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Lahug Night High School – Gorordo Avenue.




In Partial Fulfillment
Of The Requirements for the
Practical Research 2

Submitted by:
Gineselle , Ragasajo
Angel , Pasaje
Gerbi ,Mellitante
Ma.Rose, Alpuerto
Aldwin ,Coralde
Adam James , Colonia
Eric ,Montes

Submitted to:
Mr. Jesh,Arribado

November 07, 2022


We would like to thank first and foremost our dearest God- for guiding us through this

Special thanks to Mr.Jesh Arribado,our sucject teacher for practical research because
he has been attentive to the difficulties we encountered and give us a lot of valuable
advise as how to start on and continue our research paper. He answers every question
we ask about our research paper. He always approachable and is very patient with us.

Next, we wish to express our gratitude to Grade 11 th Socrates,Descartes and selected

student of Grade 12. For giving us their time for an interview and survey. They were
very obliging in giving us accurate, detailed and for giving us recommendations to keep
our restrooms clean and pleasant environment for our benefit. Their time in answering
our survey and questionaires has a big contribution to our research.

Our heartfelt gratitude also goes to Ms.Crecencia Arellano, our class adviser for giving
us some information and keeping us reminded to pursue and focus regarding this

And lastly, we would like to thank ourselves,for the cooperation of each of us,who made
this research successful.
Significance of the Study

This research is made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge
regarding the issues among Señior High School students toward the effect of Poor
Sanitation of Restrooms for expected importance and benefits to the individuals as
follow :

The Researchers
The study will provide insights and information about the effects of Poor Sanitation of
Restrooms in Lahug Night High School. The results of this study can be used for future
discussions on a broader topic of Restrooms.

The School
This study aims to provide crucial information of findings and interpretation of the
survey conducted among Señior High School students in Lahug Night High School. The
results of this study can be used to provide sampling of the respondent’s response in
order to determine the correlation of issues to the restrooms and to provide
opportunities to the school .

Utilities Personel
This study provides assistance to school utilities as this will identify the factors of having
poor sanitation of Restrooms.

Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to determine the student’s perceptions towards the poor sanitation of
Restrooms. Our target participants are selected Grade 11 and 12 Students. In each
selected sections,we will randomly choose students to conduct the survey . This study
conducted from the month of September- November of the school year 2022-2023 at
Lahug Night High School.

Ethical Consideration
The Researchers sought the permission from each respondents and explained the
objective and purpose of the study. They were given the assurance that all information
gathered through face to face or personal is treated with utmost confedentiallity.
Microsoft Excel
The Researchers will used Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word as the supposity tool for
encoeing , calculating, and determining data in their study.

The Sample
The target population of the study was the Señior highschool during the school year of
2022-2023 of Lahug Night High School in Gorordo Avenue Cebu,City . Grade 11 and 12
will be the selected as the respondent’s for the study.


This chapter of the research paper presents the problem and it’s setting. It includes the
abstract, statement of the problem, the significance of the study,the scope and
delimitation of the study.


Provision of school restrooms is not only a matter of land use,but also an essential
design and planning concern.School restrooms should be seen as a core component of
environmental design,adding to school’s quality and viability. This study examines the
effect of school restrooms system and its associated problem in Lahug Night High

29 out of 30 find the restrooms unpleasant odors and suffering using unfunctional
toilets in the school restrooms.They all have their own ways and contributions to
maintain the cleanliness of the school restroom but some of them don’t contribute
anything for the school comfort room. However, there are students who are using the
restroom properly and maintaining the cleanliness of it.Based from the 30 students,
almost all students who are using the school restroom are lack of discipline. Only few of
the students who are using the school restroom don’t care for other users. They are
also some students who do not use the restroom properly just because of the condition
of it.

The aims of this study is to identify and described respondent’a attitude towards a
particular questions and situations.This topic was chosen for the students to become
more responsible in using the restroom and follow rules in mainting cleanliness.



A quantitative approach was followed. Quantitative research is a formal, objective,

systematic process to describe and test relationships and examine cause and effect
interactions among variables. Surveys may be used for descriptive, explanatory and
exploratory reseach design.
A descriptive survey design was used. A survey is used to collect original data for
describing a students perception to observe directly, A survey obtains information from
a sample of people by means of self-report, that is, the people respond to a series of
questions posed by the investigator. In this study the information was collected through
self-administered questionnaires distributed personally to the subjects by the
researcher. A descriptive survey was selected because it provides an accurate portrayal
or account of the characteristics, for example behavior, opinions, abilities, beliefs, and
knowledge of a particular individual, situation or group. This design was chosen to meet
the objectives of the study, namely to determine the knowledge and views of students
with regard to school comfort room and its maintenance.


The study was conducted at Lahug Night High School – Gorordo Avenue. Cebu City.
The students of Grade 11 Section Descartes,Socrates and Selected Grade 12 Students
were the respondents of this study.

A respondents Is defined as all elements (individuals, objects and events) that meet the
sample criteria for inclusion in a study. The study population consisted of 30 students
from Grade 11 and selected Grade 12 Students . Sample are elements selected with
the intention of finding out something about the total survey from which they are taken.
A convenient sample consists of subjects included in the study because they happen to
be in the right place at the right time. The sample included 30 students. Available
subjects were entered into the study.


