Blood Bank Website Report-4

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SESSION: 2022-2023
Submitted By:


System ID:2021814901
System ID:2021480160
System ID:2021477777

Section: A

Submitted To:

Prof. Dr. Nitin Rakesh




Table of Contents Page No
Project Title ................................................................................................................................................... 3
Team / Group Formation: ............................................................................................................................. 3
Technologies to be used ................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Tools .............................................................................................................................................................. 6
Problem Statement ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Literature Survey......................................................................................................................................... 10
Project Description...................................................................................................................................... 11
Project Modules: Design/Algorithm .......................................................................................................... 12
Implementation Methodology.................................................................................................................... 18
Result & Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 21
Future Scope and further enhancement of Project .................................................................................... 23
Advantages of this Project .......................................................................................................................... 24
Outcome ........................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
References .................................................................................................................................................. 25
Project Title

Team / Group Formation:

S. No Student Name Roll Number System ID Role


1 210101047 2021814901


2 210101057 2021480160

3 ARPIT SINGH 210101110 2021477777
Technologies to be used

PROCESSOR : Intel Pentium IV 1.8 GHz



BANDWIDTH : 100 mbps.




OPERATING SYSTEMS : Microsoft Windows 8




HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a relatively simple language that allows
developers to create the basic structure of a website. Even the most complex websites have
HTML at their core. It’s also the second-most-used programming language by developers,
according to a recent Stack Overflow survey.
You may be asking yourself why HTML is called a “markup language.” The reason is that
instead of using a programming language to perform the desired functions, HTML uses tags to
annotate, or mark up, different types of content on a web page and identify the purposes they
each serve to the page’s overall design. You likely see snippets of HTML more than you even
realize. Have you ever noticed text at the bottom of a printed-out email that reads something. A
markup language also helps web developers avoid formatting every instance of an item category
separately (e.g., bolding the headlines on a website), which saves time and avoids errors.


If HTML represents the building blocks of a website, CSS is a way to shape and enhance those
blocks. CSS is a style sheet language used to specify the way different parts of a webpage appear
to users. In other words, it’s a way to add some style and additional formatting to what you’ve
already built with HTM.


JavaScript is the most complex of the three front end languages discussed in this article, building
on top of both HTML and CSS. If you’re trying to compare the languages, think of it like this:
While HTML creates the basic structure for a website, CSS adds style to that structure, and
JavaScript takes all of that work and makes it interactive and more functionally complex.

SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system (RDBMS). It is a full-

featured database primarily designed to compete against competitors’ Oracle Database (DB) and

SQL Server is sometimes referred to as MSSQL and Microsoft SQL Server.

Originally released in 1989 as version 1.0 by Microsoft, in conjunction with Sybase, SQL
Server and its early versions were very similar to Sybase. However, the Microsoft-Sybase
partnership dissolved in the early 1990s, and Microsoft retained the rights to the SQL
Server trade name. Since then, Microsoft has released 2000, 2005 and 2008 versions, which
feature more advanced options and better security.

Examples of some features include: XML data type support, dynamic management views
(DMVs), full-text search capability, and database mirroring.SQL Server is offered in several
editions with different feature sets and pricing options to meet a variety of user needs, including
the following:

Enterprise: Designed for large enterprises with complex data requirements, data warehousing and
Web-enabled databases. Has all the features of SQL Server, and its license pricing is the most

Standard: Targeted toward small and medium organizations. Also supports e-commerce and data

Workgroup: For small organizations. No size or user limits and may be used as the backend
database for small Web servers or branch offices.

Express: Free for distribution. Has the fewest number of features and limits database size and
users. May be used as a replacement for an Access database.

PHP is an open-source, server-side programming language that can be used to create websites,
applications, customer relationship management systems and more. It is a widely-used general-
purpose language that can be embedded into HTML. This functionality with HTML means that
the PHP language has remained popular with developers as it helps to simplify HTML code.

There are three main areas in which it thrives.

1. Server-side scripting: Server-side Script is PHP’s main strength. If you are just learning
to code and want to explore server-side scripting, PHP is a great language to learn. To get
cracking with PHP server-side scripting you’ll need to have a PHP parser, web server and
web browser.

2. Command-line scripting: Command-line scripting is ideal for scripts made using cron
(Linux) or Task Scheduler (Windows). It is also great for simple text processing.

