS Environment.
 Worked with OpenShift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
 Developed data transformer for converting legacy data from Source tables to avro format and fed
into Kafka using Camel.
 Designed and developed database objects like Tables, Views, Stored Procedures, User Functions using  PL/SQL,
SQL and used them in WEB components.
 Implemented and configured the business objects of an application by using spring beans.
 Written mapping files for mapping java objects with columns in database tables.
 Developed Restful Web Services using JAX-RS which were exposed to other applications.
 Write unit test cases by using JUnit and Mockito framework to perform the unit testing.
 Used Git as source version control tool and used Log4j for log.
 Actively participated in the daily SCRUM meetings to produce quality deliverables within time.

Environment: Java, J2EE, Restful Web Services, AWS, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Angular 6/8, Typescript, Node JS,
Oracle, GIT, Hibernate, Spring-MVC, Spring-REST, Soap UI, PL-SQL, JSON, JQuery, Bootstrap, AJAX, Maven, JBoss,
Tomcat, Windows.

Client: Anixter Inc, Glenview, IL Jan 2017 – July 2019

Java /J2EE Developer
 The application architecture of the System is based on Spring MVC (Model View Controller) and JEE
 Implemented various features of spring framework such as Dependency Injection, IOC, Annotations, and
Spring integration with Hibernate.
 Good knowledge of Spring& IOC, AOP, Spring MVC and springs integration with Hibernate and Struts
 Designed and developed a Restful service interface using Spring MVC to the underlying customer event API.
 Use Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services & Amazon Cloud Watch logs to monitor the application.
 Experience in developing, deploying and testing applications in an AWS environment using DevOps tools such
as Jenkins and Docker.
 Database Development includes PL/SQL stored procedures, views, indexes, triggers, and constraints are used
to reduce the response time in the application.
 Experienced in writing JUnit Test cases for Java and JEE applications.
 Implemented application security including User Management, LDAP authentication, authorization (users have
restricted access to app components according to their permissions)
 Implemented a role-based security system for web-based administrative applications
 Implementing security Single Sign-On application to share user management, authentication, and
authorization among multiple applications.
 Performed dependency injection of spring beans such as data source beans or Hibernate utility singleton bean
to create one session factory for the entire application.
 Developed the User Interactive NodeJS Restful API Web Application navigation tool like Maps API using
Leaflet.JS for front-end regional mapped area.
 Installed application on AWSEC2 instances and configured the storage on S3 buckets.
 Implemented Docker container service, build pipe line like Jenkins, Bamboo and GOCD for Continuous
Integration and Continuous Deployment that can run on the cloud or on-premises.
 Used Spring MVC to develop application architecture and JDBC to interact with Database. Also used Ajax to
communicate with DB for certain functionalities.
 Generating Dashboard through Splunk. Hands-on experience with Searching and Reporting with Splunk 5.x.
 Worked on spring boot, Spring Rest full template to develop Application Level Micro Services
 Developed Open stack API to Integrate with Amazon EC2 cloud based architecture in AWS, including creating
machine Images and worked on AWS, High Availability Practices and deploying backup/restore infrastructure.
 Implemented Micro Services based Cloud Architecture on AWS Platform and Cloud Foundry.
 Implemented Hibernate Template to a great extent making use of HQL, Named Parameters, Named Queries
and interfaces such as Expression, Query, and Criteria.
 Implemented and developed UI components using Angular 2 features like Dependency Injection, Models, data
binding, and controllers.
 Worked on automation and Deployment using configuration Management tool like Chef to provision amazon
 Administered and deployed applications into WebSphere Application Server.
 Used Java Messaging Services (JMS) for the reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such
as payment status report.
 Worked with JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML
format to database and JAXB in the web service request-response data marshaling as well as the
unmarshalling process.

Environment: Java, Spring, Hibernate, Eclipse IDE, Spring batch, Spring quartz, Spring Boot, JPA, Java Scripts,
Angular 2/4, HTML 4.0, CSS, JMS, JAXP, Oracle, WebSphere Application Server, Oracle, SOAP, RUP, Maven, log4j,
Junit, XML, Web Services, ILog, JRules, Splunk, GIT.

Client: Boeing, Bangalore, India Mar 2015 – Oct 2016

Core Java Developer
 Developed Application Using Test-Driven Development (TDD) Approach.
 Responsible for system analysis, design and development using J2EE architecture.
 Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) as requirement gathering, modeling,
analysis, architecture design & development and the project was developed using Agile Methodologies.
 End-to-end Project Management, including customization of product based on the customer's requirement,
meeting delivery deadlines on development, testing, implementation phases of the system and customer
relationship consulting.
 Developed Application User Interface Using AngularJS 1.4.5, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
 Developed Application Middle Tier Using Spring 4.0, JSON.
 Produced and Consumed RESTful and SOAP Web Services Using Apache Axis, Jersey.
 Data access layer created using latest technologies such as Spring data, Spring JTA, Hibernate and HSQL.
 Builds are done using ANT.
 Build Stand Alone applications using Spring Boot.
 Used MySQL for database.
 Developed Test case using Mockito, Junit.

Environment: Core Java, AngularJS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Apache Axis, Jersey, Spring 4.0, JSON, Apache
Commons, Spring data, Spring JTA, HSQL, Hibernate, ANT, Spring Boot, MySQL, Mockito, Junit

Client: Siemens Healthineers, Bangalore, India Dec 2013 – Mar 2015

Java Developer
 Used Spring framework MVC in the development of new modules based on requirements.
 Utilized various utilities like JSP, JSTL, JavaScript, HTML, & CSS, jQuery.
 Refactored existing project to make it more RESTful and thread safe.
 Involved in the creation of dynamic web pages with the use of JSP and HTML.
 Configured and set up Java Workspace which included setting up server and theme installation and
configuration. Became familiar with using and navigating through Java Workspace (Eclipse).
 Debugged Java classes used to modify web pages such as Business Objects and Data Access Objects.
 Implemented JDBC to perform the database calls from the Java layer.
 Used JDBC to persist Java Objects into the database.
 Participated in Analysing the requirements and depicted them through use cases and scenarios.
 Participated in unit testing, integration testing and installation of the system.
 Contributed to the decision making of the software and hardware requirements and tool evaluations.
 Implemented logging for the whole application using Log4j.
 Involved in daily scrum meetings, worked on the sprint tasks in the Agile Scrum development.
Environment: Core Java, J2EE, HTML, CSS, JSP, JDBC, JSP, JavaScript, jQuery, XML, JSON, Servlets, Spring
Framework, PL/SQL, Hibernate, Oracle, JAXB, RESTful, Log4j.

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