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LGBT Discrimination in

Maggie Hubbard & Chad McEwan
LGBT – Definition
• Stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender.
• Along with heterosexuality, they describe people’s
sexual orientation or gender identity.
• According to a study conducted by the National Health Statistics
• Among all U.S adults (18yrs+),
– 96.6% identified as straight
– 1.6% as gay/lesbian
– 0.7% as bisexual
– 1.1% as “something else” (did not understand the question, or refused
to answer)
*Graph on next slide
Straight Gay/Lesbian Bisexual Something Else
Discrimination of LGBT
• Discrimination – differential treatment of
individuals based on their group membership.

• Homophobia – the fear of or prejudice and

discrimination against LGBT people.
– Also the dislike of same-sex attraction and love, or
hatred of people who hold those feelings.
Suicide Statistics

• According to recent statistics:

– LGBT teens are 2-3 times more likely to commit
suicide than other youth.

– 30% of all completed suicides are related to

sexual identity crisis.
An Important Message – Ellen DeGeneres

LGBT Bullying in School
• LGBT teens report being 5 times more likely to
miss school due to feeling unsafe because of
• 28% of this group feel forced to drop out of
– More and more schools are implementing anti-
bullying policies but this problem is still prevalent.
Discrimination in the Workplace
• In a number of surveys collected by The Williams Institute
on Sexual Orientation Law and Public Policy, they
determined that:
– 15-43% of LGBT employees have experienced some form of
discrimination & harassment in the workplace.
– 8-17% were not hired or fired due to sexual orientation
– 10-28% were not promoted due to orientation
– 7-41% were verbally or physically abused/had their workplaces
“That’s s0 Gay”

• 58% of LGBT workers reported that a

coworker makes a joke/derogatory comment
“at least once in a while”
– 67% of LGBT employees do not report such
comments to Human Resources or management.
LGBT Wage Gap
• According to The Williams Institute, in a 2012 study :
– Gay/Bisexual men earn 10-32% less than similar qualified
heterosexual men in the USA.
– Lesbian/Bisexual women earn the same, and sometimes
more than heterosexual women.
– Research indicates that lesbian workers still earn less than
both heterosexual and gay men.
LGBT Wage Gap cont.

• Discrimination in earnings in the public sector

is no different than the discrimination in
earnings in the private sector.

• Gay government employees earn 8-29% less

than their heterosexual counterparts.
“First Gay Hug”

“First Gay Hug”
• Experiment shows people uncomfortable at first
but becomes accepting as they talk

• Shows viewers that LGBT persons are not that

different than their heterosexual counterparts

• One-on-one encounter encourages intimacy by

hugging, reduces negative outlook
How to Reduce the Stigma?
• Schools and Workplaces can reduce the stigma placed on the LGBT
group by many ways:
– Becoming educated on the effects of discrimination against any
– Families reducing the negative outlook to children at a young age
– Teaching people to be more accepting of lifestyles different than their
– Implement policies that prohibit any type of discrimination that could
hinder employment
Works Cited
• Catalyst. Quick Take: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Workplace Issues. New York: Catalyst,
May 15, 2014. Retrieved on April 1, 2015, from
• The Gay and Transgender Wage Gap. (2012, April 16). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from
• Sexual Orientation and Health Among U.S. Adults: National Health Interview Survey, 2013. (2014,
July 15). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from
• Combating discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. (n.d.). Retrieved April
1, 2015, from
• What Is LGBT? : (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from
• Gay Bullying Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2015, from

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