3. Writing desktop applications: PHP is probably not the best language to use to create
desktop applications but for the advanced web developer, it provides you with many
more options than its competitors.
Problem Statement

In India, blood transfusion services are mostly hospital-based. In a hhospital based blood
transfuision services, each hospital runs its own blood collection pprogramand dose not require
creation of separate blood tratransfusionsntres. As the organization of vlvoluntarylood donation
in hospital- based system is usually unsatisfactory, replacement donors form thr main sourse of
blood supply iin the hospital. Replacement donors are usually frinds and fimaly member of the
patient and are under pressure to donate blood.

Major problem is contacting the blood donor during the time of emergency. Here in case of an
emergency need of blood, we can search for the donor by selecting the blood group and area of
the donor well enough. The database will show all the registered donors in the database along
with their mobile numbers and address.
Literature Survey

During a literature survey we collected some of information about the blood bank management
system located in city and rural area. We found some of the hospitals have its own blood bank
unit and all technical facilities in cities but this conduction is poor in rural area.

• Some of the countries maintain an online blood bank system like in Sri Lanka. With reference
article [1] India total blood collection in 7.5 million units yearly, 2% of blood is discarded
(minimum) due to various reasons. If we deduct 2% of discarded blood, the total usable whole
blood or red cells will be 6460,000 units in India. For blood components, let us take a
conservative estimate that only 25% of blood is separated into components. In that situation, we
will have about 1,365,000 components for patients. Now to find out the total revenue generation
across the country, let us take the service charge ceiling laid down by the national aid control
organization (NACO). NACO has prescribed rs.850 per unit of whole blood or RBC and
6460,000 units will generate Rs.549, 1000,000.on the other hand components will attract a
revenue of Rs.68, 2500,000 (@ rs.500 per component on average).

• Total revenue generated by whole blood/ red cells and components is Rs.6,17,35,00,000 (or
us$123270000 @1 USD = rs.50). We have four types of blood banks/Centres (from the
administrative point of view) in India.

• They are managed by the public (government) sector, the Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS),
nongovernment organizations (NGOs, on a not-for-profit basis), and corporate or commercial
sectors. Let us discuss today how efficiently more than 2,460 blood banks in India are managed.

• Roughly, about 55% of blood banks are from the government sector, 5% are from the IRCS,
about 20-25% are from the NGO sector and the rest are from corporate or profit-making sectors.

• Every year our nation requires about 4 core units of blood, out of which only 5Lakh units of
blood are available.

• India has many blood banks, all functioning in a decentralized fashion. In the current system,
individual hospitals have their own blood banks and there is no interaction between blood banks.

• All the blood banks are attached to hospitals and there is no stand-alone blood bank
Project Description
The project entitled “BLOOD CHAMBER” is developed using PHP as front end and SQL
Server as back end. All the reports will be furnished using data reports.

The main objective of this project is to develop an interactive web based application for blood
banks. This project is a interactive project for new Blood bank to be start soon in the city. This
application will be used for all kinds for blood banks, hospitals, charitable trusts and welfare
trust. There is no need for any technical knowledge to use this project, it is fully optimized
according to the technical feasibility. So the applications in this project are developed according
to the user interface. The management planned this blood bank to operate on the next month.
They have a big plan to collect the blood from many different sources and distribute the same for
the needy. To manage all these they require full fledged software which will sort all these

The Blood Bank Management System has been created with a purpose of replacing all of
paperwork done at the Blood Bank. All aspects of blood banking, be it donor record
management, component management, cross matching, blood issue, billing and inventory, all is
completely managed by the software. The system boasts in variety and number of reports made
available for analysis, legal documentation and insight.

The main objective of this application is to automate the complete operations of the blood bank.
The proposed architecture will maintain thousands of records. Also searching should be very
faster so they can find required details instantly. Now the system was fully get computerized
with proper database architecture system.
Project Modules: Design/Algorithm


• Donor registration

• Blood Search

• Blood bank details

• Hospital details

• Admin Module


Donor Registration

This is initial module in this project. This is public sign up portal. Interested donors can
register in this web page for blood donation enquires. While registering the donors need to
provide their Name, blood group, age, gender, DOB, phone number and address. The most
important information while registering is the last blood donated date. This date will not
appear for 3 months during the time of search. In case the donation date is more than 3
months, the donor details will appear during the time of search. This makes the users more
comfortable to search.

