Analysis of Curriculum

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Sl. No. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction 1

2. Content of Geography Textbook of Class X (WBBSE) 1

3. Principles of content development 1

(Simple to complex, Known to unknown, Concrete to
abstract, Whole to part, Definite to infinite, Psychology
to scientific, Sequencing, Articulation, Integration)

4. NCF 2005 recommendations for curriculum, syllabi and 3

textbooks (at secondary level)

5. Analysis of Social Science Textbook (WBBSE) 4

I. General information 4

II. Physical aspects of the textbook 5

III. Coverage of syllabus in the textbook and linkage 5

of syllabus with the text

IV. Language an appropriateness of the text 5

Scope for activities/pedagogical

V. process/assessment 6

VI. Visuals 6

VII. Inclusive aspect/diversity 7

VIII. Gender perspective 7

IX. Constitutional values 8

X. Overall observations/any other suggestions 8

6. Conclusion 8

7. References 9
Introduction: -

Textbooks play a very important role in daily constructs and activities of teaching in school
classes. The teacher uses textbooks to motivate the students and give them the maximum awareness,
understanding and cognition of a specific subject matter. Textbooks are used as the material for the
whole of the curriculum. Where, content analysis is a research tool used to determine the presence of
certain words or concepts within texts or sets of texts. Content analysis of textbooks is very much
important because with the help of content analysis we can easily understand the content which is
present in the textbooks are suitable for students of particular age group or not suitable. Because every
age has a particular mental thinking and textbooks must be matched with their thinking. If not then these
books is not suitable for children of those particular age group.

Content of Geography Textbook of Class X (WBBSE):-

Chapter 1 : External Processes and the landforms created by them.

Chapter 2 : Atmosphere.

Chapter 3 : Hydrosphere.

Chapter 4: Waste Management.

Chapter 5 : India (Natural and Economic Environment).

Chapter 6 : Satellite image and topographic Maps.

Principles of content development:-

There is a longstanding controversy of whether the sequence of content and experiences should
be based on the logical of the subject matter or the way individuals’ process knowledge. Those are
going for sequence based on psychological principles draw on research on human growth development
and learning-essentially the third big ideas: Rousseau’s developmental theory. Piaget’s researches
provide a Framework for Sequencing content and experiences or activities and for relating Expectations
to students’ cognitive levels. Most school district considers students stage of thinking in formulating
curriculum objectives content and experience by great levels the curriculum is the sequence according
to Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. Here discussed some principle of content development
with reference to above contents of WBBSE geography textbook of class X.

❖ Simple to complex: -

Simple to Complex learning indicates that contains is optimally organized in a sequence

preceding from simple subordinate components to complex components highlighting inter relationship
among components. Optimal learning results when individuals are presented with easy content and then
with more difficult content. Here in the geography text book first chapter is “External processes and
the Landforms Created by them”, which is for construction of basic understanding about “External
Processes and the landform”. Chapter two focused on the “Atmosphere”, which is informative and based
on the information of first chapter in a interlinking manner of step by step concept development. In this
way last chapter “Hydrosphere” is superficially informative about Oceans as well as complex content
compare to first one.

❖ Known to Unknown:-

Spencer’s ideas about development led to the formulation of some common instructional
principles. In particular, Spencer promoted the idea that teachers should begin with the simple and move
to the complex, begin with the concrete and move to the abstract, and begin with the known and move
gradually to what is unknown. These contents influence to children to make their own investigations,
and to draw their own inferences. They should be told as little as possible, and induced to discover as
much as possible. Structure of the above mention content also ideally framed on the basis of known to
unknown principle.

❖ Concrete to abstract:-

It is important that, in learning geography, students be allowed to explore and develop

understandings by moving along a concrete to abstract continuum. As understanding develops, this
movement along the continuum is not necessarily linear. Students may at one point be working
abstractly but when a new idea or context arises, they need to return to a concrete starting point.
Therefore, the textbook must be prepared to engage students at different points along the continuum.
Geography text book helps learner out tremendously if they start by learning concepts in a concrete
manner and build up from there. If we forwarding chapter by chapter it found the some abstract contents
materials are included in chapter five and six, which is obvious and vary according to the thinking
processes of the learners.

