BBA II Ability Skill Enhancement Paper 2

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Roll No. ……………………….


11003600– Ability And Skill Enhancement

Time: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks: 30

Instructions :
1) Write your roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2) In Sec-A each question carries2 marks, attempt any 5 questions, answer theory questions in minimum 150
3) In Sec-B each question carries 5 marks,attempt any two questions, answer in minimum 300 words.
4) In Sec-C, each question carries10 marks, attempt any one question, answer in minimum 650-700 words
Draw Charts/Diagrams/Figures/Flowcharts etc. wherever applicable/possible.
5) Word Limit is not applicable for Numerical based Questions.
6) In case of over attempted questions, the answer with highest marks will be considered.
7) Write the word “END” at the finish of the last attempted answer & cross the remaining pages.


Q.1 What is the difference between Ope-d and editorial?

Q.2 One word substitutes ( ½ ) mark each

1.You are in a …………………… when you are forced to choose between two unpleasant
a) dilemma b) confusion c) crisis
2.Revolt against the government to bring about complete change ------
3..Poem written on the death of someone loved and lost ----------- Elegy /Hymn
4. A person who loves mankind and works for their well-being
a) Trustee b) Philanthropist
c) Devotee

Q.3 Choose the right word (Affect /effect ) (½) mark each

1.The cold weather --------- the crops

2 .This plan will surely ______________ significant improvements in our productivity.
3.The patient shows normal ______________ and appears to be psychologically stable.
4. We have to give the changes time to take --------

Q.4 Share any two current news which dragged the attention..

Q.5 Why reading is important?

Q.6 What are your future goals?

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Q.7 Write five idiom and phrases and use them into sentence

Q.8 Describe this picture

Q.9 What is skimming and scanning reading?


Q.10 Define morals Ethics and values? what role they play in our life ?

Read the passage and answer the following question?

Life is a journey. During any journey, the effect produced on the mind by travelling depends entirely
on the mind of the traveller and on the way in which he conducts himself. The chief idea of one very
common type of traveller is to see as many objects of interest as he possibly can. If he can only after
his return home say that he has seen such and such a temple, castle, picture gallery, or museum, he Is
perfectly satisfied. Far different is the effect of travels upon who leave their native country with
minds prepared by culture to feel intelligent admiration for all the beauties of nature and art to be
found in foreign lands.
Their object is not to see much, but to see well. When they visit Paris or Athens or Rome, instead of
hurrying from temple to museum, and from museum to picture gallery, they allow the spirit of the
place to sink into their minds, and only visit such monuments as the time they have at their disposal
allows them to contemplate without irreverent haste. They find it more profitable and delightful to
settle down for a week or so at centres of great historical and artistic interest or of remarkable natural
beauty, than to pay short visits to all the principal cities that they pass by. In this way they gain by
their travels refreshment and rest for their minds, satisfaction to their intellectual curiosity or artistic
tastes, and increased knowledge of the world and its inhabitants. Such people, who have travelled
with their eyes open, return to their native land with a greater knowledge of its glories and defects
than the stay-at-home can ever have.

Q.1 Their object is not to see much, but to see well. Explain (2) mark

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Q.2 Life is a journey. How the author has compared the journey of life with man’s travelling
Q.3 People who return to native land what according to writer they develop?
Q.4Write summary of the comprehension
Q.5 suggest suitable title for this passage

Q.11 Is Etiquette important in daily life? Explain types of etiquettes (5+5)

Why positive attitude is important for success and how one can develop positive attitude towards

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