Blood Search

Blood search is the primary module in this project. Here free users can interact with out sign
up. The user needs to search for their needed blood group and area. This search will provide
the related information to the user, along with the donor’s phone number and email id. In
added with the blood bank details too will be visible during the time of search. One user can
make numerous numbers of searches. If the user’s neighbour or friend needs blood, anyone
can search blood from any location.
Blood bank details

This module can be accessed by the admin. Here admin can provide the blood banks in
the city. While creating the details admin will provide the nearby area’s blood banks also.
This makes to display more relevant information during the time of search. So that that
while searching for blood the user can view the nearby blood banks also.

Hospital Details

This module is same like the above module. Here admin will update the hospital details
and nearby area hospital details. Most of the hospitals are having blood banks or at least
small blood storage for emergency purpose. While user searching for blood, hospital
details too will be furnished in the search page. This makes the user to get more options
and suggestions during the time of search.

Admin Module

This is the most important module in this project. Here a prior admin is available in this
project to maintain all the data. Admin have the rights to create blood bank and hospital
details. And admin can view the number of donors registered in this application.

Fundamental Design Concept

System design is a “How to” approach to the creation of a new system. System design goes
through 2 phases.

They are

1. Logical Design

2. Physical design

Logical design reviews the present physical system, prepares input and output specification,
makes edit security and control specification.

Physical design maps out the details of the physical system, plans the system implementation
devise a test and implementation plan.

Quality Assurance

Quality assurance consists of the auditing and reporting functions of management. The goal of
quality assurance is to provide management with the data necessary to be informed about product
quality, thereby gaining insight and confidence that product quality is meeting its goal.

Quality Assurance Goals

Correctness: The extent to which the program meets system specifications and user objectives.

Reliability: The degree to which the system performs its intended functions over time.

Efficiency: The number of computer resources required by a program to perform a function.

Usability: The effort required to for learn and operate a system.

Maintainability: To use with which program errors are located and corrected.

Testability: The effort required testing a program to ensure its correct performance.

Portability: The ease of transporting a program from one hardware configuration to another.
Accuracy: The required position in input editing, computations and output.

Generic Risks: The general risk involves two categories:

Uncertainty: The risk may or may not happen; that is, there are no 100% probable risks

Loss:If the risk becomes a reality, unwanted consequences or losses will occur.

Different categories of risks are considered.

Project risks:-

Project risks identify potential budgetary, schedule, personnel like staffing and organization,
resource, customer, and requirements problems and their impact on a software project.

Technical risks:-

Technical risks identify potential design, implementation, interface, verification, and

maintenance problems.

Security Technologies and Policies

Any system developed should be secured and protected against possible hazards. Security
measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access to the database at various levels. An
uninterrupted power supply should be so that power failure or voltage fluctuations will not erase
the data in the files.

Password protection and simple procedures to change unauthorized access are provided to the
users. The system allows the user to enter the system for product management and order status
entry only through the login utility. The user will have to enter the username and password.

A multi-layered security architecture comprising firewalls, filtering routers, encryption and

digital certification must be ensured in this project in real time that order and payment details are
protected from unauthorized access. The customer can access this order status only by using his
customer code and order number.

Level 0:

Request for
username &
Blood Bank
Admin, Blood Database
Retrieve Response
Level 1:

Username, Login
password adminlogin

Hosid, name,
address, country
Create hospital Create hospital
Modify, Update

Bloodbnkid, name,
address, country

Create blood Create blood bank

Modify, update

Manage blood
Name, phone, email

Sign up user
User det
Blood donor

Search for blood

Blood group, country, state,
city, last donated date
Implementation Methodology

Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into a working
system. The most crucial stage is achieving a successful new system & giving the user
confidence in that the new system will work efficiently & effectively in the implementation state.

The stage consists of :

i. Testing the developed program with simple data.

ii. Detection’s and correction of error.

iii. Creating whether the system meets user requirements.

iv. Testing whether the system.

v. Making necessary changes as desired by the user.

vi. Training user personnel.

Implementation Procedures

The implementation phase is less creative than system design. A system project may be dropped
at any time prior to implementation, although it becomes more difficult when it goes to the
design phase.

The final report to the implementation phase includes procedural flowcharts, record layouts,
report layouts, and a workable plan for implementing the candidate system design into an
operational one. Conversion is one aspect of implementation.

Several procedures of documents are unique to the conversion phase. They include the

➢ The conversion portion of the implementation plan is finalized and approved.

➢ Files are converted.
➢ Parallel processing between the existing and the new system are logged on a special form.
➢ Assuming no problems, parallel processing is discontinued. Implementation results are
documented for reference.


