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Jim Crow

Who or What is It?

Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation

Jim crow was a person who was for segregation, and he believed that people of color came in
second and that segregation should be a law. The law of segregation was labeled as the Jim Crow
law because he wanted to enforce

What Are the Needs to Knows?

- Jim crow believed Black people were 2nd class
- He would impersonate Black people to mock them
- He believed segregation should be a law

What might the connections be to Ghost Boys?

This connects to the Ghost Boys because Jim crow believed in racism and Ghost Boys talks
about racism and the injustices in our world.

Good speaking Mikaela! 4+

I didn’t speak I presented. 😊 Great typing
Trayvon martin was a 17 yr. old African American he was shot to death by George Liverton on
feb 12th 2012# justice for Trayvon he was unarmed when he was killed, he claimed it was self-
defense he was charged he died because he looked suspicious.

Mikaela is

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