Data collection instrument

A questionnaire was chosen as data collection instrument. A questionnaire is a printed
self-report form designed to elicit information that can be obtained through the written
responses of the subjects. The information obtained through a questionnaire is similar
to that obtained by an interview, but the questions tend to have less depth.
Questionnaires were personally distributed by the researcher to the students of Grade
11Descartes ,Socrates and selected student of Grade 12 to complete. The data was
collected over a period of one day. The researcher found some students that are using
the school restroom and also found some of them are struggling to use the restrooms


As a study on the responses of Grade 11 and selected students of Grade12 students

towards the effects of Poor Sanitation of shool’s restroom, a lot of conclusions have
been made. Results show that students were still care for the restrooms.This is
probably due to the fact that students are aware of hygiene. We have noticed that many
students have their own vision regarding this problem but they have their own solutions
made by their selves. According to the answer of the respondents, most of them
showed up a good deed regarding to the issue. The value of this study is to develop
everyone’s importance on what is happening in his environment and be responsible
enough. We find that even with the research which has gone into this situation the
solution is held within each one of us, the opportunity to make a difference can be made
by each individual.

As students, we can only advise to the management of the school’s restroom to

enhance the restroom to a cleaner and more hygienic state. A simple provision of
continuous supply of water may help in proper usage of the restroom. In order to fulfill
this, we, students, also need to cooperate on proper maintenance of the school
restroom for the safety of all and for the next generation’s benefits.

• Restrooms renovations such as toilets /clog toilets to have greater comfort. A

fresh,attractive restrooms provides a more comfortable environment for the
students and eases their concerns that accompany using unsanitary or stale-
smelling facilities.

• Increasing natural light in school toilets help to improve the students well-being
and academic ability.Having school facilities with lots of windows can help to
bring the natural light in.

• School must provide well-designed school restrooms can enhance student

health,deter mis behavior and conserve resources.

• Get students involved in the cleaning efforts. Although it isn’t the responsibility of
students to clean the restrooms,most schools have a student council or other
form of students involvement committee that can bring awareness to restrooms
cleanliness concerns.

• Educate students. Educate students on proper hygienic procedures.

Name:________________________________ Grade and

Instructions: This survey is conducted to investigate the effects of Poor Sanitation of

restrooms among the students of the Senior High School Students in Lahug Night High
School. Please answer each accurately as possible. If you do not understand the
questions, answer it as well as you can note your questions in the margin. Your answer
will be kept confidential and will not affect your status as a student. When you have
completed the survey please return it. Thank you!

Put a check mark in appropriate column for each of the following questions.
1.Are there separate toilet for girls and boys?
2.Are there trashbins provided to throw our used sanitary napkins, wipes and paper
toilet in each restrooms?

3. Do you keep the latrine safe and clean after using and leaving the restrooms?
4. Are the toilets have poor clogs or flush?
5. Does or the toilets available, functional and usable?
6. Have you smell bad odors/unpleasant odors when you enter the restrooms?
7. Are there enough water supply in each restrooms?
8. When it comes to boys, is there a separate toilets for urine and feces?
9. Is there a maintenance, to maintain the cleanliness of our restrooms?
10. Does the restrooms has a proper waste management?
How will you contribute to maintain the cleanliness of our restrooms?

List down at least 3 example of what was your worst experience, when you’re using the
Example: When I enter the restroom, I can smell the unpleasant odors coming from the




1. Are there separate toilets for boys and girls?

Chart Title

2 2; 6.67

1 1; 93.33

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

There are 93.33% of the respondents answered YES while 6.67% answered MAYBE.
The bar graph shows that many of the respondents agree that there are separate toilets
for boys and girls.
2. Are there trash bins provided to throw our used sanitary napkins, wipes and
paper toilet in each restroom?

Chart Title

3 10

2 60

1 30

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70

There are 30% of the respondents answered YES then 60% answered NO while 10%
answered MAYBE. The bar graph shows that many of the respondents disagree that
there are no trash bins provided to throw our used sanitary napkins, wipes and paper
toilets in each restroom.
3. Do you keep the latrine safe and clean after using and leaving the restroom?

Chart Title

2 13.33

1 86.67

There are 86.67% of the respondents answered YES while 13.33% answered
NO. The bar graph shows that many of the respondents agree that they keep the
latrine safe an clean after using and leaving the restroom.

4.Are the toilets have poor clogs or flush?

Chart Title

2 10

1 86.67

There are 86.67% of the respondents answered YES while 10% answered NO. The bar
graph shows that many of the respondents agree that there are poor clogs or flush in
the restroom.
5. Does or the toilets available, functional and usable?

Chart Title

2 26.67

1 73.33

There are 73.33% of the respondents answered NO while 26.67% answered YES. The
bar graph shows that many of the respondents disagree that the toilets aren’t available,
functional and usable.
6. Have you smell bad odors/unpleasant odors when you enter the restroom?

Chart Title

2 3.33

1 96.67
There are 96.67% of the respondents answered YES while 3.33% answered NO. The
bar graph shows that many of the respondents agree that there are bad
odors/unpleasant smell in restroom.
7. Are there enough water supply in each restrooms?

Chart Title

2 56.67

1 43.33

There are 43.33% of the respondents answered YES while 56.67% answered NO. The
bar graph shows that many of the respondents disagree that there are no enough water
supply in restroom.
8. When it comes to boys; is there a separate toilets for urine and faeses?
Chart Title

2 36.67

1 63.33

There are 63.33% of the respondents answered YES while 36.67% answered NO. The
bar graph shows that many of the respondents agree that there is a separate toilets for
urine and faeses in boys restroom.
9. Is there a maintenance to maintain the cleanliness of our restrooms?

Chart Title

2 40

1 60

There are 60% of the respondents answered YES while 40% answered NO. The bar
graph shows that many of the respondents agree that there is a maintenance to
maintain the cleanliness of the restroom.
10. Does the restrooms has a poor waste management?
Chart Title

2 46.67

1 53.33

There are 53.33% of the respondents answered YES while 46.67% answered NO. The
bar graph shows that many of the respondents agree that the restroom has a poor
waste management.

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