❖ Whole to part:-

Whole to part learning receive support from cognitive psychologist. They have urged that the
curriculum be arranged so that the content or experience is first presented in an overview that provides
students with general idea of the information of situation. First chapter portrait a glance view about
External processes. From the chapter two, specifications prominently depict upto chapter population
(chapter five).

❖ Definite to infinite:-

Through concrete and definite example a syllabus can have a better idea of abstract and
indefinite things. Content should take full advantage of knowledge of student about certain natural
things in proceeding from, definite to indefinite. Every topic included sufficient maps for more clarity
of the content. Here the principle of definite to indefinite is followed.

❖ Psychology to scientific:-

To make the syllabus more scientific different examples and pictures are given in each chapter.
In some content is full of real life example and picture which are based on the psychological to scientific.
Real life examples make the syllabus of class 9 in WBBSE more scientific in nature.

❖ Sequencing:-

Sequence refers to how these skills and subject matter should be ordered. The type of
sequencing to use depends on the goals and purpose of the curriculum. Most subjects can be taught
using any of these forms of sequencing. It is the needs of the students that determine what may be the
most appropriate option. Here in this text book contents are simple-to-complex, prerequisite learning,
whole-to-part learning.

❖ Articulation:-

Articulation refers to the vertical and horizontal inter relationship of various aspect of the
curriculum that is to the way in which curriculum components of caring later in the programs sequence
relay to those occurring earlier. For instance a teacher my design and algebra course so that it related
algebra concept key concept presented in a geometric course.

❖ Integration:-

Integration refers to linking all types of knowledge and experience content within the
curriculum plan. Essentially it links all the curriculum’s pieces so that students comprehend knowledge
as unified rather than atomized. Integration emphasizes horizontal relationship among topics and
themes from all knowledge comments.

NCF 2005 recommendations for curriculum, syllabi and textbooks (at secondary level):-

As per the emerging curricular vision the textbooks need to be seen as tool which engages
learners in learning. Care needs to taken to make teachers understand the distinction between
transmission of knowledge by adult (including those responsible for textbooks and teachers) and
construction of knowledge by the learners, which is a key to resolving the problem of burden. Attention
is, therefore, to be paid to transaction of a textbook and of the learner’s ability to comprehend and make
sense of ideas and information as established by studies made in the field of developmental psychology.

a. Focus on understanding avoiding information load

b. Provide space to subject-specific pedagogy in-built in the content

c. Integrate assessment within the content and learning

d. Must be interactive

e. Provides space for learning beyond the textbook

f. Soften the boundaries between different subject areas

g. Provide adequate space for hands-on experience, arts and crafts Incorporates social concerns

related to gender, marginalised groups, health and work.

Guidelines given in NCF 2005 What is followed in the text book

Appropriateness of topics and themes for the In this book, psychological bases and ability level
relevant stages of Children’s development from a of learning is well maintained across the chapters
psychological point of view. and contents.

Pervasive resonance of the values enshrined in the Highlighted the value of interaction with
Constitution of India in the organisation of environment, peers and older people to enhance
knowledge in all subjects. the learning.

Continuity from one level to the next. There is a continuity nature between one topic to
another topic according to its level of knowledge.

Inter-disciplinary and thematic linkages between Encouraging flexibility and creativity in all areas
topics listed for different school subjects, which of knowledge and its construction by children
fall under discrete disciplinary areas. which focused on inter-disciplinary and thematic
linkages between topics and subjects.

Linkages between school knowledge in different The contents and topics are beautifully linked with
subjects and children’s everyday experiences and the real life experiences outside the classroom with
knowledge derived from them suitable examples and activities.

Sensitivity to gender parity, peace, health and the The text book reflects a overall harmonious
needs of children with disabilities. approach in all the sensitive and conflict areas.

Integration of work-related attitudes and values in An integrated approach is adopted in the every
every subject and at all levels. subject matter of this textbook which relates
different aspects of the society.

Need to nurture aesthetic sensibility and values by This aspect is well managed in the various part of
integrating the arts and India’s heritage of crafts in the contents, and represented beautifully in the
every aspect of the curriculum. need of examples related areas of the textbook.

Linkage between school and college syllabi, There is no overlapping in the content and concept
avoiding overlapping. at different level.

Using the potential of educational technology, Text book is revised and updated according to
which includes the new information. present status of society with its technological

Encouraging flexibility, epistemic activism and This area is fully concentrated across the textbook.
creativity in all areas of knowledge and its
construction by children.

