BBA III-Banking Theory & Practices-QP II

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Roll No. ……………………….


11005001-Banking Theory & Practices

Time: 90 Minutes Maximum Marks: 30

Instructions :
1) Write your roll no. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper.
2) In Sec-A each question carries2 marks, attempt any 5 questions, answer theory questions in
minimum 150 words.
3) In Sec-B each question carries 5 marks,attempt any two questions, answer in minimum 300
4) In Sec-C, each question carries10 marks, attempt any one question, answer in minimum 650-700
Draw Charts/Diagrams/Figures/Flowcharts etc. wherever applicable/possible.
5) Word Limit is not applicable for Numerical based Questions.
6) In case of over attempted questions, the answer with highest marks will be considered.
7) Write the word “END” at the finish of the last attempted answer & cross the remaining pages.


Q.1 Define the meaning of demand liabilities for bank.

Q.2 What do you mean by bank overdraft? Explain the procedure for granting overdraft by bank.

Q.3 Explain the meaning of Cash Reserve Ratio.

Q.4 As an Apex bank RBI plays an important role. Write a short note on Reserve Bank of India.
Q.5 Define term - Money at call.

Q.6 ‘Banks perform the Primary and Secondary functions both.’ Define primary functions of


Q.7 RBI performs various roles in countries economic development and stability. Describe the
functions of the Reserve Bank regarding controlled monetary expansion.

Q.8 What type of services do banks provide as ‘Agent’ of customers? Mention any five services.

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Q.9 Do banks provide services other than accepting deposits and lending money? Discuss.


Q.10 If a customer want to deposit the cash in bank what are different deposit schemes available.
Describe briefly the various modes of acceptance of deposits by banks.

Q.11 Share the market size of Indian banking sector the reach and spread among public at present.

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