User Training is designed to prepare the user for testing & convening the system. There are
several ways to train the user. They are

1) User Manual.

2) Help Screens.

3) Training Demonstration.

1) User Manual: The summary of important functions about the system and software can be
provided as a document to the user.

2) Help Screens: This features now available in every software package, especially when it is
used with a menu. The user selects the “Help” option from the menu. The system accesses the
necessary description or information for user reference.

3) Training Demonstration: Another User Training element is a Training Demonstration. Live

demonstrations with personal contact are extremely effective for Training Users.


Documentation means of communication; it establishes design and performance criteria for

phases of the project. Documentation is descriptive information that portrays the use and / or
operation of the system.

Documentation Tools

Document production and desktop publishing tool support nearly ever aspect of software
developers. Most software development organizations spend a substantial amount of time
developing documents, and in many cases the documentation process itself is quite inefficient. It
is not use unusual for a software development effort on documentation. For this reason,
documentation tools provide an important opportunity to improve productivity.
Document Restructuring

Creating document is far too timed consuming. If the system work’s, we’ll live with what we
have. In some cases, this is the correct approach. It is not possible to recreate documents for
hundreds of computer programs.

Documentation must be updated, but we have limited resources. It may not be necessary to fully
document an application. Rather, those portions of the system that are currently undergoing
change are fully documented.

The system is business-critical and must be fully documented. Even in this case, an intelligent
approach is to pare documentation to an essential minimum.
Result & Conclusion

It is concluded that the application works well and satisfy the company. The application is tested
very well and errors are properly debugged. This project can be used simultaneously and can
access from more than 100 users. Simultaneous login from more than many places are tested.

This project works according to the restrictions provided in their respective company. Further
enhancements can be made to the application, so that this application functions very attractive
and useful manner than the present one. The speed of the transactions become more enough now.
Thus this project was completed and met all the above-mentioned requirements.

Login Page
Admin Login
Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project

The system can be further enhanced by adding new features and facilities. Now the system is
platform dependent and it can be made as platform independent software is a simple yet
extensible mechanism for bridging Web services across the Internet, regardless of platform,
language, or object model. A considerable list of features and functionality is missing, compared
to a more complete distributed object system, such as PHP, including

• Security

• Transactions

• Quality-of-service policies

• Object references

• Garbage collection

• Fault tolerance

• Work flow or business process flow

The betterment of SOAP will be introducing within a year, It Consists of direct satellite based
communications. The future enhancement of this project will be receiving data from satellite
with more security and permissions. In case of using the advanced SOAP versions satellite
phones will be increase in the markets. In case of increased of satellite phones people should not
worry about their mobile networks and mobile range. So that there will be no restricting between
contacting each other through mobile phone with extreme low cost.
Advantages of this project

• Total system was computerized

• Expiry date of the blood packs will be calculated easily
• No need to check for the available stocks manually
• Can inform to the hospital when blood packs are nearing the expiry time
• Most important feature is donor can be search at any time during the emergency

It satisfy the need in blood bank to manage their stock, inventory.Several user friendly coding
has also been adopted. This package shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the
requirements of the blood bank. The objective of software planning is to provide a framework
that enables the manager to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at
beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project progresses.

[1] Javed Akhtar Khan and M.R. Alony, “A New Concept of Blood Bank Management System
using Cloud Computing for Rural Area (INDIA)”, TIT Group of Institute of Engineering,
Bhagwant University Ajmer, (RJ) INDIA, International Journal of Electrical, Electronics

[2] A. ClemenTeena, K. Sankar and S. Kannan, “A Study on Blood Bank Management”,

Department of MCA, Bharath University, Selaiyur, Chennai-73, Tamil Nadu, India, Middle-East
Journal of Scientific Research 19 (8): 1123- 1126, 2014 ,ISSN 1990- 9233,DOI:

[3] Bhagat, C. B., Pophale, A. L., Kulkarni, P. R., Mahalankar, S. S., & Sarode, A. S. (2019).
Online Blood Bank Information System in Aurangabad. International Journal of Advanced
Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET), 8(3).

[4] Aware SachinB, Arshad Rashid, Ansari Adil, Bombale R.R., “Web Based Blood Donation

[5] Parikh, S., Kathiria, P., Vaghela, Y., Shah, H., & Dholakiya, D. (2014). A Geo-Location
based Mobile Service that Dynamically Locates and Notifies the nearest Blood Donors for Blood
Donation during Medical Emergencies. International Journal of Computer Applications, 88(3).

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