Analysis of Social Science Textbook (WBBSE)

I. General Information:-

1.1 Title of the book: “MADHYAMIK BHUGOL O PARIBASH”

1.2 Year and place of publication: January 2018, Kolkata
1.3 Name of the Publisher/Organization: Prantik
1.4 Stage: Secondary
1.5 Class: 10th
1.6 Total No. of pages: 150
1.7 Total Lessons: 06

1.8 Price: Rs 79/-

II. Physical Aspects of the Textbook:-

2.1 Cover Page: Coloured / 2 Coloured/ Attractiveness: Multi-coloured and reasonably

2.2 Quality of paper: Good (80 GSM paper)
2.3 Quality of binding: Soft binding with a average quality
2.4 Font size used and its appropriateness: Appropriate and easily readable for everyone
2.5 Layout of text: Satisfactory
III. Coverage of Syllabus in the textbook and linkage of syllabus with the text:-

3.1 Support your answer (Yes/No) by providing evidences/examples with page Number(s):
Yes, each and every guidelines of WBBSE syllabus are carried out this book. Whatever objectives are
set in the syllabus by WBBSE those are reflected in this book.

IV. Language and appropriateness of the text:-

Sl. No Area Yes/No Remarks

4.1 Is the language used simple and Yes Language is simple and
comprehensible by the children? comprehensible and easily
understandable by the children
4.2 Does it provide developmentally Yes It started with ‘Resources and
appropriate text? Development’ and ended with
‘Lifelines of National Economy’.
4.3 Whether the number of chapters/content Yes There are total 06 chapters, which are
(curriculum load) of textbook appropriate appropriate to the 10th standard
to the particular class? students.
4.4 Does it have the scope for linkage within Yes Every chapter and topics are
and across themes and levels in each class? interlinking with each other and
connected with the previous
knowledge of the students
4.5 Does the content of social science textbook Yes This matter is totally depends on
promote student reflection? teaching capability of the class room
4.6 Does it have the scope to go beyond the Yes Each and every chapter gives the
textbook and connect learning with scope to go beyond the textbook and
children’s daily lives? connect learning with the learners’
daily life.
4.7 Does the vocabulary used in social science Yes Given vocabulary concertizes the new
textbook facilitate understanding? knowledge of the learners.
4.8 To what extent does the textbook help in Yes To certain extent as the activities
sustaining children’s interest and engage given in each chapter provide scope
them in the learning? for active learning.

4.9 To what extent do the activities given in the Yes To certain extent as the activities
social science textbook encourage and given in each chapter provide scope
ensure each child’s participation? for active participation

4.10 Does it provide sufficient opportunities to Yes Each chapter is comprised of

work hands-on in various activities? different activities for learners to do.
4.11 Does it include sufficient and relevant Yes Even though there are lots of
examples? activities but less in examples

V. Scope for activities/pedagogical processes/ assessment:-

Sl. No Area Yes/No Remarks

5.1 Are there any separate guidelines for No In some content there are indirect
teachers and parents? instructions for teachers for
performing any classroom activity.
5.2 Whether the guidelines throw light on the Yes In some chapter according need of the
methodology/approach followed in the topic there instructions for activity
textbook? method other approaches to cultivate
teaching learning process more
5.3 Are the activities given in the social No Need more content specific activities
science textbook sufficient? for each topic.
5.4 Are the instructions/information given Yes Instructions given for activities for
for activities clear for both the teachers teacher and students both during
and children? teaching-learning process.
5.5 Does it have the scope for joyful Yes It contents and topics are so nicely
learning? decorated that anyone can feel joyful
during reading.
5.6 Is the writing style of social science Yes As it have many activities
textbook interesting and engaging?
5.7 To what extent does it encourage Yes To some extent. As there are some
cooperative learning? activities students have to do in group
5.8 To what extent does the social science Yes There are activities which involve
textbook involve children in exploring, learners in exploring, observing,
observing, analysing and the reporting analysing and reporting the collected
the collected information? information.
5.9 Does the learning material develop Yes Fun time activities and project time in
curiosity among children towards their the text provides this opportunity to
immediate environment? the children.
5.10 To what extent does the social science Yes To a great extent enables teacher to act
textbook enable teachers to support as a able facilitator.
children in their learning?
5.11 Does the learning material provide Yes It is not only gives scope to answer
scope for children to ask and answer questions but also give scope to ask
questions? questions.

VI. Visuals:-

Area Yes/No Remarks
To what extent do the Depict clear Yes Attractive and related to the content.
6.1 messages
• Augment the content
• Attractive
• Illustrations/pictures used are
To what extent do the Yes To a great extent the
6.2 illustrations/pictures given in the social illustrations/pictures given in this text
science textbook portray gender equity? book to portray gender equality.

VII. Inclusive aspect/diversity:-

Sl. No Area Yes/No Remarks

To what extent do the Yes To a great extent the
pictures/illustrations explore the illustrations/pictures given in this
7.1 portrayal of social, cultural and religious textbook reflect a harmonious nature
diversity? in social, cultural and religious
To what extent does the EVS textbook Yes To some extent this textbook address
address the inclusive aspects in terms of the inclusive aspects in terms of the
the following of diverse culture and following of diverse culture and
lifestyles: lifestyle.
• Gender
7.2 • Physical Traits Creed, Physical/
Mental ability
• Ethnicity/Origin
• Background (Rural/ Urban etc.)
• Caste
• Work/Profession
To what extent the content of social Yes To some extent
7.3 science textbook provide scope for
children with special needs?

Does the learning material provide Yes The learning material provide
activities and experience for the range of activities and experiences for the
7.4 individual learning needs represented by range of individual learning needs
children in respective classes? represented by learners in respective

VIII. Gender perspective:-

No Area Yes/No Remarks

To what extent do the Yes To great extent
illustrations/pictures given in the social
8.1 science textbook portray gender equity?

To what extent does the text given in the Yes To great extent
8.2 social science textbook portray gender

IX. Constitutional Values:-

No Area Yes/No Remarks
To what extent the learning material Yes To great extent the learning material
(learning strategies) of social science (learning strategies) of social science
textbook promote values, attitudes and textbook promote values, attitudes
culture diversity of children? and culture diversity of learner.
To what extent does the learning Yes To some extent the learning material
material helps develop sensitivity helps to develop sensitivity among
9.2 among children towards their children towards their immediate
immediate environment (natural, social environment.
and cultural)?

Overall observations/ any other suggestions:-

As per observation, themes and concepts introduced in the textbook are consistent with the
learners’ age and cognitive development. Almost all activities are related to real life experiences and
contexts of the children. It can be observed that the scope for exploration by the children to go beyond
the textbooks, problem solving, projects etc. are insufficient. However, the textbooks provide more
scope for learners questioning. All the textbooks have adequate number of problems/exercises. Most of
the exercises promote practicing a concept rather than creativity or skills development. The questions
given in exercises of the textbook cover all the concepts of relevant topic. There are a variety of
questions in each textbook which provide opportunities for reflection for the child. Yet the questions of
textbooks based on inductive thinking are required more. This textbook promotes the constitutional
values by using names of children related to different communities. It would have been better to use
names from different communities of India as well and of different racial and ethnic background in
examples and questions. Also the textbook contain content for promoting communal harmony and
strengthen national integration by mentioning festivals of different communities. Gender and inclusive
perspective are considered in textbook.


This text book associated with various types of geographical facts and its associated with the
needs of human society, where knowledge about different kinds of resources is very important to keep
live and prosperous our human civilization. Management, proper utilization of resources leads to
economic aspect of a nation. The overall content is contextual and well informed. Medium of language
is English and it easily written. The content in this text book are associated with suitable pictures related
to the topic for better understanding. After finishing each chapter there is presented many suitable

questions, which illustrate how far students understand the chapter. Text font size is readable easily,
page is black & white but pictures are all colourful with good quality. The level of difficulty of the
content is consistent with the curriculum requirements and the cognitive level of students. After all this
text book is well structured, correctly and relevant to the 10th standard student.


Moulik, D. R. (2018). Madhamik Bhogol o Poribes. Kolkata: Prantik.

National Council of Educational Research and Training. (2005). National Curriculum Framework

2005. New Delhi: NCERT.

Kumar, P. (1996), Teaching-Learning Process in Geography, in Singh, L. R. (editor) New Frontiers in

Indian Geography, R. N. Dubey Foundation, Allahabad, pp. 246-253.

Long, M. and Roberson, B.S. (1966), Teaching Geography, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd.,



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